Direct Bullet

Chapter 67: Tracking!

Chapter 67 Tracking!

Dexica City:

Walking along passing through a crowd of people surrounding the busy streets of the city. Staying close to each other as they maneuver, brushing past people as he tries to keep up with Ver and Rint, Pap says in a confused tone, hey! So how will we know where to find theses black wolves? Without stopping his stride glancing back at Pap, Rint says in a straightforward tone, trust me this gang controls a good portion of this city, so it won't take long to spot them on the streets. Looking from side to side and then gazing forward, with his eyebrows perking up, smiling with a sneaky grin Ver says, well speak them up and you shall see! Perplexed at what Ver just said, Rint and Pap stare at him and say in unison, what! Pointing his finger at two biker looking dudes wearing black jackets with gray fur on the shoulders, Ver says with a confident voice, looks like we got our lead my boys! So, let's start tracking!

End of chapter 67

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