Dominator In Naruto

Vol 1 – Chapter 25 – Apology

The next match was between Karin and Garra, which Karin gave up. She was the sensor type, not the fighter. But Garra didn't like that; his blood was boiling after seeing the fights.

The next match was between Choji and Sai, which Sai won.

And the last was between Rock Lee and Dosu, which Rock Lee won.

And so the preliminaries were over.

After a while, Jay got to his home, resting on the sofa, but he wasn't alone.

A sulking Ai was beside him; Tsunade walked out of the room, watching them, "Oh, how did it go?"

"Mama! Father quit his match!!" She hugged her mother, crying.

Tsunade didn't care that he quit, "Oh, why?" But she still asked.

"I was up against Ai..." Jay shrugged like he didn't have a choice.

"Oh," Tsunade nodded in understanding. She pats Ai's head, "So baby, why are you crying?"

Ai cried without saying anything. Jay stood up, "I'll be in the shop."

He walked out of the door, appearing in the shop, closing the door behind him.

He exhaled; maybe he was too harsh on Ai? But he was disappointed with the level of power she showed.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Tsunade pulled him back into the house and threw him on the sofa.

Jay turned in the air, standing on his feet, "Ok, is there a need to do that."

Tsunade appeared in front of him, holding his collar, "You!! How dare you act disappointed in front of our daughter!!"

"Mom, stop!" Ai shouted, holding her mother's waist.

Tsunade didn't listen to her, "You never taught her a thing!! You also sealed her bloodline limit!! It doesn't matter if she grows fast, she's just three-year-old!!! How dare you act disappointed after all that."

Jay put his hand on Tsunade's, "You are right...I am not disappointed because she wasn't up to my standard...or disappointed in her. Now that I think about it...I was disappointed because I thought she'd be a was too much to expect after I sealed her powers. It's not fair to her."

Tsunade frowned even more, "You are not helping, saying all that!!" She was about to punch him when.

"Mom!! Stop!!!" Ai appeared in between them, separating them.

Ai held on to Jay's coat, "I understand...I know how a father feels...It's be different from everyone else...when everyone else around you is so weak...I have think no matter how strong I get...he'd be a wall I would need to surpass...I I know his disappointment."

Ai looked up at Jay, wiping her tears, "I wasn't crying because Papa was disappointed...I was crying because I couldn't satisfy him...Sorry...Papa..."

Jay stroked her head, "It's ok...Tsunade's are just three...I am sure one day...if anyone could give me a satisfying'd be you."

Ai clenched her fist, looking at him with teary but determined eyes, "I will!!"

Tsunade rubbed her head, "You two... father and daughter..." She sighed, patting Ai's golden hair, kissing her forehead.

Ai hugged her mother and father, missing the scene of them kissing each other.

Jay could reach his shop this time without getting dragged back, but it wasn't safe to be there.

Mikoto was standing beside his table, "Jay!"

He almost wanted to turn around and leave, but all he could do was sigh and walk forward, "Mikoto."

"Sasuke! What did Orochimaru do to him?! Why didn't you stop him!"

"It's the same curse mark that Anko has..." Jay said.

Mikoto stopped worrying, "So you have a solution, right? Remove that thing from my baby boy."

Jay smiled, patting her head, "Don't worry, that's a blessing. It would help him use sage chakra; I'll teach him how to master it."

"Sage don't mean the one the First Hokage had?"

Jay nodded, "Exactly...that one."

Mikoto exhaled with a smile on her face, kissing his cheek, "Thank you, Jay."

Jay rubbed her arm, "Should you be here?"

Mikoto shook her head, "No, I gotta go. But's I'll be here soon!" She said, walking towards the wall, disappearing.

Jay looked at the office room, sitting on the chair, "Gosh...I am tired."

It didn't matter to him if he reached the final rounds of Chunin exams. The exam was rigged; it wouldn't matter if he didn't pass the first exam. He'd still become a Chunin.

Since that was the case, it would be better to give up and give Ai a chance to become Chunin.

Anyway, it didn't feel right winning against your daughter. Although a part of him wanted to have a good fight, it made him wonder if Minato would be up to it.

There was nothing much to do now, nothing much to say, but wait for something interesting to happen.

A roar resounded beside his ear, making him open his eyes, "Oh, something interesting did happen."

He closed his eyes, falling asleep. But he woke up soon, hearing moans resounding in the room.

He opened his eyes, feeling the weight on his body. He yawned, glancing down at the blonde-haired woman, moaning. He looked further down; Tsunade held two heads in her hands, Hayami's and Kurenai's face, shoved up in her pussy.

Jay kissed her ear, "Tsunade?"

Tsunade glanced back, kissing his lips, "Good you are awake..."

Jay wrapped his hand around her waist; she was only wearing her Kimono, which was open. Other than that, she was wearing nothing.

"What are you doing?"

When Kurenai's and Hayami's tongues went inside her, "Ahhhh!! Yeah!!!" She pulled their heads closer, "I... wanted to try...what you like so much about these women..."

Jay moved his hand on her stomach, rubbing her clit, "Did you find out..."

Tsunade kissed him, moaning in his mouth, "Ahhhh...Ugh...Mmmm...Mm...Mm..." She moved her hips, humping their faces.

Hayami raised her hand, sucking Tsunade's pussy, fingering it, her eyes staring at Jay, filled with lust.

Kurenai's fingers sunk in Tsunade's asscheek, spreading them, licking her ass.

Jay's fingers rubbed her clit, while his hand squeezed her nipples.

Tsunade raised her hands, turning them and pulling his face closer, arching her back, moving her hips, humping until she came. After a powerful climax, Tsunade lay on Jay's body.

She opened her eyes, looking at him, "Did you enjoy the show?"

Jay kissed her lips, "Your way of apologizing?"


"I loved it."

Tsunade took a deep breath, kissing his cheek, "So did I... I might join you more frequently."

Sometime later,

If possible, he wanted to spend more time with Tsunade since it was a month before the finals of the Chunin exams started. But there was another mess that he had to deal with.

Jay was sitting at Ichiraku Ramen, eating seaweed ramen, when a man came and sat beside him.

Seeing his clothes was enough to tell who he was. Since there was 'Fourth Hokage written on his white cloak.

"Can't you let a man eat in peace?" Jay whispered, unhappy with his presence.

Minato let out a hollow laugh, "Haha, we need to discuss, and you are not ready."

"There's nothing to discuss; Orochimaru wants to play around, I don't. End of the story!"

"You know his target is Sasuke; there is no way we could let anything happen to him. After all, things are finally calming down; it would be a disaster if something happens to him."

"How would Orochimaru even convince Sasuke?" Jay said there was no way Sasuke would leave his parents, his friends behind, for Orochimaru. Even if Orochimaru was convincing, there was no way to convince Sasuke to leave everything behind and become his pawn.

"Do you know what is happening to Uchiha's?" Minato whispered.

"No, what?"

"They are doing what the second did with the Senju clan. Many of them leave the Uchiha name behind and mix with the people. After this incident, they believe that separating is the right way to survive. Maybe in another decade, the only ones left would be the main family."

"Hmm...that's a smart move with their powers - even if they didn't awaken their Sharingan, they'd be good ninjas. Once they leave the name behind, they could easily become an integral part of the village. But it's hard to believe that they'd leave their name behind."

"That's because of Shisui; he used Kotoamatsukami."

"Oh, anyway, what does this do with Sasuke?"

"I fear that Orochimaru would twist the information related to that incident. You know how bad it could be twisted into. I am worried if that would convince Sasuke. I want to stop Orochimaru from approaching him."

"You plan on killing him?" Jay asked with a small surprise.

Minato sighed, "I wish...but I am unsure how Lady Tsunade will react. I am sure that teacher won't take it nicely."

"That's why you are here? You want me to deal with your little problem?" Jay ate the last of his ramen, gulping it down and putting the bowl on the table.

Minato nodded without hesitation, "Can you?"

"I want to become a Chunin."

Minato let out a hollow laugh, "Of course, you know I wouldn't make you give the test again."

Jay glanced at him with sharp eyes, "Don't lie. You planned to enjoy my humiliation."

Minato stood up, "Oh, look at the time, I need to work!" He teleported away.

Jay looked at the evening sky, curling his lips, "Orochimaru...huh...and then there's the kid with one tail...Hah...But then there's also that girl from the sand..." Jay whispered, getting up.

He walked on the streets of Konoha; the people were slowly thinning; the night was getting deeper.

He jumped up from the ground to the building. And to another, until he reached the area where the sand was staying.

He stood at the roof, looking at the two men in the stand-off, "Can you two not fight?"

He asked, staring at the Proctor and Jonin of the Sand.

Hayate looked over in surprise, "It's you!"

The Jonin from the Sand, Baki moved, ready to kill Hayate before he could say anything.

But the next moment, Baki was on his knees, his body filled with cuts, without even realizing what had happened.

Jay stared at the man, appearing before him, "Try to do anything on the day of the Chunin exam, and I will kill you and everyone from the Sand that steps foot in the Konoha."

Baki looked at him in dread but relieved after hearing a voice, "Then I'll kill you before that."

Jay looked at the kid, standing on the roof, where he was standing a moment ago, sand floating around him.

Jay appeared in front of him before he could reach, sand appeared in the way to protect him, but Jay's hand was covered in the black carapace. It pierced through the sand, even through his stomach.

But it didn't make Garra bleed; Jay pulled out his hand; nothing seemed to have changed other than Garra being asleep.

Jay held Garra in front of Hayate to report to Minato, "Could you leave these two to me?"

Hayate nodded, coughing and disappearing.

Jay pulled up Baki, who couldn't speak and appeared in front of the room where they were staying.

He went inside the room that Temari was staying in and pushed the door open.

In the next instance, there was a kunai on his neck.

"I am just bringing delivery."

Temari looked down, removing the kunai, "Sensei!! Garra!!" Jay threw Baki on the ground while putting Garra on the bed.

"What happened to him?!" Temari demanded the answer.

She was looking at her injured teacher, wondering what could have happened.

"Oh, he was about to kill one of the Konoha's ninjas because he overheard or something. I had to put him down, then your brother came picking a fight, so I made him sleep, quietened the one-tail down, and gave some strength to the woman so she could talk some sense into him."

Temari stared at him, freaking out after hearing everything in detail, but soon her attention shifted, "Wait...what woman?"

Jay glanced back as if surprised that she didn't know, "The woman whose will manipulates the sand that protects him?"

Temari's eyes shook, not wanting to believe, "What are you talking about! That sand is from the monster!! It's the monster that protects him!!"

Jay squatted in front of her, picking her face up as a tear slipped past her cheek, "Are you an idiot? Do you not know that tailed beasts can't be killed? Once their host dies, they'd appear somewhere else after a few years. Why would the one-tail protect its host? It's the woman with the same hair as you, and she had indigo eyes and a kind face. Your mother?"

Temari's lips quivered, "That sand... its mom..."

Jay smiled, walking out of the house, "Tell the kid to see me when he wakes up." He shut the door behind him.

He appeared on top of the roof, looking at the moon, rubbing his chin, "That should be bait her."

On the second day,

Jay was sitting in his office; all the lights lit up, brightening the room. He sat on the chair with his legs on the table, waiting for it.

He had been waiting all morning, and it was until the afternoon that the door opened, and the person he wanted to see appeared.

"Welcome..." He said in a soft voice, looking at the girl with sandy hair and the fan behind her back.

"I want to know more about mom; what did you mean by what you said? And why haven't we been caught?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

Jay put his legs down, "Have a seat."

He poured some tea for her before pouring some more for himself.

Temari sat down without touching the teacup, "So?"

Jay smiled, leaning back, "You think Minato is worried about the other four villages?"

Temari looked up, "He isn't?"

"Do you know the difference in power between the villages?"

Temari shook her head, "No.."

"Currently, the land of water is at the weakest, with the land of the sand at fourth. Land of the Earth is third, Land of the Thunder is second, and Konoha is first."

Temari frowned after hearing it; she didn't realize what others thought about their village. Baki sensei was right about this.

"You know why?"

"Tailed beasts?" Temari muttered.

"Yeah, Land of Water lost one of its tailed beasts and their fourth Mizukage. Fifth is still trying to get the village under her control. So, it's the weakest. Sand only has one within Garra, and that too is unstable. The only strong ninja that your village has is Raza, your father.

Land of Earth has a two-tailed beast and a Kage-level ninja. Land of Thunder has two-tailed beasts, both controllable and one of the Kage-level ninja. They also have a good number of Jonins."

"And Konoha?"

"Konoha has..." Jay stopped to count, "there's Minato and me. Then there's Tsunade and Jiraiya. Both me and Minato are far stronger than any other Kage's. While Tsunade and Jiraiya are legendary ninjas, their fame speaks for their strength."

"What about the tailed beasts?" Temari grimaced, thinking about the difference in strength. No wonder he placed the rankings like that. However, she didn't believe that they were far more potent than other Kages. However, she did hear that Fourth Hokage was scary strong.

"Minato has it inside him, and he controls his power of nine tails. That's the reason why he surpasses any other Kage. Also, the reason why he isn't worried. There isn't anyone alive that could defeat that man."

Although he could, Jay didn't have any interest in coming into the limelight. He was happy hiding in the shadows and have enjoyed his relationships with different women.

Temari shook; suddenly, there was unbearable pressure covering her, a shadow loomed over her. She raised her head, looking at scarlet eyes staring down on her, "You see…whatever your village does is futile. I am shocked that Raza would go with a stupid plan like this one; Orochimaru must have quite a hand to make Raza agree."

Temari shivered, but the pressure disappeared, "You must have seen your brother's powers? Let me tell you; it's nothing in front of a controlled-tailed beast."

Temari looked at him with defiant eyes, "Why are you telling me all this. Isn't this supposed to be top secret?"

Jay supported his hips on the table, crossing his ankles, folding his arms, "No, not really. Everyone that has a good intelligence system would know who the jinchuriki is. Although it's kept a secret, we didn't know about your brother because he never appeared in war. But Minato had to fight the man controlling Land of Water and the one responsible for the attack thirteen years ago."

"You are not telling me because you feel lonely..."

Jay rubbed his chin, smiling, "I was thinking about the kid, your brother. I mean...your mother's will still protects him...that's something anyone has to respect. So, let's say I am looking out for him because of her."

Temari looked down, whispering, "Thank you." Even though she knew it was right to believe, something about him made her believe his words. It wasn't like he lied to her till now, "What did you do to Garra last night?"

"Well, I took your mother's will in the sand and let one-tails chakra strengthen it. It will awaken her soul; you might even see her before long."

"I can see her?!" Temari looked up with her eyes wide open.

"Yeah, in due time. Maybe before the third exam starts. Your brother should have already talked to her last night. When he wakes up, let's hope he feels better." Jay said with a smile.

Temari clenched her fist; her tears fell down her fists, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Jay patted her head, smiling, "No, you don't have to."

Temari blushed, getting up, "I'll go..."

Jay waved her head towards her back, smiling, "Yeah...see you later."

Once Temari left, there was another unexpected visitor.

It was the proctor and a woman with purple hair with him.

"Hayate, Uzuki," Jay said out her name, happily waving at them.

"Sensei..." Uzuki bowed after seeing him.

"I didn't know you knew, sir?" Hayate was surprised.

Uzuki looked at Jay, tucking her hair behind, "Sensei taught me kenjutsu."

She smiled, "It was when I got better at kenjutsu."

Hayate nodded, nodding, "You could have told me."

Jay smiled, "I asked her not to tell anyone. It was a special favor for team Ro."

Hayate nodded in understanding, "Yes, Sir."

"So, what brings you here?"

Uzuki bowed her head, so did Hayate, "Thank you for saving Hayate's life last night."

Jay waved his hand, "You didn't have to come all the way to say that. I am also a genin of Konoha. It was my duty to save you." Ughh, he hated saying that. But whatever, these ninjas ate this set.

After a small talk, they left a gift on his table. He stood there waiting for something, it was after a few minutes, but someone appeared in the room.

"'s been a while."

Uzuki knelt in front of him, "Sensei..."

Jay narrowed his eyes, "I need you to do something for me."

"Yes, Sensei...anything."

Jay smiled, thinking about Temari; he might have her sooner than expected.

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