Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 73 – Decimo’s Rule

"Lord Decimo, everyone is here."

Ulquiorra Cifer bowed in front of Decimo, sitting on the throne of ruined Las Noches. He looked down at the Hollows that had survived.

"Primera Espada Coyote Starrk, Lilynette Gingerbuck, Sengunda Espada Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, Tres Tier Harribel, Sexta Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Septima Luppi Antenor, Octava Szayelaporro Granz, Noveno Aaroniero Arruruerie. Since Kurosaki Ichigo was fixated on Aizen, none of your followers or the followers of other Espada's have died. Which is good for us. That leaves me with Ichimaru Gin..."

Gin maintained the smile on his lips, surrounded by hundreds of High-Level Hollows. He stood in front of Decimo himself, "I am surprised that you didn't give me to Soul Society. Wasn't this supposed to be the business of Soul Society?"

Decimo glanced towards him, and Gin fell to the ground. He was being crushed by overwhelming pressure, feeling his head become numb, his body torn apart from the inside, "Do you want to live?"

Gin glared towards Decimo, his mind swirling with one thought, "Yes!!!"

The overwhelming pressure that covered just him disappeared, "Then survive until I decide what to do with you."

"Oye! Decimo! Why isn't Ulquiorra in the Espada Ranking?" Grimmjow pointed towards Ulquiorra, demanding an answer.

Decimo looked at him, uninterested, "It's simple. Ulquiorra is the only one that has evolved. You, other Espada's, have just taken the shape of immense power you held as Vasto Lorde. As for Ulquiorra, he has finally stepped beyond that by achieving Segunda Etapa."

"Huh...that's possible..." Grimmjow looked at Ulquiorra in shock, who didn't react or give him the time of day before Grimmjow started laughing like a maniac, "Hahahahahahaha!!! Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I can grow stronger!! I will grow stronger, and then I will kill that boy who humiliated me!! I will tear him apart!!"

Gin was patting away the dust, smiling with narrowed eyes, "You are no match for Kurosaki-Kun. I'd say you find a differe-"

"Not him!! The other bastard thought I wasn't good enough to become a weapon! I will kill him!! Kill him for sure!!"

Decimo looked at him with interest, "That good, you are motivated because this meeting is to send a message to Espada's. Become stronger and show me the results; otherwise, I will kill you."

Suddenly, the atmosphere turned cold, making the look of every Espada in the room change, feeling the dread spreading over their body.

"Every Espada's existence means the number of Hollows that were sacrificed for you to reach this position. Each Hollow represents a precious life and wasting it is the last thing I want. So I will kill you, break your spiritual pressure down to pure spiritual energy. I'll wipe out your existence and turn you into food to raise a new, more motivated Espada."

Starrk stroked his cheek as his partner hid behind him, "Isn't that too harsh?"

"The way you are now, you are no use to me," Decimo looked up, "You are far too weak. It won't take long before those Shinigami surpass you. Or they might already have."

Eighth Espada Granz stepped forward, grinning, watching Ulquiorra, "Lord Decimo, I have been holding back. But would you grant me the honor to see this new form of Ulquiorra? The Segunda Etapa?"

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is everyone!!!"

Decimo looked up towards Yammy, the Zero Espada, having released Ira, "What the hell is that guy thinking."

Yammy shook the ruins of Las Noches, walking over, looking at the broken throne room from above, seeing Decimo sit on the throne. He shouted in anger, "Why are you sitting there?! Why are you sitting on that throne?!"

Yammy curled his hand around Decimo, trying to catch him. At the same time, the other Espada's felt their body teleport away, forcefully, even when they tried to resist. They appeared in the sky, looking down at the Yammy, trying his best to pick Decimo up. His veins convulsed, popping, but he couldn't pick no matter what, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yammy felt his hand being pushed back. He widened his eyes as Decimo pushed him back with just a finger, "All that Spiritual Energy is a waste on someone like you."

"Huh?! It's mine!! Envy all you want!!!" Yammy used his energy to start punching, harder and faster, but the more he stuck, the more his hands began breaking down.

He stepped back, screaming, "No! No!! What is going on!!!"

His body started breaking down, every spiritual cell in his body coming apart. He turned into pure spiritual energy started collecting on top of Decimo's hand, particle by particle. Until there was a red burning orb of spiritual energy, which again purified.

Decimo used his free hand to snap his finger, and the Espada's teleported in front of him again, "Roka, come to me."

"Yes, Lord Decimo," Roka looked no different than a human; her mask was pushed to the side. Instead, she covered the right side of the face with the hair that she had grown.

Decimo stroked her cheek, smiling at her, "Telerana, now that's a Resurreccion that I am interested in. But your low spiritual energy is the only thing that holds you back, and even though you have grown much stronger."

"My Lord," Roka seemed almost happy, looking down, not daring to look at Decimo when Decimo put the spiritual essence that he took out from Yammy. He put it inside Roka, watching her spiritual energy rise the more he pushed inside her.

Her strength grew at a visible rate under the envious gaze of some Espada, and a number 0 appeared on the center of her stomach, her spiritual energy surpassing even Starrk.

She knelt down in front of Decimo, bowing her head, "I will protect you with everything I have, Lord Decimo."

Decimo patted her head, smiling, "Become stronger, surpass the ranking of Espada, and entertain me with unknown. That is all I ask of you."

"Yes, my Lord."

Decimo clapped his hand, and the Las Noches started rebuilding, restoring, smiling, "Same goes for everyone else. Become stronger. Or I'll just use you to feed the ones I want to see become stronger."

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