Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 836: Lanqi's Preparations Before the Final Battle

Chapter 836: Lanqi's Preparations Before the Final Battle

Lanqi glanced at the sky outside Rose's window.

Today's conversation is almost over. Now that the goal has been achieved, staying here and talking with Principal Violet for too long might arouse other people's suspicion.

"Also, Principal Violet, can you cast a spell similar to the [Heart Purifying Spell]?"

Before Lanci left with the cat in his arms, he asked Violet one last question.

Priests of the level of the Ice Witch and Loren can master the divine art of removing negative states [Mind Purification Spell], which is also the supreme divine art that can remove negative states such as mental, curse, and illusion.

But it is an eighth-level spell after all.

Lachar's power [Blood Control of Mind] is a ninth-order power that transcends the realm of living beings.

If the opponent is an eighth-level military god, it will not be easy for the antidote to hit the target completely and be effective.

Secondly, if it is a higher-level negative mental state, the Ice and Snow Witch's magic cannot resolve it and can only reflect the negative state.

Unless there is a more targeted spell to break the curse, such as a high-level priest of the Moon Goddess, there may be a way to break the curse.

This is also the reason why the Ice and Snow Witch believes that the probability of the Sixth Military Goddess Violet of Water Jade being controlled is extremely low. As the high priestess of the Moon Goddess, Violet is likely not to be affected by mind control magic at all.

Of course, to be controlled by [Blood Control of the Mind], there is another major prerequisite, that is, there is a mental trauma. If a person is inner perfect, Lachar's power will not work on him. For someone who obviously has a mental trauma like the Ninth Military God, Marquis Ryan, there is almost no way to counter Lachar.

"Yes, it is possible. If I really want to use the barrier magic of the Elsaya Sanctuary [Moon Goddess's Immaculate Pure Land] to remove the ninth-level mental control, it is still a bit difficult. First, I have to weaken the caster to a certain extent, so that his mental power is greatly weakened. And I need to personally find the caster, the source of mental pollution, so that I can temporarily disrupt his mental magic interference with other creatures through purification."

Violet thought for a moment and then confirmed.

Although it is difficult, she is not without the possibility of fighting back.

"Since there are countermeasures, I feel relieved. With you in the rear, our chances of winning are greatly increased."

Lanqi thanked Violet again and said goodbye to Violet in the principal's office.

With Violet helping them to block the enemy, Ranch no longer has to worry and can do his best to destroy Blood Moon City.

As long as the vampires' hometown is blown up, they will no longer be able to obtain a protected place to survive in the shadow of eternity.


The winter nights come early in Cremorne.

After two or three hours, it was already late at night.

The sky was dyed with a layer of black ink, and star sand and a white moon hung in the night sky.

After finishing his private conversation with Principal Violet, Lanqi left Violet's office.

As expected, Secretary Naira was still waiting outside the door.

There were no school buses at this time, and Professor Landry might have to walk back alone, carrying a big cat, so Naira arranged to take him back.

Led by Naira's secretary, they left the corridor of the main hall together.

Lanqi waited for a while, and Secretary Naira had already moved the silver magic vehicle to the road, and he got in.

With a slight buzzing sound, the vehicle drove away from the magnificent main hall of St. Clement's Abbey and headed towards the residential area of ​​the monastery.

"Did the interview between Professor Landry and the principal go well?"

Secretary Naila's car took Lan Qi away from the area where the main hall was located.

"It's no problem. Principal Violet is a very nice person."

Lanqi answered, looking at the night view of the monastery outside the window.

"Of course. So Julius, who bullied Principal Violet tonight, is guilty of a heinous crime. He will definitely regret it."

Nayla spoke with particular vengeance, her tone even more vicious than Violet herself.

Ranchi smiles hearing Naira’s words.

Whether she likes something or hates it, she will express it directly and won't let people guess.

Then, the car was quiet for a while.

Lanqi was stroking the big gray cat in his arms out of boredom.

"Miss Naira, can you come with me to my house later?"

Lanqi looked at Secretary Naira who was concentrating on driving in the front seat, and finally spoke.

He felt it necessary to confirm with Naira whether she was a true member of the Silver Moon Reformation Society.

If it is related to both Princess Alexia and Principal Violet, then he probably has a few candidates in mind.

Secretary Naira is undoubtedly the most suspicious one.

"Come on, Professor Landry, I don't want to be your new fiancée in the rumors."

Naira responded quickly, answering calmly.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Lanqi said, holding his head.

Spread a rumor and break a leg.

He now feels that he can't express himself clearly.

Things like the Silver Moon Reform Society could never be brought to the table for discussion, but this was indeed an extremely important matter that could only be discussed privately.


Talia the Cat looked at Ranchi speechlessly.

I told you to commit a sin.

All the sins that Lanqi had committed in the past are now being paid back to him.

Lanqi had never spread any rumors about Loren before, and he still didn't know who in Ikerit Academy was spreading rumors about Loren.

It was just that he later helped Dean Loren arrange the bet with Miss Julianna, and a few farces afterwards, which may have accidentally verified some of the rumors, causing the real situation to coincide with what was said in the rumors, and finally led to the incident on the last day of the college visit when Loren sat in the referee's seat and cried with his face covered at the fighting team competition.

Talia was particularly impressed by that day. She felt something was wrong halfway through the show and ran away.

It was Hyperion who told her about the tragic situation at Ikerite Academy that day after she returned home.

"Professor Landry, don't worry. They don't dare to make fun of me. After all, when Principal Violet is away, I am almost the acting principal. I have most of the authority in this monastery and can arrange everything for them."

Secretary Naira chuckled twice and stopped joking with Lanqi.

"Besides, we meet so frequently because of work. If there was any rumor, it would have spread a long time ago."

She said to Lanqi, and her voice sounded as if she was deliberately teasing Lanqi.


This made Lanci even more unsure of what she was thinking at the moment.

Naira took out a portable sound-proofing and shielding magic device from her coat pocket and deployed a small barrier to isolate the sound inside the car, as if she had been prepared.

"Professor Landry, please ask whatever you want. Now only you and I can hear the conversation in the car."

Naira said without looking back.

"I want to ask you a few questions first."

Lanqi hesitated for a moment. Although he already regarded Naira as a friend, he still had to be cautious in such matters.


Naira answered simply.

"Ms. Naira, you haven't had any private contact with the Allied Forces, have you?"

Ranchi looked much more serious and asked Naira.

"Of course not."

Naira answered at ease without getting angry.


The cat in Lanqi's arms didn't move at all, just lay there quietly as he stroked it.

"Excuse me, Miss Naira, can you guarantee that you are loyal to the Empire?"

Lanqi continued to ask.

"of course."

Naira nodded without hesitation.

"how about you?"

She asked Ranchi back.

"Me too."

Lanqi stared at Naira in the front seat for a while and nodded as well. "You don't have any connection with the Silver Moon Reform Society?"

Ranchi asks the last question to test Naira.

The first two questions had almost proven that Naira had a trustworthy position, except for the final question.

"Professor Landry asked these three very pointed questions. Is he testing my ability to lie?"

In the front driver's seat, Secretary Naira's blue eyes outside the mechanical eye mask looked straight at the road ahead and said to Lanqi.


Lanqi lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

Naira's secretary's sharp words directly exposed his lie detector test.

Without any preparation, three questions were asked directly, and for the sensitive and smart Naira, she actually guessed the truth.

Although he could have asked more tactfully, at this point he no longer wanted to waste time or play tricks on his friend.

"But since you asked, I guess you have guessed it. Are you number seven?"

Naira didn't plan to tease Ranchi anymore at this point, so she turned her head slightly and asked him.


Lanqi and the gray cat in his hand raised their heads and stared at Naira.

Since Naira asked this, it means she is indeed a companion!
Even just now, he might have pretended to be ignorant even though he knew the truth, just to tease Lanqi on purpose.

"That day, Her Majesty the Princess asked me to go to the station to cover for the new members if I had the energy. I also happened to be going to pick up the new professor. When I saw you being targeted by Nicholas, I suspected that you were the new number seven."

Secretary Naira said as she put down her hand that had just finished changing gears and a communication magic card surrounded by pink light appeared in it. She showed it to Ranchi Ranchi briefly.

[Ultra-remote communication program-8]

[Category: Spell Card]

[Grade: Pink Holy]

[Attribute: Link]

[Level: 6]

[Effect: Compared with ordinary ultra-long-distance communication magic, the communication distance and anti-interference are stronger. 】

[Note: The purity of the empire protects the human soul from being tainted by sin.]

"So I tried to test you this afternoon when we were alone in the banquet hall of the main hall. I deliberately told you that I knew the princess to see if you would react. But you hid it so well that your expression didn't change at all, and you didn't even explore this topic with me. Fortunately, you took the initiative to confront me now."

Secretary Naira continues to preach to Ranchi.

"So you were so rude to Nicholas that day, mainly to divert his attention from me?"

Lanqi also said with some understanding.

Now when I think back on many things that happened in the past, they almost always have a cause and an effect.

The day Landry arrived in Brillda, Alexia asked for both the new members of the Nicholas Gang and Nala's help.

Unfortunately, Naira and Nicholas don't know that the other is here to rescue people, and they want to perform the essential work perfectly to the end.

"No, I just simply hate those purebred imperial lackeys. Unlike you, he is the real thing."

Secretary Naira glanced at Ranchi in the rearview mirror and said unhappily.


Lanqi was speechless.

The person Princess Alexia is looking for is indeed extraordinary.

"Then do you know the identities of number four and number nine?"

Lanqi asked her nervously, pressing the back of the front seat with one hand.

"Your Highness only told me that I could pretend that Number Four didn't exist, because Number Four had agreed with her that he would not provide any immediate help to the Silver Moon Reform Society. He would only appear when the situation was hopeless."

Naira frowned and recalled,

"And number nine is both the most trustworthy and the least trustworthy person. Even the princess feels that handing him the Holy Communication Magic Card is a gamble. On the contrary, number six, whom you haven't asked, is extremely trustworthy in the eyes of the princess."

Naira said in a deep voice with a hint of apology.

In fact, Alexia never revealed the identities of other people to her, and the principles set when this organization was established have always been followed.

"No wonder when No. 3 asked for my research materials last time, No. 4 just looked like he was chatting and had no intention of interfering at all."

Lanqi analyzed with his chin on his hand.

It turns out that he was completely out of the matter.

Number Four, who was initially pulled into the group by the princess, was more like an extra staff member who was unwilling to get involved. But since the princess gave the number four card to the other party, it shows how important it was in the princess's eyes to fight back against the vampires.

As for number nine, it is even more confusing.

The princess didn't seem to trust this person, but for some reason she knew this person, and she wanted to trust him out of instinct, so in the end she took the risk and gave the number nine card to this person to increase her chances of winning against the vampires.

"I'm sorry, even if you found me, I can't help you much in a substantial way."

Naira apologizes to Ranchi.

"No, Miss Naira, you have always been helping me."

Ranchi quickly waves to Naira.

Tonight, we have gained a lot just by getting Violet's promise and successfully finding the missing No. 8. If we can get some identity information of the remaining two members from No. 8, then the effectiveness of today's overtime work will be really great.

The current harvest has already exceeded his expectations.

"Would you like to come with me to meet the other members?"

Ranchi asks Secretary Naira again.

"No, the help I can provide you is limited. It's best not to let me know too much for the time being."

Naira shook her head and focused on the road to St. Cremona's Abbey in the middle of the night.

"I am so weak, knowing too much information might harm you. All I can do is to protect you in Saint Cremona Monastery, try not to let irrelevant people get close to your house, and provide you with logistical services at any time. Just treat me as the innkeeper."

She has a clear understanding of her own position. The princess initially approached her because she was impressed by her interpersonal relationships and administrative abilities at St. Clement's Monastery.

"it is good."

Lanqi didn't force anything.

Soon, the vehicle slowly came to an end and stopped on a street next to a familiar courtyard.

What came into view was Professor Landry's two-story mansion. The milky white walls glowed softly under the monastery street lights. The azure blue tile roof and slightly dark brown window frames made it look like it had a history of several decades.

"If you need any help next time, you can always use the communication magic device to contact me."

Secretary Naira said and bowed as usual.

"You must come on the day of the celebration banquet."

Ranchi waves to Naira.

"Of course. I'm also curious about who else I'll meet at the celebration party."

Naira replied affirmatively, smiling a little.

She had no way of guessing the identities of these online friends. The only ones she could be sure of were Professor Landry and Princess Alexia.

She is also looking forward to meeting some of them then.

"Goodbye then."

The two said goodbye.

Lan Qi watched Secretary Naila's car disappear into the night.

Secretary Naira was his first partner in Blildah, providing him with guidance and information when he first arrived in Blildah. She has been helping him silently.

Lanqi turned around and walked into the courtyard holding the big gray cat.

He didn't have much of a spy vibe.

Life in the Krei Empire was much better than when he was in the Northern Continent.

After a tiring day today, nothing is more important than getting a good rest right now. The National Day Ceremony of Kremer, which may change everything and determine everything, is approaching, as if it were tomorrow.

He looked up at the mansion.

The long journey to the Kremer Empire so far has come to a successful conclusion after a long period of work and travel.

But the new work, which is also his final battle, is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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