Dimension Forum

v2 Chapter 2115 - Immortal (prelude to the finale)

Beyond the sun and moon dimensions, amidst an unknown and unstable dimension, a dozen powerful wills are watching the battle here!

After all, even the Supreme Master of Time and Space has appeared, and behind this battle, it seems that the Lord of the Abyss, the King of Qiankun … and even more ancient times, the secrets of the big brothers who refined the source system …

From the perspective of the top master, the four “top masters” who shot can be said to have their own “water”!

Master Bus and Qiankun dominate, the realm is high enough, but the power of the origin is insufficient, and the power of the thunder penalty and the emperor’s origin is abundant, but the realm is the same …

It’s just the extra one, which is the focus of these big guys, and at the same time … the most “negligible” strength!

Looks like there is no luck anymore …

Mars bus and Qiankun dominate the confrontation, and any of the emperor and thunder penalty is much stronger than Guan Liyuan!

“Eyes of Lightning!”

“All currents return to the sea!”

I saw the destruction of the thunder beam, which will be enveloped by Guan Liyuan, even if there is blood rebirth and unlimited vitality … But the speed of regeneration is far less than the speed of annihilation.

At the same time, the seemingly endless sea emerges from a different dimension, as if to be mad, and Veric has made the ocean look bigger than the river of time …

At the same time, the huge vortex will instill the energy escaped by Guan Liyuan into it!

Originally “struggling” the dissipated energy that wanted to be the seed of resurrection, at this time was also continuously assimilated by the current.

When Guan Liyuan’s existence, from the body to the foreign objects, has been completely obliterated, a vitality beyond time and space comes …

It was at the same time as Guan Liyuan’s “death” that the imprint on the river of time was touched, and from the “past”, “fishing” back a little vitality!

However, at this time, the entrusted Space-Time Supreme shot, and while sighing, I saw the surrounding materialized river of time, which went back to the invisible river of time when Guan Liyuan died …

Going up against the current, directly destroying the time and space mark left by Guan Liyuan!

The means of triple regeneration and resurrection, after all … or is it dead?

At this moment, all the people who were watching Guan Liyuan’s existence and those who were not present but knew Guan Liyuan suddenly “pumped” in their hearts, and suddenly thought of “Guan Liyuan”!

I think of a person for no reason, if it is a girl, I might mistake it as a heartbeat …

But the big guys who are watching this scene are all eyesighters, and all the next moment, they understand where this feeling comes from—cause and effect!

At this moment, all of Guan Liyuan’s causal chain involved his sense of existence soaring.

At the same time, under the projection of many causes and effects, a “out of nothing” Guan Liyuan will vaguely reappear!

The reason why it is “faint” is that the translucent shadow is not really optically translucent, but because he does not actually exist at this time, neither is the illusion of energy or the illusion of matter. The shadow only represents the result of all the causal chains involved and the projected set!

But from the current point of view, Guan Liyuan’s “resurrection” should be at the next moment …

The fourth rule, “cause and effect”, is actually … No, it should be said: Sure enough, life-saving expertise!

At the same time that the emperor and Lei Fei turned black, they also looked at Malbus, who was fighting against Qiankun, and saw that the latter suddenly appeared a huge cogwheel ghost, turning slowly, as if pushing a certain This kind of intangible rule, for the time being forced the reign of Qiankun, and then took out a large crystal ball …

Hum-the reincarnation of the will of the Supreme, vaguely sent out some dissatisfied will fluctuations, but did not take any actual action.

This crystal ball was given to Marbas by the reincarnation supreme. When the Holy Trinity of Qiankun just collapsed, Marbas helped a lot when he avenged the cursed heavenly lord …

The effect of the reincarnation crystal ball is also very clear to the reincarnation!

I saw that the crystal ball was thrown at Guan Liyuan by Marl Bus, and it reflected that Guan Liyuan was still translucent. Then … the crystal ball swelled to the size of Guan Liyuan, and even stayed in the position of Guan Liyuan’s phantom, which just existed. This completely replaces Guan Liyuan who is being resurrected by causal projection …

Then the crystal ball gradually became misty, no longer crystal clear, and the “Guan Liyuan” in it seemed to be erased.

Contrary to the previous situation, at this time, all people related to Guan Liyuan subconsciously ignored Guan Liyuan and the previous throbbing.

The reincarnation supreme is a little uncomfortable-although the one who hates him is the cursed heavenly official, but even with him, he has potential hostility to all the forces related to the Qian court.

Today, the party related to “Landless Sky” is obviously on the back bar left by King Qiankun. Although the reincarnation supreme would not be shot in person, he wanted to see the joke of King Qiankun in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Marbus, originally from the abyss, actually used his causal crystal to indirectly contribute to the King of Heaven and Earth!

However, the crystal ball was already given to Marbus, and the reincarnation supreme was just unhappy …

In fact, Marbus and others have been prepared for a long time. Since the three-line rules are all about saving their lives, will they also … the fourth line?

The thunder and punishment dominated the body, the emperor assimilated its dissipated foreign power, the Supreme of Time shot back the mark of the river of time, and the reincarnation of the crystal ball erased the projection of the cause and effect chain …

No matter how you look at it, Guan Liyuan should be so cool this time!

To a certain extent, it is not a top master. Actually, it takes two Supreme Masters to indirectly strike before they can be completely wiped out. This is already something to brag about.

If it was n’t mixed with the “Landless Incident”, the ordinary top master would not kill him?

However, in various worlds that others do not know and cannot understand, many Guan Liyuan began to post in the forum …

[Hosted by the administrator, a special event for Tanabata, collecting altar flowers and altar grasses in the heart, and the selected candidates will be randomly rewarded …]

[Pick-up for recharge! The second, tenth, hundredth, and thousandth floors of this post …

[Forum management is crazy! The original experience of 998 forum coins in a different world, now don’t 900, 500, 100 … just 99! 99 special experience! You can also take the private photos of Ace’s popular anchor Lan Ran! 】

Various special events came out, and there was an uproar in the forum …

Suddenly released such a large wave of activities? And they all participated in the post?

Although I do n’t understand what ’s happening, but … such a good opportunity, today we have to let the dog manage to lose the bus!

咦 ——The reincarnation of supreme will, suddenly issued a little surprise with a little panic will.

Make other top masters and supreme unconscious.

At this moment, only the reincarnation Supreme felt …

A causal chain that cannot be locked and did not exist before seems to appear out of thin air, isn’t it … it seems to be “squeezing in” from other worlds!

And this unreasonable causal force, the locked target is Guan Liyuan-the cause and effect of Guan Liyuan, which has just been erased for a while, have been reawakened.

The original reincarnation crystal ball, at this moment, seemed to be burst by the force of cause and effect, and gradually began to appear cracks …

Things that are not reincarnation are too poor to bear. If it is really the cause and effect in the main world, the top masters of other rules of causality may not be able to reincarnate the crystal ball. However … this cause and effect cannot be locked at all. Reincarnation crystal ball directly overload operation!

Causality back bite …

In the causal practice system, low-to-medium-level practitioners often face situations, but … the reincarnation supreme is confident that all causal chains can be covered by hands and tampered with it. It has been a long time that I have not tasted the “backwash” “Taste.

However, his carefully-refined reincarnation crystal ball is indeed cracking because of back bite!

The Reincarnation Supreme didn’t even hold back for a moment, and personally explored the past with his will, trying to understand what was going on …

But it was only the moment when he was exposed to this cause and effect, the reincarnation supreme cut off the will to explore the past!

Although I don’t understand what happened, … Samsara Supreme feels that if you forcibly explore this cause and effect, back biting will also come to you!

This is indeed true.

From the perspective of the main world alone, this cause and effect cannot be pursued at all. Unless it is a transcendence of multiple worlds and has an understanding of the cause and effect of the multiple worlds, any person with the ability to cause and effect can only pursue this causeless effect. Counterattack all the way.

After all, the nature of this cause and effect is the connection between other members and forum administrators, and other members … many are big names in various worlds.

Replying again and again is a chain of cause and effect.

After transmitting through the forum, this cause and effect directly penetrated into the main world!

Rebirth, seed of foreign objects, imprint of time, projection of cause and effect, etc., but also about Li Yuan’s ultimate life-saving trick-forum!

If the supreme space-time is the river of time that has been entrusted to him, then Guan Liyuan has entrusted the “real self to the forum” and reached the state of “if the forum is not extinct, then I will not be extinct” …

Seeing Guan Liyuan’s body re-solidify, even the top masters and Supremes who were on the sidelines were silent for a while.

Can’t even the Supreme Master of Time and Space and the Reincarnation Supreme kill Guan Liyuan?

Sure enough, this guy is the Lord of Chaos!

And just then ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Malbus suddenly changed his face, but Tan Lin, who was far away from the sky, felt something, and after a moment of stun, he smiled with relief.

All the most ancient deities derived from the abyss of the early Yuan Dynasty felt at the same time-the will of the abyss has been completely destroyed!

Even the Yuan Dynasty abyss at this time has begun a new evolution.

The abyss at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is not just created by the Lord of the Chaos, but an extremely special plane discovered by the Lord of the Chaos. As long as the various sins still exist in the world, the abyss at the beginning of the Yuan will not be destroyed or changed.

However, at this moment, the Lord of Chaos uses the abyss of the beginning of Yuan to disappear. The disappearance of the abyss will cause the beginning of the abyss of Yuan to start a new evolution. Obviously … this time the will of the abyss will not appear again!

[The Emperor Qiankun captured the abyss of the Lord of Chaos, the reincarnation of the Lord of Chaos, but because of the Colosseum left by the Emperor of Qiankun, he revived some of the spirit of samsara … interesting and interesting! ] After the last rebirth was left by the reincarnation supremacy, the projection of will was ended.

This is the longest chain of cause and effect ever seen by the reincarnation.

Obviously, the true Lord of the Abyss has been beheaded by Miss Mo in the Sun and Moon dimension!

Maybe there is an important mess left behind in the sun and moon dimension, or maybe … there is just a killing trick hidden inside.

Anyway, this time Miss Mo is superior!

Originally I wanted to kill Guan Liyuan, and then went in to find Miss Mo’s Sea Emperor, Lei Pu, and others. At this time, he was sitting on the wax-the first step, he encountered problems.

Win, but … kill, no, die!

Even in the last weird resurrection, Marbus did not understand the principle at all, only knew that Guan Liyuan is probably the closest immortal existence in the entire world of Qiankun at this time …

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