Dog of War

Absolutum Dominium pt 3

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

Princess placed the quill back, curtsying for their Owner. “It is done, Mistress.”


Mistress placed a hand on Princess' head, Her unmatched joy testing the limits of their training. “No, little one, it is only beginning.” She turned to the crowd once again—“Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus!” She paused, allowing for the cheers, the music kicking up again into something sweeping and regal. “She will now receive her regalia and blessing, then ascend to the throne to be crowned!


“Starting with her adornment,” Mistress continued, Her hand moving from Princess' head, pinching the harness. The dress sloughed off them with the harness, taking the petticoat as well. The cool air on their skin brought with it the realization that they were essentially naked in front of everyone.


However it brought no panic. Mistress tucked away the scroll, retrieving a gown from within. No, not a gown, robes with the same motifs as the dress. The harness was tied on in a near-instant and the robes dragged along the floor as Mistress cloaked Princess in them. Braided metal cords of silver and gold kept them closed, leaving the top open enough to display their tags.


“Of course,” Mistress spoke softly, addressing them. She tilted their head upwards, “Communing with a higher power is a long-standing tradition of coronations.”


Mistress pressed a berry to Princess' lips as everything fell away. It was just them, and the divine being that ruled over them, mind, body and soul. Whose grace bestowed them every blessing. Even time itself could not penetrate this eternal moment.


Her smile was every dawn, every sunset


The tap of their cheek but a fraction Her grace


Her eyes burned with every color to be and yet


On their tongue, the berry She did place


Her scent sweet as spring, soft as the breeze


A stroke on their jaw, She was all that was right


Her infinite wisdom, Her boundless expertise


A circle anointed their tongue with delight


Tears freely fell at the fathomless flavor


A kiss on their head set their soul alight


The stroke came after an endless savor


They swallowed Her love


A blessing from above


The music was the first thing that reached Princess, somber yet light. They could feel their heart resume beating, taste the air again. The hall came into focus around Mistress, and the gravity She commanded faded.


What even... What just happened? 


“It is supposed to be a private communion, Princess.” Mistress giggled, elaborating no further. “It is time for the regalia—the first piece is something you know well.” From within, She procured Mr Bear, now in an adorable little prince outfit. A play on Daisy's own, but with Mistress’ motifs. “For your innocence, reclaimed.”


It took immense restraint for Princess to accept it without squeeing. A quick hug proved a good outlet. “Thank you, Mistress.”


Miss Dawnbloom approached, laying a massive cape upon them. It trailed a full two meters behind them, decorated with silver moons laid atop golden suns. “For your past, behind you.”


Daisy knelt before Princess, offering a scepter. “For your strength, in admitting you needed help.” They took it, marveling at the craftsmanship. It was as if someone had gilded a still living sapling—they could swear they saw it moving.


Jess was last, holding something small. An artificial egg, fragile as it was ornate, opened to reveal the art within. “For your delicate nature, and the beauty it holds.”


Hot emotion streamed down Princess' cheeks as they gingerly took it, pinning Mr Bear with their arm. It wasn't just Mistress' love that had them overwhelmed. Daisy, Jess, Miss Dawnbloom—they all loved as deeply as one could. All those in attendance, the orchestra, the dress makers, the cobbler, the decorators—they loved them too! The love of caring for your fellow sophont perhaps, but love all the same!


We are the luckiest sophont to ever live.


Mistress dried Princess' tears, letting them flow as She hooked a vine into the harness’ loop. “You deserve it, dear.”


The music shifted, bouncier now, albeit still dignified, and Mistress gave Princess gentle tug. She led them up the steps, pausing on each one. The feelings inside grew exponentially with every passing moment. If it were not for Mistress’ help they surely would have collapsed under their weight.


And then, they reached the top.


They were once again in awe at the majesty of the throne Mistress had given them. It was the most intricate work of art they had ever been in the presence of. Not only were the cravings masterpieces, the inlaid gold and silver embedded there was entwined and varied in shade. A whole layer of depth, only perceivable up close.


Princess turned to Mistress at a twinge in the back of their head. “Kneel.”


Their body obeyed before the command was even processed.


Mistress motioned towards Miss Dawnbloom. Out of the corner of their eye, Princess saw her produce a velvet pillow and hand it to Daisy. A vine dragged their attention downwards, bowing their head. “No peeking, cutie. You'll get to see it soon enough.”


A few moments passed on Princess' knees. The tears had finally slowed, and Mistress dried them once more. Daisy stood over them, Jess at her side. Daisy knelt and presented the pillow, Jess taking what was on it and offering it to Mistress. She held it out of sight as She spoke. “Princess Verdun, first of my florets, and of your name. Today, wielding your innocence, strength, past, and delicate beauty, I crown you as mine. As a true princess, and my beloved florets. Let all present bear witness to this moment.”  


The tiara was placed on Princess' head, and they gasped as it slipped in. Tiny little vines—it felt like thousands of them—pressing into that funny spot on their head. Digging into their skull, unearthing the purest form of ecstasy. As if on cue, the harness tightened as the tendrils made their way to their brain. They couldn't move, couldn't voice the pleasure wracking through them like waves of radiation from a pulsar star. Frozen in bliss as the crown merged with both of them, turning their mind to putty.


They were a princess, it whispered, and it would make sure no one ever forgot that.


“Rise now, Princess, and behold.”


Princess snapped to focus and their feet. Mistress held a mirror up, and they gasped. Ornate flowers and vines of flowing quicksilver and liquid gold in equal parts, swirling together in ribbons and ringlets but never blending. Entwined, not mixed. A cautious hand reached up, touching it. The gloves kept most tactile information hidden, but the form was solid, despite its unceasing movement. Pressing harder, it gave easily, folding like it was made of paper, only to spring back the moment they let up. A thought surfaced, they had seen something like this before, with Rose. The way her collar changed color with her headmates fronting.


It's us.


The silver briefly flashed in volume with Moon’s thought, and the gold responded in kind. Her collar wasn't half as stunning, and far from this regal. It balanced out again as they rejoined—Not that she was the type to be interested in such a thing. It did complete the outfit though, and they had never felt more like a princess. A permanent, physical declaration to all that beheld them that they were two, and that they were a princess.


Princess managed to tear their eyes from the mirror, and give a curtsy. “It's wonderful, Mistress. Thank you.”


Mistress gently directed their gaze to Her own. <“Princess, I would tear down all the stars betwixt us just to make you happy for but a moment.”>


<“And we would journey ‘cross them for a single day at your side.”>


She smiled, that beautiful smile that was only for them. A vine brushed against the tiara, sending jolts of toe-curling pleasure sparking down Princess' spine. It moved through their hair, along their jaw. “It's time for you to take your throne, Princess.”


Princess looked at the chair, and turned back to their Owner. “Can you please help us up, Mistress?” Hands full, and heavy unwieldy train behind them, it was the only option, but that didn't matter. Even without that, it was not a throne they could claim alone anymore than they could have gotten here alone. Besides, a princess relied on others.


Mistress’ eyes sparkled in golds and pinks and greens. “I would love nothing more.” She lifted them onto the throne, sweeping the cape over one side. It felt like floating up onto the seat. It was easily the most comfortable thing they'd ever sat in, save only for Mistress’ vines. Daisy stood on their right, Jess on their left. “Good?”


“Yes. Thank you, Mistress,” Princess nodded, and looked out over the crowd for the first time.


They recognized so many.


And they all looked so happy.


Some were excitedly struggling in their owner's vines, a few overcome with joy to the point of tears, but the majority were smiling, waving as they nuzzled into their Affini, or from their vines. Because of them. Because they brought them here.


If only we could have saved more, but we did pretty good.


Princess gave Mr Bear a squeeze, fighting back tears of bittersweet joy. It was like Miss Nele was always saying, there's no use focusing on what-ifs. It was now that mattered. And ‘now?’ Now was perfect.


“I give you your princess!” Mistress motioned towards them with a flourish, the music swelling one last time.


The crowd gave a bow in unison, pausing for one beautiful moment wherein Princess was truly their namesake.


And Mistress made one final announcement. “Let the celebration begin!”


They erupted into cheers shortly after, petals rained from the ceiling like confetti. Side doors burst open to reveal catered dishes and tables. Daisy leapt onto Princess, over their cape, hugging them tightly. Jess wrapped an arm around both of them, squeezing them to her side, and the two Affini picked up the giggling girls, lavishing them with overdue praise and attention.






Princess mingled with the crowds while Mistress doted on them. She had changed them back into the more practical dress, and held onto their raiments, outside of Mr Bear. The orchestra had gone through nearly a dozen songs, each one upbeat. Whether anyone was dancing was hard to tell through the crowds of former crewmates constantly surrounding them.


Each one congratulated Princess, thanking them for bringing them to their new owners one after another. Some weeping tears of joy. Princess could hardly keep them all straight, but it was nice to know they were far from the only sophont who had been unrealized. Some even took on entirely new species, and two were moving away from organic life entirely, one of which seemed to know Jess. She got very flustered when the maid offered an in-person session, citing something about cortical implant avatar limitations.


For the most part, Princess was just riding the literal post-coronation high. Mistress was already ramping them up, and it made all the constant petting sooo much better. Every Affini wanted to tell them how precious they were, and back that up with action. If it weren't for Mistress keeping them together and the Affini to one at a time, they would have been pet into a stupor. Captain Flint nearly did anyways, espousing how well Mistress did with training them. It took several minutes for Her to retrieve them from xer brambles.


“P’incess!” A familiar voice cried, slightly slurred. They looked to the newest well-wisher to see elle. She was accompanied by a large Xenrani, their fingers in her mouth. Miss Parmenia and an Affini they didn't recognize stood behind the couple. elle’s unfocused eyes stared blankly ahead, blind, which wasn't Princess’ fault. “It sounded so fun! Mist’ess, uhm, desc’ibed the looky parts to us.”


It's nice that they let her have clothes this time.


“It's good to see you elle, and you too, Miss Parmenia.” Princess threw their arms around the floret. she was happy, and that was all that really mattered. They turned to the other two, giving a curtsy. “We don't believe we've met? Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus, she/they. It is a pleasure to meet you.”


“Daisy Dawnbloom, first floret, she/her!”


“Jess Verdun, second floret, she/her.”


The fox stepped closer, somehow smelling like lavender and a gym locker at the same time. “Victoria Cynoxia, third floret, she/her, and this is my owner, Noct Cynoxia, seventh bloom, She/Ver.”


“The pleasure is all mine, cutie~” Miss Cynoxia reached down and—gosh that felt so good. Thoughts turned into little bursts of pleasure, like bubbles popping. “It's not everyday I get to meet such exceptionally cute florets~”


“Nn, Mistress, can elle have her gag now, p’ease? Did talking. Don' want more talking, thank yoo.”


“Little one, you just started.” Miss Parmenia sighed, playing with elle's hair, “I'm sorry, I’m afraid I spoil her too much. It's so hard to be firm with such a cutie.”


Princess smiled. “It's alright, we're a little busy with everyone right now anyways. elle can just visit later!”


Please bring elle over later,” Daisy added.


Victoria laughed, playing her fingers into elle’s throat. Princess could see her cage dripping onto the floor. “Yeah, she captured my heart with that mouth of hers too.”


Miss Parmenia softened at that. “elle, why don't you and Victoria go play together? There's some nice benches over by the walls you can use, and you can have your gag after.”


“Yah!! Luv you, Mistress!” With that, the group departed, and for the first time since the party started, another Affini didn't immediately take their place.


“You should ask elle for pointers next time, Princess.”


“Daisy, we don't think she could convey them in any meaningful manner, assuming she even understood what we were asking.”


“Ehhh, I don't think she's that far gone. Like, she's definitely fried, but she can probably find some good words s’long as it's about oral.”


Jess grabbed Princess by the jaw, pinning their tongue with her thumb. A maneuver that never failed to make their heart turn to molten glass in their nethers. “I think it would be better if we simply continued Milady's training. She may never measure up to a specialist, but I think we can get her close.”


Please please please please please—


“Hello, Princess,” an unfamiliar Affini voice interrupted. Jess released them, clapping her hands in excitement. Princess turned to greet them—they were tall, colored with dusky greens and bright violets, covered in spiky leaves and wearing a hat that looked like A cross between a witch’s and a medieval hunter's.


More notable was the naked fox...girl(?), failing to hide behind them. She—assuming she was a she—looked older than most florets they'd met, muzzled, arms bound behind her, and she looked angry happy. No, that wasn't it, was it? Happy people didn't snarl, did they? Her tail was poofy and flicking side to side, her ears laid back.


“Mx Amaryllis!” Jess exclaimed, latching onto the stranger who greeted her with open vines. “It's so goooOOOO—bxlhsxxkgsjfskgsxh!”


“It's good to see you again, too, little one. I hear the chassis has been working out wonderfully.”


Mistress gave the newcomer a hug. Princess could feel Her joy bubbling up. “I'm so glad you made it, Viola! I was worried that after the incident—”


Mx Amaryllis laughed, “Oh, the little one is going to have to try much harder than that to escape me for long.”


Princess pouted, an Affini they never met knowing their name was one thing, but Jess and Mistress missed them? They looked to Daisy, who thankfully just shrugged. At least they weren't the only ones out of the loop. “Uhm, apologies Mx Amaryllis, we don't believe we’ve met before?”


The Affini’s attention returned to Princess, with the same hungry force Mistress often brought to bear. “No, we have not, but I know a lot about you, little one. Viola Amaryllis, ninth bloom, fae/faer. It is an absolute pleasure to finally make your acquaintance in person.” Fae reached down to pet them, and it quickly became clear fae had been talking to Mistress. Fae knew all the best spots—behind their ear, under the chin, the base of their skull. Princess could only moan, thumping their foot as fae continued faer siege.


There was a faint growl, and Mx Amaryllis stopped just as Princess' walls began to crumble. “Ah, my apologies. There's someone I want you to meet, Princess.” Fae dragged the fox girl out from behind faer. “Introduce yourself, pet.”


The foxgirl grit her teeth, but was unable to stop the words. “R-Rowan Ama-Amaryllis, s-seventh floret, it/she.” It looked like it was on the verge of tears as it looked up to its owner. “Permission to speak freely, Huntmaster?” Mistress tensed up behind them.




Rowan whined, cowering. “Sorry Princess, my little fox here is new. She's only been with me for two weeks, and it is still struggling to adjust.”


Oh, that's what's wrong! We can help!


Princess embraced Rowan, as tightly as they dared—if it was that new, it probably wasn’t implanted yet. It thrashed in their arms, but they didn't mind. “It's going to be okay.” They pulled back, giving it the best smile they could. Rowan looked only slightly more confused than scared. “We used to struggle a lot with it too. Someone hurt us really badly a long time ago and we had a hard time getting over it. We were terrified of being property again. But Mistress helped us realize who we are, and we're so happy now! We're sure your owner will make you happy too, if you let faer.”


Rowan broke into sobs, its bushy tail curling around it as it collapsed.


“A-ah, sorry, we didn't—”


Mistress wrapped around Princess, soothing them, Rowan disappearing into its own Affini. “You did nothing wrong, Princess. I'm proud of you.”


All worry evaporated in an instant.






Camila calmed the little one and herself a few moments more, thanking the Everbloom that Princess didn't recognize Rowan. Viola took faer pet home; the meeting had been too much for the cutie to handle. It was core-wrenching to see it so distressed, even knowing who it used to be.


Camila tried to take solace that it ran only one way. She was certain that Princess glimpsing through the veil of the implant was a precursor to a breakdown. Thankfully, her failure to account for the distress its animalistic characteristics showed only resulted in an absolutely precious display. Seeing her try to comfort Rowan nearly had her reblooming on the spot!


Once Viola had left, and Princess had calmed down, she fixed their dress and nudged them back to awareness. There were a few more Affini looking to get their pets in, and arrange for playdates. Former crewmates looking to congratulate and thank her. Other florets eager to share in her joy.


The queue eventually petered out, and her pinnates dragged her off to dance. Or rather, Daisy dragged Princess off, and Jess followed. Her laughter fading under the music was more life-giving than all the waters of the Compact.


Cordelia leaned into Camila, weaving a few vines into her. “Looks like all that planning really paid off~!”


“It did, didn't it?!” Camila turned to face her lover, sparkling in the soft light. “Stars, Cordelia, if you could feel how happy this all made her. I'd do it a thousand times over, just for that.”


“I think if you did even a little more, you would have rebloomed from the stress,” Cordelia prodded her playfully.


Camila tittered, pulling her lover to the side, both rocking to the music. “Honestly, I thought I might when the caterer said they couldn't make it yesterday. Finding someone last minute willing to actually cook for over three hundred Terrans was one of the most anxiety-inducing things I've ever done.”


“For a second I thought you were gonna try to make everything yourself.”


“I might have, if we didn't find Lamprocilla when we did.”


“And I might've had an Affini-tailored drug ready to stop you if you tried.”


Camila laughed. Everything that could go wrong was behind her, and now it felt like she was in microgravity. Princess had her perfect day. The sweeping romantic gesture she deserved. “Thanks for helping me get this all together, I couldn't have done it without your help.”


“Oh, of course! I think I got enough absolutely precious pictures of Daisy out of this to last me the next dozen blooms.” Cordelia’s leaves rustled with excitement as she pulled Camila closer. “Not to mention how happy it made Princess, and you.”


“The tiara was perfect.” Camila pressed her core against her cavity.


You're perfect.” Cordelia mirrored her, their biorhythms whispering into each other from behind their cages. A thousand little I love yous, echoing as they danced.


“Sorry to, ah, interrupt.” Camila recognized hir from earlier; Maven Zantea, second bloom. “There was something I wanted to ask earlier, but my darling dewdrop was still around.”


“Mm, Princess' schedule is pretty full for the next month and a half, but if you don't mind her being regressed, you could bring her over on the 34th.”


“Oh, uh, actually I was hoping for some advice?”


Camila blinked, “Advice?”


“Yes, you see, my dewdrop—Dawson—is legally independent now. He's been living with me for the past month while he figures out what to do, but the way he clings to me...” Biorhythm aside, Camila could tell what Maven was getting at from the way hir vines knotted alone. “I wanted to let him know how happy I could make him as his owner, and this whole thing was rather inspiring. It wouldn't be anything this big, but I was hoping you could help me out?”


Camila perked up, “It would be an honor to!”


“Dearest...” There was an edge in Cordelia's voice that quelled her enthusiasm.


“Er, that is, I'm currently a little exhausted from getting everything together for Princess. Please feel free to message me tomorrow evening and we can talk.”


“I will, thank you!”




“It'll be fine! The only reason I stressed so much about this was because it was Princess. Maven  just wants some ideas, I won't even be doing the planning.”


Cordelia pulled Camila back into herself, “Just try not to push yourself too much.”


“I won't.”


“I'm very glad to hear that.”


Camila gasped, “Acaulescent! And... sorry, I don't think we've met?”


The Affini standing next to the therapist looked up from a pad. “Perennial Inosculata, third bloom, she/her. If you've heard the water of my life talk about her partner, that would be me.” As if to prove her point, she nuzzled into Acaulescent.


“Oh, I should go get Princess, I'm sure she'd love to see you!” Camila pulled away from Cordelia, causing her to grumble. Princess wasn't far, currently dancing with a former crewmate while Daisy enjoyed the food. She seemed somewhat enamored with the man.


“We just came from saying hi to her, actually,” said Acaulescent as Perennial checked her pad again. “She was very happy~ I wanted to see how you were doing, though. Has the stress management been helping?”


“It has,” Camila admitted as Cordelia leaned into her once more. She held her lover’s face to her own. “I've had someone helping me keep them in mind.”


“That's wonderful~!”


“You two are adorable together,” Perennial swooned. “Acaulescent, why didn't you tell me how adorable they were?”


“You know I prefer to keep my clients' affairs as private as possible. It's why a lot of them come to me in the first place.”


“Well now they're our friends. Why don't we try to set up sometime to come over? We can bring Alice and Allison, I'm sure they'd love to play with your pets.”


“That'd be great!” Camila cheered. “It might be a while but we'd love to have you over.”


Acaulescent took Camila’s vines in her own. “We'll be in contact~ Until then, please try to relax for the next few days. I know how much today has been weighing on you, and it takes a while to recover from long-term stress.”


“I plan on it. Thank you for all your help.”


Acaluscent gave a smile and a nod, and left. Perennial, still obsessively checking her pad, followed a half step behind.


“You know, I could help you unwind some more after we put the cuties to bed.” Cordelia teased a vine across Camila's core, “I'd love to do a follow-up lesson today~”


“Mm, unwinding sounds nice, buuut I was thinking maybe you could play my pet tonight.”


Cordelia's eyes widened, “M-me?”


“What can I say? I'm in a rare mood.”


“Did you have something in mind?”


“Mm-hm, a few things.” Camila nestled her head on Cordelia's shoulder, taking in the comfort she offered. “After all the planning today though, I'm thinking we just... do what feels right, and go from there.”






“It has meant everything to us to play for you all this evening, but this next one will be the final song. Thank you for having us.” The conductor announced, to the cheers and awwws of the crowd.


Daisy was among the latter, only to gasp a moment later and grab Princess' hands. “C'mon, we gotta dance together for this one!”


Princess laughed, “Daisy, we've been dancing together for most songs.”


“Pfft, if you can call that dancing.” The music started, slow for the first time since the end of the coronation. Sweeping, rising instrumentals that pulled at Princess’ heartstrings. Daisy wrapped an arm around their waist, and held their free hand about head-height, pulling them close. “And maybe I don't wanna share you with your friends for this one.”


Her smile, the way the light catches her hair, that glimmer in her eye. Gosh, she's so pretty.


“Besides, the last song is always for couples. Well, that or something to really bring the house down, but that's mostly a club thing or, like, metal shows, this is way too shmancy for that. Plus, you n’ your Mistress are the two biggest, sappiest romantics I know, I'm kinda shocked there weren't more songs like this.” Princess just smiled. Even the way she rambled was stunning. “Just follow my lead, alright?”


“Of course.”


We wouldn't dream of anything else.


It was a simple dance, only three steps and a turn, but it felt like floating. The three of them entwined to the soul as they span around and around. “This was a lotta fun, we should do this again sometime.”


“Mm, Mistress loves to spoil us, buuut I think asking for a second coronation might be pushing it.”


“Pfft, no, I meant something big n’ fun like this, like a party or a wedding or something.”




Princess bit their lip, “A wedding might be nice.”


“Huh?!” Daisy's face did that thing where she was thinking at lightspeed. “That wasn't—I didn't mean—oh shit I guess does sound like—I mean, not that I wouldn't, but—aw, fuck it.” Daisy dropped to knee, taking their hand into both of her own. “Princess,” She began, an uncharacteristic blush on her face, “would you marry me?”


Surprise was the first thing Princess felt. Musing about it was one thing, but to suddenly be confronted with it? Realization of what just happened shortly followed—Stars, just when they thought they couldn't possibly love her more!


To think we'd ever get married.


“You dork,” Princess giggled. “Yes, of course! Now get up before someone trips over you!”


Daisy picked up where they left off, leading them around the dancefloor again. “What, you got a monopoly on being a romantic?”


“Clearly not~”


“Hmph, just cuz I love ya doesn't mean I’ll go easy on you during our wedding night.”


“We never expected anything less.”


“Oh?” Daisy leaned in close, whispering in Princess' ear, “Well if you're that eager milady, perhaps we should consummate our betrothal as well?”


Princess felt something pop, nearly stumbling as Daisy turned. “W-we, uhm, that—”


“Ha! Still got it~ That's a yes, then?” Princess nodded. “Niiice.”


“Do you mind if I borrow her for a moment, milord?”


“Jess!” Princess exclaimed, “Where did you go? You’ve been gone for almost an hour.”


Daisy gave them a wink, passing them off to the maid. She didn't miss a step as they glided across the floor, her grip much firmer than Daisy’s had been. “There were some maids who were volunteering to clean up and such, but they were a lit~tle disorganized. Everything is running smoothly now, milady.” Her face shifted between green and purple, antennae high.


“Thank you, Jess. It sounds like you had fun.”


“I did. It's always fun to help my fellow maids find their... discipline.” Jess squeezed their hand. “Not half as much fun as we're going to have, though.”




“Well, I don't want to spoil the surprise, but there's a few things in my dungeon for you and Daisy...”


And the two went between the two, switching dance partners as the song continued. Making plans, whispering words of affection. Until the only words left on any lips were ‘I love you.’ Princess noticed Mistress standing nearby, Miss Dawnbloom cuddled closely, waiting to take them home. The song was winding down. It was almost time.


And as much as Princess wanted this dance to last forever, they couldn't wait for what came next.

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