Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 102

Chapter 101 – Later

Regarding the fact that the proprietress brought a companion back after returning to her hometown, the onlookers all expressed their acceptance, especially the proprietress has a good eye, and she is still looking for a beauty who is one in a million, but the forced kiss in public is still a big deal. It is a bit stimulating to the little hearts of this group of people, especially the singles who are solo mothers, silently strongly condemning Ji Chenli’s irresponsible behavior.

What Ji Chenli worried about most in City C was her two small shops. When she was on the road, her eyelids kept twitching. Ji Chenli was afraid that something would happen when she was not around, so she called and went to the shop to have a look. , Sure enough, something really happened. It seems that the problem has been solved temporarily, Ji Chenli feels relieved, greets everyone, and plans to go home with Minghong and settle down first.

After getting into the car, Ji Chenli proudly showed off to Ming Lang, “How is my shop?”

Ming Lang hugged Sha Niao lying on the co-pilot to his lap, smiled and scratched the back of Sha Niao’s fluffy neck, nodded and said: “Not bad.”

“Just good?”

“Pretty good, I’ve never seen such a tasteful pancake shop.”

Ji Chenli hummed in satisfaction, “It’s not too bad.”

Afterwards, Jichen concentrated on driving, while Minglang sat quietly, looking sideways at the scenery outside the window.

Different from City C, everything in Nancheng is small and exquisite. The road is very narrow, and the one-way lane cannot allow two cars to pass side by side, but it is neatly planned. The banyan trees on both sides of the road are lush with thick roots hanging from the branches Come down, it looks like it has a history of many years, the sidewalks and pedestrians are all slow.

Ji Chenli skillfully steered the steering wheel between the roads, the shadow of the trees reflected on her face, Ming Lang turned to look at her, and felt that she blended perfectly with the roadside scenery, and she was indescribably beautiful.

Ji Chen lives not far from the store, and it takes a few detours to drive. If he walks, it will be closer. In less than five minutes, he drove into the community, and brought his luggage and Tao Yuan with him. Carrying the big and small bags of special products home, he took out the key and opened the door, stood at the door, and made a “please” gesture to Ming Lang.

Ji Chenli’s home is also small, 30 square meters, one bedroom and one living room, with simple decoration, uncovered water glasses on the coffee table, two books that I don’t know if I haven’t finished them on the sofa, and a silly book on the balcony. The rice bowl where the bird eats, and Ming Lang’s feet, a pair of pink Hello Kitty slippers that have not been placed in the shoe rack. It seems that Ji Chenli just changed it when he went out. It has a heavy atmosphere of life.

Ji Chenli took out another pair of Hello Kitty slippers from the shoe rack and put them next to Minghuang’s feet, “Just wear these.” After speaking, he changed his shoes and went into the kitchen, boiled water, and washed his face. When she came out, she found that Ming Lang was sitting upright on the sofa, her hands were placed on both sides of her body cautiously, she was still wearing the pair of pink slippers that she brought her, her face was tense.

Ji Chenli thought it was a bit funny, leaned against the kitchen door, rolled his eyes, tiptoed to behind Ming Lang, blindfolded Ming Lang’s visible right eye, deliberately lowered his voice and said, “Guess what?” who I am?”

Ming Lang smiled suddenly, raised his hand to cover Ji Chenli’s back, and said in a low voice, “You are Ji Chenli.”

If there is someone who can talk sweetly, 80% of them will answer “You are my darling, sweetheart” or something like that. Minglang hasn’t learned this yet, and will only say “You are Ji Chenli”, but this is the simplest However, Ji Chenli also felt very happy.

For a long, long time afterwards, they would often play such childish games, but at that time Minglang had figured out some ways to talk sweetly, and the answers were often varied, such as “You are my little wife”, “Are you My little padded jacket” and so on, so many answers, Ji Chenli’s favorite is the simplest “You are my Ji Chenli”, her name, plus the attributive “my”, is clearly understood If you say it out loud, you won’t feel enough after listening to it several times.

Of course, this is something.

Now Ji Chenli covered Minglang’s eyes and felt happy for a few minutes, then gave Minglang a mop, “I’ve been out for several months, and the house is full of dust, hurry up and wipe the table and mop the floor to clean up Go, why are you just sitting there in a daze? Do you think you are still that President Ming who stretches out his clothes for food and opens his mouth? Let me tell you, there is only one rule here, do your own thing.” After finishing speaking, he was very social. Picking Minghong’s chin carefully, he added: “Understood?”

“Understood, absolutely understood.” Ming Lang couldn’t help laughing after being educated by Ji Chenli, all the restraint just now disappeared, and he hurriedly went to wash the mop and mop the floor.

Ji Chenli looked at Minghong’s back, frowned, and let out a long sigh of relief.

From the past to the present, in the two lifetimes, they seem to have never learned to live together.

Rigidity, unfamiliarity, running-in, and even quarrels, Ji Chenli had already thought of it when he made up his mind to be with Minghong, and he had already made full mental preparations.

Are you afraid? Of course I was afraid, but apart from being afraid, I was more looking forward to the future of her and Minglang.

Ji Chenli ordered Ming Lang to clean up, but he himself leaned on the sofa and smirked, until Ming Lang buried his head in washing the mop and suddenly remembered something, and leaned out half of his body from the bathroom, “Chen Li, where do I sleep at night? ?”

Ji Chenli squinted at Minglang, and said with a smile, “There is only one room and one bed at home, where do you want to sleep?”

Minglang’s eyes lit up, “You mean…”

“You lay the floor.”

“Ah?” The corners of Minghong’s mouth drooped, “Chenli…”

“Why are you still standing there? Want to be lazy? Hurry up and mop the floor!”

Ming Lang::(

Because of this sentence, Ming Lang was listless all afternoon, and occasionally beat his old cold legs and sighed. When eating dinner, he intentionally or unintentionally asked: “Is the weather going to change recently?”

“Really?” Ji Chenli picked up chopsticks and scrambled eggs with leeks, as if nothing had happened, “Why don’t I know.”

“Otherwise, why do I feel that my leg is starting to hurt again?”

Ji Chenli was happy in his heart, thinking that my head hurts before your leg hurts, so just listen to your nonsense, with a calm face, “Then I will turn on the dehumidifier later, or you will wet the floor at night Heavy.”

Depressedly, Ming Lang picked up a chopstick of vegetables and put them in his mouth, chewing them tasteless.

What is this called? After entering the daughter-in-law’s house, but unable to get into the daughter-in-law’s bed, Minghong felt bitter.

Ji Chenli cooks, Ming Lang washes the dishes, after eating Ji Chenli puts down the bowls and goes to take a shower, Ming Lang clears the dining table and goes to the kitchen to wash the dishes, while doing the washing, he thinks about how to achieve sleeping in the same bed with Ji Chenli Great goal, after dawdling to wash the dishes, Ji Chenli was watching TV, without raising his head, he said to Ming Lang: “When I was packing my luggage, I took the clothes to the bathroom for you, you go take a shower, The smell of sweat is terrible.”

Ming Lang heard Ji Chenli’s dislike, and hurried to take a bath before he had time to think about it.

Because of Ji Chenli’s words, Ming Lang washed very seriously, applied the shower gel twice, and came out after washing fragrantly. When she came out, the light in the living room was turned off, and the bedroom door was ajar, revealing a bright light. Ming Lang pushed open the bedroom door and found that Ji Chenli was leaning against the bedside to read a book, she was leaning on one side, and the other side of the bed was the big one, Ming Lang was a little uncertain what Ji Chenli meant.

“What are you still doing?” Ji Chen closed the book and patted himself next to him, “Come up soon, after driving for a whole day, I’m going to be exhausted.”

“Did not you say…”

“This is the only quilt at home. I’ll use it to make a floor for you. What should I cover?”

What Ji Chenli said was justified, Ming Lang smiled happily and went down the donkey, slipped on the slippers and got on the bed, looked at Ji Chenli with a smile, his eyes were bent into two lines, he looked so cheap that he deserved a beating, Ji Chenli Chenli was angry and funny, put down the book and burrowed into the bed, without even looking at Minglang, “Turn off the lights and go to sleep!”

“Okay.” Ming Lang obediently turned off the light and lay down.

Ji Chenli was lying on her side with her back facing Minghong, and she hadn’t fallen asleep. There was Minghong next to her. She didn’t dare to move, so she closed her eyes and silently counted the sheep in her heart. When she counted more than 2,000 sheep, she suddenly felt There was movement around her, so she immediately pricked up her ears, and then quietly put an arm around her waist, pulling her in, and then, Ji Chenli felt something soft on his back.

“What are you doing?” Ji Chen asked in a low voice, beating a little faster.

“Nothing.” Minglang’s voice came very close behind her ear, making Ji Chenli’s ears itch.

“What are you doing if you’re not doing anything?”

“Don’t do anything.” Ming Lang talked with her around the wheel of the car, then retracted his arms, and said: “I just want to hug you.”

Ji Chenli’s face was very hot, but fortunately he couldn’t see it in the dark, and he muttered: “Then hug and sleep.”

But Ji Chenli felt her heart beating thud-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump from her throat, she was afraid that Minglang would hear it, she was so nervous that her heart was beating so fast that she didn’t notice Minglang’s heartbeat Also unnaturally fast.

Now that she couldn’t even count sheep, Ji Chenli’s mind became a mess, she couldn’t understand her thoughts at all, until after some time, she heard Minglang whispering in her ear: “Chenli.”

Ji Chenli was startled, twitched in Ming Lang’s arms, and said, “Why haven’t you slept yet?”

“Too happy to sleep.”

“Go to sleep, tomorrow…”

“Morning leave.”

“what happened again?”

“I want you.”

Ji Chenli has lived two lifetimes, and in her previous life she was in the entertainment industry, so why doesn’t she know the meaning behind Minghong’s words, but even though she has lived two lifetimes, she has loved such a **** like Minglang in both lifetimes, it’s still wishful thinking I can’t love it, I just thought about this kind of thing quietly in my heart, or my face turned red as soon as I had such a thought, but now that Ming Lang said it like that, Ji Chenli was shy, timid and happy, I feel hot all over my body, my face is almost steamed, and I don’t know how to face Ming Lang.

This is also the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair. Although she summoned up the courage to mention it, she became timid when she mentioned it. She blushed and didn’t know what to do, but she mentioned it all the time. Well, it’s always going to come to this point anyway, it’s better to hit the sun than choose the day.

Ming Lang anxiously waited for Ji Chenli’s reply, and it took a long time before he heard Ji Chenli’s soft voice: “You…you will…”

Having reached this point, Ming Lang has the cheek to fight it out, and said without shame: “Once you are born and you are familiar with it, do you learn from actual combat…”

Ji Chenli laughed when he heard it, “It’s still fighting, do you regard me as an enemy?”

“I…I…” Minglang was discouraged by Ji Chenli’s ridicule, seeing that Ji Chenli’s meaning was probably useless, he fell silent in dejection.

Unexpectedly, Ji Chenli turned around, grabbed Minglang’s collar and began to unbutton her.

“You… what are you doing?”

Ji Chenli said frankly: “Take off your clothes, do you have to wear clothes to do that?”

“Chen Li…”

Ji Chenli smiled, raised her head and kissed Minglang’s chin, “Minglang, I want you too.” She unbuttoned the last button of Minglang’s pajamas, put her hands on Minglang’s back and touched it in, ” I’ve thought about it for two lifetimes, and I can’t imagine it…”

Ming Lang couldn’t help hugging Ji Chenli tightly, licking and kissing her neck like an animal, tearing and tearing off the pure cotton cloth on Ji Chenli’s body.

It’s not like a primitive desire, more like some kind of sacred ritual announced by the other party.

It’s the first time, two people are cautious and not very proficient, when they are naked, it is more of a sense of psychological satisfaction, the feeling of happiness is accumulated after exploring and proficient, sweating profusely, and then accumulating to the top , embracing each other and clinging tightly to each other, and finally collapsed at the same time, their hands and bodies were all dripping wet.

Hugging each other, they didn’t want to let go at all, they were so happy that they both buried themselves in each other’s neck and cried.

Ji Chenli has always loved to cry, Ming Lang used to believe in bleeding but not tears, but when he was with Ji Chenli, he often cried too, mostly because of extreme joy and completely uncontrollable.

“Minglang, from now on, you are mine.” Ji Chenli said.

Ming Lang nodded vigorously, extremely happy, “Chen Li, you are mine too.”

“Minglang, find a time to remarry, I don’t have such a certificate, I don’t worry.”

Minglang’s tears could hardly stop, “Okay.”

She has been waiting for this moment for so long, decades, and Ji Chenli’s words are worth it.

Life is so long, you can’t always live with pain and obsession, Ming Lang finally learned to let go of Ji Chenli, and Ji Chenli finally learned to let go of herself, whether it’s worth it or not, only they know, what can outsiders comment on Woolen cloth.

Later, Ming Lang became Ji Chenli’s wage earners. The two of them ran the small shop together. They went out together every day and finished work together. When they had free time, they went out for a walk. Like all tourists, they stuffed photos of various scenic spots that they visited here. full computer.

Later, the two of them wore the same rings on their hands again, a silver-white iron ring, covering the rest of their lives.

Later, they had a very good life.

The author has something to say: So far, this article is over.


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