Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 839: Hyperion's Awakening

Chapter 839: Hyperion's Awakening

The Blood Moon City is located in the bottomless, twisted and deformed void.

The slender figure turned into an invisible wind, flying back and forth among the scattered ruins of the buildings.

She stepped over the tilted and deformed steps, tiptoed on the ground, and jumped and moved on the rock walls of the building.

"Hyperion, be careful. This is the Chaos Void Zone. The vision of the mechanical courier is very limited. We have lost control of Marquis Ulysses' coordinates now."

Abigail's commanding voice came to her ears.


Hyperion responded briefly and flew forward again.

Now she had to rely almost entirely on Abigail's map to navigate her direction.

In those battlefields, since the enemies were all restrained by the strong men on their side, the mechanical messenger could watch from a safe position.

As for the unguarded high-speed mobile eighth-order unit like the tenth ancestor Marquis Ulysses, the mechanical courier would be destroyed by the enemy if it got a little closer.

The broken walls and rubble of the buildings in the space area where Hyperion was located kept spinning and rising in the bloody abyss. The fragments chased and played with each other in mid-air, sometimes coming together, sometimes separating. The walls and the broken ground were pulled and turned over by a pair of invisible giant hands, which wantonly twisted the original vertical lines into strange curves, and the horizontal planes were forcibly bent into incredible slopes, breaking her deeply rooted laws of space.

The unreasonable gravity turned into an invisible net. Being in it, Hyperion felt like she had stepped into a bizarre space-time tunnel. Every step she took seemed to go against the physical laws of the entire world.

Fortunately, after reaching a higher level, it will be quite convenient to use flying spells. You can use high-speed wind magic or telekinetic magic just by changing the card configuration.

"It's almost four o'clock..."

Hyperion glanced at the time and broke into the endless crimson mist.

The second half of the Cretan National Day celebration began at 3 pm, with the speech by Cretan Emperor Saint Bardo the Great, the appearance of the God of War, and the official implementation of the protection. Then they broke into the city hall and fell here. The battle that has lasted until now has lasted for nearly an hour.

The battle situation is very bad and time is running out.

If they fail to fight successfully within the limited time, then once the blessings of the war gods end, the war gods controlled by Lachar will inevitably attack Blood Moon City, and all their companions will be completely killed.

The urgency of time forced Hyperion to speed up again. The ruins quickly retreated backwards, swaying and flickering in the crimson abyss, turning into illusory afterimages. When Hyperion's speed increased, they were left far behind.

"Abigail, are you okay over there?"

Hyperion's agile figure drew a smooth and powerful arc in the air, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, invincible and cutting through the thick fog of Blood Moon City.

"It's fine for now. The worst situation right now is the Nirvana Temple where Antanas and the others are. Artemis's Fading Temple and Ifatia's Soul Temple are not in good condition either. Toliado was greatly slowed down in the Ice Stasis Temple and can't use teleportation magic at all. He will be immediately controlled and interrupted by Farmer. He can only barely hold Farmer back and prevent him from going to the Fading Temple to kill the Ice Witch quickly."

Abigail talks about the battle.

The battlefield between the Ice Witch and the Withered Bishop is a battle between two nurses. Even if Toliado goes there, he cannot help the Ice Witch kill the Withered Bishop Netochka whose vitality is too strong. But if the Decayed Bishop Farmer goes there, Farmer's damage is enough to cooperate with Netochka to quickly kill the Ice Witch.

"I understand. I will rush to Diyuan Palace as soon as possible."

Hyperion leaped between the crumbling walls, her movements so fast that the mechanical messenger could hardly see how she landed. As she spoke, she dove sideways and glided along the tilted and collapsed wall, narrowly brushing past the inverted spire. She deftly adjusted her direction to avoid the oncoming bricks and stones.

"It will take about ten minutes before you can break through this void of crimson mist and see the lowest ground in the south, the Diyuan Palace."

Abigail's voice of instructions still accompanied Hyperion.

The real difficulty is to rely on Hyperion's characteristics to get rid of the eighth-level summoned blood snake left in the Earth Abyss Palace, and find a way to go around the crystal to grind it down.

Just as Hyperion was galloping in the void of Blood Moon City, she suddenly seemed to sense something unusual. Her body suddenly paused, and her agile and light figure came to an abrupt halt, like a cheetah that smelled danger.

She glanced around sharply, her pupils contracting slightly.


Hyperion quickly adjusted her direction and leapt lightly behind a suspended building, hiding her figure perfectly in the shadow cast by the building.

She leaned against the stone wall, not moving.

After a while.

At the end of the crimson abyss, a tall and slender figure slowly appeared in the sky.

His figure gradually became larger in the blood mist and became clearly visible.

He was a young vampire male, with short, snow-white hair half combed back and the hem of his navy blue dress fluttering behind him.

His red eyes were calm and gentle. At first glance, they seemed non-threatening and even made people feel friendly, like a spring breeze.

Alarm bells rang in Hyperion's heart.

She was keenly aware of a powerful and frightening force coming from far above her. It was an almost instinctive intuition.

Even without sticking her head out to look, Hyperion could guess that it must be the tenth ancestor Ulysses.

She had seen this vampire marquis before in the Demon King's City Nakalis in the Shadow World of the Blood Moon Demon Realm.

As a leader among the vampires, the tenth Marquis Ulysses is so powerful that only a few great demon generals can confront him head-on.


Abigail stopped the communication and remained quiet.

She guessed the situation on Hyperion's side.

Hyperion and Ulysses still collided briefly.

Abigail secretly thanked Hyperion for sensing the danger in time and avoiding Ulysses' sight before she could warn her.

Hyperion held her breath and concentrated, restraining all the magic power in her body to the extreme, even slowing down her breathing to the minimum, for fear of leaking even the slightest breath.


Hyperion is quite confident in her superb concealment ability. She can even completely erase her presence in front of the great demons. Generally speaking, even an eighth-level demon cannot easily discover her whereabouts.

In the distant sky.

Ulises's path of action has subtly changed.

He stopped, tapped the air with the tip of his shoe, slowly turned his head and looked down into the crimson abyss.

The captivating red eyes of the tenth ancestor, Marquis Ulysses, were facing Hyperion's direction through layers of buildings and obstacles.

"If I'm guessing correctly, you are Princess Hyperion?"

Ulysses floated motionlessly in the air, piercing through the intricate void of Blood Moon City and landing directly on Hyperion's bunker.


Hyperion, who originally thought that she could continue to avoid Marquis Ulysses, felt her blood freeze at that moment, and an unprecedented feeling of weightlessness swept over her body.

Hyperion didn't understand why her disguise was seen through by Marquis Ulysses.

Since he could recognize me from such a distance, I was probably already exposed to the Tenth Ancestor's mental induction and had no way to escape.

"My dear lady, why do you have to hide? Why don't you show yourself and let me admire your beauty."

Marquis Ulises stopped where he was, the curve of his mouth becoming more relaxed, as if he was waiting for the girl to show up.

He did not emanate any magical power, he was just politely inviting the other party to come out.

Hyperion leaned against the stone wall, trying to calm herself down, her brain working rapidly, thinking of ways to escape.

After a long time.

She took a deep breath.

After weighing the pros and cons, she emerged from behind the building and looked directly at the Tenth Ancestor Ulysses.

In Hyperion's impression, Ulysses was a vampire with a low tendency to resort to violence, and he also thought highly of himself, sometimes even saying a few words if he didn't think it was urgent.

Being discovered by Ulysses meant that her plan to go to the Diyuan Palace to steal Migaiya had basically failed, and the other party would not be stupid enough to let her go.

But now, if we can delay Ulysses and prevent him from going to other battlefields, it will also be equivalent to achieving the effect of containment.

"Hello, Miss Hyperion, you are even more beautiful than in the photos I saw."

The ancestor of the blood clan that Hyperion was looking at at this moment also noticed Hyperion's gaze and gave her a gentle and polite smile in response.

Unlike other vampire ancestors, he is not dangerous at all, and his existence itself is like a natural work of art.

"What you saw was just a bounty for someone to kill me."

Hyperion sneered.

Ulises didn't rush to catch her, she also adhered to the principle of delaying for as long as possible.

"No, I'm not like them."

The Tenth Ancestor Ulysses looked at Hyperion as if he had already begun to compose a picture.

At this moment, looking towards the void of Blood Moon City, I just happened to capture a good angle—

The night sky behind her was shrouded in a strange mist. The faint light was neither the dimness of the night nor the brightness of the early morning, but the light that belonged uniquely to Blood Moon City.

The contradictory yet harmonious light and shadow render the broken buildings in exquisite detail, and the suspended stone corridor winds and extends until the tall girl stands at the end.

It seemed as if she would never be able to walk out of the Blood Moon City and could only be trapped in the eternal night, with her soul about to fall into it.

"Why on earth can you see me?"

Hyperion subconsciously resisted Ulises' gaze.

Back when she was in the Demon King's Palace, she hated Ulises's paintings.

But the situation at the time did not require hiding, and she did not realize that Ulises had a way to find her so accurately.

"...It is true that you can almost erase your aura and magic power. It is impossible for ordinary eighth-level people to find you."

The tenth ancestor, Marquis Ulises, smiled with interest and came back to his senses from his thoughts.

"But liking someone is a feeling. With inspiration and intuition, I can probably sense that you are nearby."

He explained slowly.


Hyperion felt a chill all over her body when she heard Ulises' words.

This vampire doesn't seem to be joking.

Talia also said that it would be almost impossible to find her using rational factors such as magic and aura.

Then the only thing that can find her is probably some extraordinary emotional factors.

Thinking back carefully, Lanqi always managed to find her inexplicably.

But Lanqi is her plug-in.

And Ulises is her natural enemy.

"Have we met before tens of thousands of years ago?"

Ulises thought for a moment, and seemed to have found in his mind the reason why he liked this girl.

Although it was impossible, the girl in front of him reminded him of the flower that withered before he could control it many years ago.

If she hadn't died, perhaps more than ten years later, he would have set his sights on her when he went to the Demon King's City, Nakaris.

"No, you are overthinking."

Hyperion said firmly, alert and ready to escape at any time.

For her, the best situation at the moment is to waste Ulises' time.

Perhaps Ulysses had seen Miss Witch before she died during the blood moon tens of thousands of years ago. However, at that time, neither Miss Witch nor Lanclos were able to compete with a vampire marquis like Ulysses. At most, they only met her once and then avoided her.

According to Miss Witch's identity as a princess of the demon world, when there was still the "North-South Treaty", if they were in the demon world, Ulysses would not have been able to attack them.

"My lady, let me guess what you are thinking about at this moment."

Ulises observed Hyperion's expression and smiled slightly.
"You want to hold me back so that I won't go to support the Temple of Extinction or the command camp where you secretly stationed in the far west, right?"

He said, reading her mind.

"How about you just move aside and pretend you didn't see me?"

Hyperion knew that Ulysses was a type of opponent like Ranci who was good at psychological warfare, and the more she faced such an enemy, the more she must not show weakness.

Whether Ulysses goes to the Temple of Annihilation or to command the camp, it will be quite fatal.

If Ulysses cuts off the communication under the situation of multiple disadvantages and then comes to support the Temple of Annihilation, all will be over.

Even if Sigrid completed a single breakthrough, it would be completely useless and could not save the overall situation.

“Is it possible that I can take care of all of them?”

Ulysses stood above the vast darkness, raised his hand and cut through the shadow, drops of scarlet blood connected from mid-air to form a totem and burst into entity.

A fusion of darkness and light, it is both the embodiment of art and the forerunner of destruction.

The cry of the red-blooded giant eagle resounded through the sky, its feathers shone with a bloody luster, and the blood-red giant bear's eyes were like two burning brilliant gems, revealing the pressure of the eighth-level blood relative.

The tenth ancestor, Marquis Ulysses, lowered his arms, and the blood eagle flapped its wings and flew high, turning into a blood-red storm lightning, sweeping westward, while the blood bear also turned into a meteorite and rushed towards the direction of the Hall of Extinction.

Hyperion looked at Ulysses' ability with trembling eyes.

As the supreme painter of the vampires, the Tenth Ancestor's power [Blood Creation] can make the products of his pen materialize in a short period of time. He can quickly distribute the power to powerful summons according to the situation, making him a very versatile summoner.

Not only did he leave an eighth-level giant snake in the Diyuan Palace, but now he also had an eighth-level blood eagle and an eighth-level giant bear, which he sent to different directions according to the battle situation.

"It's very simple. I have already sent an eighth-level summon to your camp in the west, and sent another summon to the Temple of Extinction to help Somo Sai Tebi. What if I continue to stay here and chat with you?"

Ulises said leisurely, as if he was drinking afternoon tea.

He was still as polite as ever.

If Hyperion wanted to chat with him for a while longer, there was no reason for him to refuse.

The smile in his eyes seemed to be saying to Hyperion - What are you afraid of? Of course I will do it.

He really enjoyed tempering the other person on a spiritual level.

Even its tears are more beautiful than crystal.


Hyperion dug her nails deep into her palms, using the pain to stay awake.

Even if the eighth-level summons that Ulysses sent out were only at the most basic eighth-level, it would still be a fatal attack on Abigail and Patton on the west side, as well as the three great demons facing the Marquis of Somerset!

"Okay, come closer so I can get a good look at you."

The smile in Marquis Ulises' eyes became more intense.

He slowly approached the girl, and every step he took was like watching a wonderful drama.

At this critical moment, Hyperion made up her mind.

She bent her legs slightly, and the magic power that strengthened her body surged and gathered inside her body, ready to be released. The next second, her figure drew an arc in the air and quickly fled towards the depths of the southern void.

Now all she could do was to continue to restrain Ulysses's body, approach the enemy's crystal, and then think of a way.

Even if Ulysses divided three parts of his strength to the three eighth-level summons of Eagle, Bear and Snake, it would inevitably be weakened a lot. The remaining strength of his body is still at the eighth level. She must not let the highly mobile Ulysses go to other battlefields in person.

"Give up, Miss Hyperion. It is a very happy thing to have hope in your heart, but if hope is shattered, it will be even more desperate."

The tenth ancestor, Marquis Ulises, accelerated methodically, with a hint of loss in his eyes.

"But that's also why destroying you is a noble art in itself. I haven't found a human as great as you in a long time."

He noticed it the first time he saw Hyperion.

This duchess is as pure as falling snow. If life is a journey, she feels despair and loneliness, but she can dispel these emotions. She behaves in a dignified, brave and kind manner. She possesses a beauty that deserves to be held in the palm of her hand. She is an excellent embryo.

If she were to be completely destroyed from soul to body, it would be an incomparable tragedy that would leave him with an unforgettable impact.


West campsite.

The cold wind was howling, and Patton was fighting against the vampire Count outside the camp's barrier.

He wanted to stop the invading vampires and let Abigail continue to build and reinforce the camp.

The Blood Count attacked first, turning into a black lightning and striking Patton in an instant.

The sharp nails gleamed coldly in the moonlight as they fiercely grabbed Patton's throat.

At the critical moment, Patton dodged by ducking, unsheathed his sword, and the tip of the sword drew an arc, pointing directly at the baron's heart.

The baron dodged to the side, his black cloak fluttering, but a cut was made on his chest by the sharp sword.

The furious Earl roared, and his fists turned into two balls of black flames that roared towards Patton.

Patton raised another dagger to block, the blade trembled and sparks flew.

Not far away, Abigail's camp was still under attack.

The sudden turn of events made Abigail's face look grim, with beads of sweat oozing out of her forehead.

The vampire count who was attacking the barrier was fine.

The problem lies with the tenth ancestor, Marquis Ulysses, who has unexpected bishop-level combat power.

"Antanas, be careful over there, there are new eighth-level combat units heading towards you!"

Abigail wasted no time in announcing the matter to her companions.

At this moment, a sharp scream was heard from the sky, and a huge blood-red eagle came rushing from the sky, spreading its wings as wide as the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

It suddenly dived down and headed straight for Patton who was fighting fiercely outside the barrier.

In a flash, Patton slashed at the Blood Eagle with his sword, but the Blood Eagle was more powerful and crashed into Patton regardless, lifting him up and smashing him into a nearby building.

Several buildings connected to the west side of Blood Moon City collapsed, raising huge clouds of dust.

Patton struggled to get up from the ruins, spitting out a mouthful of blood, but still stubbornly holding the dagger tightly.

The Scarlet-Blooded Eagle simply flapped its wings once, bringing up a violent gale that swept away the dust and smoke on the ruins, making bursts of roaring sounds.

The blood eagle circled and swooped down towards Abigail.

On this side of the battlefield, Abigail built a mechanical defense and camp barrier. Countless mechanical parts were suspended in the blue light and assembled to form a solid protective net.

The explosion of metal collision sounded.

When Marquis Ulises's Blood Eagle collided, the light of the barrier splashed everywhere, sparks streaked through the air, and the barrier began to collapse.


The foggy void south of Bloodmoon City.

Marquis Ulysses was suspended in the air, staring in the direction where Hyperion was hiding.

"Playing hide-and-seek with you is fun, but keeping you from running around is also my duty."

He raised his right hand lightly and waved it in the direction of the girl, his voice as smooth as silk.

Invisible telekinesis enveloped the floating building, and it shattered in an instant. Hyperion once again turned into a shadow and escaped, becoming transparent in the blink of an eye.

"As for your desire to go to the Diyuan Palace, you may be overthinking it, young lady."

The voice of Marquis Ulises sounded like the sound of nature, and his every move was filled with irresistible majesty.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the void collapse, Hyperion leaped and flew towards the crumbling floating buildings in the distance.

"If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being too weak. Even if I give so much strength to the summoned creatures, you still can't fight me."

Ulises chased after him, his black coat tails looking like the wings of the god of death.

He looked disdainfully at the girl in front of him.

To him, this was probably just a fun game.

He had the patience to keep Hubbard trapped here so that she couldn't do anything.

The void in Blood Moon City continued to twist and deform, and the broken buildings fell like meteorites. Hyperion walked through the ruins, using the chaos of gravity and the cover of the environment to deal with the ancestor behind her.

Hyperion's heartbeat became faster and faster as Ulysses approached, almost bursting through her chest.

She could feel death approaching her, but she gritted her teeth and fought to the last moment.


Judging from the intermittent battle information that Hyperion could hear, command was disrupted after the western camp was attacked.

The best ones at the moment are Lanqi and Sigrid.

Lanqi didn't feel any pressure, but he and Lachar were trying to consume each other and neither of them could move.

Sigrid couldn't break through the seventh ancestor Helitir in a short time, and began to fight more and more anxiously.

Among the rest of the battlefields, only Toliado was under less pressure and was able to deal with his opponent, the corrupt Bishop Farmer, while ensuring his own safety.

The Ice Witch and Ifatia could be in great crisis at any time.

The worst ones are undoubtedly Antanas, Sinora and Pranai of the Hall of Annihilation. The three of them were already at a disadvantage against Marquis Somerset as the vampires had the advantage of terrain. Now, with the addition of the eighth-level summoned beasts sent by Marquis Ulysses, the balance that they had barely maintained would be completely broken in an instant.

"Hyperion, run to Sigrid or Ranch..."

Communications from Abigail were sporadic, with occasional roars of dust raised by storms.

She and Barton's lives might be hanging by a thread at any moment. Hyperion understood what Abigail's sudden change of command meant.

Now the camp on the west side is about to fall. Abigail hopes that Hyperion can at least survive. As long as she goes to Ranch and Sigrid, even if everyone else dies, Hyperion will still have hope of survival.

This made Hyperion feel almost killed by guilt. Not only did she not help, she also escaped from the camp alone.

Apparently, Ulysses's eighth-level summon had arrived at the western assault team's camp.

Even Patton, who is the strongest among the seventh-level summons, might not be able to withstand the eighth-level summons for long.

"Melogas, lend me your strength!"

Hyperion stared at the most dangerous magic card in her hand.

The only possible way to rescue Abigail is for her to hurt the tenth ancestor Ulysses, and even force Ulysses to pay more attention to his body!

In this way, Ulysses will not be able to control the Blood Eagle to attack Abigail and the others!

But it happened to be this time.

No matter what she tried, the card would burst into a purple cocoon of electricity, which would bounce her away.

Perhaps after the last incorrect use, the body's antibodies have changed. Just by trying to use it, his body and the toxins of the Blasphemous Lord began to attack each other.

"Damn it, you blasphemed me!!"

Hyperion's hands felt like they were being burned by the blasphemous oil.

Or maybe the will of the ancient demon king that Kari was inhabiting had decided that it was incompatible with her and would no longer allow her to use her own power.

Abigail and Barton will soon die.

Once they die, all intelligence and command will be cut off, and then Ulysses will take back the summoned creatures and restore his full strength.

No matter which battlefield they go to, there will be eighth-level warriors who will be defeated.

Whether it is her mother Ifatia, her teacher Artemis, her good friends Antanas, Sinora, Pranai, or other companions, they will all be killed one by one by the vampires, and no one can escape from the Blood Moon City.

Now she couldn't even hear Abigail's communications, and the damage to the camp's infrastructure must have reached an unpredictable level.

"...Hyperion! Can you hear me?"

A new communication tone connected her end.

"Antanas! Are you all right over there?"

Hyperion asked excitedly on the other side.

After the communication at the camp on the west side was damaged, she could probably only contact the nearest Extinction Hall on the south side.

"...Use that card quickly and master its power!"

Antanas asked Hyperion vaguely.

Contact with Abigail has been temporarily lost, and only Antanas can find a way to rescue her!
In addition to the western assault team camp, the situation on the side of the Hall of Extinction is not good either.

The only solution Antanas could think of was for Hyperion to hold Ulysses back.

The west, southwest, and south will all be defeated in a moment!
Antanas and Shinora had personally experienced Hyperion's violence after she went completely berserk, which allowed her to have the pure power to rival an eighth-level warrior for a short period of time.

"Please, Blasphemy Lord!"

Hyperion gritted her teeth, ignoring the pain in her hands and her body's rejection, and wanted to trigger the card. She never thought that one day she would need the help of Lord Blasphemy.

However, a stronger attempt only caused the violent magic power on the card to explode, blasting her away. Her body hit a floating island on the side and rolled several times before stopping. It was at this moment that Ulysses easily locked his eyes on her again.


The blood gem of the Temple of Extinction glows scarlet, engraved with the blood and bones of those who were defeated by the eighth ancestor, Marquis Somerset.

The air was filled with the suffocating smell of blood.

The open battlefield in the center of the hall was covered with winding cracks, with bright red magma oozing out and flowing on the ground. The earth was also shaking because of the battle.

"Too weak! You three!"

Every punch from the Marquis of Somerset contained destructive energy, like a thousand-pound hammer hitting Shinola's sickle.

Planai tried to use his magic eyes to predict Somerset's attack intention and give instructions to Shinora. However, Somerset's speed was too fast, even faster than his thinking speed. Before Planai could catch up with the instructions, Marquis Somerset kicked Shinora away with lightning speed, and he smashed into the hard rock wall of the hall, causing the rocks to explode and splash everywhere.

Shinola gritted his teeth, stood up with the sickle covered in blood, and used all his strength to activate the cutting spell, using offense as defense to block the Marquis of Somerset's second approach.

Countless sharp slashes came towards the Marquis of Somerset, but these attacks were as fragile as paper in front of him and turned into powder in an instant.

Instantly, Marquis Somerset landed a heavy punch on the barrier shield in front of Sinora, shaking her internal organs.

Antanas desperately cast a protective spell from behind, and a pale golden light enveloped the injured Shinora and Pranai.

Even with the three of them working together, they still had a hard time facing the Marquis of Somerset.

"You can only outnumber the enemy."

A hint of mocking smile appeared on the cold face of the Marquis of Somerset.

He knew that victory was in his grasp, and as long as he made a little more effort, he could completely crush the three great demons.

"How can you not feel the slightest bit of shame when you are outnumbered?"

Planai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked Somerset.

He knew very well that if the Marquis of Somerset met Pope Saint Polante, he would try every means to attack him.

"none of your business?"

The Marquis of Somerset's eyes suddenly darkened and he rushed towards Planai at an alarming speed.

Shinola was the first to instantly move in front of Planai and fight with Marquis Somerset. The sickle in her hand drew a powerful arc in the air, trying to counterattack Marquis Somerset's attack.

But the power of the eighth ancestor, the Marquis Somerset, was far beyond her ability to resist. Every counterattack and block made her feel like the bones in her arms were about to break.

He easily broke the shield cast by Antanas and knocked Shinora away again.

Then, the Marquis of Somerset easily avoided Planai's abyss black smoke, and with a backhand punch, he smashed Planai into the hard rock wall. The rock shattered and the gravel flew everywhere.

Without waiting for the Marquis of Somerset to chase after Antanas.

Shinora stepped forward again.

They couldn't make mistakes, but Lord Somerset could make countless mistakes.

Antanas watched everything in front of her helplessly. She tried her best to protect Shinola and Pranai. It was her friends who were hurt, and she felt the pain in her heart as well.

As Shinora was struggling to resist, a deafening roar came from the sky.

The shadows on the ground also became larger and larger.

A bloody giant bear fell from the sky and crashed into the center of the battlefield of the Hall of Extinction.

The earth trembled under the impact of the giant bear.

The three great demons stared at the bloody beast in amazement.

"Ulises, your summons have arrived just in time. Let me quickly get rid of these ignorant demon remnants."

When the Marquis of Somerset saw Ulysses' blood bear, a smile appeared on his lips.

The blood bear roared to the sky and rushed towards Antanas with its huge body.

"Antanus, run, find Lanci or Sigrid!"

Shinola and Pranay suddenly felt the pressure rising and the situation was critical.

The worst case scenario is that they can stop Marquis Somerset and the Blood Bear and let Antanas survive.

"Do not……"

Tears welled up in Antanas' eyes.

She felt that both Shinola and Pranay were seriously injured and could not be healed.

If she ran away, Shinola and Pranay would surely die.

Even she, who was protected behind, was already covered in bruises and bloodstains.

The power of the Demon King of Blasphemy is the last hope that Antanas can see at present.

But Hyperion could not control Lord Blasphemy's power.

She didn't know whether Hyperion could still identify Ulysses as her target after her transformation, and whether she could threaten him in her dementia state.

Antanas had seen too many examples of Lanci making his opponents demented and winning easily.

Regardless of this, the power of Lord Blasphemy seemed to be incompatible with Hyperion's body, repelling each other.

Antanas could only see that the injuries on Shinora and Pranai were increasing irreparably.


Meanwhile on the other side.

"You have quite a lot of life-saving magic, but every time you use one, you lose a life."

Ulysses saw that Hyperion had disappeared again after the delay of the ice. He stopped leisurely and wandered in the void like a physical being, as if he wanted to see through every inch of the corner.

Hyperion held her breath, her nerves tense to the extreme.

"It's time to end the game, Miss Duke."

Ulysses's deep, magnetic voice suddenly sounded in the void, getting closer and closer, making Hyperion shudder.

Her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

She had already heard about the situation at Antanas's side in the Temple of Annihilation.

After the Blood Bear joined the battlefield, the figures of Shinora and Pranai being severely injured could be heard from time to time through Antanas' communication.


Antanas's voice stopped abruptly, followed by the loud sound of rocks breaking.

"Antanas, what's wrong with you?!"

Hyperion's heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to break.

No matter how you shout next.


She could no longer hear the situation in the Palace of Extinction.

As Antanas' voice almost disappeared, Hyperion's pupils continued to shrink.

This moment is very short, yet seems very long.

The world seemed to stand still.

Anxious tears rolled down Hyperion's cheeks.

It dripped into the bottomless void, causing imperceptible ripples.

"Oh, you're not hiding anymore? Have you given up like your friends?"

Ulysses looked at Hyperion, who was in a shelter full of flaws, and gradually saw that she was crying.

The fragmented appearance made him extremely satisfied.

Sure enough, her kind and fragile heart is the most worthwhile thing to process.

"It's not as if they gave it up voluntarily."

Ulises smiled with relief.


The blood vessels on Hyperion's forehead began to tremble.

The blood moon, the dark night, the missing father, and his life being targeted time and time again.

Everything seems to be happening again yesterday.

Her consciousness was constantly shuttling back and forth, moving backwards, until it fell, as if her entire body was sinking into the water, a scarlet ocean that was about to suffocate her, and all around her were her memories.

It was always friends, Antanas and Shinora who protected her every day.

Now that she was needed to help Antanas and the others, she was of no use.

"You dare to hurt my friend..."

The thought that the great demons might die in battle lingered in her mind.

She was almost suffocating and almost going crazy.

" must die!!"

Anger, pain, hatred, the demon nature that had been suppressed in her blood since childhood finally broke out uncontrollably at this moment.

With furious howls, Hyperion poured her magic power into this magic card of Merogas without caring about her life. As if she was wrestling with the Lord of Blasphemy, she gritted her teeth fiercely and completely integrated the translucent scorpion seal filled with violent magic into her body.

The laughter of the blasphemous demon king from ancient times seemed to echo in this weightless void.

The purple thunder that penetrated the sky and the earth illuminated everything in this empty and dark night.

Even the tenth ancestor Ulysses couldn't help but raise his hand to block the spread of this horrible poisonous fog.

As the deep purple thunder and pure white mist slowly dissipated.


A slender figure stood up from the poisonous fog.

Black hair, pointed demon horns, and a scorpion tail dragging on the ground.

From time to time, purple blood threads like the veins of tree branches flowed under the fair skin of her neck. Her body was being blessed and corroded by violent toxins.

The scorpion's tail was made up of a series of erect joints, nailed to the walls of the building, allowing her to maintain absolute balance of gravity at any angle in any terrain.

"You are……?"

Ulises frowned, and his eyes finally became a little more serious.

Although the appearance has not changed.

But she was completely different from the Duke's daughter just now.

Even the tenth ancestor, Marquis Ulysses, felt that the duchess and the scorpion-tailed witch were completely two different creatures.

The Scorpion-tailed Witch suddenly turned her head.

Those violent eyes were fully prepared to torture the ancestor of the blood clan to pieces.

The Scorpion-tailed Witch instantly rushed towards the Tenth Ancestor Ulysses.

Ulysses, who had been summoned by multiple threads, had no time to react before the dagger in Hyperion's hand pierced his head, and Hyperion used her sharp claws to tear off a piece of flesh from Ulysses' face.

"Ahhh! You!"

Ulises screamed and tried his best to distance himself.

For a moment, he didn't care about the summoned creatures from the Temple of Extinction and the western camp.

The original strength of this young duchess should not be a threat to him in any way.

The opponent now seems to have a terrifying attack power that is enough to threaten the life of an eighth-level being.


The Scorpion-tailed Witch crushed the eyeball that she had taken out of Ulysses' head, and threw it away with a wave of her hand covered with exoskeleton claws. The bloodstains completely disappeared into the night sky.

"What threat can you pose to me if you lose your consciousness?"

Ulises covered his bleeding cheek and stared at Hyperion, who had completely transformed, with one eye.

There was disbelief in his voice.

So ugly, so muddy.

This was not the princess he liked.

They are the craziest, most evil and wicked demon royal family.


The whites of Hyperion's eyes had long since turned black, and were shedding black tears that looked like crystal venom.

As the poisonous mist spread from the corners of his mouth, he completely transformed into a demon. A slender and ominous scorpion tail snaked out from his waist, and his amber demon eyes were filled with uncontrollable chaos.

She was no longer like the pure white light of spring, but an ominous creature that could not be redeemed deep in the cold and dirty pool of blood.

Marquis Ulises, who did not expect to hear an answer, heard a light laugh the next second.

"I feel good, but my father never let me do this since I was a child."

Hyperion raised her clean other hand and wiped the black tears from the corners of her eyes with her fingertips, with a crazy smile that seemed like she was freed from shackles.

Surprisingly, she was able to remain conscious.

I just feel a little too excited and hyper.

"Was your previous kindness, weakness, and integrity all a disguise?!"

The tenth ancestor, Marquis Ulysses, finally questioned the demons in the distance with a strange look in his eyes.

He looked at this scorpion-tailed demon and no longer felt any liking for him, only disgust!

"That's the real me. People are more or less dualistic."

Hyperion raised her hand and gently stroked the mechanical messenger on her shoulder. She no longer hid her true appearance in the reflected silver shadow.
"But is there a possibility that the black-haired half-demon form is my original appearance?"

She said frankly.

In order to live in Ikerite, she turned into a silver-haired girl like her mother.

Since she was a child, she felt inferior and like an outlier because she was different from the children around her.

Even when she first arrived at the examination room of the Purgatory Corridor Academy and was forced to reveal her demon form, she subconsciously felt ashamed.

But now she can face her true self calmly.

It turns out that she is not an ugly duckling. Even in her demon form, Lanqi will tell her in the Demon King's Palace that she is beautiful.

"How dare you, you filthy thing, deceive me...!!"

The tenth ancestor Ulises had never seen such a "prop" that deceived art and teased him, and he clenched his fists tightly in front of his chest.

Ulises' fingers trembled slightly and his breathing became a little impatient. As a proud artist, he had never made such a mistake before.

He couldn't tolerate his feelings being betrayed.

Soon, he calmed down again.

Since the other party has no value, then this kind of trash woman is not worth his anger.

"Humph, a cheap woman like you who can only hide herself will never be loved by others. All your efforts are in vain. You are so pitiful that I feel that killing you would be a waste of my time and dirty my hands."

Ulises waved his hand away and said that the flesh on his cheek was gradually recovering.

He just felt that Hyperion was pathetic.

Since she was a child, she has been changing herself in order to please others, constantly accommodating and trying to please, and finally she has become a person she doesn't even recognize. However, all she has gained is false love that is like a bubble.

So ugly, so unbearable.


When Hyperion heard Ulises' words, she didn't feel attacked at all.

Perhaps in the past, she would have agreed with what Ulises said.

"Even though I'm like this, there's someone who will always be the same to me. He thinks I'm beautiful the way I am, and he thinks I'm funny when I say clumsy and wrong things. I know he understands me, so I let down my guard."

If one day that person saw that she no longer had an angelic face, but had turned into a cruel and bloodthirsty demon, would that person still be nice to her?

She knew he would, she knew he would.

When she first met Lanqi, he was so gloomy, full of negativity and hostility.

The first time she showed her demonic side in front of Lanqi.

When she first let Lanqi know that she was a real demon.

Lanqi's kindness towards her was long-lasting and had never changed at all.

"…What on earth are you thinking about?"

Ulises looked into Hyperion's eyes, which were like the overflowing sea of ​​her heart, and he became furious.

At this time, the situation that Ulises hoped to see, Hyperion becoming furious and losing her mind, not only did not happen.

Instead, he heard the other party showing off to him. What was that?
Where does such a man come from?
There is no way there is such a man! A saint! Who would really accept all of this lowly duchess and fill the void in her heart!

(End of this chapter)

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