Don't Destroy the World

33 - Welcome to Hekral

It took them ten days to make it to Hekral. During that time, Ember found herself under constant surveillance. It meant that doing magic was pretty much out of the question. She was sure that Knight Vantosia suspected she was a Seedling but he didn't try to question her about it since their initial conversation.

Since she was planning to register anyway with Priest Beslen's help she could show her abilities but when she registered it would show that her ability was Finder's Keepers and she had no intention of advertising that she could take other people's abilities. It meant that when she was officially determined to be a Seedling that she either could only use her mapping skill or she found a way to make it look like she had other official abilities.

The second option would be the best one. But how to do that without letting on that she could steal abilities? The best way to do it would be to get the Inspect ability. The Inspect ability could not only inspect people and objects but could also hide those values. Sadly, the ability she stole from Lord Felis had already reverted back to him.

She could steal it again but unless she planned to hide him hostage and take the ability from him every two days that wouldn't work. The problem was meeting the requirements. It was clear to her that Inspect was a Mind focused ability. She had two lifetimes of knowledge, three including her life back on Earth. Still, either she was missing some key requirement of the mind or she needed to wait until she hit a certain level of brain development which would only come with age.

Neither option was particularly appealing but she had little choice in the matter. Though she might be able to fudge things a little. What if she said a curse was holding her abilities back? She had a curse in her eyes so that would be its own proof. So if she showed the ability was there but somehow limited by the curse and prevented it from being seen.

She grinned. That would definitely work. She frowned. Would it hold up to a closer inspection though. There might be some people who might connect the dots. She could run it pass Priest Beslen but that would entail telling him her secret and he already had enough information on her. Perhaps she could find someone with the Oath ability.

"You sure are making a lot of faces," Justine said, interrupting her thoughts. "What's going through that little head of yours?"

"I need to train," Ember said and then glanced towards the gate. "And I'm wondering why it's taking so long to get into the city."

They had been standing outside the gates for going on thirty minutes. When they arrived, they were told to wait and then the guard caught sight of the knight and hurried away only to come back with another guard. The guards had spoken to the knights in hushed tones before the knights and the guards hurried past the gates, leaving them outside it.

Justine eyed the gate. "We could sneak in."

Ember raised an eyebrow. "You're being a bad influence."

Justine shrugged. "You've broken many laws already. What's one more?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ember said with a sniff.

"What are you two talking about?" Patricia asked as she walked over to them. During their wait, Patricia has been in talks with Priest Beslen to help prepare her for her arrival at the temple.

While Hekral wasn't as big as the capital, it a popular site because to the temple situation with it. The Hekral temple was known for its research in everything related to the Akashic Tree and was said to have more books and scrolls than even the Order's library in the Capital. The Uniar Noble Family were known for being devout, even to the point that every generation one of their lineage would enter the Order. That was until Count Alton Uniar put himself in seclusion and the family eventually fell apart.

Ember frowned. Didn't some event happen to cause that?

"That sneaky Priest is coming," Justine said, nodding in Priest Beslen's direction.

"He's not so bad," Patricia said, coming quickly to his defense.

"Oh? Are you so sure about that?" Justine asked.

Patricia shrunk a little into herself as the older woman's attention.

"Stop bullying her," Ember said. "Or I'll tell the acolytes."

"Oh! You finally decided to rejoin the conversation," Justine said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ember said, slightly annoyed.

"You went off into that head of yours again, staring blankly into the void," Justine said with a sigh, shaking her head.

"I did not."

"You did. Ask that friend of yours. She asked you several questions and you didn't respond at all."

Ember frowned and then looked at Patricia.

Patricia peeked at her and then looked down. "It's not your fault. You probably just have a lot on your mind."

Ember's eyes widened. Did she really tune out without realizing it? That wasn't good. Just how often had she been doing it. It worried her.

Ember bit her lip and turned to Patricia. "If that happens again, can you please point it out to me?"

Patricia nodded and gave Ember a shy smile.

Ember smiled back before turning back to Justine. "You too."

"Sure thing and on that note I'm going to be somewhere else," Justine said and hurried away just as Priest Beslen arrived.

"I get the feeling that your guard doesn't like me," Priest Beslen said in amusement.

"Did something happen between you two?" Ember asked. Justine didn't seem the sort to avoid someone. She seemed to prefer to go head first into confrontation.

Priest Beslen looked thoughtful. "Maybe...but in any case, we have been approved to pass through the gates. Once inside, we'll be heading straight to the Temple. You and your family are allowed to stay there temporarily if you like. In fact, I suggest it. I'm sure it'll ease Oracle Patricia's mind if you do."

Patricia looked at Ember with her eyes shining with hope.

Ember sighed. "Of course but shouldn't this be a conversation you should be having with my mother."

"I already did. She agreed though she said you might already have arrangements with your teacher," Priest Beslen asked, a question heavy in his tone.

She knew that her identity of Bloom Larisel would come into play soon. Of course, she had no intention of letting her 'teacher' meet with the priest. He might not have the Truth ability but he was far too clever for her to try to trick with her illusions.

"I'll speak with her and find out," Ember said, smoothly. "She said she would meet us here but didn't give us a meeting place. I assume she would find us."

Priest Beslen nodded his head. "Hmm, then I assume she could help you register."

Ember had to stop herself from grimacing. "I rather she didn't. I prefer not being tied to anyone."

Priest Beslen smiled. "How interesting. Don't worry. I'll keep out promise."

"Promise?" Patricia asked, peering between the two.

"It's like Justine said," Ember said as she climbed out of the wagon. "He's a sneaky one."

Priest Beslen gave her a betrayed look as he was suddenly left with a worried and questioning Patricia.

Ember looked around the camp, spotting Rowan and her mother. She began making her way towards them when she saw Knight Vantosia. In all likelihood, he would be leaving with Knight Garrick to return to the capital. She wasn't sure how long they planned to rest here before departing but if she wanted to talk to him before he left, it was time she did so now.

She headed over to him but paused when she saw Knight Garrick return to him with a serious look on his face. Knight Vantosia frowned and said something. They looked busy and she had nothing important to say, so she started to turn when Knight Vantosia spotted her.

He said something to Knight Garrick and then waved Ember over. She made her way towards the Knight thought with some trepidation. Night Vantosia, while intimidating had been nothing but kind to her and her family, yet she couldn't manage to get comfortable around him. She knew a very big part of it was his Truth ability. It wasn't surprising. When a person had so many secrets, they would often be uncomfortable around a person who could reveal them all.

"Have you decided?" The knight asked abruptly.

"What?" Ember asked, confused.

"So you've forgotten," Knight Vantosia said, looking perplexed.

"I'm sorry, Knight Vantosia, but a lot has happened. What have I forgotten?" Ember said with all the patience she could muster.

"I offered to train you," Knight Vantosia said. "Most people wouldn't forget such an offer."

Ember blinked in surprise. She honestly had forgotten about the offer and she certainly didn't expect it to still be on the table after everything that happened. She admitted to killing Welks and though it was in self-defense she expected it probably hadn't set right with the knight. Though he had never mentioned her being investigated or even mentioning reporting the event. Which now that she thought about might have been what should've been done. Why hadn't the knight reported her? Though he might still be planning to. They were on the road so he didn't have an opportunity. But if he planned to do so why was he asking her to train with him?

"I-I'm not sure," she hedged. "I'm supposed to study under a mage in Hekral and meet with the Order about my eye. I can't leave for the capital with you."

She did have plans to go to the Capital eventually, but she wanted to get her father first. Going to the Capital now would just feel like she was abandoning him to his fate.

"That's not a problem," Knight Vantosia stated. "I'll be stay in Hekral for a while so I'll train you in the meantime. We can revisit you coming to the capital when the time for me to leave has been decided."

Ember was bewildered. Knight Vantosia was staying? But why? She was pretty sure that he was under one of the princes and while he wasn't the highest in rank he was moving in that direction. A knight that could see through lies was a vital piece, unless that was the issue.

Was Knight Vantosia banished here? Did he make someone angry enough to send him away. It was probably a temporary measure but that sounded like it might be it. Why else would such an important knight be escorting a Choosing delegation. Sure, Choosing delegations were important but in most cases it was the lower ranks duty.

"Maiden Ember?"

She must have blanked out again. Before she made a decision, she needed to know something. "Why are you so set on training me?"

While she appreciated the offer, she didn't think she deserved the level of persistence that Knight Vantosia was showing. There had to be a reason. Of course, as a commoner she should be thanking the knight profusely for the offer instead of questioning it.

Instead of being annoyed with her question, Knight Vantosia seemed to think carefully about her question before answering it. "I want to see it."

"See it?"

Knight Vantosia nodded his head. "I could say you have potential but it is more than that. Most of your skill I have only heard of after the fact. I only have seen you wield your blade when you practice in the morning."

Ember's eyes widened. She hadn't realized he had seen her practice. She would sneak off into the woods early in the morning to practice with Mally. She was just glad she decided to hold off on using magic since she didn't want to alarm anyone if it triggered their magic sensitivity.

"When I saw you practice, it was like seeing a person who had seen many battles. At least more than a 12-year-old girl in a small village could've seen."

Ember stiffened but calm herself. It wasn't like he actually knew she was reliving her life.

"I don't understand it but I want to see it. See just how far you will go."

Ember stared. She wasn't sure what to say to that. A rush of feelings went through her. Guilt because the potential he saw was just experience from an old lifetime, but more than that was this feeling she couldn't explain. A feeling of someone actually looking at her and seeing a future for her beyond her circumstance. It was that feeling that made her speak.

"All right but only if you train Rowan with me."

Knight Vantosia's hard expression shifted a little and there was amusement in his eyes. "I offer an opportunity and you demand more." He nodded. "Agreed. Speak with your teacher so we can arrange a time for you to start training. I will talk to your mother and Rowan about the rest."

Ember nodded. She wondered if that was the right decision, tying herself to someone who could discover her weakness but she shoved such thoughts away. It would be good practice, beside she needed to get stronger to unlock several of her abilities.

As she turned to thank Knight Vantosia and return to her family there was a loud commotion at the gates. Then a beautiful girl in acolyte robes rushed towards them. Behind her a rumpled servant followed, pleading for her to return.

The girl made her way straight to Knight Vantosia. her face flush and a desperate look on her face. "Please! You have to save her. I-I-" She burst out crying.

Ember looked at her stunned and then she remembered. Count Alton Uniar went into seclusion in a grief that never lifted after his beloved daughter went missing and a month later was found dead in the middle of the town square.

It looked like she had walked right into the midst of it.

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