Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 4-


<Digital World / Server Continent> <PoV - Noah>

As we ran through the beautiful valley of flowers I couldn't help but be captivated by its beauty. Compared to the strange forest, this place felt much more peaceful and inviting.

It almost made me forget the possible fact that I am no longer in Japan... or even on Earth.

Ignoring that briefly thoughts we continued running through the valley quickly arriving we reached the gates of the Viking village... only to be stopped by another strange Digimon.

"Stop! Identify yourselves and say what your intention is in the village!" The strange Digimon exclaimed, he was a little taller than Herissmon and was dressed in a strange skin reminiscent of a light blue tiger with blue stripes covering his entire head and part of his back. However, there was clearly what appeared to be some sort of small dinosaur underneath yellow underneath the skin, plus he had a horn on his forehead and on his belly a strange pink engraving.



Name: Gabumon

Level: Child

Type: Data/Vaccine


Gabumon, despite being covered by a skin, is clearly a reptilian Digimon. Due to his extremely shy personality, he always collects the data Garurumon leaves behind to form the skin he wears. Because he wears Garurumon's skin as clothing he is feared by other Digimon who mistake him for Garurumon. When he is wearing that skin, his personality makes a complete 180° change.

Special Attack: Petit Fire, Little Horn, Hidden Knock



'Three special attacks?!' I thought in amazement as I quickly read the Digimon description in front of me.'Herissmon only has one!'

Unfortunately I can't know how strong Gabumon is or whether or not the amount of special attacks influences a Digimon's strength, although I had a feeling that Gabumon was quite strong even within the Digimon Child. But just in case I went through Herissmon's information looking for anything that might help the current situation.



Name: Herissmon

Level: Child

Type: Data


A Digimon who is full of curiosity that will lose sight of his surroundings once he finds something to catch his eye, though he is also very cautious and will make his stiff spikes stand on end when he feels fear by curling into a ball until there are no more signs of danger. However, he becomes very attached to those he has grown fond of, and will show them his favorite treasures that he keeps hidden in his spines.

Special attack: Lightning Dive



"Do I have to repeat myself or are you guys just going to be quiet?!" Gabumon exclaimed taking a step forward with his eyes narrowed warily but with a glint of confidence in them.

I took a step back as Herissmon stepped in front of me protectively, his spines had bristled in almost of Gabumon suddenly attacked.

'Not counting Goburimon Data, Herissmon hasn't eaten anything so he's not at full combat capability... I must avoid a conflict at all costs!' I thought quickly as I watched Gabumon's eyes sharpen like daggers at the sight of Herissmon standing in front of him.

"N-No, we were just following the smoke coming in this direction, we don't intend to cause any harm we just want to eat a bit as we are tired from walking through the forest" I explained with a small nervous stutter as I discreetly looked back in case we need to flee. "We really don't want to cause trouble."

"Hmph..." Gabumon folded his arms baring his sharp fuchsia claws as he looked at me with narrowed eyes completely ignoring Herissmon, which made the hedgehog Digimon internally annoyed.

"Gabumon just let us eat and we'll leave, but we can't go back to the forest where more Goburimon may attack us" Explained Herissmon smiling nervously at the wolf-skinned reptile.




"Well you can come in."


"Just like that?" I asked puzzled, I thought it might be a trap but Gabumon just shrugged. "You're not plotting a trap are you?"

"I'm not going to deny them some food especially if they came across several Goburimon on their way, those little green clowns are a real nuisance" Gabumon replied with a grunt as he thought of the ugly Goblin using dirty tactics to get victims. "They can come in... but if they cause any trouble I'll be the first to eat their Data! Am I clear?!"

Herissmon and I looked into each other's eyes in disbelief before smiling brightly and walking past Gabumon. The latter simply snorted derisively as he returned to his duty of guarding the surroundings of the Village.



"Man that Gabumon is quite the tsundere" I muttered with a small chuckle causing Herissmon to look at me confused.

"Tsundere?...it's a meal?" Herissmon spoke curiously while scratching the thorns on his head, I guess they act like hair.

"Hehe nope, I'll explain later first let's go to... that's slimes?"



Name: Tunomon

Level: Baby II

Type: Minor


A small Digimon that hardened the antennae on its head like Punimon into a large horn. Since Punimon, he has achieved a more animal-like evolution, and is now covered in body hair. It has a prank-loving personality, however its combat instinct has not been awakened so they are quite calm and relaxed.

Special attack: Acid Bubbles



'So Slimes with hair and a horn...' I thought rolling my eyes as I read the information, turning my attention back to my surroundings I realized I was surrounded by these furry little slimes. "Wh-!"

"Ne, ne, you're a human right?" asked one of the Tunomon the others just stood watching with curiosity in their big eyes.

Tunomon, just as the description said, had a huge horn on his head that was almost as long as my forearm. Almost his entire body was surrounded by light brown fur except for his face which showed a bit of his skin, as well as his large reddish eyes and mouth.

I turned my gaze to Herissmon nervously....

"And fly high! And fly high!" Herissmon exclaimed as he tossed the slimes into the air before catching them with ease and tossing them back into the air. That immediately made me realize that these little guys were not a threat.

I simply sighed in amusement at the sight of Herissmon before turning my gaze back to the Tunomon around me.

"Yes, I am a human! My name is Noah Tatsumi" I said with a half smile as I pointed to myself with my thumb. "By the way how do you know I'm human?"

"Because you look like a human" One of the Tunomon exclaimed as the others nodded at his comment.

My eye twitched for a moment before I took a breath and decided to play along, maybe I'll get some information on where I am or what this Digital World thing is.

"And why do I look like a human?"

"Because you are a human."


Yup... this was going nowhere.

Letting out a frustrated sigh I started rubbing my forehead at the growing headache, I was beginning to consider that I had died in the tsunami and was now in Teletubie land.

Suddenly out of that a voice exclaimed in excitement calling my attention.

"You're here too!"




<Digital World / Server Continent / Tunomon Village> <PoV - Noah>

"Oh God!" I let out a sigh of satisfaction as I ran a hand over my slightly bulging stomach. "I don't think I've ever eaten anything this good in my life..."

"This meat is the most delicious I've ever eaten!" Herissmon exclaimed in a similar state to mine, for some reason there was a Tunomon resting on his head. "I'm full!"

In front of us was a long table with several plates of food completely dirty and scattered all over the table. To celebrate the arrival of the Humans to their Village the Tunomon decided to have a huge feast, even Gabumon was sitting there eating together with the Tunomon.

Yup you heard right, Humans, plural.

I turned my gaze to TK who was sitting in front of me while playing with some Tunomon. Next to TK was his Digimon, Tokomon.

Said Digimon was a pinkish-white color, it has the shape of a somewhat elongated ball with ears on its forehead and four small legs, its mouth has two rows of sharp fangs both above and below. The most remarkable thing about the adorable Digimon was its strange ability to elongate its mouth disproportionately.

Back to the elephant in the room....

"Hey TK" I exclaimed getting his attention, I leaned back a bit on the table so I wouldn't have to shout across the room. "Exactly how did you get here?"

"Oh? Well..." TK blinked twice before giving me a cheery smile. "I don't know! I just woke up here!"

"Oh..." I shrugged a little disappointed, while I showed up in the middle of a forest with a crazy ugly Goblin, he just showed up in the middle of a village with friendly Tunomon.

I wasn't at all envious, nope, not at all.

"So you remember being swallowed by a tsunami too?" I asked clearing my throat in an attempt to get the annoyance out of my voice.

"Yes! You had that dream too? how cool! My mom says strange things happen when you dream" TK nodded letting out a chuckle at the memory of his mother as he continued to pet the Tunomon, it looked like Tokomon had fallen asleep at some point.

I was about to tell him that it wasn't possible for two people to meet in a dream and that even if that were the case, we barely know each other well enough to get a sense of what the other's personality is like. But I quickly bit my tongue and decided to leave it at that... for now.

After that we quickly got up and the Tunomon led us to a house in the village that was not in anyone's possession. I had wondered how so many Tunomon lived in such a small village, but they just sleep a lot of them in one house to save space which makes sense.

TK and I would sleep in the same house just in different rooms. The house wasn't exactly big or incredibly luxurious with an ultra comfortable bed or anything like that, no, the inside of the house is very simple, one bathroom, two bedrooms and a living room.

They barely had enough furniture to be considered a house but I couldn't complain, it was either this or sleep in the woods. At least the bed was quite comfortable... although I had to share it with Herissmon which was a bit uncomfortable but it was something I could get used to.

Back at the apartment, I didn't have much stuff to begin with and I had even less stuff that could be considered a luxury. Not that it bothered me considering the situation though.

A sad and nostalgic feeling filled my heart making me grit my teeth hard.

I let out a tired sigh as I reviewed the day's events.

The tsunami... the fight against Goburimon... Gabumon and the Tunomon....

I finally relapsed into TK.

'Sooner or later I'll have to tell him this is real...' I thought as I looked up at the ceiling grimacing. 'Although maybe tomorrow he'll realize this isn't a dream when he wakes up...'

'But it's not exactly real either is it?' I thought dryly as I stared at my palm, as if I was looking for some kind of mistake or obvious flaw in it but there was nothing of the sort, it was just my ordinary hand. 'I know for sure this isn't a dream... but I know it's not real either... '

Digital World.

'What exactly is this 'Digital World'?...'

I absentmindedly turned my head to see Herissmon sleeping on the foot of the bed, he almost looked like a small dog because of his sleeping posture. The memory of the fight against Goburimon and the strength surrounding Gabumon came back to my head strongly, the very idea that there are Digimons much more powerful than the two of them was simply exhausting.

In the end, I simply let out a sigh and closed my eyes.

I don't know what this world is.

Nor how I came to it.

But I do know that I need to become strong if I want to go home.


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