Doctor Player

Chapter 484

Doctor Player Chapter 484 - Gaiden 32

“The King's wings were cut off?”

“Yes, it is.”

While examining the King's condition, Raymond discovered a surprising fact.

All of the wings on the back of the King Seong had been cut off.

In place of the six wings, only ugly scars remained.

‘It's probably the work of the person who planted the curse on the King's heart.'

Rose tapped her elbow with her fingers and said,

“I don’t feel good. It seems that something big is happening in the outer continent of Jormund that we don't know about. Maybe it will cause a great disaster on the continent.”

“… … .”

“To find out what's going on, we must save the King Seong.”

Raymond agreed.

The problem was how.

‘There is absolutely no way.'

Then Rose said something unexpected.

“Emperor Raymond.”

It was a different title than usual.

“… … yes?”

“I, Rosetail, the emperor of the Iron Empire, make a formal request to you. Please spare the King's life.”

At the words that followed, Raymond's eyes widened.

“This is an official request in the name of the Iron Empire. If the King is saved, we will pay 30 million penas to the Crusader Empire.”

“… … !”

Thirty million penas!

Raymond's heart raced.

“Is it real?”

“Yes, it is my feeling, but this incident may be a disaster that will shake the entire Iron Empire. We have to save the king, but we can get a clue to solve the disaster, so it would be right to pay the right price.”

Raymond couldn't come to his senses at the huge price offered by Rose.

However, Raymond soon realized the blind spot in Rose's offer of compensation.

‘for a moment. But paying the crusader empire? Aren't you giving it to me?'

Pay to the Crusade Empire, not Raymond.

This meant something completely different.

“I… … that… … Is it not okay to give it to me personally rather than from the crusading empire? Personally, there is something I want to do in secret.”


Rose tilted her head.

“Then the payment amount will be significantly less. Is that okay?”

“… … !”

“Our iron empire is legally set to not pay more than a certain amount for simply treating patients, so I, the emperor, can’t break that.”

Raymond understood.

Regardless of the circumstances behind the scenes, receiving 30 million pence for treating a single patient was excessive compensation, even in Raymond's opinion.

‘still… … still… … I want to... … 30 million pesos... … .'

Rose said with a soft smile.

“The offer to pay 30 million pesos is possible because we decided to do the work as a state-to-state commission. In other words, it is an expedient.”

Raymond couldn't help but nodded.

“All right. I will.”

‘It doesn't matter. Even if you receive money from the national treasury, you can embezzle it. Because there is a way.'

he is emperor

So, it was possible to siphon money from the national treasury into other pockets.

‘I'm going to make the poor people full with 30 million pena so that when they're sick, they go to the Penin Treatment Center and squander their property. There are many businesses that can be done with 30 million pennies.'

A method of embezzlement flashed into Raymond's mind.

Seeing Raymond like that, Rose sent a strange look.

“Are you thinking of ways to serve others?”


“If you see it, you know it all. Because your eyes are always shining with a heart for others.”

“… … .”

Raymond made an awkward expression.

“Anyway, I'll beg you to save the King. I don't feel good. It looks like a big dark cloud is coming that we don’t know about.”

Rose looked out the window.

The panoramic view of the ecliptic was spread out.

“I hope this peace is not broken. Even for my personal greed.”

“What if you are greedy?”

“Greed for customers?”

“What is that?”

“What kind of greed do you think it is?”


Rose smiled softly.

It was a deep, alluring smile.

Raymond swallowed. My heart was pounding.

Fortunately (?) Rose calmly withdrew because of the situation.


Left alone, Raymond sighed.

Was it because the eyes Rose left behind were so dark? heart was still beating.

‘… … Is it because of fear? Because Rose is scary. No, but it feels strange for something like that. Why does your face look hot? Is it hyperthyroidism?'

In fact, now Raymond knew roughly how he felt.

However, Raymond, a maternal soloist and gold all-rounder, felt awkward about his feelings for Rose.

‘I can't believe there is a person who feels the agitation of emotions, not money. I thought money was all I needed in life.'

Raymond shook his head and cleared his mind.

‘Anyway, this isn't important right now. A disaster?'

Raymond agreed with Rose.

Seeing the King Seong become like that, it was clear that the Seongguk had already fallen into the hands of an unknown mastermind.

‘Probably one of the rulers of chaos in Jormund. It must be aiming for the continent.'

It was clear from the recent events in the Iron Empire.

‘You have to stop it. I will never let you do that.'

When disaster strikes, he, the emperor, perishes.

‘Let's save the King. That's why you prevent disaster and make money. As long as I can heal the king, I'm a super rich man.'

If you cure the king, you can get a clue to stop the disaster, as well as get the money Rose promised.

‘And the property of the Holy King will also be mine. ‘Cause I bet so Hehe.'

Raymond's mouth watered at the enormous reward that awaited him.

I got excited and my head started spinning rapidly.

‘There is only one way to save the King. I have to get the heart functioning back.'

However, the King Seong's heart was already irreversibly damaged.

Then I had to come up with another way.

‘I need a new heart transplant. somehow.'

It's a method that I thought about before but gave up.

It was unreasonable to transplant a new heart due to various limitations.

But I had to.


Raymond pondered how.

It is not possible to transplant the heart of another Elyos. The problem of immunosuppression cannot be solved, and it is also a problem to obtain the hearts of other Elyos.

Elbard magic tools are also impossible for the reason I thought earlier.

‘Then there is only one way. We need to create an artificial heart.'

artificial heart!

It wasn't a magic tool.

Synthetic chimera means to create a real living organ by combining biomagic and medical knowledge.

The advantage of this artificial organ is that there is no immune rejection reaction while moving like a real organ.

‘But how?'

Raymond immediately ran into trouble.

The reason why the development of artificial kidneys was successful was because there was an eccentric biological wizard who had delved into the related field.

Raymond asked Rayna if there was a biomage who specialized in the heart.

“As far as I know, no. There are very few wizards who specialize in a specific organ, unless they are geeks who are obsessed with that field in the first place.”

Raymond was disappointed.

If there were no biomagician specializing in the heart field, it would be impossible to create an artificial heart in a short period of time.

‘That's why you can't develop artificial organs leisurely while doing years and years. Enduring with ECMO also has a time limit. What should I do?'

While Raymond was thinking about it, Raina told an unexpected story.

“Well, by the way, it’s not among the people I know, but maybe there are other magic towers.”

“yes? What if it's another magic tower?”

Lina stuck her finger out the window.


A high tower rose on the outskirts of the ecliptic.

2nd Mage Tower.

In other words, it was the magic tower of the Iron Empire.

* * *

There are two magic towers on the continent.

1st and 2nd mage towers.

The 1st Mage Tower was the Mage Tower of the Crusader Alliance Empire.

Originally, this 1 Magic Tower was the only Magic Tower. The Mage Tower of the Iron Empire had the same personality as a sub-branch of the 1st Mage Tower.

However, as time passed, the size of the Iron Empire's Mage Tower grew, and it came to stand shoulder to shoulder with the 1st Mage Tower.

It is now called the 2nd Mage Tower and has become an independent organization from the 1st Mage Tower.

“It's not completely separate, though. The representative of the 1st Magic Tower is called the Master of the Magic Tower, and the representative of the 2nd Magic Tower is called the Master of the Demon Tower.”

Raymond nodded.

It was an explanation I had heard before. freewebnσvel.cøm

“By the way, His Majesty is the Preceptor of the Mage Tower. A guide preceptor that guides the magic tower to the path of light. Ah Miracle. His Majesty should have become the owner of the Mage Tower.”

“… … Enough for now.”

“Anyway, if it's His Majesty's request, the 2 Magic Towers will cooperate.”

Raymond thought so too.

Not to mention his position within the Magic Tower, he is an emperor.

Rose, the emperor of the Iron Empire, also ordered cooperation, so he would do anything to help.

Raymond went straight to the 2nd Magic Tower.

I could call the people of the Mage Tower, but I thought it would be better to visit the Mage Tower myself to see if it would be possible to create artificial organs, so I stepped forward.

The Sword Saint announced Raymond's arrival with a booming voice.

“His Majesty Raymond, the Great Light and Salt of the Continent! Open the door right now!”

“… … The door is already open Swordsman. There are a lot of people waiting for you.”

“Oh, I see. Thinking that I should let the magicians know about His Majesty's name, the Sword Saint yelled at me first.”

At the words of the swordsman, laughter was heard among the wizards.

It was a long, long-haired man.

He was a great handsome man with a calm impression.

“you are?”

“Oh sorry. I accidentally laughed at the words of the Sword Master. The dwarf is said to be Duke Fradin, an incompetent magician. Greetings to the Emperor of the Great Light and Poverty of the Crusader Empire.”

The man, Duke Fradin, showed his respect in a moderation manner.

Raymond made a surprised face.

‘Birthman tower lord! Aren't you young?'

Of course, I expected a gray-haired grandfather or grandmother, but it was a lively young man.

Then Rina whispered in my ear.

“Don’t be fooled. It's just that he's acting like that with magic, and he's as old as the Mage Tower Lord. Even at that age, I can’t tell when I’m wearing it and when I’m not wearing it, and I’m dressed like that to flirt with the ladies at the banquet hall.”

“… … Sir Rina, I can hear you all.”

“joy. That's how you should have behaved normally.”

Duke Fradin cleared his throat with a face that said he had nothing to say. Raina turned her gaze to the cold wind on her face.

It seemed like there was a bad relationship from the beginning.

‘Did you flirt with Lady Laina at the banquet hall?'

It seemed like something of that kind.

Anyway, that didn't matter now.

“Please come inside.”

Raymond and his party followed the guidance of the owner of the tower and went inside to talk.

“I think you have heard the story from the Rosetail Emperor.”

“Yes, of course. They say they are looking for a wizard who studies the heart.”

Duke Fradin tapped the table with his fingers.

“Unfortunately, even in our 2nd Mage Tower, there is no biological wizard Your Majesty is looking for. It's not that there aren't any mages who study the heart, but the level isn't high.”


Raymond's face was stained with disappointment.

However, the swordsman next to him said in a fit of anger.

“this guy! Then why did His Majesty have to step forward directly?! Didn't the great light and salt, His Majesty of Poverty, waste his time because of you!”

Raymond was also puzzled.

‘I wish I had told you not to come from the beginning if it wasn't there.'

Raymond didn't visit the magic tower blindly.

In order to save the king, he asked if there was a living magician specializing in studying the heart, and he visited.

But if you're going to give me an answer like this, wouldn't it be better if you told me not to come in the first place?

“Well, I said it in a misunderstood way. I'm sorry. There is no biomage that specializes in studying the heart, but there is a method that can help you heal Your Highness the Holy King.”

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