Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 8: Bomb Boy! … Oh No

Everyone awaits their unique trainer while trying to remain calm about the situation. Those who train first will always have an advantage to those who train last. Also any risks may not be rewarded as some may think. It is good to rush into things but if one rushes too far, it'll be over before they know it.

Taiga: I hope the trainer is here today.


Ariya: I'm so sorry! The thing is, I work another job too and I just got so caught up in it that I totally forgot. But I did manage to find a trainer for you, Taiga.


Taiga: That sounds great. I'm ready to get started.

Ariya: Really? That's super duper great. I'll get them now.

Taiga: Sweet.

Ariya brings Yuki, a master magician, to the guild hall to train Taiga.

Ariya: This is the master magician, Yuki.

Yuki: Hello.

She looks around the guild hall noticing Sapphire, Padoru, and Yoshie.

Yuki: I prefer someplace more private to teach Taiga.

Ariya: Sure, no problem. Taiga, just follow Yuki, okay?

Taiga nods and follows Yuki out of the guild hall. He passes by all the taverns and inns of the city. The pair quietly walks out of the city and into the forest. After following a light path in the forest, Taiga reaches Yuki's house.

Yuki: Welcome Taiga, to my house.

Taiga: Thank you.

Yuki: Um. Say. Are you from Earth?

Taiga: Yes I am... though not your version of it.

Yuki: I'm from Japan. I came here five years ago.

Taiga: Why'd you come here?

Yuki: Hahahaha. As if there was a choice.

Taiga: True. I don't know much of the circumstances that brought me here.

Yuki: Your training today will be reading about a few books and increasing your knowledge of magic. I have to go now, but I'll see you tomorrow.

Taiga: Alright, thank you.




Schmorge: Is there a clock or sundial or whatever here? I think it's been a day.

Diane: It has been two days since you guys have spawned in.

Volk: Have you found anyone to train us, then?

Diane: Can you give me a few hours, please? I'm sorry. I'm just not handing the paperwork very well.

Volk: I guess so.


Diane: Okay, I have a trainer now. Follow me.

Volk: Nice.

Volk and Diane walk out of the guild hall and start walking down the main path. Diane broke the silence between the two by asking risque questions.

Diane: Do you have a certain type that you like?

Volk: Type? I don't think so.

Diane: Would you date me then?

Volk: Who knows. I need to know more about you though.

Diane: Fair.

Volk: What about you? What's your ideal type?

Diane: Someone who's reliable, I think.

Volk: I see.

Diane: Have you thought about your future goals in life?

Volk: Future? Well I don't really know. I was just placed here for some reason.

Volk: I guess to get stronger and go with the flow?

Diane: Generic.

Volk: Solving mysteries and puzzles might be fun then.

Diane: There you go.

Volk: That's what I'll go with then. Dungeons and more.

Diane: It'll be very dangerous with all the traps and whatnot.

Volk: I'll be cautious then. Thank you for the warning.

Diane: Well, this is the tower. Good luck!

Volk: Thank you!

Volk opens the door of the tower and walk inside. The first thing to do in the tower is to climb the endless stairs upward. He gasps for air after the fifteenth floor.

Volk: Why the fuck is this so fucking high?

Frazier: That's because mages like you have no stamina. It builds your stamina.

Volk: Who needs stamina if you have tactics?

Frazier: Idiot. They sent me an idiot this time.

Volk: Who are you calling an idiot, old man?!

Frazier: You are! You don't know who you're talking to.

Frazier: As a punishment, your training is to read nine hundred books by tomorrow!

Volk: What the fuck? Nine hundred? Are you fucking joking?

Frazier: No. Plus what I say goes because I'm the master here.

Volk: Gay.

Volk sulks in his corner picking up the first book on the table to read through.

Diane returns to the guild hall to find Schmorge waiting.

Diane: Schmorge, I have your trainer too. Follow me.

Schmorge follows Diane out the guild hall.

Diane: Just follow me, okay?

Schmorge: Sure. Is Volk going to his own trainer?

Diane: Volk already left and met his trainer.

Schmorge: Ah, alright.

Schmorge: How far is the walk?

Diane: About eleven minutes for you.

Diane: Have you ever thought about your family when you came here?

Schmorge: I suppose. I'm hoping that this is just a situation like Narnia, to try to alleviate my concerns.

Schmorge: That I can be here for as long as I need to, and return with only seconds passing.

Diane: That's a good thought.

Schmorge: Better than the opposite.

Diane: Also I've been wondering since you don't think I'm a girl, what's your ideal type?

Schmorge trips over his feet and falls face down on the road.

Diane: Are you okay?

Diane attempts to pull him up from the fall.

Schmorge: I hope so. What'd you say, again?

Diane: What's your ideal type of girls?

Schmorge blinks several times trying to process what Diane is trying to ask of him.

Schmorge: Humongous hungalunganunalogungas.

Diane: What was that?

Schmorge: Please don't ask.

Diane: Um. Okay.

Schmorge: It's not that I didn't... um... see you as a girl. I was a bit distracting by... everything.

Schmorge averts his eyes away from Diane's chest area.

Diane: It's fine if you don't want to say it.

Schmorge: ...

Diane: I know I'm not the most attractive girl out there.

Schmorge: You're still very beautiful, even so.

Diane: That's nothing compared to the "Green Princess" that's been hanging around here.

Schmorge: Well, I haven't met her. What's she like?

Diane: Her long and emerald colored hair matches her dark blue eyes and is totally composed in battle.

Diane: Although her nickname is the "Green Princess", she's actually not a princess and is a high ranking adventurer.

Schmorge: I see. What rank? Gold?

Diane: Diamond.

Schmorge: That's high ranking.

Schmorge: Very.

Diane: Yeah. No one can really touch her in strength or in beauty.

Schmorge: How many men have tried to touch her in battle and failed?

Diane: I don't know the exact numbers but recently she fought in the Gladiator Fight of Sypathia.

Diane: She defeated more than five hundred different adventurers.

Schmorge: That's a lot of failed touching.

Diane: Each one was at least Gold ranking.

Schmorge: Diamond is harder than Gold, I guess.

Diane: How are you feeling Schmorge? Are you tired? Thirsty?

Schmorge: Bit hungry. Didn't get to eat much over the past few days.

Diane: I have some fried bread with me, here.

Diane reaches into her parcel and pulls out fried bread to hand it to Schmorge.

Schmorge: Fried .... bread?

Diane: Have you never heard of fried bread before?

Schmorge: I've heard of fried butter and ice cream, not fried bread. Fennel cakes I guess are close, but that's fried dough, not ... actual bread.

Diane: I guess it's not common in the world, you came from.

Schmorge: Oh, french toast is also close I guess, but that's meant to be a sweet breakfast food, and isn't just bread fried plain in oil.

Diane: Well fried bread is pretty bad. I guess, I never really thought about it.

Schmorge shrugs and bites into the bread.

Diane: It's probably not that good, right?

Schmorge: Not bad. Definitely edible.

Diane: I see. Next time, I'll bring something better.

Schmorge: You don't have to, this is okay. Maybe a sprinkle of sugar at most, for that added caramel flavour.

Diane: Okay. Once you're done eating. We can get moving again.

Schmorge: Lwet'th guh.

Schmorge attempts to scarf down the food but chokes on a bit of bread.

Diane: Calm down. Take your time.

Schmorge slows down and swallows the rest of the bread before letting out a cough.

Schmorge: Alright, ready.

Diane: Water?

Schmorge takes a small swig and wipes his mouth with the sleeves on his arms. He hands the flask back to Diane.

Diane: It's only five minutes from here.

Schmorge: Thank you.

Diane: No problem.

Schmorge: Lead the way.

Diane: Have you ever been in the mountains before?

Schmorge: A few times. When I was a teen, I went on many hikes with my father.

Diane: Alright then, let's go up the mountain!

Schmorge: (mumbles) I wish I'd gotten back into shape when I had the chance.

Schmorge: Let's go!

Diane: At least it's not a cold mountain right?

Schmorge: Every mountain is cold when you're high enough.

Diane: We're not going that high. (mumbles) Also it's near a volcano.

Schmorge: Ah, that's fine then.

Diane: See this hut here? (points to a hut on the cliff) We're here.

Schmorge: That's... a big hut.

Diane: I'll be taking my leave here, Schmorge. Good luck!

Schmorge: Thank you! You too.

Diane leaves and Schmorge knocks on the hut's door.

???: Yes? Who is it?

Schmorge: A wandering vagrant, looking to learn magic.

Schmorge: I am called Schmorge.

???: Magic? You've gotten the wrong place. I work with bombs.

Schmorge: I do too, but I can't light them with my free will, can I?

???: If you can't, then you just have to learn.

The door opens for Schmorge to come in.

???: Hi. I'm Enon.

Schmorge: Please teach me the way of the explosion, Enon.

Enon: No Problem. Just give me a couple of minutes to prepare.

Enon: Have you worked with bombs before?

Schmorge: Not since I was a kid.

Enon: I'm not talking about those bombs.

Enon reveals the bombs in his hands. The magic light surrounds each unique bomb with a different unique color as an aura around it.

Enon: These bombs.


Enon: Quiet down. You might cause an avalanche.

Schmorge: Oh, sorry.

Enon: Want to learn how to make these babies?

Schmorge: Yes please.

Enon: Let's show you what they do first of all.

Enon: Follow me out the hut.

Schmorge: What about the avalanche you warned about?

Enon: That was just a joke. My ears are still ringing from when you yelled out loud.

Schmorge: Oh. Sorry.

Enon: Anyways, put these on.

Enon hands ear plugs to Schmorge to plug up the sounds that the explosives make on contact.

Enon signals one finger to Schmorge displaying that he's firing off the first bomb.

Schmorge nods as he understood what that meant.

Enon throws the first bomb with his right arm. It explodes letting out a purple gas down below. The gas is around thirty meters away from where Enon and Schmorge are standing.

Enon signals two fingers to Schmorge displaying that he's firing off the second bomb.

Again, Schmorge nods to show Enon that he understands.

Enon throws the second bomb, and it explodes with a bright light blinding fifteen meters around it. Schmorge thought to himself, "wow flash bombs".

Enon signals three fingers to Schmorge displaying that he's firing off the third and last bomb. Schmorge nods and Enon throws the last bomb. The bomb explodes with blood all over the floor. The blood then comes together and creates a blood beast.

Schmorge expresses his shock by widening his eyes.

Schmorge: WHAT?

The blood beast dissipates after five minutes and Enon signals Schmorge to take off the ear plugs.

Schmorge: What. Was. That. And. Why. Is. It. A. Bomb.

Enon: That is my hidden spell: Blood Bomb.

Enon: That isn't magic. It's a bomb.

Schmorge: But it's a spell.

Enon: Everything is already set before I even throw it right?

Enon: The fun part is that everyone can throw bombs, but not everyone can cast magic.

Enon: Bombardiers are the ones who make the magical bombs become useful.

Schmorge: So there's magic spells to create bombs, then?

Enon: Who said you have to use magic?

Enon: There are some that do that, but this one wasn't magic based.

Schmorge: So it wasn't a magic spell? I have much to learn.

Enon: Yep. But it takes a lot of work for one bomb.

Schmorge: I see.

Enon: Are you up for the challenge?

Schmorge: I am.



Class: Magician
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Paladin
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Elementalist
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Bombardier
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


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