Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 20: Safe

Pad and Schmorge suddenly hear a pair of footsteps. They look at each other and then proceed to hide in their respective barrels again. The footsteps got closer until they reach where Pad and Schmorge are hiding.

Volk: What do you think is in here, Taiga?

Taiga: idk

Taiga: we should be careful

Pad pops out of his hiding spot.

Volk: Pad!

Pad: taiga, volk is that you

Taiga: Pad!

Volk: It's us.

Schmorge stepped out of his hiding spot.

Pad: is sapph safe

Schmorge: Anyway, I heard a puzzle box click as I was moving that table, can y'all help me move it further?

Volk: Wait why?

Volk: What is this wall?

Volk: What's wrong with it?

Schmorge: It's poisoned. My planks just dissolve in it.

Taiga: ok

Volk: Wait.

Volk: Step back everyone.

Schmorge: oh no.

Volk: I wanna try something.

Schmorge: oh no.


Everyone steps back to give Volk his space.


The poisoned wall crumbles right in front of everyone's eyes.

Schmorge: The fuck?

Schmorge: also, that was very loud.

The group heard a couple of more footsteps and a whole bunch of screaming from above them.

Volk: Taiga! Use your new spell!

Taiga: ok

Volk grabs Ariya and Taiga prepares his new spell.

Taiga: "BLIZZARD!"

Pad: new spell?

Ariya: Where are we going?

Schmorge: what did i miss?

Volk: Let's run!!!

All of the guards were shouting but couldn't move their legs because Taiga had frozen them in place.


Schmorge: Blizzard? Fuck that spell.

Taiga: Run

Taiga: I have too little mana right now to do anything so we can't take up on an engagement rn.

The group runs upstairs and then upstairs again.


Schmorge: I have no idea. Ask Volk.

Volk: This is where we came from.

The group pours out of the mansion onto the balcony. All of the guards are frozen outside except for one guard. That one guard is right next to where Taiga and Volk hid Sapph.

Volk: Fuck!

Pad: woah taiga froze them all 

Taiga: Schmorge get him!

Taiga points at the guard near Sapph.

Taiga: You're faster than all of us.


The guard turns around to face all of us on the balcony.

Schmorge jumps off of the balcony and rushes towards the guard.


The guard gets hit with flames, but it didn't do much damage. It did block his vision so when Schmorge tackled him, he couldn't see it coming. The guard gets knocked out and Schmorge grabs Sapphy. The group runs away from the mansion area.

Taiga: ah damn how much mana do i have left?

Taiga: damn not enough for a fireball


Taiga: actually i dont recall if that's enough.

Pad: just run 

Volk: Hey! Schmorge!

Schmorge: WHAT?


Schmorge: GOT IT!

Taiga: I wonder how long can he run like that.

Volk: hmmm.

Pad: are we finally safe

The group enters the guild hall at different times. Everyone is panting hard. 

Taiga: phew

Pad: did we make it 


Pad: that was some intense training

Volk: oofed

Pad: sapphy, good to have you back


Volk: That was hard.

Schmorge collapses onto the floor of the guild hall.

Taiga: ah I'm tired.

Taiga slumps against the wall, wiping his sweat from his forehead.

Volk: I have enough money to go stay at the inn next door.

Schmorge (speaking while panting): Any ... body ... got ... a ... knife?

Taiga: I have sapph's sword on me that i was meaning to give back

Taiga: does that help?

Schmorge: Please ... peel ... my .... pineapple

Sapphire: i had a sword


Schmorge pulls a pineapple from his inventory.

Ariya: You left the sword and shield at the hole.

Ariya: Where Pad was.


Taiga: I actually got it on me.

Pad: the hole 

Schmorge: I would ... like some ... food.

Diane: Wow. What do we have here?

Taiga cuts schmorge's pineapple with Sapph's sword.

Ariya: Diane?

Pad: diane?

Taiga cleans the sword once he gives the pineapple back to schmorge and gives it to Sapph.

Diane: 'Sup.

Taiga: I believe this is yours, sapph.

Schmorge starts eating the small cubes of pineapples.


Ariya: Why are you here, Diane?

Ariya: Aren't you suppose to be in Norhus?

Taiga: Sapph do you not want your sword?

Diane: Norhus was too cold for me.

Sapphire: no, no

Volk: I like how everyone just ignores me.

Sapphire: i want it

Sapphire: I just feel stupid


Volk: Whatever. I guess we sleeping in the guild hall.

Pad: sapphu big smart

Taiga: no you're worth it

Ariya: I see.

Taiga: I should get back to training later

Diane: What about P-Lonsk? Why aren't you there right now?

Ariya: That's because.

Schmorge finishes the pineapple and passes out on the floor of the guild hall.

Ariya: A very long story.

Ariya: I'll take you cuties home tomorrow.

Taiga: ok

Pad passes out on the floor cuddling Taiga.

Sapphire: ah... that's right...

Sapphire: Regulus Corneas totally owns this town


Taiga (sleepy): something wrong about that?


Sapphire: y e s

Taiga: ok I'll stay up a bit longer if you need

Sapphire: also if you guys find any pink crystals around here please pick them up


Volk: um. ok?

Taiga: Diane how do I get back to my trainer?

Diane: Didn't Ariya said she'd take you back tomorrow?

Diane: Ariya just went to bed.

Taiga: oh ok

Taiga: thanks for the heads up.

Taiga: what is my level right now?

Taiga: is it still level 1?

Taiga: Or has it changed after the raid?

Diane: Can you please just go to sleep so I can as well?

Taiga: lol sorry



Class: Elementalist
Level: 0
Lightning Strike
32 Wednars


Class: Magician
Level: 0
Inventory: None


Class: Elementalist
Level: 0
Skills: Fireball
10 Graphite Rocks


Class: Bombardier
Level: 0
Skills: Landmine
5 Wednars
1 Yellowroot Flower
1 Durbock Root
1 Exetit Flower
1 Broccoli
1 Red Roxy Flower
1 Vixen Flower
1 Love Passion Fruit
1 Birch Stick
1 Brownfly Flower
1 Pineapple
55 Graphite Rocks
1 Fox Fur
1 Nizs Flower
1 Daisy
1 Moonfly Flower
1 Cat Liver
10 Fir Logs
95 Fir Planks
30 Limestone Rocks


Class: Paladin
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

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