Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 33-


<Digital World / Inverted Pyramid> <POV - Noah>

"I'm bored..." Came Herissmon's usual complaint, at this point it was almost routine to hear that phrase at least three times a day. In truth, I couldn't blame Herissmon for being bored when I felt the same way, it had been... I don't even know how long it had been, to be honest.

The boredom became such that I started to exercise together with Herissmon to entertain myself while doing something. Yes, I could sleep like a king, but now this king is super tired from boredom.

Logically, I wasn't particularly knowledgeable about what to do to exercise, but I took a note or two from BlackGarurumon and his Spartan workout before transforming it into something less crazy and more enjoyable for us, but mostly for me.

Come to think of it, working out will affect my body when I get back to my world... I'm sure it will.

I remember receiving a stamina boost as an Achievement reward some time ago, though it was only recently that I noticed the difference when I started exercising along with Herissmon.

Is it possible that that increased stamina will stay with me when I go home?

... possibly not, but it would be great; like, it would be like getting strong without doing anything.

"Me too" I replied absently to Herissmon as I leaned back on the plush couch, which, for some reason, was easily twice as comfortable as the huge king-sized bed in the bedroom. "But we can't do much here, we can only have faith that TK and BlackGarurumon will get us out of here at some point-"

'-and I hope it's before Etemon decides to kill us' That was what I wanted to say, but I bit my tongue at the last second to force myself to stay quiet, that was a possibility I didn't want to expose right now.

Boredom was already a problem, I don't want to add my pessimism to it as well.

"Don't you have some super cool and mysterious plan hidden up your sleeve to get out of here?" Herissmon let out a growl, and the silver hedgehog walked around the room with a frown, as if he were thinking hard about how to get out of here. "Something like blow up a wall, steal Etemon's truck, crush Etemon with his own car, and be free to go back to fighting more Goburimons?"

I looked at Herissmon with my legendary rolling eyes. It seems the normally cheerful hedgehog is now craving the slightest opportunity to fight and absorb new Data.

But sadly-

"If I had a plan to escape, we would have escaped by now" Disdain escaped my mouth as I raised an eyebrow at Herissmon before leaning my head back from the couch and draping my arm across my eyes. "The problem is not getting out of the room, but escaping this strange pyramid and Etemon."




"Heh?!" The sudden weight on my chest caused all the air to escape from my lungs. I looked down to see Herissmon's ecstatic gaze looking up at me with stars in his eyes. "So you're saying it's possible to get out of this room?! How?!"

"Don't ever do that again" I growled in annoyance as I caught my breath and pushed Herissmon away from my chest, leaving him on the other corner of the couch. "And yes, it's really quite simple, we just need to sharpen your spikes until they are sharp enough to cut through the door. The original idea was to cut through the walls, but I think they're too thick for that."

Herissmon blinked twice before scratching one of his sharp teeth with his claws.

"... You're right, I don't think I can cut through the walls" Murmured the hedgehog thoughtfully before looking at me with his usual excited energy. "But it is possible to escape!"

"But, as I said, the problem is after you get out the door" I repeated my point firmly as I gestured towards the door. "Surely the pyramid is up to its eyeballs in Gazimon, and while I'm confident you can take care of several of them, I doubt you can take them all."

'And that's not to mention that we don't know the inside of the Pyramid in its entirety, or the possibility that there are more Digimons besides the Gazimon...'

On paper, things seemed simple enough, but in reality, they were a bit more complex and tedious, with several factors I didn't know about this strange fortress. For example, if Etemon had the odd Adult Digimon to its services, then we would automatically be lost since it couldn't Digievolve Herissmon.

"If only he hadn't taken the Tamagochi..." I muttered as I scratched my head fervently.

If only I could get my hands on the Tamagochi again, then our chances of escape increased significantly, since it was nearly impossible to lock Filmon with its Data-erasing attack.

In the end, it turned out that this strange device was far more special and useful than I first thought.


Herissmon and I looked at each other for a moment before turning our attention to the strange futuristic door, which was now open.

'It's not lunchtime yet...so it's Etemon? He-' Metallic footsteps interrupted my thoughts as a strange little figure peered through the doorframe.

The little robot stared at Herissmon and me, he didn't move an inch, and he didn't say anything either... He just stared.

Finally, the uncomfortable atmosphere got the better of me, and I couldn't help but ask, "Who are you?"

"I am Nanomon, and I need your help to defeat Etemon" The little robot introduced himself with a slight bow. The robot's synthetic voice made me shudder slightly, it was similar to those distorted voices that some toys had, but clearer and without the lousy attempt to give the voice any kind of feeling-


I blinked owlishly as Nanomon's presentation processed in my head.

'Wait, wait, wait. Defeat Etemon?" Herissmon and I shared an incredulous look before looking at Nanomon with confusion. 'Was this some kind of betrayal or something?'

"Affirmative" The robot simply nodded.

I waited a moment... but it was clear that Nanomon wasn't going to elaborate on that.

"And why exactly should I believe you?" I raised an eyebrow as I folded my arms before shooting a suspicious glance at the robot. "If you were able to open the door, it's because you're a subordinate of Etemon, right?"

"You want to get out of here, right?" Nanomon ignored my answer as he pointed his finger at me before pointing his thumb at himself. "And I want to exterminate Etemon, it's a win-win, according to my data."

"... You're worse at negotiating than Mimi" I muttered to myself before shaking my head. "I can't trust you just like that. Besides, you're only giving me your word, and, in case you haven't noticed, that's not enough to seal a deal—at least, not under these circumstances"

Nanomon was silent, he seemed to be thinking about something due to the lights in his brain glowing slightly.

I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my back, I was taking a bit of a risk with this, but if it goes well then-.

"Noah..." Herissmon turned his head towards me, but didn't stop watching for any movement from Nanomon. I made a discreet gesture, asking Herissmon to speak quietly. "I... I think Nanomon is an Adult Digimon, his presence is similar to Ogremon's..."

'Then... possibly it's a Digimon Virus, and possibly as strong as Ogremon...' I frowned as I looked at the little robot, which I now knew was much more dangerous than it appears at first glance.

I clicked my tongue.

'It may have bitten off more than it could chew.'

Finally, the lights in Nanomon's head went out, and the robot's eyes locked onto mine.

We both looked at each other in silence, feeling the tension in the room rise.

"You might want this" Raising one of his large hands in the air, strange yellow letters and glyphs appeared right in the palm of his hand before a familiar object materialized out of nowhere.

It was the Tamagochi.

'Or maybe I really am a master negotiator! Haha!' Look at Nanomon with a stony expression, but inside I was rejoicing with joy like never before.

"If you help me, I promise to return the Digivice" Nanomon spoke expressionlessly as he quickly dematerialized the Tamagochi again. "Is it a deal?"

'Digivice? .... Oh, I guess that's the name of the-, wait...' I paused my inner joy to look at the robot blankly. 'How come he knows the name and I don't?'

Whatever the reason was, I had to accept this delicious deal or my last name wouldn't be Tatsumi. "'K, it's a deal."

"Fine... then hurry up" The robot replied sharply as he turned around and started walking down the hallway. "We don't have much time before Etemon returns to the pyramid."


A/N: I recently realized that this Arc is spreading more than expected, but oh well. One question, do you like to see this perspective from other children? I mean, this arc is more focused on them than on Noah.

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