Digital Comparison: That Taichi Became the Digital Emperor

Chapter 143

Daisuke Motomiya showed deep concern.

He looked at Ken Ichijoji worriedly:"Don't think about the past anymore."

However, Ken Ichijoji's eyes were firm and resolute. He seemed to be standing at the intersection of time, with memories and reality entangled.

He shook his head gently and replied:"I have to face them, I can't continue to escape." There seemed to be a meaningful sadness in the end of his words.

He closed his eyes, and the picture of his younger childhood emerged in his mind.

At that time, he was like a blank sheet of paper, but because of the destined sacred plan and the indescribable power in his body, he was summoned to the edge of the ruthless dark sea. The dark sea is located in a forgotten corner of the digital world, where the sky will never see the sun, only gloomy and depressing clouds.

This sky, like a heavy iron chain, tightly locks the entire sea.

The sea water is deep black, like a bottomless abyss, which makes people feel an indescribable fear.

Everything around was shrouded in a gray haze, like an abandoned and sad world.

The cold sea breeze carried a little black smoke, like the resentment escaping from hell.

When this wind passed over the skin, it was as if thousands of tiny sharp blades were cutting it, making people feel a piercing pain.

And on the distorted sea surface that was almost out of touch with reality, some huge, distorted figures would occasionally appear.

These were unknown Digimon, floating on the sea surface, moving with the waves, each of them carrying an indescribable deterrent force.

As long as you see them, you will feel a constant fear surge in your heart.

Describes the area where the Dark Sea is located. There is no sun, and it is always gloomy.

The color of the sea seems to be black, and everything around is gray and dark.

Indistinctly, the sea breeze, visible to the naked eye, is black, scraping people's skin.

On the surface of the Dark Sea, you can see the unknown, terrifying huge Digimon.

In front of this gloomy Dark Sea, Ichijoji Ken's heart beats as loud as thunder. He could feel his heart trembling in his chest, and his palms were cold and slippery because of fear.

This was a nightmare buried deep in his heart, a shackle that he tried hard to forget, but could not break free of.

He recalled that day, the sacred plan that should have been like Taiyi was polluted by the cold waters of this sea of death, becoming twisted and deformed.

When the sea water flowed through his body, he could feel every cell screaming in pain, as if they were warning him: this sea water carried an ominous power.

From that day on 800, his state of mind underwent a huge change.

Those thoughts that should have been pure and innocent were polluted by the power of the dark sea and became gloomy and cunning.

That kind of desire, greed, and cruelty began to take root in the depths of his heart, gradually eroding his original kind nature.

Every time in the dead of night, he could hear those dark whispers, inciting him to go on a more dangerous path.

Chat room.

Ichijoji Ken: The dark sea is a corner of the dark area.

Ichijoji Ken: The ocean is rumored to be the starting point of all living things.

Ichijoji Ken: The Sea of Darkness is also the starting point of the Dark Digimon.

Ichijoji Ken: The waters of the Sea of Darkness contain dark data.

The Sea of Darkness? ? ?

The protagonists of the real world, the digital world, and other worlds pondered.

Does such a dark zone really exist? ? ? ?

At this moment, within the golden frame, the light of Seadramon's evolution is fading.

Whether it is a human or a Digimon, they all looked up immediately, wanting to know what Seadramon evolved into? 1.

MetalSeadramon: Is it EvilSeadramon or MillionSeadramon?

Puppetmon: It won't evolve directly into MetalSeadramon because of the pollution of the seawater in the Sea of Darkness?

MetalSeadramon: After all, I am also a powerful Ultimate in the top ten of the Digital World, and at the worst in the top fifteen. Do you think Seadramon can evolve into me casually?

In the sealed place,

MetalSeadramon glared at Puppetmon, thinking that he, MetalSeadramon, was cheap?


【In the brilliant light, everything around seemed to be suspended, and time seemed to be stretched at this moment.】

【As the light faded, the surroundings gradually became clear again. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the appearance of Seadramon after its super evolution.】

【Taichi and Koshiro stared at the still-transforming Digimon, while Agumon, Beetlemon and other Digimon also stretched their necks and watched intently, as if they were afraid of missing any details.】

【When the light completely faded, the Digimon standing before them was completely different from what they expected.】

【Its appearance was so unexpected that everyone was dumbfounded and shocked beyond words.】

【Koshiro's eyes were filled with surprise and confusion. He looked at the Digimon in front of him, and kept recalling the previous appearance of Seadramon in his mind, trying to find the connection between the two.】

【Agumon, Beetlemon and other Digimon also had an expression of disbelief, their eyes revealed shock and awe, as if the Digimon in front of them had a powerful force that they could not match.】

【The Digimon that appeared before them was truly indescribable. Its body was a mixture of multiple colors and textures, like a puzzle, with each piece coming from a different Digimon.】

【This strange combination makes it seem both familiar and strange.】

【Agumon and Beetlemon frowned and looked at it, trying to find the familiar parts, but it was difficult to make a conclusion.】

【Guang Shilang swallowed his saliva. He felt the powerful aura emanating from this Digimon, which made his heart beat faster.】

【He swallowed, pointed at it tremblingly, and tried to describe it:"Its body... its body is a fusion of multiple Digimon. Is this really a super evolution? Or some unknown mutation?"】

【Taichi's eyes revealed a deep understanding as he stared at the unique Digimon form and identified its true identity without hesitation.】

【Taichi spoke in a calm tone:"That is SeaChimeramon. It has gathered the characteristics of many water-type Digimon into a powerful comprehensive form. This Digimon is definitely at the Perfect Level.""】

【Kou Shiro's eyes revealed a deep sense of uneasiness, and he asked Taichi in a trembling voice:"Could the dark sea water be the reason why Seadramon has become so terrifying?"】

【Taichi took a deep breath and responded seriously:"Sea Chimeramon is believed to have been created in the same way as Chimeramon, but there are still many unknown mysteries about it. It is like a violent hurricane, suddenly appearing, taking away all life, and then disappearing quietly."】

【"Its data is recorded in the source code of the digital world, and that part of the data should be stored in the server of the Dark Sea."】

【"The black seawater may contain information and data related to Sea Chimeramon or Chimeramon, which is the reason why Seadramon evolved like this."】

Izumi Masami: Chimera, also known as Chimera, is a fire-breathing monster in Greek mythology.

Li Jianliang: Chimera is actually a hybrid beast. In Greek mythology, it has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a python's tail.

Kudo Daiki: Nowadays, the word"chimera" can refer to any hybrid animal or hybrid beast, and can also refer to"impossible ideas"."、""Unrealistic dreams" or anything we can imagine but cannot achieve.

Joker Emperor: It's unbelievable that there is such a Digimon. Qinglongmon

: Yeah, it has so many characteristics of Digimon, how on earth did it do that? ? ? ?

Suzakumon: It's disgusting.

Awa: But if the Four Holy Beasts can combine into this shape, such as Qinglongzan's head, Xuanwumon's shell, Baihumon's claws, and Suzakumon's wings, can they combine into this shape to defeat the Four Dark Lords? In this way, we, the chosen children, will not be needed to protect the Digital World.

Baihumon: Don't joke, combining into this shape is disgusting.

Joker Emperor: Is it possible for the Four Holy Beasts to combine? ? ? ?

In the sealed land, Qinglongmon, Suzakumon, Baihumon, and Xuanwumon remembered that they could combine into the Four Holy Beasts, but they forgot how to combine and what to combine into.

Kudo Daiki: The real fusion is not like this.

Honmiya Daisuke: What fusion are you talking about? But the Chimairamon you are talking about, Ichijoji, isn't that the one you created?


The protagonists in the real world, the digital world, and other worlds are surprised. Chimairamon has appeared? ?���? ?

Taichi: What kind of Digimon is that?

Hida Iori: The helmet comes from Bidomon, the hair comes from Machine Tyrannosaurus, and the body belongs to Tyrannosaurus.

Hongu Daisuke: There is a pair of black arms belonging to Devilmon, a bone arm belonging to Zombie Tyrannosaurus, and a red arm belonging to Gugamon. It has four arms.

Inoue Kyo: There are two pairs of wings behind it, a pair of white wings belonging to Angewomon, and a pair of red wings belonging to Flying Dragonmon. (To read the novel, go to Flying Dragon Network!) Ichijoji Ken

: The legs and feet come from Garurumon, and the tail belongs to Ceratopsian.

Hongu Daisuke: Very powerful, very scary, it is a perfect Digimon created by Ichijoji Ken, but it is not controlled by Ichijoji.

The protagonists of the real world, the digital world, and other worlds are shocked.

Someone can actually do such a thing? ? ? ?

Molecularmon: I dare not even think about it. Vampiremon: What kind of creative ability is this? I have never thought about it.

Akiyama Ryo: No, don’t you find something wrong?

Kudo Daiki: No, I found out.

Something is wrong, why didn't we notice it? ? ? ?

The protagonists of the real world, the digital world, and other worlds are in a daze.

Akiyama Ryo: According to Taichi, this kind of Digimon has appeared before, so it appeared. In other words, Chimeramon was not the first one created by Ken Ichijoji.

Kudo Daiki: Then the question is, how did Ken Ichijoji know the combination"formula" of Chimeramon?

Ken Ichijoji: I...

Digital Two.

Real world.

Ken Ichijoji's cry was sharp and piercing, as if a part deep in his heart was being torn apart.

His face was distorted, as if there were dark tentacles in his body trying to break through his body.

"Ichijoji!" Daisuke Motomiya called out anxiously, but he seemed unable to reach the soul of Ken Ichijoji who was trapped in the darkness.

The other chosen children around him watched this painful scene in silence, feeling helpless.

How was Ken Ichijoji led into the abyss of darkness? What kind of story is hidden behind this? Daimon Dai

: Why did Ichijoji suddenly stop talking?

Daisuke Motomiya: He is in pain, he shouldn't be allowed to recall such things. Daisuke Motomiya:

It seems that there is some dark power hidden in his body that wants to come out, which makes him very painful.

Dark power???

What dark power?

The Four Dark Lords were disdainful. Can the dark power be as strong as their Four Dark Lords?

At this moment, Ryo Akiyama, who was traveling in a certain layer of the digital world, frowned.

"Ichijoji Temple"

"You give me a familiar feeling"

"The dark power in your body seems to have something to do with me."

【There was a cold blue light flashing in the eyes of the Sea Chimera, and there seemed to be a dark vortex hidden deep in the pupils.】

【Its body swayed slightly, but its cold eyes remained fixed on Taichi and Koshiro.】

【Taichi and Koshiro felt a strong hostility. This power was completely different from the original Seadramon personality of SeaChimeramon. It seemed that it was completely eroded by the black data and became irrational.】

【Koshiro held his sacred plan nervously, his heart pounding in his ears.】

【Taichi stands next to Koshiro, forming a sharp contrast with him】

【Although Koshiro was trembling with nervousness, Taichi was as steady as a rock.】

【There was a determined light in his eyes.】

【Taiyi raised the sacred plan high above his head without any hesitation.】

【"Calm down." His deep voice blends perfectly with the dazzling light of the divine plan.】

【The strong white beam of light, like a purification of the soul, enveloped the Sea Chimera Beast.】

【The coldness and frenzy in the eyes of Sea Chimeramon were gradually replaced by peace and stability.】

【After a while, the Sea Chimeramon regained clarity.】

【It lowered its head, its eyes full of guilt, and said softly:"I'm sorry, King." For Sea Chimeramon, Taiyi is not only its trainer, but also the eternal king in its heart.】

【The determination and resolution in Taiyi's eyes met with the eyes of Sea Chimeramon, forming a silent understanding.】

【There was not a trace of fluctuation in his gaze, like a conductor, accurately leading the actions of each Digimon.】

【"Do you know what you are going to do now? Taiyi's words carried an irrefutable authority.】

【Sea Chimeramon took a deep breath, and its huge body seemed to be shaking at Taichi's words.】

【It nodded affirmatively and said in a deep voice:"I know, burrowing beast, if I don't submit to you, I will die."】

【Then, the Sea Chimera slowly turned around and stared at the leader of the Driller.】

【Those eyes exuded an uncompromising sharpness, as if they had decided the fate of the leader of the earth-drilling beasts.】

【The eyes of the Sea Chimera were like bottomless black holes, and the sense of oppression seemed to be able to swallow everything.】

【That deep gaze was full of inquiry, indifference, and an absolute sense of superiority, which made every living creature feel that deep fear.】

【The leader of the burrowing beast clearly felt the panic coming from the depths of his heart.】

【Every pore of its body seemed to be pricked by needles. It felt like being stared at by a huge beast, and it was desperate to become its prey.】

【Under the gaze of Sea Chimeramon, the leader of the Drillermon almost lost all his will to fight.】

【The body trembles, the heart beats faster, it really can't bear this kind of oppression from the depths of the soul】

【Suddenly, the leader of the burrowing beasts made a decision, turned around and quickly drilled towards the bottom of the sea, at a speed that seemed to be racing against death.】

【A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Sea Chimera】

【It did not chase after the leader of the burrowing beasts, but chose to watch quietly. Then, the tip of its huge horn began to emit a dazzling light, like a lighthouse in the deep sea, illuminating everything around it.】

【This energy gathered at the tip of the horn, forming a concentrated light spot. Then, the light spot suddenly expanded, seeming to swallow up everything around it.】

【Before anyone could react, a giant blue laser-like water snake shot out from the horn of the Sea Chimera Beast, rushing straight towards the leader of the Earth Driller Beast with unparalleled destructive power.】

【The giant water snake shuttled through the water like a flash of blue lightning. Wherever it touched, the sea water instantly boiled and evaporated.】

【The leader of the burrowing beast was unable to dodge and was directly hit by this powerful energy. The desperate scream sounded, and it disappeared into the vast ocean like a small boat swept away by huge waves.】

【There was only rolling foam and hot air in the original place, as if proving the tragedy just now.】

【The sacred plan in Taiyi's hand also began to flicker at this moment, like a greedy devil, constantly absorbing the data dissipated by the leader of the burrowing beast.】


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