Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 8 - Hot Messages

Chapter 8: Hot Messages

Translator: Wu Xinyu

Proofread by May Zou


“People are really strange these days. The one who’s not sick pretends to be sick, as a result, she came down with an illness.”

Lin Qi called to mind what happened to Su Ming-yue. He shook his head, feeling amused, then returned to the school dormitory in the moonlight.

The school dormitory that charged eight hundred yuan for one semester originally accommodated four students. But the other three were Jinhai natives. Usually there was only Lin Qi alone in the dorm.

However, Lin Qi lived a rather hard life. All his money had been paid for tuition, so he could only afford to pay half of the residence fee. Now half of the semester had gone, if he could not make up for the rest half, the college Student Affairs Office might ask him to move out.

After taking a long bath, Lin Qi thought tomorrow morning he should get up earlier to find the head teacher and asked him to assign another hospital for his internship so that he could get some money to make up for the rest residence fee. He took out his cellphone, only to find that there were several text messages sent by Jiang Ruo-qing.


“Why don’t you text me back?”

“Do you still want my pictures?”

“Don’t forget to reply when you see my message.”

Four successive messages were enough to show Jiang Ruo-qing’s passion. Lin Qi took a deep breath. He could not help feeling excited about the messages due to the lonely night in the dorm. He hurriedly replied, “I only want THAT kind of pictures, Beauty.”

Lin Qi felt himself getting more and more impudent. But thinking of Jiang Ruo-qing’s shy look and the virgin fragrance on her body, he was pretty sure that the girl was still unsullied.

Now that she wore a lofty and icy look outwardly, Lin Qi must see how spicy she would be in her heart.

Within seconds, Jiang Ruo-qing replied, “What took you such a long time to answer me. I almost fell asleep.”

“I just got something unexpected. But now I want to have a look at your upper body, if you do not satisfy me, there will be no more talking.” Lin Qi pretended to be angry and stared unblinkingly at the screen.

But she did not reply for quite a long while.

Lin Qi thought that she might feel his request was unacceptable. But to Lin Qi’s surprise, she replied in ten minutes, “All right. But you must chat with me. I was so mad today!”

Lin Qi was wild with joy. Hurriedly he put on a soothing tone, “What’s the matter, my beauty?”

“There’s a guy called Lin Qi in our hospital. Today, he would go so far as to have me kiss him!” Jiang Ruo-qing seemed to feel deeply wronged..

Lin Qi could not help chuckling. He wondered what she would think of it if she had known that it was Lin Qi himself who was texting her.

Lin Qi replied, pretending to be angry, “Who is Lin Qi? How could he do this to you?”

“He’s a college intern. A patient came to our hospital today and it was he who cured her. But how could he make such outrageous request unexpectedly. That was my first kiss!” Jiang Ruo-qing felt like weeping without tears.

“Your first kiss? Really?” Lin Qi couldn’t believe it.

“That’s true. Didn’t I tell you? I’ve never made a boyfriend so far. In fact it’s my family that doesn’t allow me to.” Jiang Ruo-qing answered indignantly.

Receiving this answer, Lin Qi almost jumped up. He got the first kiss of this icy goddess, so he thought he gained a vast profit today!

Lin Qi thought about it and replied with the question, “Well, that guy, I mean Lin Qi, what do you think of him?”

Jiang Ruo-qing seemed to think over for quite a while before responding, “He, um, is fair-skinned and clean, a sunny boy.You can say he’s a big handsome boy. But, but, I am his superior, how could he disrespect me like this? How irritating!”

Lin Qi became very delighted. He hadn’t expected that Jiang Ruo-qing had a fairly good impression of him in her eyes.

“Ha-ha! Honestly you’ve got profit, haven’t you?” Lin Qi replied, chuckling.

“I’ve got profit? How?”

“Think about it. Anyway, you were going to give away your first kiss sooner or later. And if the guy who got your first kiss were a slovenly and sluttish old man, that would be a real loss for you. Now you have given it to Lin Qi the handsome boy, it means you made profit instead, doesn’t it?”

“You, well, what you said sounds somewhat reasonable. I have nothing to say in reply.”

“Exactly. He has helped you save the patient in your hospital, which protected you from loss. You should not only express your gratitude to him, but also invite him to dinner and shopping. Even it would not be too much for you if you make love with him.” Lin Qi almost burst into laughter. As for this Jiang Ruo-qing, her IQ might be out of service.

“Humph, I wouldn’t consider making love with him. As for dinner, it sounds reasonable. After all, that patient is a big potato.” Jiang Ruo-qing seemed to have thought about it seriously.

“All right, I’m going to bed. Send me your pictures as soon as possible.”

Lin Qi had to get up early tomorrow.

“May I not? I, I just feel very happy to chat with you because I can talk about anything with you.” Jiang Ruo-qing was a little reluctant.

Sometimes, one feels constrained when chatting with someone with whom he is quite familiar, while when chatting with a stranger, although the two know nothing about each other, they can open their heart and talk without scruple.

“If you’re still going on chatting with me, send me your pictures straight away, right now, immediately!” Lin Qi ordered her with an imperative tone, but feeling uneasy.

Having spoken like this, she would either actually send him the pictures, or she wouldn’t chat with him any more.

“Why are you being so aggressive? Why do you act like that guy Lin Qi?”

“If you don’t send your pictures to me, I will blacklist you.”

“No, no, don’t do that. It isn’t easy for me to find someone to chat with. Wait a minute…”

As expected, Jiang Ruo-qing sent an MMS in next to no time.

No kidding, Lin Qi’s mind went blank at the moment. He felt a strong stimulation that almost caused his nose bleeding.

On Lin Qi’s phone screen appeared a siren-like woman who turned out to be a drop-dead gorgeous beauty. The picture had been taken by Jiang Ruo-qing herself at home—she sat on her knees on bed, with a hot skirt on the lower part of her body and her upper body was merely dressed in a bra. Her white skin almost made Lin Qi’s eyes burst out of their sockets. Her perfect figure was unveiled, and in terms of her temperament and her appearance she could perfectly match those superstars.

Lin Qi felt a little short of breath and he couldn’t believe it. Was this the lofty Directress Jiang?

Just at this moment, Jiang Ruo-qing sent an emoji of grievance, “Why don’t you give me a reply? Doesn’t it look good?”

“Good, pretty good.” Lin Qi replied quickly, “Do you have any more? Send me more.”

A smiley emoji was sent, “It’s OK if you think it looks good. I send it only to you. Never tell others about it. What’s more, you must chat with me later on, or I’ll get angry with you. Now I’m going to bed.”

“Send me one more.” Being teased by her, Lin Qi got kind of turned on.

“No, I’m too sleepy. Maybe next time…”

It might be true that she was really sleepy. Before they had much to talk about, Jiang Ruo-qing fell asleep.

Lin Qi, however, couldn’t fall asleep till midnight. Being a vigorous young fellow he really could not be stimulated like this. Woke up in the morning, he still felt quite tired.

Fortunately, after Lin Qi practiced Hunyun Zhenqi Pith he felt extremely comfortable all over the body. After washing he went to the office early.

But the dean of students was not in the office today. Another teacher told Lin Qi that the dean had gone to the auditorium.

It turned out that in this semester many students had completed their internship, and now they were submitting their reports one after another.


Lin Qi could only bite the bullet and went to the school auditorium. Seeing those students’ reports had all been stamped with the hospitals’ seals, he felt a little nervous.

Just at this time, a voice suddenly came from behind, “Master Zhou, I’m going to hand in my internship report today. I’m much worried that the dean would not let me pass…”

Lin Qi was slightly stunned, for he was very familiar with the voice. It was the very voice of his ex-girlfriend Li Wan-yun.

Turning his head, as he expected, he saw Li Wan-yun holding the arm of an extravagantly dressed man, getting out of a Ferrari.

“Just set your mind at rest. I’ve long since paid your head teacher off. You can pass even if you hand in a blank sheet. Go ahead and hand in your report. Then let’s go to the Taste Pavilion for lunch.” Master Zhou laughed.

Lin Qi seemed to recall that this Master Zhou, whose name was Zhou Qi, from a family of coal mining business. He was a notorious coxcomb who always changed girlfriend as often as he changed clothes. Lin Qi hadn’t expected that Li Wan-yun would be with him.

Li Wan-yun nodded and walked towards the auditorium. Suddenly she exclaimed, “Lin Qi, why are you here?”

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