Disciple of the Three Kings


Volume 8 Episode 8+


Everyone stops moving and stares blankly.

The falling Kang Eun-ha.

It all happened in an instant, beyond control.

“Blood… goddess.”

Everything happened at a moment when I couldn’t move under the pressure of the Guardian Dragon.

-I don’t know how the monkey got out of my pier, but it must be a monkey.

Another laser breath shot towards the fallen river galaxy.

-It must be the greatest achievement of a monkey’s life to dare to speak in front of me.

He also listened to the wolf and looked down at Kang Eun-ha.


Moving as if still holding her breath, she slowly reached out and headed towards Yi Rowoon.

“Everything… line… .”

Her eyes are blurring.

She seemed to be happy that Rowoon wasn’t hurt until that moment.

A guardian dragon.

Now Lee Rowoon was looking at the wolf.

Preparing for a laser breath, he knew that it would pierce his body.

I was confident that I wouldn’t get hit.

However, Kang Eun-ha, who stood in front of him, was an idiot.

It’s not something you want, it’s just a random thing.

-You… .

“I would give up my life for useless things.”

-Are you free from peer influence?

Lee Rowoon was originally intended to attract a guardian dragon.

Because it’s better to bring him here with moderate injuries than to deal with a guy that’s too far away.

Everything was as calculated.

“Are you afraid of something like that?”

-The monkey… !

The appearance of the Zhuge family was also expected.


‘I’ve calculated it.’

Not quite like this.

Kang Eun-ha’s hand, which was reaching out towards Lee Rowoon, falls momentarily.

Kang Eun-ha overcame the guardian dragon’s peer and came to rescue her.

“Shut up.”

-I hear a monkey or something… .

“Shut up.”

The moment Lee Rowoon’s eyes turned to the wolf, time seemed to stop.

Lee Rowoon’s eyes are dyed black.

The wolf couldn’t do anything at that moment.

“What did you do wrong?”

He mumbles to himself.

Now, the power that had put pressure on everyone is gone.

Another force was weighing down on everyone.


Huge power emanating from Lee Rowoon.

No, fear, which cannot be called power, weighs down on everything.

“Have you misunderstood humans?”

Love of humanity.

There were times when I believed in that.

Because it was the love of humanity that Kwon Cheol, the director, emphasized above all else.

-Humans should help other humans.

In human instinct, he taught, there is altruism and caring.

Then it came out. Without knowing it, Kwon-cheol’s teachings penetrated deep into his bones.

It was for that reason that I tried to help others even though I did not walk the path of a medical doctor.

However, as time passed and experience increased, the teachings that were engraved into the bone marrow disappeared.

Humans are different from what they think they are.

A being who is infinitely selfish, with no sense of altruism or consideration.

Those who can afford it take care of others.

But those who can’t afford it.

-I’m sorry!

Always forsake others to live.

I didn’t mean to blame it.

I just accepted it.


When he was betrayed by everyone, Kwon-cheol’s brainwashing finally escaped from Yi-woon’s body.

Humans are selfish.

A being who throws away everything except itself at any time when it is pushed to its limits.

Things like that became more firm in the time I spent with the Masters in the world of chaos.

-We are… .

Because the teachers were no different from you.

The series of betrayals, their lives themselves were denied.

And back.

-The King?

The teachers were forgotten.

The effort they made to silence chaos in a world of chaos for thousands of years was forgotten.

No one remembers.

“Humans are… .”

Those who cannot be saved.

I turned off my affection for them, my interest in them, everything.

I didn’t pay much attention to whatever player was oppressed by Eun.

“After all, humans… .”

Because they are all the same.

Even before the tyranny of silver, mankind waged wars for themselves.

Dominate someone and kill them for your own gain.

Isn’t it absurd to contend that such people have become objects of domination?

No matter what.

‘It’s okay to destroy everything.’

In this world of ill will, there is only hope for the teachers.

Lee Rowoon lifted Kang Eun-ha, who had stopped breathing.

They know that they are forcibly ruled by the blood-gong.

However, as he regained his strength, Yi Rowoon loosened the dominion of the Blood Gong.

Only one.

‘Don’t just aim for my life.’

Other than that, I thought I’d just let him betray me.

“Why did you do something stupid?”

Kang Eun-ha was not forced to sacrifice her life, but was trying to save herself with her own will.

Unlike her back then.



“Why am I in such a bad mood?”

Forgotten, hidden emotions are awakened.

-You’re just a monkey… No.

The wolf, released from pressure, growls and says:

At Lee Rowoon’s call, the energy that pressured political prisoners disappeared as if washed away.

“Take him away.”

Give him Kang Eun-ha.

“So does the rest.”

The pressures are gone.

“But Zhuge… .”

The Zhuge family behind them, Mo Yong-hoo looked at them and said.

With the fading illusion of the world.

I feel an indescribable sense of fulfillment within my body.

“Kill and get out.”

Zhuge’s power, magic, and tactics.

How to get out of it all.

The method is wriggling inside the body.

-Yes nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

A wolf finally freed from pressure.

-Are you ignoring me!

It was a moment when the wolf raised its front paws and ran as if it were about to trample and tear Lee Rowoon at any moment.

The new wolf rolled over the floor poorly, breaking through the hazy dust.

He was standing on the wolf’s right cheek, looking down at the wolf.


A wolf’s moan echoes.

Even if you try to use the laser breath with your mouth open.

As soon as he opens his mouth, Lee Rowoon’s fists fly.


I feel a sharp pain in my cheek.

As a matter of fact, this pain was unfamiliar to me, even a memory I hadn’t felt tens of thousands of years ago.

Although it is said to be in a polymorph state, the body is that of a dragon.

A dragon scale that neither the Grand Master’s Aura Flame nor the 9th Circle magic of human wizards can penetrate.

It has enormous resistance to all attacks.


It explodes.

-Gagging. Whoops.

It can’t be.

Even though you can’t use half of your body’s power with an imperfect intervention.

-It can’t be!

This is almost impossible.

Crying, the wolf swung its front paws.

As if the space were torn apart, it was distorted and moved towards the benefit.

Lee Rowoon lifted the Namgung Mu Soul at an angle and deflected the attack.

Moreover, there was something I didn’t understand.

-You… .

Those eyes.

-What do you mean?

When you look at the darkened pupils, fear permeates.

Just as all beings except dragons feel an instinctive fear when they see them, so do wolves.

“Did you do this without knowing it?”

The Namgung Mu soul moves obliquely.

-Oh, no… .

The trajectory of the sword that bends and fast that you can’t see.

I didn’t even have to count the time until the strike arrived.

The wolf’s flanks are long split and a fountain of blood spouts out.

-Gagging! Big oh oh oh!

This is the first time.

I didn’t even know such pain existed in the world.

-Gagging, gagging.

I had to get up, but I couldn’t even get up.

-Poly… .

“Are you trying to release the polymorph?”

A voice from above.

“I can’t do it anyway.”

He and his sword fell and pierced his spine.

“Isn’t that a proper intervention?”

-How do humans… .

“Then let’s die quietly.”

-What… .

“It might be more comfortable than you think, right?”

The sword that pierced the spine, and the heat that engulfed it.


The wolf seemed to lose consciousness in the agony.

“Heh heh. huh.”

I can hear the laughter clearly.

Spoof! Stand up!

I can clearly feel the guy’s hand slicing himself.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

The strange laughter gave the wolf a first taste of true horror.

It’s dark.

Even if you open your eyes or close your eyes, you see the same thing.

I thought I knew where this place was.

Then the world began to shine.

Bright red light.


It is painted all over the place and fills the space of thousands of pyeong.

A bizarre pattern, the pattern is drawn three-dimensionally and continues to expand.

In a way, it was like a barbed wire to contain something.

Actually, this was a prison for something.

[Heh heh. Heh heh.]

I can’t tell if it’s a sob or laughter.

Rowoon Lee covered her face with her hand and sighed once more.

This red prison.

-It’s my everything.

It was a sealing magic circle created with all the dedication of the Demon King Master.

It is not the material world that it exists.

Your inner self.

[Heh heh. heh heh… .]

Iwoon couldn’t see him crying because of the red light.

It was so in the past, it is today, and it will be in the future.

That’s it.

“Should I say it’s been a while?”


A monster that the kings of the world have dedicated thousands of years to, being perfected and imprisoned as themselves.

He seemed to know what had happened.

When confronted with the guardian dragon, Yi Rowoon’s inner strength and mana hit the bottom.

I would say it is slowly recovering, but it was not enough to deal with the Guardian Dragon.

The reason why I didn’t think about defeat.

Because it had that power.

A control method created based on Yang’s Deep Gong.

If you use the method of splitting and splitting the power of chaos and using only a part of it, Yi Rowoon could use endless power.

However, there was a problem, so it was strong.

With her sacrifice, and death, something that had been sleeping inside of the benevolent awakened.

The emotions of anger, sadness and compassion.

That was the trigger.

‘You have lost control.’

I had to split it up with all my concentration, but the boundary between the two minds was broken.

As a result, the world is turned upside down and he wakes up.

[Heh heh… . heh heh heh… .]

Fortunately, that one hasn’t come to his senses yet.

“I didn’t want to see you again.”

Lee Rowoon’s hands and whole body were trembling.

Although he’s been through it once, he’s still giving him the underlying fear.

“Let’s not see each other again.”

Not long ago, another safeguard was created.


The space rings.

-Mi, I can’t believe it… .

“Don’t say nonsense and get it out quickly. I can’t stand it here either.”

-… … do it

With Partizan’s voice, Lee Rowoon’s body began to freeze.

The time when Lee Rowoon completely disappeared and turned his head.


A thin red thread broke in a place that Lee Rowoon couldn’t see.

Where Lee Rowoon left, the sobbing was spreading as a definite laugh.

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