Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 13: Unlucky

The guildhall of Durpagne has died down of activity after the first day of summoning. Zen left to go train and everyone else is resting after their hard workouts given by the guild itself. 

Rasera: For today, I'm going to explore the city a bit more, just to get a good bearing on where everything important is, check in a bit later with Ms. Yonny to see if she found the class trainer yet, and then head back to the hospital to use my healing skills to good use.

Yonny: I'm sorry about that Rasera. Are you okay?

Rasera: oh I'm quite alright. I'm just not the strongly muscly type, so physical workouts like these take a bit of time getting used to.

Yonny: I think these workouts are usually for tanks and warriors so a healer shouldn't really be doing them. Speaking of healer, I got a master healer trainer for you, Rasera.

Rasera: oh excellent!

Rasera: and it never hurts to diversify, the workouts are okay so far. But maybe a more focused one from the trainer might be in order.

Yonny: His name is Victor the Second. He's the second generation master healer of the Kursk Clan.

Rasera: is he able to come down here to assist in my training, or will I need to meet up with him?

Yonny: I can take you to him.

Rasera: that would be perfect, let me pull out a map I've been making the last few days.

Rasera: so I can mark it down and not get lost in the future

Rasera: and I'll follow Yonny to the location.

Yonny: He's actually outside the city because he likes his peace and quiet.

Rasera: oh I see

Rasera: well then. if you'd like to lead me as far as you feel comfortable, I'm sure I can find him from there.

Yonny: Okay, just follow me.

Yonny: Don't get lost now.

Rasera: no worries, the city seems to be pretty manageable

Yonny: It is the biggest city in the Kingdom after all.

Rasera: Is Durpagne the only city with guild holdings or are you affiliated in any others?

Yonny: All cities must have at least one public guild or they will not count as cities.

Yonny: Private guilds are pretty fun. I joined one when I first started and we raided a lot of dungeons.

Yonny: That's how I got into the guild business.

Rasera: Oh I see. You'll have to forgive me, everything's quite new to me. Are there any dungeons nearby for new players ... err, people like me?

Yonny: These dungeons are a bit at a higher level because this is the capital after all.

Yonny: You must be at least level twenty three to go into the easiest one, I think.

Rasera: oh, so quite a bit aways then. Well, any recommendations on what a lower level person can do? Is this training earning us any xp?

Rasera: I don't expect the xp to come quickly of course, but I'm not sure where to look to see our ... our own stats? I suppose.

Yonny: There should be a stats screen for you to open when you think about it.

Yonny: I remember training for a week and earning three levels from it.

Rasera: well that's not too bad then. I'll have to talk more with my guildies, try to get everyone in on it. It's been a good four days of training, even if it was hard for a healer.

Yonny: You mean your party?

Yonny: The private guilds costs one hundred ducats to start if I recall.

Rasera: Yes, of course! That's what I meant, thought thinking on it, I suppose other members of the public guild might want to train as well.

Yonny: I saw Zen with his trainer the other day.

Rasera: Ah I see. Glad to have other adventurers so eager to learn and improve.

Yonny: More like he's too focused on training. He wouldn't even say hi to me. That narrow-mindedness will bite him in the future.

Rasera: Perhaps, but some people can only learn the hard way. Hopefully that won't be the case for him.

Rasera: So if I understand it, this Victor person oversees the training of all healers? Or just the newer ones?

Yonny: Say, what's your ideal type of girl?

Rasera: Hmmm ... One that can keep up with me. While I'm not the strongest person out there, I'm quite the energetic fellow, and can be a handful if they're not expecting it. 

Yonny: I wish I could say the same, but I'm more eccentric than energetic.

Rasera: Nothing wrong with that. Eccentric girls are definitely fun to be around, but I'm not so sure I could ever fall for one. I suppose everyone's tastes can change though, so I won't say never.

Yonny: Also to answer your last question.

Yonny: Victor wont just accept anyone to be his student.

Yonny: He has a weird way of accepting them if I recall correctly.

Yonny: There are about six other master healers in this city alone.

Rasera: Ooh, I see. Well, whatever the test is, I'll do my best to become a student. And if it doesn't work out with this master, I suppose I can always try another?

Yonny: Yes.

Rasera: I suppose getting a bit of research done on Victor might've helped, but there's always that extra added element of fun when you're going in completely unprepared. This should be interesting.

Yonny: We're halfway there. Are you tired yet? Do you need some water?

Rasera: I think I should be okay, I've been walking around the city quite a bit recently, so I think I can manage.

Rasera: worst case, I can turn around and grab a quick drink from something nearby.

Yonny: You should be careful here though. This is known as the dark street where light never passes in the city.

Rasera: I'd be more concerned for your safety then. I have a decent idea on what I'm capable of, but I've no idea of what you can do

Yonny: You don't need to worry about me. Like I said, I was an adventurer before I became a guild receptionist.

Rasera: well in that case, I might have to ask you for assistance, should the worst somehow be sprung on us. But I'll keep a sharp eye out for anything that might be coming our way

Rasera: This book doesn't make for a great weapon, although I've heard legend of an assassin that once used a book and a pencil to kill his quarry. I don't know if I can truly believe that, but it's an astounding and entertaining feat regardless

Yonny: Don't worry about it so much. They should already know who I am.

Rasera: That's good to hear. But you must have quite a reputation about you then, if even those who dwell in the shadier parts of town would choose not to target you.

Yonny: *mutters to herself* Should I lie to Rasera for now? Probably best idea.

Yonny: Yeah. They gotten beaten by my crew a couple years back so they know what's comin' if they messed with us again.

Rasera: Well if your crew is still around the city, someday you'll have to introduce me to them. A good ear and a fresh pint makes for good company. And you never know, I might just learn a thing or two.

Yonny: *mutters to herself* Just deny everything, he wont know.

Yonny: Eh. They don't like healers too much. Our crew is heavy DPS based.

Rasera: fair enough. Different strokes for different folks.

Rasera: So has my party been fairly active? I'm hoping I chose right to put my faith in them.

Rasera: I ran into Conn, the other day, but I haven't bumped into the rest of them.

Yonny: I think they're still sleeping from the cryosleep when they got transferred to this world.

Rasera: oh, I see. Well hopefully they awaken soon. It would be nice to start working as a unit.

Yonny: If you have another way to message them within their pods, you should try to wake them up.

Rasera: I'll try to think of something, for sure.

Yonny: Are you tired yet? I have a water jug to drink from.

Rasera: if you're offering, I wouldn't mind a sip or two.

Yonny: Go ahead.

Rasera: phew, guess I was thirstier than I thought. Thanks.

Yonny: No problem. You look cute with that face, you know.

Rasera: heh thanks. You're pretty cute yourself, you know.

Rasera: I appreciate all the effort you've been putting in for us. Even if it is just part of the job, it still helps me a lot.

Yonny: What? Me? Cute? You must be blind.

Rasera: Even if I was blind, you still have a charm about you.

Yonny: What? How? Stop lying.

Rasera: Oh come now. I can't be the only one who's made comments like that. A retired adventurer with a notable reputation, working herself as she does just for the sake of someone she just met. I'd daresay you were blind to your own beauty if you thought I was lying.

Rasera: You might not be exactly my type, but you've got a lot going for you. Don't be afraid to own it now.

Yonny: No one's really complimented on how I look. They just say, you do a lot damage, you're strong, you're tough.

Rasera: That's rather odd. I guess if they only see you as another person on the job, that's one thing. Seems to me a lot of people might've forgotten about the human side of being an adventurer too.

Rasera: Well, whether you believe me or not, I think you're pretty. And you've got a nice personality too.

Rasera: At the very least, you can come to me if you're feeling down, or feeling out of place, and we can just talk it out. I'm an okay healer, but I'm a better listener.

Yonny: *mutters to herself* Time to lie again.

Yonny: That's cool, but I don't think I'm going to touch romance any time soon.

Rasera: Oh I understand. I'd much rather set a secure future for myself before I start looking for romance. But it never hurts to make friends along the way.

Yonny: Yep. And we're here.

Yonny: It was really nice talking to you, but this is where we part. I hope to see you in the guild hall soon.

Rasera: of course. Thank you for the help again. It's much appreciated. Take care Yonny!

Yonny: There's a door behind all the vines. Bye!

Rasera inspects the vines to see if it's a puzzle to get into the house. He knocks on the door.

Rasera: Hello, Sir Victor? Perhaps you spoke with Ms. Yonny from the guild, but I'm here in search of training from who I hear is the best trainer in the area.

There is nothing but wind blowing in the distance. Rasera scratches his head. He surveys the surrounding area. The vines cover a door on a giant tree in the middle of a forest. Rasera knocks on the door again.

Rasera: Hello, Sir Victor, are you in there? I don't mean to intrude, but I'd like to come in.

Not one sound was made. Rasera's fist felt a small insect running past his knuckles. 

Rasera: Yonny did mention there was a door behind the vines.

Rasera moves the vines to reveal a weird symbol carved into the tree. Rasera examines the symbol more carefully. The symbol looks like a passageway that splits into two at the middle, one going left and south, the other one going right and south, and there are three dots at the top. Rasera pokes a stick at the symbol. The stick breaks.

Rasera: Interesting.

Rasera did some more testing before thinking about using his spell.

Rasera: "First Heal!"

The symbol glows for a while then shines to activate, opening the bark covered door. Rasera grabs a stick to poke through the barrier. The stick breaks, but Rasera's hand went through the barrier with ease. Rasera walks through the barrier.

Rasera: Hello, Sir Victor. My name is Rasera, I'm a newly minted healer, and I was hoping I could speak with you.

There was no response again. Rasera, not bothered by the silence, tries again.

Rasera: Hello, Sir Victor. I'm going to walk in in a few seconds. Please pardon the intrusion.

Rasera spots a large table and a sleeping bench. He approaches the table with caution. On top of the table, there were some weird symbols and a board. Rasera cannot read the symbols. He looks around for clues and spot a gem on the wall. It's a sapphire. Just like the board, the gem is stuck in position. Rasera went back to the board and runs his finger along the symbols. He receives a splinter.

Rasera: Lovely. So I have a gem stuck in the wall, a board stuck to a table, and a healer stuck on what is likely an easy puzzle. Tch... and also a splinter in my pinky. 

Rasera started to cast first heal everywhere since that opened the door last time. He let out a large sigh and placed his equipment on the table.

Rasera: Alright, well the symbol outdoors looked like a splitting passageway, and it had 3 dots above it. Maybe the 3 dots represents casting first heal 3 times?

Rasera: "First Heal!"

Nothing happens and Rasera lets out a larger sigh. He slouches onto the sleeping bench, tired of thinking about this stupid puzzle.

Rasera: This is surprisingly comfy. Maybe I'm just overthinking it and Victor is just away on errands.

Rasera lays down on the bench, closing his eyes.

Rasera: maybe I'll take a quick nap, and come back at this later.

Rasera suddenly feels a refreshed mind with ease and coolness. His mana pool is being pulled out of him and suddenly explodes leaving Rasera manaless. Rasera attempts to pull it back together, but it was too late. Darkness fills his mind, and it feels like an eternity drifting through the darkness. 

???: How does it feel? Not knowing what's going on?

Rasera hears a voice in his mind. It's not his own, and he has no control over it.

Rasera: It doesn't feel much different than normal, just much more intense. You can never know what's truly going on everywhere, all you can do is try to make sense of what is in front of you and keep going forward based on what you believe is right.

After a while in the darkness, everything turns white all of a sudden, blinding Rasera's eyes.

Rasera: aww fuck, i can't believe you've done this.

The scenery in his mind changes into a field of sunflowers, with Yonny in the background dancing and smiling at Rasera. The scene lasted for a few seconds before changing to a new scene. Rasera spots a warrior on the ground being kicked by twelve other adventurers. The warrior looked up at Rasera asking for help. It was his teammate, Conn. Rasera reached out to help Conn, but his hand fades through Conn's hand. The scene changes again. This new scene is of a rice farm, with demons and elves as slaves. Rasera puts his hand over his mouth at the horror of this scene. In the background of the scene, Rasera can make out someone on top of a throne. The scene slowly zooms on the person at the throne for one moment and disappears. The scene fades.

Victor: How's my little student faring with the dream world?

Rasera: Not as well as I expected. Sorry for stealing your bench.

Victor: Hahaha. It is no problem. The dream world has always been quite wild with random scenarios.

Victor: I won't ask about them if you don't want to speak about it.

Victor: You're here for healing training, right?

Rasera: Yes sir.

Victor: Who was it that brought you here?

Victor: I have so many connections that I keep losing track of who brings me the new faces.

Rasera: Yonny brought me here.

Victor: Yonny? Ah.

Victor: Yonny is one girl who everyone hates for some reason, but I do not understand why.

Rasera: Neither do I.

Victor: It may have to do with the rumors going around the city, these days. This is why I never bother with the city.

Rasera: Oh, rumors about Yonny? (I hadn't heard any, but surely it can't be that bad.)

Victor: They have been saying that she's a "public toilet".

Rasera: Well that's unpleasant ... (what would that even mean? She didn't strike me as the seductive type.)

Rasera: I've never experienced anything like that before. Just what is that bench?

Victor: That is the spell, Dreamworld. It puts the targets to sleep and show the target weird dreams.

Rasera: It was quite ... intense. So uhh ... am I actually out of mana right now? or was that just part of the dream?

Victor: You currently have no mana. Are you mad?

Rasera: Not particularly. I just like knowing what I can about what's in front of me. I'm sure I'll regenerate it eventually.

Rasera: And I guess the other question to ask is, did I pass?

Victor: Pass what?

Rasera: the, the trial?

Rasera: was the door and the bench not a trial?

Victor: A Trial huh? I haven't assigned a trial yet.

Rasera: Oh, uhh. I see. Oh! Sorry for barging in on your place. I knocked a few times to try and be polite, but I guess you weren't home.

Rasera: and, uhh. Sorry for stealing your bed.

Victor: A polite fellow aren't we?

Rasera: Mother always said that politeness was the first step to negotiation.

Victor: A good man. That's very good.

Rasera: She also said something about flies and honey, but I never quite got it, since flies don't normally go for honey... but anyways I'm rambling. I wanted to ask if you were interested in perhaps training a new student in the ways of healing.

Victor: You want to learn the ways of healing?

Rasera: Very much so. As I grew up, I would constantly try to be that person that people could come to count on and rely on. Whether it be physically, emotionally, or otherwise. Then I discovered I have an affinity towards curative magic, but I was never able to do more than this.

Rasera attempts to cast first heal but forgets the fact that he has no mana and it fails.

Rasera: Ah yes, right, forgot about that. Uhh, but anyways. I want to be someone that can be counted on, someone that can shoulder the burden and ease it on others. And I just know that I can be so much more if I become a full fledged healer.

Rasera: So please, Mr. Victor, would you teach me how to be very best, like no one ever was?

Victor: Hmmm.

Victor: I'm thinking of a trial.

Rasera: I will do whatever it takes.

Victor: I believe that.

Victor: Come over here.

Victor: Can you read this symbol?

Victor points at the symbol on the table.

Rasera: No. I tried earlier thinking it was part of a trial and had no idea.

Victor: Focus your mana onto this symbol.

Rasera struggles to focus his mana onto on place.

Victor: Calm down a bit. You're exerting too hard.

Victor: Make sure you have a consistent rhythm.

Rasera takes a deep breath and tries to empty his mind while touching the symbol, focusing on how it feels.

Victor: Don't think about anything else.

Victor: That's not how you do it. You have to free your mind.

Rasera: Sorry. Just. Very new at this.

Victor: That's fine but this is the foundation of spell casting.

Rasera: Okay.

Victor: Now slowly exert your mana into your aura.

Victor starts to chant in a weird language Rasera cannot understand.

Victor: "Nuvian Xyrcyne Tannyll Zylyarus Taranath Ernorin"

Rasera suddenly feel a large force of mana pushed into his back.

Rasera: oof

Victor: Focus!

Rasera takes another deep breath and goes back to focusing on the flow of mana. The new mana flow hurts internally. Rasera attempts to ignore it, focusing on directing his mana to his aura. The pain gets stronger. 

Rasera: *thinks to himself* This has to be normal, just keep focusing. You have to do this.

The pain increases. Rasera starts to cough up blood. The pain intensifies. Rasera attempts to refocus. The pain increases once more.

Victor: I wonder how long he's going to last.

Rasera: Am ... I ... still ... doing ... this ... right?

Victor: You sure are.

Rasera: O ... K ...

Rasera lost most of his health points remaining only at twenty before he blacks out.

Victor: Now where did I put my needle?

Victor: The one with the mutant virus.

Victor: Ah Fuck. I ran out.

Victor: Guess, I'll go get some more.

Victor runs out the door and starts heading towards the lake nearby.

???: Is he gone?

Something pokes Rasera in the face. Rasera stirs, groggily, and still in a lot of pain.

???: This kid actually fell for the trick huh?

Rasera tries to focus his vision, attempting to locate the voice. Everything is blurry to him. Rasera gets pinned by the unknown figure.

???: Hey there. How's the virus in your body?

Rasera coughs up old blood and the unknown figure licks it all up.

???: Yummy.

Rasera: What ... Victor? Why? Where? Who?

???: I'm not Victor. I'm Reaver, the Vampire.

Rasera: I know. You haven't tried to kill me yet.

Reaver: Nice to meet you, G-. [fake blood type]

 Rasera: Likewise. Thank you for not ... killing me yet. May I sit up? I'm in no condition to run, I think.

Reaver: Who said you need to be sat up?

Reaver licks her lips with anticipation.

Rasera: Blood flows better through the veins, when you're sitting. Or so I've heard.

Reaver runs her fingers across and down Rasera's chest.

Reaver: Is that so?

Rasera: I don't know. I read it somewhere a long time ago. I could be wrong too. How did you find me?

Reaver: Victor's my blood donor. He's usually my meal, but a D+ can never beat a G-.

Rasera: So I'm your next meal then?

Reaver: No. You're my whole lifetime meal.

Rasera: I see. And do you like when your meals can't fight back?

Rasera: Isn't the hunt more fun than the kill?

Reaver: Never. The best part is always the drinking.

Rasera: Well if you only care for the food and not the process, pass me a cup and a knife.

Reaver pushes Rasera back down.

Rasera: Ngh. Are you so worried I might get away? You and I both know that's impossible right now.

Rasera: Let me at least sit up, for my own dignity's sake

Reaver grinded against Rasera for a bit.

Rasera: Oh I see. You like to play with your food first, then?

Reaver covers Rasera's mouth.

Reaver: Shush boy.

Victor slams open the door.

Victor: What the fuck!?

Reaver: Aw man. Why you's gotta ruin the fun?

Victor: Reaver. What are you doing?

Reaver: Just having some fun with the boy.

Rasera: Mmph hmmph mmrph mmph!

Victor: Is that what a wife would do?

Rasera learns that Reaver and Victor are married. Rasera will remember this. Reaver lets go of Rasera's mouth.

Reaver: Yeah. Definitely.

Rasera: You remember our convo of wanting to understand what's in front of me, Victor? I'm going to need a looot of info here.

Victor: Shut up boy. "Lightning Strike!"

Rasera has been paralyzed and can no longer speak.

Reaver: What's wrong with the kid, Victor?

Victor: He's just some dude that one slut brought in.

Reaver: And?

Victor: He's totally useless.

Reaver: So does this mean I can take him?

Victor: Take him where?

Reaver: Does it matter where?

Victor: What are you saying?

Victor: Are you breaking up with me?

Reaver: Maybe so.

Victor: Blood hungry bitch! I will kill you!

Reaver: Ha! I'd like to see you try!

Victor: "Lightning Strike!"

Reaver: "Void Shield!"

Victor: "First Heal!"

Reaver: "Dark Matter!"

Victor: I know you can't do this for any longer.

Reaver: That's what you think.

Victor: "Electric Shock!"

Reaver: "Quick Dodge!"

Rasera has been hit with Electric Shock due to it's A.o.E. damage and is sitting at a healthy one point of health left. 

???: Wow. They're really going at it. Huh?

???: Is that a human?

???: He doesn't look like he's in pain.

???: Oh Well. I guess I won't bother.

Rasera curses at the stranger that left. 

Rasera: *In his mind* Nice to meet you too, random stranger. Feed on suffering too?

Reaver: Is that all you got?

Victor pants heavily. 

Reaver: That's how long you last in bed anyways. HAHAHAHAHA.

Victor: Shut up you bitch!

Reaver: You can't move anymore. I know it.

Victor passes out due to mana exhaustion.

Reaver: Time for the fun part.

Rasera: nnnnnnnnnnnn.

Reaver kisses Rasera on the lips giving some type of liquid through her mouth. The liquid heals Rasera's wounds and bring his hp slowly up to max again. Rasera regains his strength and returns the kiss back to Reaver.




Class: Healer
Level: 0
Skills: First Heal
Inventory: None

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