Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 1: The Game of Gods

Act 1 – Disciple of Immortal

TL : Cnine


「You are Kanzaki… … Kanzaki Kanata, right?」

A neutral voice that couldn’t be distinguished, whether it’s a man or woman, called my name.

Thus, I opened my eyes to look for the source of the voice.

I was… … floating in a white room.

I was formless to be exact.

There were black swirl-like things surrounding me, but when I tried to touch it, my hand just passed through.

Is this… … a dream?

The one who most likely called my name previously, was standing in front of me.

It was a person donning black ceremonial clothes with curly, green hair.

The shape of its body suggested that it should be a human, but its gender… was hard to tell.

They have something similar to a westerner’s face… with blue eyes.

「Let’s start from the introduction. I am a God. To be exact, a lower ranking God who acts as a slave for the higher ranking Gods. My name is…. Well, since our names in the Gods’ language are rather hard to be understood by the human language facility… I go by the name of Nyarloteph.」

A… God?

「You, what are…! Mugu!」

Suddenly, I couldn’t open my mouth.

「I zipped your lips since it’ll be annoying if you suddenly start shouting like a madman. I’ll tell you only the bare necessities so that we can progress onwards without any annoying interruption. I’ll unzip your lips afterward, but… Should you ask a stupid question, I’ll make you experience something that is more painful and worse than death. 」

The green haired person, Nyarlhoteph spoke, his tone sounded aloof….

Although those words echoed inside my head… strangely, I noticed he didn’t even open his mouth to say those words. Even more strangely, it felt like I knew what Nyarlhotep said rather than hearing it.

「Congratulation. You have been chosen to be a part of my show, and my duty is to provide those superior Gods with entertainment.」


「Kanzaki Kanata, a 20 year old freeter…… you’ve no hobby, no special skills, no dream, no friend, no lover, and no close relative.」

Nyarlhotep read my information with an uninterested voice.

…It was kind of a sad profile but… what Nyarlhotep said was true.

I’ve no particularly close friend or relative, nor a dream or hobby.

My parents passed away in my senior year of high school.

「You don’t seem to have any lingering attachment to your previous world, and now I have to raise a piece of shit like you. Have you ever heard the story about being transferred to another world?  You ought to know, right? It’s part of your culture after all! Forget it, you like these stories that way- it makes you happy, right?」

I nodded in response.

I do know about these kinds of stories since I’ve read a few of them.

It was the type of fantasy story where, out of convenience the protagonist was summoned to another world by God because the queue for rebirth was too full. The protagonist then makes full use of their original world’s knowledge or utilizes the cheat that they received from God.

But, what did Nyarlhotep mean by “raising”…

「In fact, those Superior Gods almost never adhere to these stories. However, those Superior Gods also, prefer and enjoy these stories. They are akin, in a human perspective, to the rich. Here lies my role in all of this, I created a world by borrowing the power of these Superior Gods. I’ve also created a fantasy game-like system to make the world more suitable to send the likes of you in there. The world you’re going to  transmigrate into is called ‘”Rookroa”…. A fantasy world with slightly different fundamental laws than the world you used to live in. What do you think? It’s interesting, right?” 」

C-Created….. A w-world! ?!

「I’ve made that world using the most frequent cliché in the novels of your world, but it’s just another entertainment for Superior Gods. It’s been over ten thousand years since the creation of Rookroa you know.」

The scale was just way too big for my small brain….

Nyarlhotep’s seemingly displeased seeing me at my wit’s end.

N-No good……. Lemme digest the information slowly and take my time to understand the situation.

Though I have no way to know Nyarlhotep’s gender, he(temp.) told me that he(temp.) hated trivial remarks.

I couldn’t afford to offend him(temp.).

「So, we can start now. I don’t hate clever children, you know. I mean….you’re already being watched by those Superior Gods even now, you know?」

Nyarlhotep snapped his(temp.) fingers.

The space distorted and from there…….. I saw various faces surrounding us.

Some looked like a mask, some like a clock.

Heck, I even saw a floating eyeball!

When I tried to look at those weird faces… chills ran down my spine.

「Fufufufu….. Human of Earth, The Gods are looking forward to seeing you rampage as you like in Rookroa with your cheat skills. Whether you choose to become a hero, or a demon king…… Or even if you choose to lay low, hiding your power as you enjoy your life to the fullest, the choice is yours. What do you think? It’s not bad compared to your shitty life on Earth, right? Aah, what a lucky person you are! 」

Nyarlhotep was laughing while covering his(temp) mouth.

「Well, everything you do will be for the entertainment of my customers, the Superior Gods! For the sake of more entertainment, this Nyarlhotep will send another 《Protagonist》 to Rookroa! But then, a weak-ass trash from Earth will definitely be turned into mincemeat the moment they are sent to Rookroa- a world dominated by swords, magic, and demons! Thus, in addition to basic skills like 《Rookroa Language Comprehension》 and 《Status Check》, what other skills shall I give him now? And this time where shall I send him to?! 」

As he spoke, Nyarlhotep spread his(temp.) arms in a flashy manner.

It seemed like he tried to appeal to the Superior Gods.

The eyes of the Superior Gods started to roll around, as though they had said something, but I couldn’t understand.

That aside…. That was truly a bizarre scene.

I just stood,dumbfoundedly, as I witnessed this scene.

「Ooo…….. That’s wonderful! Yes, yes, let’s try asking for Kanata-kun’s wish! 」

And then, I felt  the power binding my lips,  dispel.

It seems I’m allowed to speak now.

「Now then, make your wish!! But then……. let’s add some restrictions otherwise, it’ll become a boring game! 」

Nyarlhotep looked at me with eyes full of anticipation.

I thought about what he(temp.) said for a while.

They might become angry if I said this but still……… No, I have no choice but to say this.

「Uhm…. Can you send me back instead? 」

The moment those words escaped from my lips, those noisy Superior Gods became silent.

Nyarlhotep’s expression twisted into anger.

「Eh? Why? I’ve done my research about you and found that you have no lingering affection left on Earth. Getting cold feet, are you? Don’t worry… If what you’re looking for is a steady life, I shall grant you a cheat skill to make it possible.」

「I have a pet cat you know. Even though you said that I am a lonely person…. my pet cat, Kuromaru is my family. My pet cat is the reason I didn’t lose hope in living after losing my parents in an accident.」

Kuromaru is a hybrid cat…… one day, it just suddenly appeared at my door.

Though I felt awkward and wanted to abandon Kuromaru at first, I planned to shelter it in my home only until I could find another person who was willing to take care of him.

But then I realized, Kuromaru had already become apart of my family.

Although Kuromaru might be able to survive in the wild even without me…. I felt that I couldn’t just depart to another world without saying a proper farewell to Kuromaru.

I mean, I was someone who understood best the sorrow associated with being left behind all by yourself.

Nyarlhotep’s expression contorted even further due to rage.

His(temp.) eyes, mouth, and nose warped in a spiral fashion, basically, by human standards, his face was distorted in an indescribable manner. [TL : Explained below]

Parts of his(temp.) hair and face combined in a strange way.

As I saw it, I swallowed hard.

Maybe Nyarlhotep’s true form wasn’t a humanoid one.

His(temp.) true form might be so bizarre that he can make such an “angry” expression.

「It seems that this one……. Showing such unpleasant attitude, what a waste! How interesting it would have been  to see a human rampaging around as they like, with greed, and egotism as their drive. Read the atmosphere already, dammit! That was the reason for me to go out of my way to look for a shitty human like you. Even though the Superior Gods have been waiting eagerly for the next new transported individual, what you did just shamed me. Just how much time do you think it takes  to transfer you to another world, dammit? Do you know how much time I wasted  looking up your information to send you to another world, dammit? A puny human like you, shouldn’t be throwing a tantrum before a God, dammit. And yet, that’s what I got, A CAT? ARE YOU LOOKING DOWN ON ME? 」

In the first place, the one who forcefully summoned me and misunderstood my nature was Nyarlhotep, but still…. I seemed to have angered him(temp.).

Nyarlhotep’s body swirled even faster…. His(temp.) green hair and skin melded together with his black cloth.

He(temp.) twisted, in a peculiar manner and transformed into a green tree-like monster.

Nyarphotep’s strange giant green arm stretched out towards me.


Though I tried to run, my body refused to move.

I was caught by his(temp.) giant arms immediately.

His(temp.) scrawny and sharp claws stabbed into my back.

H-He(temp.) is going to kill me huh,

I couldn’t even scream in fear.

「But…….. Yeah. Killing a trash like you is way too easy for me, but you’re entertainment that the Superior Gods have been long waiting for. I can’t just kill you in a fit of rage…. Aha, I’ll give you a chance!」

C-…. Chance?

Am…… Have I been spared?

「I should’ve given you some ability but, I changed my mind. I guess Language Comprehension and the Status Check ability are good enough for trash like you. And now….. I’ve decided to send you to 《Cocytus》 of Rookroa. So, rejoice! To explain it in a language that is easy for you to understand, it’s a place you call the “Extra Dungeon” in the game. Numerous high tiered items along with the worst kinds of demons in the world are waiting for you in there.」

Something… like a large ring composed of computations and letters from different languages that I couldn’t understand, floated in a circular fashion, until it reached my navel..

「You should’ve guessed that this is a magic circle, right.」

Nyarlhotep brought his(temp.) face even closer to mine.

His(temp.) human face had almost collapsed; the centre of his(temp.) face was now an empty hole that swirled like a spiral,  staring at my face from point blank range.

「Now then, my honored Superior Gods…. My apologies for bringing you such human wastrel. Well then, how long will Kanata-kun survive and how will he die in the worst dungeon in Rookroa? Please enjoy this entertainment to the fullest! 」

Shouted Nyarlhotep, as he(temp.) raised my body high in the sky, as if parading me before the Superior Gods.

「Well then, since you’re basically a good-for-nothing, be careful on your way to 《Cocytus》 You might never meet us again. Time-Space Magic 28th Rank, 《Another Gate*》」[TL* : The kanji is “Dimension Teleportation” read as “Another Gate”]

My body floated in the air as the magic circle started to shine.

As I was enveloped by the bright light, the surroundings seemed to be distorted.

Before I knew it, I……. was inside a strange building.

It was made of hard stone and seemed like the remnant of a temple.

A devil-like face , with a fire lit in its mouth, was carved into the wall.

Stone pillars, carved to look like humans, spread far and wide.

If there’s something strange about this scene……. it was that those pillars had red, blood-like stains.

「W-What in the world is this…」

Though I muttered in amazement, deep down I understood.

It seems that I……. was sent by Nyarlhotep’s magic to 《Cocytus》, the worst dungeon in Rookroa.

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