Digital Emperor (Naruto X Digimon)

Chapter 33: Chapter 33

Over the next five days, the new Tamers focused on training with their Digimon partners, strengthening their bonds through shared efforts and battles. The camp's atmosphere was charged with determination and excitement as the Tamers learned to trust and rely on their Digimon. During this time, Naruto also dedicated himself to fostering connections with the group. While some of the girls did not harbor romantic feelings for him, the growing camaraderie and trust between them hinted at the potential for deeper relationships.

Naruto couldn't deny the allure of the warmth and affection surrounding him. He found himself tempted by the comfort and attention, a stark contrast to his once-lonely existence. Morrigan and Eve's natural charms subtly influenced the dynamic, helping him ease into the setting. Despite the distractions, Naruto made sure to balance these moments with genuine conversations, ensuring the relationships were built on mutual respect and understanding.

While Naruto focused on his bonds, his family worked tirelessly to prepare for their confrontation with the Akatsuki. The losses they had suffered in the past fueled their resolve for vengeance. However, before they could strike, they needed to pinpoint the enemy's base. Naruto was aware of their efforts but chose to delay his involvement until he felt ready to contribute fully.

Naruto's Digimon partner, Asura, was steadily advancing under his guidance. Each day of training brought noticeable maturity and progress. Asura was not the only one growing, however. With the removal of the seal that had been suppressing his power since childhood, Naruto's abilities were rapidly returning to their rightful level. The seal, created by the Ultimate Digimon Taomon, was a standard safeguard for mutant children but had acted as a significant barrier for Naruto.

Breaking the seal had been beyond his capabilities for years, but now that it was gone, Naruto could finally tap into his full potential. Though he still needed a year to regain his war-arc-level strength, his progress thus far filled him with confidence.

The path to Digivolution was a challenging journey. For most Tamers, reaching the Champion level was manageable, but progressing to Ultimate required extensive battles and the accumulation of both data and specific materials. Fortunately, detailed records existed for most Digimon, providing clear guidance for the process.

Mega-level evolution, however, was an entirely different challenge. It demanded not only rare materials and extensive data but also fulfillment of unique conditions. For Asura, the standard requirement was recognition from Gankoomon, a revered Royal Knight known for mentoring young Digimon.

Alternatively, there was the rare phenomenon of an emotional resonance between Digimon and Tamer triggering evolution. While Naruto acknowledged this possibility, he disliked relying on luck and preferred a more straightforward path.

Naruto's ambitions extended far beyond achieving Mega evolution. He aimed to meet Azulongmon, one of the Digital Sovereigns and a guardian of the Digital World. Known for his neutral yet amicable stance toward humans, Azulongmon possessed the coveted Bio-Merge program. This ability allowed a Tamer and their Digimon to fuse, unlocking immense power and the potential for advanced evolutions.

Securing the Bio-Merge would be a game-changer. With it, Naruto could achieve Mega instantly, combining his strength with Asura's and surpassing his prime power. Such an advancement would position him among the strongest beings in existence, capable of contending with the Royal Knights.

Naruto's ambitions didn't stop with himself. He was determined to elevate his team, aiming to make them the youngest Tamers in history to achieve Mega-level evolution. The current record was held by a Tamer who had reached Mega at the age of 20, taking four years to accomplish the feat. Naruto planned to break this record, setting a new standard by completing the process within three years.

Through rigorous training, strategic battles, and his leadership, Naruto envisioned a future where his team would stand as a testament to their strength and unity. With their combined efforts, they would rise to become legends in the Digital World.


Five days had passed, and Naruto decided it was time for Asura to experience his first kill. This step was a critical milestone for all Tamers before they were allowed access to the Digital World. The requirement wasn't imposed lightly; it was rooted in logic and lessons learned from both history and experience.

In Naruto's original world, ninjas of old underwent similar trials. Killing another human was a skill as much as it was a psychological hurdle. Removing that step from training had led to disastrous consequences—many young ninjas hesitated in their first battle, paralyzed by the act of taking a life. Some held back at critical moments, leading to their own deaths. Others, though rare, found a disturbing thrill in the act, succumbing to bloodlust. In this world, Tamers faced similar risks with their Digimon partners, and the association was determined to prepare them properly.

Tamers lived side by side with Digimon, but it was crucial to understand that Digimon were not mindless creatures. They were intelligent, emotional, and capable of forming bonds, much like humans. This made the act of killing another Digimon an emotional challenge, particularly for new Tamers. Inexperienced individuals often froze in battle or were unable to make the tough decisions needed to survive. Many lost their lives in these situations.

The concept of morality among Digimon was also complex. Just as humans could be good or evil, so could Digimon. However, even without the moral debate, the Digital World was a dangerous place. Beyond the safety of the cities, battles and skirmishes were common. Borders were contested, resources fought over, and wild Digimon roamed freely. A Tamer and their partner needed to be prepared for this reality.

For Digimon partnered with Tamers, the challenge was twofold. Unlike wild Digimon, who grew up in a world of constant danger and survival, partner Digimon were raised in relative safety. They were accustomed to friendly interactions and lacked the natural aggressiveness honed by life in the wild. This could be deadly. A partner Digimon that hesitated in battle or held back could be killed by a more ruthless opponent.

Another challenge was the allure of data. When a Digimon defeated another in battle, it absorbed the data of its fallen opponent. For a Digimon experiencing this for the first time, the sensation could be overwhelming, leaving them distracted and vulnerable to ambush.

Naruto understood these dangers all too well. Asura needed to experience the act of taking a life—not out of malice, but as a necessary step in becoming stronger and more prepared. The association monitored these events carefully, ensuring the mental well-being of both Tamer and Digimon throughout the process. If a Tamer or Digimon showed signs of distress or instability, they were given additional support before being allowed further access to the Digital World.

Being a Tamer was not just an exciting and adventurous career; it was a dangerous one. For every triumphant story of a Tamer and their partner achieving greatness, there were tales of tragedy—Digimon consumed by bloodlust, partnerships broken by mistrust, and lives lost in the relentless battles of the Digital World.


Naruto arrived at the training grounds with the entire group, their spirits high as they prepared for what was arguably the most critical milestone in their journey as Tamers. Yeong, their advisor, had prepared everything meticulously. The battle zone was ready, and their opponents—weak rookie Digimon from the Dark Zone—were chosen carefully. These Digimon were known to cause harm to others, ensuring that the exercise wasn't just training but also a form of justice.

Yeong stood before the group, looking uncharacteristically fresh and cheerful. Over the past five days, her bond with the group had strengthened significantly. Though there was an age difference, it hardly mattered. All of them, including Yeong, had matured beyond their years through their experiences. She could confidently call them her friends now.

"I want to make a final confirmation," Yeong said, her tone serious. "Are you sure about this? This is an irreversible step and usually takes longer than a week. Most people take at least a month to prepare mentally. Any of you could develop problems from this ordeal. My suggestion is to take it slowly—start by combating the fake ones and build your way up."

The group stood silent for a moment, absorbing her words.

Rika, standing calmly beside Luna, didn't flinch. She exuded confidence, her demeanor suggesting she considered this formality beneath her.

Henry, on the other hand, was visibly nervous, fussing over Tesla. Tesla was a gentle Digimon, and Henry wasn't sure if his partner was ready for this kind of experience. But the team had to enter the Digital World in two days. He couldn't hold them back. He swallowed his reservations, determined to cheer for Tesla no matter what.

Takato was the polar opposite—excited beyond belief. He was eager to face the battle, his straightforward worldview dividing Digimon into good and evil. Evil Digimon needed to be stopped, and he had no qualms about that. Arthur, his partner, shared his enthusiasm. A combat Digimon with an aggressive nature, Arthur was perfect for the task, though Naruto had warned them to be wary of his susceptibility to bloodlust—a common trait among Guilmon and dragon types.

Naruto observed his team with quiet assurance. He had trained Asura diligently and worked with each Tamer to strengthen their bonds with their partners. He believed in them. They might need the rest of the day to recover, but they would succeed. Even so, Naruto kept a close eye on the three most likely to face challenges: Takato, Tesla, and Arthur.

"Yeong," Naruto said, his voice steady and gentle, "thank you for your concern, but we're sure about this. We've built a strong bond with our partners, and we understand the values that guide us. There's no hesitation here. Believe in us—we'll come out fine. Right, guys?"

"Yeah!" Takato, Arthur, Tesla, Henry, and Asura shouted enthusiastically. Rika and Luna simply nodded, their confidence evident in their composed expressions.

Yeong's eyes softened at their determination. "Thank you for respecting my opinion," she said. "I approve of this. Please enter carefully and do not let your guard down."

Takato, unable to resist the urge to lighten the mood, lifted Arthur. "Look at Arthur! Does he look like he's gonna cry because some evil Digimon dies? He's not going berserk, either. See?"

Arthur chimed in with a toothy grin, "Takatomon is right. We'll handle this battle with ease and then celebrate with some cake. Yum yum!"

Rika raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Takatomon? Really?"

"What's wrong with that?" Takato shot back, hugging Arthur defensively. "I've always wanted to be a Digimon or at least be called one by my partner. It's my dream, okay? Stop judging me!"

Yeong couldn't help but laugh softly at the exchange. Their camaraderie was infectious, and she found herself relaxing. Perhaps she had been worrying too much.

One by one, the Tamers stepped into their respective battle arenas. Yeong stood by the control panel, watching as they disappeared, her expression a mix of pride and hope.

"Good luck," she whispered, her fingers hovering over the controls. The battle was about to begin, and with it, their transformation into true Tamers.

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