Dominator In Naruto

Vol 1 – Chapter 35 – Tenseiga

Jay and Sasuke appeared beside Sakura, who kept watching Naruto fighting against Kisame.

Jay was keeping watch on Sasuke; Sakura was keeping watch on Naruto. And on purpose, Chiyo was watching Kakashi.

Jay wanted to see if, at the last moment, she'd betray them or not. He was nice whatever was on this side of the seal, but it was on the other side that worried him.

There were nearly ten of Akatsuki's members, as strong as an Itachi (At least, him, holding back).

They couldn't have someone like Chiyo when the time came, who might stab them in the back. It was better if she made a move now.

They placed her to keep watch on Kakashi; that was the biggest bait they could dangle in front of her.

It was like he didn't understand where the woman was coming from. The ones that had been through the war had the baggage of the war.

That was why he liked this generation a lot better; they didn't have the baggage of the war.

It wasn't like him to complain; it wasn't like he had any less of the baggage.

Ugh...just remembering about all that turned his mood for the worse. Taking all that out of his mind, Jay focused on what was before him.

Naruto was in his three tails mode, fighting against Kisame. But he was in trouble because of the sword in Kisame's hand.

"What's with the sword?" Sasuke asked.

"You noticed..." Jay muttered, sitting on the branch; Sakura stood beside him, Sasuke leaning on the tree stump.

"Noticed what?" Sakura didn't seem to recognize it.

It wasn't her fault, unlike Naruto and Sasuke, who were focused on training. Sakura was more focused on reading books, treating fish, patients, etc.

Even with all that, her brain was already working at a hundred percent. Tsunade was against putting it more at risk.

Tsunade was furious about how he treated Hinata; she was raging about all that could go wrong.

But the way he and Tsunade did things was different; Tsunade was all about science and numbers, whereas he was about instinct.

His instinct told him that the brain could handle much more; he knew that the brain could manage much more.

He had proof working with Hinata, knowing that he felt it was about time he started giving Sakura more attention, training her even if Tsunade was against it.

The way that he saw the world was different. Before, it was like a small wheel turning. But suddenly, it was like a ball was rolling down the coaster.

"It's the sword; it's absorbing Naruto's chakra." Jay gazed at the fight; Naruto was on his knees, his three-tail coat was flickering.

Kisame was standing in front of him, talking, "Hah! Your Chakra, Samehada likes that!"

Naruto bit his teeth, "A sword that absorbs chakra." He jumped back, appearing hundreds of meters away.

Naruto breathed, "I am not good at Taijutsu like Sasuke or Bushybrows, but there is something that even I am good at."

The chakra cloak disappeared, Naruto's eyes returned to normal.

"You think you can beat me without the help of the tailed beast?" Kisame smiled.

Naruto smiled, "There's something that I have only recently mastered; even Sasuke's having trouble mastering it."

Kisame raised his eyebrow, not understanding what the boy was babbling about. But suddenly, it was like a whale hit him.

His being was being suppressed; it was something that made him furious.

He snapped open his eyes that were wheeling, but a black fist met them.

His body shot backward, breaking the trees that were behind him. He rolled over, using Samehada, dragging it against the ground to gain some balance.

But the moment he gained it, a leg, covered in black carapace like ink, it came down on him like lightning, burying him into the ground.

It created a large crater on the ground, making him cough up blood, "So you bleed red too...huh."

Kisame heard the voice beside him, and then...there was a loud sound before everything went black.

Naruto looked at the mass of white, "Ugh...what is this..."

Jay appeared beside him, with Sasuke and Sakura, "An ability very similar to my duplicates. Like I lend Sasuke control over my clone, this thing was a clone of someone in the Akatsuki with similar powers."

"They are just clones?" Sakura asked with a worried expression, "how much power do you think they were able to channel?"

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke glanced at him, "Shut up."

Jay rubbed his chin, ignoring the arguing children, "Hmm, this technique depends on the person's strength making the clone. I am far more powerful than Sasuke, so the strength he can channel is a hundred percent. But I think the guy channeling their powers is weaker than them. But this might be good news."

"Good news?" Sakura punched Naruto's head to silence him before speaking, and Sasuke looked away. But his ear twitched, waiting to hear the news.

"That means there are not ten people in there; that was why what I was feeling was different. I thought the seal twisted it, and I only felt three people there. But it might be that there are only three people there, and they might not even be Itachi and Kisame, but the two that took Kazekage from the Sand. And the third one must be this guy, who is channeling their powers."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes while Sakura and Naruto widened theirs.

"But then, how are only three of them sealing a tailed beast? Is that even possible?" Sasuke didn't know much about sealing technique, but even he knew how much time - it would take three people to seal a tailed beast even if it was just one-tail.

"Hmm...that it...the phantom presence... channeling technique of some kind..." Jay muttered.

He looked at the three puzzled faces, "Go get Kakashi and Chiyo. I will find a way to break this seal."

Getting orders, the three of them flashed away while Jay took out the scroll, loading the second body in it.

This should be more than enough to give Tsunade food for thought. It was similar to Hashirama cells, so at least it gave him the confirmation that Madara took Hashirama's cells, that he was alive.

And he built...something out of it.

Jay walked up to the giant boulder with the sealed sign on it. His hand landed on the barrier that was on the boulder.

"What do you think you'll find on the other side?" Miroku's voice echoed in his head.

"Answers..." His body passed through the barrier, and it wasn't there boulder-like.

Jay walked into the room with Garra lying in the middle; hands came out of the ground, with people standing on their fingers. Well, Mirages...

"So, the sealing is complete?" Jay looked at Garra's body.

"You are late,"

Jay looked over to the guy that said those words; it was weird. It was like there was some outer puppet body he was wearing. But it was realistic enough that Jay would have believed it if he hadn't been using observation haki.

But Jay didn't say anything, ignoring him; his eyes went to the man with eyes covered by the concentric circle.

"It's you...your powers are what's making it possible for them to appear here and help you seal Jinchuriki remotely. Neat trick."

"I know you..." The man spoke back.

"Oh, and here I thought I didn't do anything to become famous."

"You are protecting Konoha." The man spoke again.

"Eh, more like living there...I can't stand back when someone is making a mess in my know that kind of thing."

"Hey, boss, how about you leave this guy to us? We'll see you later." The guy with yellow hair spoke up.

But suddenly, he was covered inside a black box, he wanted to move, but it was like something forcing him to stay still, like pulling him, like gravity. The next moment, his body was pierced, and when there was light again, his head was on the ground, bleeding.

Only a voice echoed in his ear, "Know your place, and Shut up."

He moved his head, trying to look up and find what was going on, but all he saw was the man that barged in, standing in front of his boss's phantom.

"Hmm, those eyes of yours...that's some power they hold." The phantom glanced towards Deidara before looking at the other person, "Run, you are no match for him."

The puppet guy moved, jumping towards Deidara. But Jay raised his hand. A pink ball of light appeared on his hand, a bunch of lasers flew from the pink ball of light, piercing the guy with a puppet body, and some of them penetrated through the ground.

Jay glanced at the ground, "Quite fast...that one...don't you think."

The phantom with purple eyes glanced downwards before his eyes looked towards Jay, "I have never seen Jutsu's like yours."

"Yeah, crazy,'s amazing. Frankly, I like these," Jay said, turning his eyes, "How about you tell me about your powers, and I tell you about mine?"

"We'll meet again." The man said, and the phantom disappeared - Not only his but all the other phantoms.

Jay let out a sigh, "what's wrong with people...can't we just talk."

"Fuck you!!" Deidara shouted.

Jay looked over, his eyes passed over the man, looking at the guy with puppet, not moving.

He walked over Garra, squatting down, " had to go ahead and die."

Jay placed his hand on him; a moment's later, the sand moved, forming a woman's face, a voice came out of it, "Save him..." It was a soft, kind voice, and the sand crumbled, weakened.

"Yeah..." He stood up, taking out Enrakyoten, "You know I love this sword, one of the rarest weapons I have ever encountered. Although it would need reforging before it can truly become one the strongest weapons in the infinite worlds."

"Fuck man! What are you even talking about..." Deidara turned over his body, breathing, trying to move his hand, but couldn't.

"You see...this sword, Enrakyoten, doesn't just copy the powers of Zanpakuto' can copy any power that was like a sword. Although there are limits to that power, do you know what this word means in the hands of someone who knows infinite words and their artifacts?"

Deidara wanted to shout again, but his eyes closed tightly; the sword shined with a sharp light that covered the cave when it disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, Garra moved, "You! What did you do?!"

Deidara shouted without understanding. But then suddenly, he felt it was like the boulder hit him.

He wasn't the only one that fainted, Garra as well.

Miroku's mirage appeared behind him, "you were quite chatty; was it safe to tell them that? That weapon of yours is too powerful, let alone the other things you said...they might be able to figure something out."

"Yeah...that was a stupid thing to do..."

"Like a kid talking about the toy he was so excited about?" Miroku chuckled.

"Well...I am a bit excited about using the sword to its fullest capability for the first time...I always wanted to since I first got my hands on it." He said with a goofy smile on his face.

"I mean...who doesn't love getting an amazing weapon?" He smiled, looking up at Miroku.

Miroku narrowed her eyes, her hand raised. But Jay shook his head, "Don't; I'll take care of them."

Miroku nodded, looking at the light blade, "So, what was that sword that revived him?"

"It's called Tenseiga; one swing can revive hundreds," Jay said, but soon the light flickered.

Miroku watched Jay swing the sword again, it was like the world turned into a picture, and Jay cut the world into two, and then it returned to normal.

"What was that?" A sword that could erase memories it's something I saw during my travels.

"I thought you'd kill them."

"Plan to - But I don't want to destroy their souls, there are things like Edo Tensei...I don't want them to remember."

"It would be better if you didn't speak anything in the first place..." Miroku curled her lips, crossing her leg, floating in the air.

Jay rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah, yeah...but you know... holding back, controlling everything you say and do...keeping all these gets..."



Miroku wrapped her hands around his neck from behind, "You can talk with me more..." She was familiar, even though she could choose to sleep when she was in the blood. When she slept, it was like time was moving differently. It was like years had passed, and she felt only a moment had passed; simultaneously, Miroku would know everything he went through for years.

But she could choose when to wake up whenever she wanted. But she saw cleanly disappeared from her memory when she did all the future.

Even now, she was trying to figure out how all that worked. But never got a straight answer from Jay.

"'s already a habit..."

"Being alone?" Miroku was about to get the answer when somebody rushed up inside the room.

She grunted, disappearing before anyone saw her.

"Garra!!!" Naruto rushed into the room, sitting beside him. He held Garra's body, looking around, "Uncle! How is he?!"

"Oh, he's fine." Jay waved his hand, touching the statue without focusing on Naruto.

He glanced back, "Btw, thank you for saving me." He said with a smile on his that Naruto couldn't understand.

"This time," Said a voice that only Jay could hear.


"How is he alive?" Chiyo asked, standing near Garra, who Naruto was holding in his hand.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sasuke stood in front of Naruto - who was about to shout - asking Chiyo.

Chiyo furrowed her brows, "You don't understand what a Jinchuriki is."

"I know; they are people who have tailed beast sealed inside them. They carry the monster in their body, and when the monster is taken out..."

Jay, who was standing near the finger of the statue, said, "It's much more complex than putting a monster in their body or sealing them. Once the tailed beast is inside, its chakra mixes with the tailed beast's chakra. Naruto used most of his chakra to suppress the tailed beast chakra. And tailed beasts chakra influences his chakra, making it uncontrollable."

"That was why he had so much trouble learning how to efficiently use his chakra?" Sasuke spoke, remembering something.

In their early training days, Naruto had a lot of trouble controlling the chakra. It was sheer willpower that got him through all the water, vortexes, and other things that they were put through.

"Yeah, taking the tailed beasts out is like taking all the chakra of humans in which it was sealed out. And that's what kills them." Jay spoke.

"Yeah, that is why...if Shakaku was taken...Garra should be dead." Chiyo spoke, staring at Jay.

Jay cut the mass of the statue's finger, putting it in a few test tubes, "Well, that's for Tsunade."

He took out the sword, slashing the finger; the pillar-like finger moved, falling on the ground.

Jay put it in a scroll, "Well, that's for me."

Kakashi cleared his throat, "What are you doing?"

Jay pointed at the statue, "that's the thing that One-tail was sealed in. If I am not wrong..."

Suddenly, the statue disappeared, shocking everyone.

"Uh...Once they have enough chakra, it would be summoned back." Jay completed his sentence, thanking the leader of Akatsuki for making his point for him.

"To have enough chakra to summon something like that after sealing a tailed beast...It fascinates me." Jay rubbed his chin.

"How is he alive?" Chiyo asked again without losing her patience. She knew that losing patience wouldn't help her. If she wanted to reach an answer, she'd need to be persistent.

Jay let out a sigh, seeing the same question floating in Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi's eyes.

Naruto was the only one who didn't seem to care as long as Garra was ok.

Jay walked around, walking up to Chiyo, "It was his mother...her soul had a bit of her power, and she sacrificed herself to keep him alive. Although he is alive, he would need Tsunade's treatment to feel better."

Sakura was about to say that she could treat him, but Sasuke tapped her hand with the back of his hand, making the minimum movement.

She looked at him, seeing him shake his head with minimal movement.

Sasuke had seen the library,

Although Jay always said that it was a genjutsu, he knew better. More like many people knew better, but sometimes, there was no need to seek answers that might get you killed.

Kazekage was okay, which was all he needed to know.

"His mother? How could she?" Chiyo had no idea what Jay was talking about.

"Chiyo..." The sand moved to form a woman's shape, "I am here..." the sand crumbled again.

"Garra's sand? His mother's soul is attached to it. It's not the one-tail that protects Garra; it's his mother. Naruto, take Garra back to the leaf, get Tsunade to check him."

Naruto looked eager to do it; he nodded, rushing out.

"Naruto!" Kakashi shouted, following him.

Chiyo didn't stop them from leaving; she was still trying to understand what was happening.

"Sasuke, get the boy with yellow hair."

"Hm." Sasuke glanced at the boy, flashing beside him, picking him up, "What about the other one?"

"Well, that's something Lady Chiyo can handle." Jay waved his hand, with Sasuke following him.

Sasuke appeared near the entrance, "Sakura...come."

Sakura stared at Sasuke, glancing at Chiyo, biting her lips; she said, "I'll stay here; she might need the antidote."

Sasuke frowned, hearing her answer, "Be careful. We are right outside." He said, walking out.

Sakura nodded, looking at Chiyo, then turning to puppet pieces. It moved, and a young man with red hair stood up, " I thought that monster would never leave."

"It's you..." Chiyo muttered, forgetting about the things before, "Sasori..."


Jay was sitting on a rock, hearing the sounds inside the cave, with Sasuke standing beside him.

"What are we going to do with him?" He asked, pointing at Deidara lying on the floor.

Jay narrowed his eyes, looking at a mass from the statue in his hand.

"Mmm...that's more of Minato's decision...although he'll probably give the boy back to Iwagakure to earn some goodwill."

"Aren't we trying to pry some information about Akatsuki?" Sasuke stared at the body of the boy.

"Oh, right...there's that too...I don't's on Minato."

"You aren't serious about stopping these people?" Sasuke shot a look at him. He wanted to stop them because of Itachi.

Even though he didn't believe his brother was evil. But if Jay's telepathic message to Itachi was any proof, there was a high chance that Itachi was undercover.

If that was the case, then as long as Akatsuki was gone, Itachi could come back home.

"Well, I am enjoying myself, with the mystery, the puzzle in front of me. And all those small plans that the group is building." That was why he stopped using the phone and stopped asking Itachi for details; Minato got those.

"Your fun is causing people to be sacrificed."

"Yeah, true...but you know Sasuke...Akatsuki isn't because I created it. The reason why they were's because of the Ninja world that you people have built. I can take them out, and another Akatsuki would be born. Or, we can let the reasons why Akatsuki was born come out, to the point where the world would have to face their horrors. Only by facing their monsters...can the world move forward."

"I don't understand."

Jay smiled, glancing at the boy, "You'll understand in due time."

Miroku's body appeared beside him, "So? What is that thing in front of you?"

She was more curious about the status; it was capable of sealing one tail inside it. Even she felt something eerie inside it.

Jay stared at the piece of mass in his hand, "Who looks dead...but it's more complicated than that. I am curious about how it was before one tail was put inside it. But if I had to's the reason why the tailed beast keeps coming back to life."

"Huh...what does that mean?" Sasuke asked, raising his ears.

"You remember that after a tailed beast dies, its chakra diffuses, then fusing back together in years. I never understood that … it would make sense if their personality changes, but it's like their core is safe. That statue might be the core of tailed beasts, it's like their soul is placed in that thing, and as long as it exists, tailed beasts can't be killed. Of course, I am trying to explain it in humanistic terms; I am not sure how the tailed beast physiology would work. I would need more research on it."

Miroku gasped in amazement, "That's amazing..."

"Wait...what happens when all nine-tailed beasts are in it?" Sasuke asked, widening his eyes.

A smile on Jay's face, a gleam in his scarlet eyes, "We'd have an unstoppable monster on our hand."

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