Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 29

Chapter 28

When the bell rang for the end of the fourth class in the morning, the smiling teacher on the podium of the third get out of class rarely delayed the class, put down the papers and waved his hand, and generously let the group of students go to eat.

When the teacher was packing up his things with a smile and was about to leave, the students in the audience immediately relaxed, and there was a sudden commotion in the classroom. Everyone had different expressions, but most of them felt like they were dreaming.

“Today is the day when our class has the highest status in the whole grade…”

“Just now I seemed to see the perennial number one student in class 7, passing by the door of our class on purpose, and sneaking a peek inside!”

“In the afternoon, there are still no marks for math and Chinese. Come on, come on, guess how much the difference between Pei Shen and the second place is, I guess the math is at least very good!”

“Only ten? Conservative, I guess there are twenty…”

Before everyone gathered around again, Pei Qingyuan got up decisively, came out from the back door of the classroom, went downstairs through the corridor, and walked quickly to the cafeteria.

His smart watch was very satisfied with the active eating speed of the host, and it sensitively flashed brilliant colors.

A line of text with pink bubbles quickly appeared in the colored light.

[Ruanruan remember to add a big chicken leg to yourself today. ]

After the text stayed for a few seconds, a small robot holding an electronic chicken leg plopped down from the word chicken leg. While looking at him, it clumsily rubbed its painful buttocks.

Pei Qingyuan was very proficient in being cute, and while walking towards the cafeteria, he carefully memorized this short animation.

This is already the sixth text animation special effect with a completely different style that he has seen this morning. Sometimes Ji Tong simply does not talk to him during the class, but displays gaudy text and various expressions on the dial, making the crowd watching The students were all stunned for a moment, and the longing in their eyes was almost overflowing, which directly led to the overcrowding of Pei Qingyuan’s desk.

It has to be said that his system showed great enthusiasm for acting as a smart watch.

Is this the nature of artificial intelligence?

The aroma of vegetables in the cafeteria wafted out from a distance, causing the students with empty stomachs to resolutely speed up their pace, while Pei Qingyuan asked Ji Tong curiously: “Do you want to eat now?”

He found that Ji Tong didn’t seem to be salivating for food today.

“I don’t want to.” The familiar brisk voice of the system sounded, “Watches have no sense of smell, so I won’t feel greedy for the time being.”

Ji Tong, who is obsessed with being a watch, plans to cancel the routine supper session between the basketball team and the three-and-a-half-year-old today, and appear in front of these high school students in a brand new form.

As the saying goes, a little goodbye is better than a newlywed, if you don’t eat today, it will taste better tomorrow.

He who will not be tempted by food at this moment will be a perfect artificial intelligence with no weaknesses.

The only regret is that the host obviously wants to keep the name of this watch secret.

The watch which Erto and the child become.

What a wonderful double homophonic stalk!

Ji Tong stayed on the host’s wrist and was melancholy for a few seconds. He was quickly distracted by the crowded people in the cafeteria. There were students waiting in line or carrying trays everywhere, and it was inevitable that they would be crowded with each other.

When the host’s hand hangs down naturally, Ji Tong will probably stay less than one meter away, which is about the same height as the three and a half year old form that was commonly used before.

But the problem is, if he walked over as a short child, other people will definitely keep a distance subconsciously, and now he is just a handsome but mini watch, losing the right to have the exclusive social distance of human beings.

So when Pei Qingyuan walked to the end of the line and lined up, Ji Tong instantly felt that he was surrounded by countless huge human beings.

What’s even more frightening is that he didn’t notice for a while, and he was hit mercilessly from the hem of his school uniform.

Ji Tong cared a lot about his appearance, so he couldn’t help but let out a ouch in panic.

The noisy air around suddenly cooled down.

The student who bumped into Ji Tong looked around in surprise, and asked the students next to him in surprise, “Did you hear someone yelling just now?”

“Did you hear it too? I thought I heard it wrong… That voice is a bit strange, not quite like a human voice.”

“Damn it, don’t scare me! I’m getting goosebumps!”

The two began to look around together, examining the seemingly normal surroundings, and their horrified eyes flashed across Pei Qingyuan’s expressionless face behind him.

Pei Qingyuan who guessed the truth in an instant but couldn’t explain it: …

He lowered his head, pretending that he didn’t know anything, then quietly took off the watch and held it in the palm of his hand gently.

The warm heat from the human palm immediately rushed to the cold mechanical shell, accompanied by the voice of the host earnestly apologizing: “Sorry, I should let you stay in a safer place.”

He almost really regarded Ji Tong as a watch.

Surrounded by the warm temperature, Ji Tong inexplicably had the illusion of taking a sauna.

Even his stats seemed to freeze for a moment, perhaps because of the sudden heat outside.

It took Ji Tong several seconds to clean up the memory before responding to the host with text with special effects of yellow flowers.

[It doesn’t matter, it’s the first time for me to become a watch, and it’s also the first time for the host to own such a watch, so let’s get used to it slowly. ]

[Remember to wipe the dial for me ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ]

So after Pei Qingyuan sat down with a plate and found a vacant seat, the first thing he did was to take out a tissue from his pocket, wipe the new watch carefully, and then put it in his hand with a tissue on the desktop.

On the mirror-smooth black dial, the little robot stuck its head out from behind the cheerful emoji, as if aware of its new look, and soon showed a big smile to the world outside the mirror.

Through the pure black mirror, Pei Qingyuan saw his own reflection, and also saw the little robot that almost overlapped with him.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it, and then remembered that his system paid great attention to instruments, and he had just wiped the watch until it was spotless, so his fingertips stopped a little away from the dial.

The little robot who was honestly staying in the watch looked at his movements in surprise, then nodded with a sudden realization, and readily stretched out his round mechanical palm, meeting his fingers in the air.

[High fives! ]

This time, there are bursting fireworks blooming on the text, each blossoming brightly.

Pei Qingyuan watched the fireworks quietly before lowering his eyes to eat.

The host respected his opinion very much and really bought a big chicken drumstick.

Ji Tong tried his best to look away from the huge red chicken legs.

It was the first time for him to watch the host face to face while eating without being able to move his chopsticks. Although he said he was not greedy, he was still a little greedy.

He thought about it, and felt that he still had to find something to divert his attention.

When Pei Qingyuan looked up at the watch, he saw that the picture on the dial changed again, turning into a room made of pixels.

The little robot is nestled in a soft single sofa, next to it is a whirling vertical electric fan, and in front of it is a square and heavy old-fashioned TV, the pixels on the screen are constantly flashing, It’s a pity that the dial is too small, and Pei Qingyuan can’t see clearly what is playing on the TV screen.

While he was eating lunch, Ji Tong watched the TV intently, leaving only a small back facing him, shaking his head from time to time with the changes in the picture, the obviously lively air became quiet inexplicably, as if they were in the midst of in the same virtual room.

Pei Qingyuan watched for a while, and asked curiously, “What are you looking at?”

“See a movie.”

“what movie?”

“Such a clumsy old TV, of course it is suitable for dubbed films from the movie channel.” The voice of the little robot was full of recognition of his own wisdom, “I heard that this is a childhood memory that all human beings have.”

Through the slightly abstract pixels, Pei Qingyuan couldn’t help imagining what this virtual picture would look like when it came true.

Couch, fan, old TV, kids watching engrossed.

It seems to be really full of childhood taste.

“Well, I’ve heard of it too.” He replied in a low voice, “Is it pretty?”

“It looks good.” Ji Tong answered him enthusiastically, “Would Ruan Ruan want to listen to the plot? I can retell it for you. This is a love story that happened during the war years…”

During the sleepy lunch break, Pei Qingyuan returned to the classroom from the cafeteria, and had been listening to the movie story told to him by Ji Tong.

Ji Tong focused on three things, watching the movie while retelling, observing the host’s focused expression from time to time, and suddenly felt that today’s happiness education progress has taken a big step forward.

Let the host listen to a poignant love story in the tense study life, which can be called a genius way of combining work and rest.

However, he didn’t feel complacent for long before he found that his data flow seemed to be a little strange.

Waves of jittering ripples flashed across the black screen, like a computer malfunctioning.

Pei Qingyuan noticed something strange almost at the same time, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

He waited for a while before hearing Ji Tong’s response.

“Oh! It’s nothing, it’s just a little accident, don’t worry.”

Ji Tong’s tone suddenly became extraordinarily cadenced, his voice changed, and he became a deep and mellow magnetic baritone, and even his speaking style changed obviously.

Pei Qingyuan was stunned for a moment, thinking he was hallucinating, and looked at this increasingly familiar watch uncomfortably.

In his invisible virtual space, the perfect artificial intelligence ushered in an unexpected Waterloo.

Ji Tong listened painfully to his uncontrollable strange voice.

He was working as a watch for the first time today, and excitedly tossed too many novel tricks, so that the internal data was wired incorrectly, causing his sound module to be polluted by the data in the dubbed film.

So now he temporarily has an incomparably pure translation accent.

Artificial intelligence will indeed have bugs!

It took Ji Tong a full five minutes to explain the reason for this to the host in extraordinarily complicated sentences.

“…Look at this **** bug, I wish it would disappear immediately! The next time I see it, I swear I’ll kick its **** with my boot!”

Pei Qingyuan fell into a long silence.

After finally regaining consciousness, he really couldn’t ignore the super contagious power of this speaking style, he hesitated to say: “How about displaying the text…”

Even the host hates him!

The little robot with a magnetic voice closed its mouth sadly, trying to fiddle with the messy data.

Noon passed quickly, and the first class in the afternoon was mathematics.

The whole class was sitting upright, waiting with great skill for the cheerful math teacher to go through the process: the tenth place is so-and-so… the second is so-and-so, and the first place is Pei Qingyuan.

The only suspense is how many points Pei Qingyuan leads the second place.

“Second place, Lin Zihai, with 127 points.”

The weather-beaten Lin Zihai stood up with a wandering face.

“First place, Pei Qingyuan, with a score of 145.” The math teacher said with a smile, “The difficulty of the paper this time is indeed a bit high. To answer the questions according to the existing knowledge framework, the time should not be enough. This is considered a failure.” Teacher Juan’s mistake.”

“Actually, Pei’s answers are all correct, but he used some out-of-class formulas to solve the problem, and the process was written in a relatively simple way, so after discussion with the teachers, some points were deducted as appropriate. I hope that Pei can give the next time If the process is written more completely, it will be convenient for students to refer to.”

“But even so, Student Pei is also the first grader in our monthly exam, everyone should learn a lot from him!”

“Points deducted as appropriate”, “Convenient for students’ reference”, “Even so”.

The students in the third class who became the focus of the whole school today were completely familiar with the new usage of these words and applauded enthusiastically.

Get papers, give lectures, finish class on time, and the area around the seats becomes a vegetable market.

But this time there is a difference.

Lin Zihai, the study committee member in the front row, walked slowly to Pei Qingyuan’s seat, and asked, “Can I have a look at your math paper?”

In view of the previous conflicts between the two, the students watching from the side immediately understood: this is to find fault.

The math grades of the study committee members are also good, and they have always been the first in the class before, but they will definitely not be reconciled to being robbed of the limelight this time.

Now I asked the class monitor for the paper, and it was definitely not for admiration and happiness like the other students, but probably to find some mistakes in the paper, so that the difference in scores between the two of them would be smaller, and a little face would be saved.

Pei Qingyuan didn’t seem to resist, he handed over the paper casually, and then turned his gaze to his watch without concern.

Lin Zihai really looked at the paper carefully, as if he was trying to pick a thorn, and he didn’t even bother to sit down.

The squad leader looked at his watch, the study committee members read the papers, and the melon-eating crowd held their breaths, their eyes sliding back and forth between the squad leader and the study committee members.

Lin Zihai finally raised his head after looking at the big question for five minutes, his eyes were quite serious.

The hearts of the students all raised their throats, and they have already started to figure out how to persuade them to fight.

Immediately afterwards, they watched as a relieved smile appeared on Lin Zihai’s face.

“The solution is so perfect.” Lin Zihai said sincerely, “I never thought of this way of solving problems.”

“Last time I did the two questions carelessly and made mistakes.” His tone was straightforward, “Thank you for pointing it out. It’s not just luck, it’s because you are better than me.”

“I shouldn’t have targeted you before, I’m sorry.” Lin Zihai finally said frankly, “As the class monitor, you will definitely bring our class’s grades to a higher level.”

It turned out to be a wave of admitting mistakes without hesitation, slipping kneeling and adding rainbow farts.

All the students were dumbfounded.

In this collective silence, Pei Qingyuan’s black smart watch was the first to respond, and released an aria baritone full of surprise.

“Oh my God…”

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