Chapter 50: Heading South!
Chapter 50 Heading south!
The room is silent waiting for Vice to respond, waiting with baited breath the group looks at there leader. Opening his mouth to speak Vice says, I will be deploying two people for this mission! And speaking of two said people I will have Kip And Slazer go out for this assignment. Jumping up with excitement sticking out his tongue, fist pumping the air with his right arm, Slazer says with a wicked smile on his face, hell yeah! Fucking finally I get to see some action! But one more question boss? Can I test out how strong the little fucker is? Rubbing with his right hand on the bottom part of his silver beard, Vice says, sure but don't go to crazy. I don't want any unwarranted attention on us than there already is! Punching his left fist into his right hand, Slazer says, you can count on us boss, capture the kid and head back to base! sounds like easy money! Turning his head to the right looking over at Kip smoking and cleaning his gun. Slazer says with a passionate tone, you ready for this Kip?!
Looking over at Slazer with an easy going expression, Kip says with a nonchalant tone, you bet shark teeth! Looks like were heading south.
End of Chapter 50