Chapter 59: Broken!
Chapter 59 Broken!
Now ingulfed with a strange purple and red aura around him, Diya turns to his wretched father with hate filled eyes and says, I'm going to kill you! Looking at the boy with fear and confusion all over his face, Cono says in a horrified tone, what the fuck! Are you some kind of demon? Blood dripping from his scolding jaw, Diya just stands and looks at his father for a brief moment, cracking his neck slightly to the left. Positioning it back to normal, with no warning Diya zooms at Cono like a fly flying through a window. Stopping right in front of the man, Gazing upon him with a teary malicous demonic glare, Diya says in a bone chilling tone, I'm going to make you suffer! Alarmed at the statement, Cono tries to throw a swing at the boy with his right fist and shouts out, the hell you are you fucking demon! Seeing the strike coming Diya dodges with no effort and proceeds to make his counter move, punching Cono with a brick wall felt blow to his sternum, instantly getting the wind knocked out of him, Cono drops to his knees, hacking up blood from his mouth. Cono says in a shaky hurt sounding tone, how the hell did you just dodge my fist you little fuck?!
Panting like crazy to breath, Cono looks up at his young son with fearful eyes. Looking down at the cockroach of a man with a lifeless and voided of motions face, Diya says, this is for mommy! Like a super fast whip, Diya continuously hits his father in the face, with each bone shattering hit blood flies every where covering the once brown wooden floor, turning it into a large cesspool of crimson red blood. Stopping his onslaught, putting down his blood stained fists by his side, Diya says with a heart wrenching tone, burn in hell for hurting my mother you fucking bastard! With his father dead in front of him, Turning to his mother lying dead on the floor only a couple of steps way, walking over a few steps dropping down to his knees right near her head, holding her face with his bloody hands, Diya lets out a earth shattering cry.
End of Chapter 59