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Chapter 57: Die You Bastard!

Chapter 57 Die You Bastard!

Breathing heavily after shouting for his mother, Diya sits up all bruised tired and sweaty. Turning to him with a wicked and crazed look, his father Cono says in a condescending and malicious tone, since your fucking whore of a mother wants to but in! I'll teach her a lesson first and then I'll come back for you! After making his statement, shifting his body towards Diya's mother, Cono starts to walk over to her in a slow and steady gate. Seeing him walk away, tears form and stream down Diya's helpless face, trying to muster up the strength to get up once again. Playing in his mind Diya says to himself, please body please give me the strength to protect my mother! Still on the floor motionless and damaged, Diya's mother's eyes fade in and out of consciousness. Looking up seeing through her hazy light and yellow eyes, stopping right at the foot of her feet, lying on her back gazing with unparalleled fear at her abuser.

With her mouth swollen and cut and barley able to speak, standing over her Cono quickly sits on her stomach mounting her, unable to move looking at the drunk beast of a man, Diya's mother's eyes fill up with cup fulls of tears, still badly damaged she tries to scratch and claw at the man but to no avail. Grabbing her by the throat with his right hand, gazing down at her with a psychotic stare, lifting up his left hand balling it up into a fist, Cono says, die you bastard!

End of Chapter 57

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