Dimension Forum

v2 Chapter 2112 - bad news

The sun and moon dimension, one of the stars, is also the most important and difficult to enter star dimension.

In the main world, the starry sky on all planes is a projection of the stars dimension. Guan Liyuan once entered the Monero dimension—the dimension in which the seven stars of Monroe are located. During the Wanshe Caves, he played with his teammates who controlled the power of the stars. Entered during cooperation.

In contrast, the Sun-Moon dimension is much more important than the Monroe dimension in terms of importance and difficulty in locking and entering.

Because few people can directly enter, most of them just feel the power of the sun and the moon, so in many low-level cultivation systems, the sun and the moon are considered as two separate different dimensions …

But in fact, if you can actually enter it, you will find that the sun and the moon are actually in the same dimension, and even the sun and the moon are two stars together. In fact, only the sun and the moon have a certain understanding and understand the sun and the moon as one. Only then can we find the sun and moon dimensions.

Miss Mo had said before that the Lord of Chaos in the Sun and Moon dimension left something that would be of great help to break the situation right now, so Guan Liyuan only attracted firepower when Miss Mo entered the Sun and Moon dimension.

In the face of the leader of the Six Qi Alliance, Guan Liyuan has shown the unreasonable strength of the original source, and at the same time, he has specially used the abyss avatar to kill and kill all the strange …

The top masters who understand the meaning of “Lord of Chaos” undoubtedly all know the connection between Abyss Will and the Lord of Chaos. Of course, when Guan Liyuan sent such a pure abyss avatar, he would inevitably think of something. !!

Is Miss Mo the “reincarnation” of the Lord of Chaos, or is Guan Liyuan the second hand of the Lord of Chaos? Miss Mo just came out to confuse the audience?

Many people, including Veric and Marbus, were also hesitant at this time.

In fact, not long ago, when Veric was fighting with Miss Mo and Guan Liyuan, during the war on the sky, the abyss of the early Yuan Dynasty also broke out.

But Tarin took the initiative and, along with most of the most ancient survivors still surviving, claimed that Marbas had betrayed the Lord of the Abyss, and pursued his troops in the early Abyss.

In addition, there are also some demon gods who support Marbus and accuse him of terrorizing the enemy …

Marbus was suddenly defeated by Miss Mo. It was precisely because of her body that she noticed the troubles of the demons such as Tarim, so he took the initiative to retract the will to control the avatars, and dealed with civil strife!

When he was in Yasgu’s plane before, Marbas was skeptical but what Tarin had discovered, but Tarin just did not know, and Marmar was not sure, but he was forbearing or tacitly considering him. move,

Because he didn’t find it, but he had the intention to contact Miss Mo in private, so Marbus didn’t pick it out, but he always guarded him.

In fact, he did not have anything to do with Miss Mo-he had a problem with Mars bus, and it was nothing more than a gamble. Can he take advantage of the chaotic changes that have reappeared to achieve himself.

For these oldest demons, when they discover the truth of the abyss will, the highest ideals in their hearts are “in their place” …

It was only the earliest known by Marbas, and at the same time he was the most daring to do it. In the era of Qiankun Holy Court, he secretly attached the King of Kunkun, and used his hand to kill the four-pillar demon who was most loyal to the will of the abyss.

This civil strife was obviously also a Mars Chess who had left intentionally from the beginning. He eventually supported but the demon of Tarim was mostly beheaded by Mars, but Tarin had to give up his position to rely on Miss Mo …

There were two other oldest demon gods who fled with him.

But in the end, they couldn’t believe that Miss Mo, who had not yet become a climate, could really rise up and suppress the world like the Lord of Chaos and the King of Qiankun, so he chose to stand up with him.

But when he came to the Chaotian plane, Miss Mo had already gone to the Sun and Moon dimension, and Guan Liyuan had also gone to the Hundred Strange plane.

I only saw the old man Tan-this little devil who was once in Dantalin’s eyes.

For the luck of the devil Tan, but Talim had to serve …

Obviously in the abyss, because of the devil’s identity, he was crowded out by other demon gods, and eventually was defeated by several demon gods. It turned out that by coincidence, he encountered the existence of the reincarnation of the Lord of Chaos. Bai picked up a chance to make a comeback, and even further!

Old Tan also understands that he has a lot of flowers and intestines and a high status in the abyss, so he didn’t dare to arrange it easily, but just “provided it”.

However, he is very acquainted with the truth. He uses his ability to push (drama) theory (through) to take advantage of this opportunity to help Hui Yeji in the tug-of-war battle with the emperor, to gain some advantages and improve some of his own credibility degree.

Now Guan Liyuan’s other world is a god, and only Hui Yeji battles in the main world …

Although Bai Xing is also in the main world, he is not on the “conquest”, but is just to appease the sea beasts.

Arceus has gone back and continued to refine the plane-the Pokémon World, which is the easiest part for Guan Liyuan to improve his strength now!

Areas other than Shenao are also widely accepted as the creator gods of Alzeus. With the cooperation of the first house in the world, humans and Pokémon basically just feel that there are more advertisements and themed movies of Alzeus recently. The noodles have been gradually refined, and there is almost no obstacle.

This is now the only source of Guan Liyuan’s “hands-free” power. After Hui Yeji refined the area of ​​Ninja, although she wanted to counter the Datongmu family ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, it is still difficult for the time being.

Equally embarrassing is the blue dye, which destroyed the invisible empire, refined the corpse soul world, the present world, and the virtual circle, and the potential for expansion in its own world is already very small …

Therefore, Guan Liyuan “launched” the blue dye to the abyss!

It is believed that Marbus will soon discover that some “wonderful” things will begin to appear in the abyss.

And when Guan Liyuan returned to his plane, he didn’t want to see him, but he Lin-anyway, he came to Miss Mo.

However, he did not expect that it was not long before he took the initiative to see Guan Liyuan and said that he had important information.

Guan Liyuan didn’t like the demon who had planned a trap a few months ago and forced himself to use the “time to reproduce” trap of resurrection.

But when he saw Guan Liyuan again, he praised him from the bottom of his heart, such as wise praise, bold and extraordinary, Guan Liyuan was not willing to repeat …

“… Only a strong man like you is worth it … Only the Lord of Chaos is worth it!” But Lin Hui said with eyes.

Guan Liyuan hates most people’s flattering, but because he heard it, he really listened to it, so he just listened.

Seeing Guan Liyuan’s hostility to him diminish, Lin felt relieved.

After all, forcibly expelling Mars bus, the plan to seal the will of the abyss and control the abyss of the early Yuan Dynasty has failed. It is destined that he is only an “elder” who “escapes” to Miss Mo and can only be regarded as “no credit or some hard work”. It’s not kidding to offend the boss at this time!

“The great Lord of Freedom, you and the Lord ’s loyal servant, but Talim, with the original blessing of Lord of the Heaven, was born from the abyss of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and now … I feel that my original territory was quickly stripped. It is likely that the will of the abyss in the early Yuan Dynasty has awakened … “

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