Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 2 – Chakra and Jutsu


"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Jay shouted out loud, releasing steam of fire that turned into a giant orb of fire.

He stopped supplying the chakra for the Jutsu, causing it to extinguish.

"Ohh, to think you have such talent," Tsunade commented, sitting below a tree, leaning on it, with her legs crossed. She watched Jay struggle to learn the Jutsu.

"My skin is burnt, but that was much better." Jay said, touching his lips, "My poor lips."

Shizune carried a blue bowl filled with water; a white towel dripped.

Jay took the towel, putting it on his burns, "thank you, sweetheart."

Shizune kindly smiled, used to his way of talking to her.

It has been three months since Jay came to this world - it took a while to break down Tsunade's fall, lots of tiresome nights, massages, and pillow talk. But finally, he convinced her into teaching him how to mend chakra.

He walked to the tree, gazing at the open planes - the sun was shining on the horizon, white clouds drifting in the sky. It was a beautiful day to lie down in the shadow of a tree and sleep.

Jay lay down in the grass, gazing up at Tsunade, "So? Are we going to your village?"

They had a bet; if he leaned all the ninjutsu she threw at him, they would go to her village and stay there.

Tsunade sighed, "You know I don't like that place...there is so much politics."

"And you don't want Shizune to be in danger since she would have to go on dangerous missions. I know all that. But I promise I'll protect her. And with your achievement, if you just want to retire and stay separately, I am sure no one would mind? The new Hokage could use your support."

Tsunade shot a look at him, "You just want to chase after girls."

"Exactly!" Jay sat up, grinning brightly, "There will be so many. I can't wait to get to your village."

This was the good thing about broken worlds - their moral lines weren't as good as the natural worlds.

"Lady Tsunade..." Having gotten the gesture from Jay, Shizune made puppy eyes, staring at Tsunade.

Sighing, Tsunade stood up, stretching her body; her breasts rose and fell with her breaths, "Fine...We'll go."

In these three months, the burden she was carrying had become lighter. She was happier than how she used to be. There was a brightness to her personality that was returning to her.

Her face was plastered with a wide grin, "I can't wait to show you my home!"

There was just one problem, Pakura. She had been staying outside of their reach, and Jay planned to ask her to stay in a village near Konoha. He would have to make a future arrangement for her, but he just wanted to see Kunoichi's of Konoha for now.

And so, they started walking towards the village, a bit faster than their average pace. After a few days of walking, they finally found themselves standing in front of the large gates. The guards standing at the door saluted the moment they saw Tsunade. One of them whispered something and disappeared.

Shortly, another one disappeared.

Tsunade sighed, "Still, so much politics."

She walked in, ignoring everyone. Jay and Shizune followed behind her, looking at shops, people - even Ninjas. Jay smiled after seeing so many preys and different kinds of blood to drink. Shizune was smiling because she was home.

Tsunade took them to the Hokage's office, the tallest building at the center of the village. She went inside and came back soon too. Her face was displeased, "You have to register as a villager."

Jay shrugged, "I don't mind...but you don't seem to like the new Hokage."

Tsunade shook her head, "The kid is good. It's the old man that displeases me."

"Old man...your teacher?"

"Forget it. Let's go." She guided them to a large courtyard, which was the home of Senju. Before turning, she stopped in front of the house, "We'll stay in a hotel. I'll look for a new house."

Jay glanced towards the house, following behind her, "As you wish."

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