Doctor Player

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Thus came Raymond’s name among the commoners, especially among the poor.

“Huh? You’ve recovered cleanly? Where did you get that treatment?”

“I was treated at the Penin Treatment Center.”

“Penin Treatment Center?”

“Yes, I went there half-heartedly, and it was treated with a technique called medical technology, not heals. To my surprise, it worked very well. It was even much better than being treated by C-class healers since he is very kind.”

“He is a healer and is very kind?”

The commoners who heard the story opened their eyes wide.

A kind healer. It is as rare as the Red Dragon, which loves swimming. In other words, it can be said that there are few in the world.

As a healer’s grade gets high, the cost of treatment increases, and kindness is inversely proportional to the healer.

“Yes, I’ve never met such a warm healer. He holds my hand tightly saying that I’ll get better while treating it, but didn’t he almost shed tears? Anyway, that’s the first kind of healer I’ve ever met. You should definitely go there.”

Whenever the rumor spread like that, more and more people visited the Penin Treatment Center.

‘Good. Very good. Haha! It’s going to be awesome soon!’

Raymond burst out laughing.


‘Where’s the jackpot?’

Raymond made the interim settlement and sighed heavily.

The number of patients from the commoner’s area has increased.

But then what?

Those who come don’t have money like the people in the slums

‘Aren’t they supposed to have enough money to be able to afford to live in the commoner’s district?’

Unfortunately, the cash-strapped commoners would not seek medical treatment in Raymond’s Treatment Center.

They tried to get treatment with heals even at a high cost of treatment.

This is because he took the lead in compulsory training for new healers and gained a lot of reputation, but he still lacked to break prejudice.

Therefore, the only commoner who visited him were those in need who could not be treated with heals.

Thanks to that, Raymond was only increasing his debt as before.

‘Sobbing. How much do I owe now? At this rate, I’m really going to be kidnapped by the Devil Rons.’

Raymond shivered.

Instead of paying it off, his debt was growing even more.

‘I haven’t had any special calls yet, but that made me more anxious.’

‘Why are those reputedly vicious guys standing still?’

‘It’s weird. Even if I asked them for an additional loan, they lent it to me without saying anything. There is no dunning at all.’

It was to the point where he wondered if it was not the Devil Ron but the Angel Ron.

Raymond, of course, was not naively relieved.

‘It could be a ploy to gain more weight before eating it. Ugh. At this rate, I will become their slave.’

There was only one way to solve all of this.

It is to refuse treatment to those who cannot pay for it.

This was nothing to be blamed for.

‘Shouldn’t we at least get the minimal amount of the herbal cost?’

‘How expensive are herbs? How can I dig and do business? Now, no matter how bad the situation is, there’s nothing to give away. It’ll make a little profit.’

But Raymond sighed.

Even if I made this promise, it was not easy to turn them away when the patient was stricken in pain.

‘……let’s leave this as a last resort. It’s not that there’s no other way.’ 

Another way.

It was simple.

‘Let a commoner with enough money come to visit you!’

‘So when you make money, it will solve everything!’

Raymond’s emerald eyes glistened with longing.

‘To do so, I must gain more fame. The fame that even ordinary people with money come to visit!’ 

Of course, building fame would come step by step.

‘Every time I treat a commoner, word of mouth is spreading little by little.’

But Raymond wanted a bigger shot than that.

‘At this rate, it would be faster for me to be kidnapped as a slave than for my fame to build. We need to find another way! A way to make a big name at once.’

He pondered hard on the way.

‘I needed a big event to spread our reputation at once.’

‘What can I do?’


Meanwhile, Baron Canton, the No. 1 contributor to the incident, was lying in bed and venting his anger.

‘Oh, damn it!’

Rather than being eliminated, he did only good things for him.

He felt like he was going to get a hole in my stomach.

‘I can’t go on like this.’

Baron Canton gritted his teeth.

‘I’ve got to step on him completely before he can climb higher.’

Then, a middle-aged man with a sharp impression next to him asked.

“What do you want me to do with him, sir?”

It was Pierre, Baron Canton’s right-hand man.

Pierre was not a healer.

He had other abilities than healing powers.

So, he was a hound in charge of Baron Canton’s dirty work.

“I don’t think we should wait and see. We must bring down the Penin Treatment Center before the commoners of the Lyme District are further deluded.” He said, calming down his eyes in an eerie.

“Just tell me. I’ll do anything to ruin his Penin Treatment Center at all costs.”

It was a stern tone that seemed to mobilize even the underworld’s bandits from behind.

In fact, he secretly mobilized underworld guilds when he brought down rival healers.

The other healers, who were threatened, were scared and immediately packed up and left the capital.

“There is no way to stand out like that. Even if he is an illegitimate child, he still has royal blood.”

“Yes? But didn’t His Highness, the King, not care about him at all?”

Baron Canton shook his head.

‘It looks like it from the outside, but it’s not quite clear.’

‘I thought about it after seeing him win a series of awards recently.

Of course, he got off because he had done enough to win the prize, but does King Oden really consider Raymond an abandoned child?

No one knows what the king is thinking.

Maybe he’s feeling pity.

‘Just in case, it’s better to avoid getting caught.’

Therefore, he had to be brought down in a “just” way that no one could say anything about.

‘Of course, there are many ways to do that.’

Baron Canton is a master of all kinds of petty tricks.

There were so many ways to bring down Raymond’s thunder.

“Send a patient who can never be treated to his treatment center.”


‘That would be nice.’

“And spread rumors that he killed the patient by giving the wrong treatment. It would be good to mobilize the newspapers so that everyone knows.”

Pierre understood Baron Canton’s meaning and smiled meanly at him.

“It will be in the newspaper, huh? We will mobilize professional agitators to make him a world-class quack who kills people and make him collapse. If this is the case, it would be good to bribe the judge into killing a person with a sham treatment.”

The two faced each other and laughed hard.

It was a simple but inescapable trap.

In a few days, Raymond will be a con man.

“The key to this plan is to quickly spread rumors everywhere. So that everyone in the commoner’s district knows his fault.”

“I am well aware of it. Don’t worry.”

Pierre replied reliably, tapping his chest.

“I will spread the word as soon as I send the patient. Everyone in the commoner’s area will know about this.”


A few days later.

A shabby-clad man was running to the Maple Treatment Center with an urgent face.

“Please! Sam! Hang in there!”

In his arms was a small child, drooping.

“Ouch! Ouch!”

It was a cry full of pain.

She had cried so hard that he has no energy at all and his body looks like a limp.

‘Ha, please. Please!’

The child began to cry to death. Then he began to see bloody stools. 

‘If I could have come a little sooner, the child’s condition would not have deteriorated this much.’ Joseph, the father of the child, clenched his teeth.

It was because of the money that he couldn’t come straight to the treatment center. Poor Joseph had no money saved, and somehow the day was delayed to raise money so they can pay up.

Meanwhile, the child’s condition deteriorated helplessly.

‘Please. Heaven. If you let this child live, I will do good things for the rest of my life. So, please!’

As soon as finishing his prayer desperately, they arrived at Maple Treatment Center.

“Please treat this child!”

A high fence.

A beautifully decorated garden.

The receptionist greeted him first at the main gate of the treatment center, which is like the noble’s mansion.


The receptionist checked the child’s condition.

His breathing seemed unusual.

Of course, healing it with a grade D is impossible. Class C would seem to have difficulty into healing it too.

It was a serious condition that required a healer of at least level B or higher.

“Our grade B healer’s heal is at least 500 pence. Do you have the money?”

Five hundred.

Joseph flinched at the huge sum.

His entire fortune was only a little over 200 pence.

“Well, such an amount…….”

“That won’t work. I’m sorry.”

The receptionist spoke in a businesslike voice.

“Well, please! It’s not enough, but I’ll give you all the money I have!”

“But there’s nothing we can do if you don’t have enough for the medical expenses.”

“Well, then please tell Princess Christine at least!”

The receptionist stopped abruptly.

Princess Christine!

She was from the royal family. The person who became a healer with a noble bloodline who always thinks about her patients first.

She was the best therapist at the Maple Treatment Center, and she was often not paid for treatment by those in poor circumstances.

‘She might treat this child with no strings attached.’

Unfortunately for Joseph, Princess Christine was not at the treatment center due to family matters.

Then, a shrill voice interrupted.

It was Pierre, Baron Canton’s filthy hound!

“The princess is not here now. It is because she is busy with something.”


“I’ll recommend another healer instead.”

The corner of Pierre’s mouth lifted sinisterly. No wonder it was a mean-looking smile.

“The Baron Penin’s treatment center. He’s been famous recently.”


“Let’s go to the Penin treatment center in the Bay Area. Baron Penin, who saved many people with his ancient secret arts, might be able to save this child.”

Joseph headed straight to the Penin Clinic, and the receptionist gave Pierre a questionable look.

“Why did you recommend Penin treatment center? It is not a patient who can be treated with pseudo-miscellaneous surgery. I’m sure that child will die.”

“I was sent for that.”


Instead of answering, Pierre only smirked.

‘I’m going to have to spread the rumor.’

‘Looking at the child’s condition, I don’t think he can make it through today.’

‘I’ll spread the rumor right now and make it impossible to get rid of it.’

‘I’ll contact the newspaper, and I’ll mobilize the wind catchers as well.’

The title of the article “The Fraudulent Baron Penin Kills a Child with Botched Treatment!’ would be appropriate.

Pierre thought triumphantly.

‘Now that guy is over.’

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