Doctor Player

Chapter 486

Doctor Player Chapter 486 - Anecdotal 34

‘You can enjoy rich movies only if you live healthy. I will not.'

Thinking so, the moment he was about to stand up, Duke Fradin, the representative of the 2 Magic Tower, spoke.

“Well everyone, calm down. Wouldn't it be difficult for Your Majesty to do such a dangerous thing, even if you were a great born mage?”

Finally, normal speech came out.

Raymond was about to nod his head eagerly, but Duke Fradin added these words.

“I wanted to finally have the owner of the bounty that the previous generation's wives' tower lord put on, but all of a sudden, the born mage of this generation is the emperor's majesty. I have no choice but to keep the bounty in the Mage Tower until the next born mage appears.”

“If it’s a bounty… … ?”

Raymond was curious and asked.

So, this was just curious.

No matter how much gold worshiper Raymond is, hunting the devil for bounty... …

“About 50 million pence.”

“… … !”

Raymond's eyes widened.

‘crazy. What kind of bounty is that big?'

Duke Fradin sighed and explained.

“The previous representative was the best Enchanter High Meister of the time. He thought that sealing the demon king without killing him was a lifelong regret, and he put all of the profits from the magical tools he had developed throughout his life as a bounty. With the hope that someday a congenital wizard will appear and punish the demon king.”

“… … .”

Raymond swallowed.

‘No wait. It's a different story.'

The most important belief to him is safety first, but if the amount increases like this, the priority could change.

‘If I treat the king with 50 million pennies as a reward for defeating the demon king, Rose will receive 30 million pennies and, depending on the wager, the king's property will also be mine... … How much money can I make with this job?'

In particular, the reward from the Mage Tower was a reward given to Raymond personally, unlike Rose's suggestion.

Raymond's eyes went round and round.

My mind was confused.

‘If this is enough, it's a life reversal in one shot.'

Reversal of life! super rich!

I suddenly felt that the risk was worth taking.

‘But is it possible for me to defeat the demon lord?'

Raymond decided to check it out first.

If there is no odds, it will be like going to the goal of life, not reversing life.

“What exactly is the Demon King now?”

Duke Fradin made a surprised face.

“Does His Majesty really intend to defeat the demon lord?”

“… … Because it is necessary for the people of the continent.”

“You're the emperor, but you're trying to punish the demon king for someone else! It is also a great light. Now I understand that the rumors I've heard about Your Majesty have actually been reduced.”

“… … Please tell us about the current state of the Demon King.”

Duke Fradin nodded.

“Originally, it is said that the Demon King was an incredibly powerful being. It is said that even after being attacked by the best superhumans in the Iron Empire at the time, he was rather overwhelmed. I know the Demon King as one of the top rulers among the rulers of chaos in the outer continent of Jormund.”

At that time, the people who went out to subdue the demon king were said to be the strongest sword masters and arch mages in the iron empire at the time.

Raymond felt that his motivation was rapidly waning.

‘… … What is life reversal on my subject. My bowl might just be suitable for an emperor of poverty.'

However, Duke Fradin told me a very hopeful story.

“But that is the story of the heyday. Compared to his heyday, the Demon King is in a much weaker state now, so he can't even exert half of his strength at that time.”

“Is that true?”

“Because the seal of your magic tower is blocking the demon king's unique ability. I don't know if he gets out of the seal, but I know that the demon king can only exert the power of an SS-class monster.”

Raymond took on a color.

SS-class monster.

It was a monster of a great level.

It's because it's a monster with power similar to that of a double sword or superhuman.

However, Raymond, who had gone through a huge level over the past two years, had more power than that.

‘That's good enough. After all, life is aiming for one shot! let's go! Reversal of life! super rich! Now I am the golden emperor!'

In Raymond's mind, a picture of himself enjoying wealth and glory was pictured in the golden mountain. Just imagining it made me happy.

“Please guide the demon lord. I need to deal with it right now.”

Raymond rose from his seat with a determined face.

The dream of being super rich is not far away.

* * *

The Demon King was sealed in the deepest basement of the 2nd Magic Tower.

Duke Fradin guided Raymond and his party and explained about the Demon King.

“The Demon King sealed here is the ‘Demon King of Greed'. He is the demon king who was born as the embodiment of human greed.”

Duke Fradin explained that there are more demon kings who symbolize other sins in the outer continent of Jormund.

“The demon king of greed is said to be a particularly powerful demon king among many demon kings.”

Duke Fradin said.

“Because greed is a sin from which humans can never escape.”

Raymond agreed.

‘Because I'm also the incarnation of greed.'

“By the way, what is the Demon King’s unique ability?”

“It is a mental ability. In fact, it is said that the demon king's physical ability itself is not strong. Like I said, it's only an SS-class monster. Instead, the Demon King of Greed shakes the opponent's greed and deals a direct blow to the mind.”

Duke Fradin said as if he was afraid.

“At the time, many people were said to have been devastated by the power of the demon king of greed. There is no one without greed, so no one could be free from the power of the demon king of greed.”

Raymond swallowed.

‘Isn't this dangerous for me too? I'm very greedy, so I'm no different from being a food for the demon king of greed.'

Duke Fradin said as if to be relieved.

“Still, His Majesty will be fine. Because His Majesty is the noblest saint in history and has no greed in his heart.”

“… … that's actually... … .”

“Above all, the ability of the Demon King of Greed is sealed, so you don't have to worry. A huge amount of Akane's Stone was used to seal the demon lord's power.”

While talking like that, we arrived at the end of the basement.

Seeing the huge iron gate, Raymond swallowed.

Countless Akane's stones were embedded in the door, and a complex magic circle was engraved.

“Is this place?”

“Do you want to go in now?”

Raymond hesitated.

When I tried to enter, I was reluctant.

‘Don't be afraid. If it's the strength of an SS-class monster, it's a level I can deal with.'

I tried to think so, but I was scared because I was a coward by nature.

A trio of sweet potatoes amplified his anxiety.

“Your Majesty! I need to supplement this swordsman. If something goes wrong with His Majesty, what will he do with this disloyalty! What are you doing?!”

“Your Majesty, be safe!”

“Meow meow!”

The disciples also had a serious complexion.

Christine closed her eyes as if in prayer. Linden had a beef lunch prepared for Raymond in one hand with a spleen face.

It was a look that even Hanson was worried about. He spoke in a strong voice, as if to dispel his anxiety.

“Don't worry everyone. No matter how dangerous the opponent is, His Majesty will perform another miracle!”

‘It makes me more worried when you say that!'

Raymond shouted into Barak.

‘I'm worried, but no one stops me!'

Raymond let out a sigh. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

Everyone was just making a mess.

‘Ugh what? Is there any way to safely defeat it?'

If you succeed, your life is reversed, but you cannot back down.

Raymond wondered if there was a way to get rid of the demon king in the least dangerous way.

‘for a moment. You don't have to fight fair and win.'

A trick flashed into Raymond's mind.

‘I'm cheating.'

Trick the Demon King!

It's a crazy idea, but for some reason it seemed possible.

There was one good way.

“How is the Demon King living in this place?”

“yes? What about life?”

“It means eating food or such physiological activity.”

“well? We do not provide special food on our side. Anyway, since demons are mental, we know that they can survive without food. They say you can survive by converting human thoughts into energy.”


Raymond nodded and spoke to Linden.

“Bring the linden beef.”

“yes? Did you bring a packed lunch for His Majesty?”

“No more. And with a grill to grill the meat.”

“… … ?”

The group tilted their heads.

but only one.

Hanson sighed in astonishment.

“A truly great majesty. You’re trying to target the weak side of the demon king.”

“That's right. There is no way that the demon king who has been starving for over 30 years can withstand the temptation of beef. Moreover, because he is the Demon King of Greed. You must have a strong appetite.”

Christine, who overheard their conversation, opened her mouth.

“Sure, Your Majesty? Are you trying to seduce the Demon King with beef?”

“Yes, it will definitely work. Because there is no one in this world who doesn’t like beef.”

Christine and Linden pursed their lips.

‘What kind of nonsense is that!'

… … But whether they did or not, Raymond and Hanson prepared well.

I brought a bunch of beef from the Vampire Joiner and started grilling it.

For reference, Hanson was in charge of cooking.

When Hanson, one of the most outstanding beef cooks in the Crusader Empire, started cooking, the crazy, fantastic smell began to spread.

‘Hmm, Hanson's beef cooking skills are the best. I want to eat right now. Hanson's beef is delicious both undercooked and fully cooked.'

Raymond's mouth watered.

But before eating, there was something to be done.

‘Summon the Spirit!'

[What's going on? The smell of beef?!]

[The smell of beef!]

The wind spirits rolled their eyes at the sweet smell of beef.

“Wait a minute, this is not the smell I prepared for you.”


“Can you pass this smell of beef through the crack in that door?”

It is sealed with a magic circle, but it does not mean that there are no fine gaps.

Originally, it's a small gap that the smell can't pass through, but if the wind spirit helps, the story changes.

[Yes, of course you can! Instead, we should let them smell the beef too!]

The wind spirits were excited and carried the smell of beef through the door.

The group watched it with nervous faces.

“Will Demon King really react to the smell of beef?”

Linden asked with an expression that the world is a joke, and Christine made a puzzled face.

“… … well. won't it? No matter what His Majesty did.”

Christine believes in everything Raymond does, but the one thing she can't agree on is beef fanaticism.

Doesn't it make sense for the demon king to be shaken by the smell of beef?

… … That was the moment Christine thought.

[These guys… … !]

A loud cry rang out.

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