Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 15-


<PoV - Noah>

Stepping out the door cautiously I looked around seeing how the center of the Village had become a war camp.

"Petite Fire!"

"Hmph! The sun is hotter than your pathetic flames!" An annoying voice spoke arrogantly.

Turning my gaze toward the sound, I could see a muscular green-skinned mountain take on a green fire head-on that seemed to burn all things around it but the greenish giant.

The giant was none other than Ogremon.

Not far away from the giant was a small dinosaur in wolf cosplay, Gabumon.

"Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up!" shouted Gabumon angrily as he frantically threw scratches in Ogremon's direction, his claws moving so fast he could barely keep up with the attacks.

But Ogremon simply dodged them with ease as he let out several taunts towards Gabumon.

'Electric Thread won't do here, Ogremon is too big for the net' I thought with annoyance quickly discarding that plan. 'If I can't immobilize it then I'll take the surprise effect for this!'

'Herissmon! Attack Ogremon's back with Lightning Fur and then use Lightning Dive!" I muttered under my breath as I pointed at the green giant's back, if we could paralyze or slow him down with electricity it would be a huge advantage for us allowing us to easily flee.

Herissmon nodded as he quickly bristled his spikes and swiftly launched them at Ogremon before turning into a ball and diving head first towards Ogremon.

But as the spikes were about to touch Ogremon he quickly turned in Herissmon's direction and raising his palm a sort of transparent shield appeared in front of him stopping all attacks in their tracks.

'So that's how Life Shield works!' I clicked my tongue in frustration as I lost the element of surprise and worse, causing Ogremon's attention to be fixed on Herissmon and me.

Herissmon cancelled his attack realizing it was ineffective and took a big leap backwards standing next to Gabumon who looked at him in surprise before a smile formed on his face.

"Who dares to interrupt me?" Ogremon exclaimed angrily as he scowled at Herissmon before a confused expression formed on his face. "A Herrissmon?...wait that means..."

Ogremon's gaze turned in my direction, the ogre looked surprised for a moment before grinning mischievously.

"Hehe! I thought Humans would be smarter than this!" Ogremon sneered as his Life Shield quickly disappeared and he shot me a shit eating grin. "But I have you to thank! This buffet you've prepared for me is sure to taste good!"

"We'll see about that!" I exclaimed loudly before raising my finger and pointing at him. "Herissmon use Lightning Dive! Gabumon use Hidden Knock!"

Both Digimon nodded before quickly lunging forward in a direct assault, Herissmon turned into an electrified ball launched straight at Ogremon who simply parried the attack with his palm before moving to the left dodging Gabumon's hook.

Before he could say anything, Ogremon grabbed Gabumon's arm and Herissmon's arm lifting both Digimon off the ground raising them to eye level.

"Pathetic! Let me show you how to attack right!" Ogremon exclaimed with a crazed look in his eyes.

Smiling amusedly he launched both Digimon skyward, taking a stance the ogremon quickly jumped as well arriving instantly next to Gabumon and Herissmon.

With a wide grin Ogremon raised one of his fists towards both Digimon.

"King Fist!"

Suddenly Ogremon's fist was filled with what seemed to be some sort of purple energy that shot out towards both Digimon. Herissmon responded by launching some electric spikes and Gabumon with a great flare of blue fire.

Unfortunately both attacks failed to do anything to Ogremon's attack.


"Herrismon! Gabumon!"

A loud explosion occurred in mid-air generating a thick black cloud from which three figures fell.

The first of them was Ogremon who fell unharmed on his two legs while smiling arrogantly.

The other two...

Herissmon and Gabumon crashed heavily to the ground leaving a small crater around them and a small cloud of smoke.

"...Agh... noah..." Herissmon muttered painfully as a faint white glow briefly surrounded his body.

"Haa... Haa... shit..." Gabumon cursed under his breath as he tried to get up.

Meanwhile, Ogremon simply looked at us with wicked amusement. "Can't you worms get up?"

It was at that moment that I realized that give for him, this was all just a game.

And that we had no chance of beating him in a fight.



<PoV - Gabumon>

"Haa... Ha... Ha... Shit! Shit!" I exclaimed with hatred between breaths, my whole body felt like it was going to snap in half at any moment I could barely stand upright from all the damage I had taken.

"Herissmon are you okay?" Noah's shout made me turn my head towards the silver hedgehog.

"Haa... Ha..." The hedgehog tried to get up only to fall face first into the ground again letting out a pathetic groan. "... I can't... get up..."

"Hmph! I'm tired of playing with you little vermin!" Ogremon exclaimed with smugness in his voice making me look at him with a murderous glare that only served to amuse the ogre. "That was fun! I've never seen two Digimon make such a pathetic effort! I should give them an award for the two most useless Digimon on the Continent!"

I tried to get up with a grunt but my body was simply at its limits, every line of code in me was telling me to just turn into Data and give up this fight.

'You know what body?! Fuck you!' I exclaimed in my mind as I put all my effort into standing up on my two legs, my pride for my damaged one that this one would not allow me to give up halfway through.

Fight with honor or die a coward just like that.

"So you can still stand up! Impressive little lizard! But I've had enough of playing with you, now it's time to die!" shouted Ogremon.

A myriad of dark feelings welled up from deep within me as I watched in slow motion as Ogremon slowly approached towards us.

My code was over saturated with feelings and emotions, contradictory and wrong thoughts, but there was one feeling that rose from deep within me.


Hatred poured all over my code like a river of black ink that could no longer be held back.

Hatred towards this filthy Digimon that had destroyed what was once a beautiful forest.

Hatred towards Garurumon for failing in his task of protecting us all.

Hate towards the stupid Humans who were involved in this.

Hate for dedicating my life for a pathetic promise full of false hope.

Hate for my stupid arrogance and pride that blinded me from this situation in the first place.

'Isn't this interesting' I mutter a cold voice from the depths of my code. '... a Digimon meant to fight for the Light clings to its darkness to defeat the Darkness... what an ironic and pathetic case in equal measure,-'

I gritted my teeth hard feeling a dark presence climb up my back and whisper in a silky voice in my ear with a completely incomprehensible language but the same presence forcibly made me understand.

'-And to top it off you're also with one of those Homeostasis chosen Humans, truly pathetic... but, you can be useful to me' Continued the voice impassively before letting out an amused snort and speaking with a deadly tone that shook my code from end to end. 'Go ahead doggy, have fun...'

And with that, the voice disappeared.

And I was consumed by darkness.



<PoV - Noah>

"Herissmon! Gabumon!" I exclaimed with concern as I tried to think of how to get out of this situation, it was clear we couldn't win against Ogremon the green giant was in a completely different league!

'Gabumon is in no condition to fight or flee and Herissmon took a full combo from Ogremon knocking him out of the fight in seconds!' I let out a shaky sigh as I looked around for anything that could help, but to my despair there was nothing that could help us.

Suddenly my Tamagochi began to glow with a strange white light.

[-Order Issued by Administrator: CRITICAL ERROR-]

[-Executing: Command_072...-]

[-Successful Execution!-]

Look at the changing letters with increasing confusion. "What the hell-"

"Listen to me you ugly fucker!!!"

Quickly turning my gaze back to the scream I opened my eyes like saucers as I watched dozens of black and red lightning bolts surround Gabumon almost completely covering him as a malevolent aura emanated from him in all directions.

"You will regret entering this village! You will regret killing Garurumon! But most of all-" Gabumon shouted in mad rage as the malevolent aura around him grew steadily. "-You will rue the day you put your filthy claws on my friends!!!"

Suddenly the whole place exploded with a powerful white light that completely blinded me.

But even if I couldn't see it, I could hear the mighty scream echoing in my ears.

[-Gabumon DarkEvolution to... BlackGarurumon!-]

When the light disappeared, Gabumon was nowhere to be found.

Instead of the yellowish reptile in wolf's clothing, there was now the very representation of night and darkness.

A huge wolf with black fur and gray stripes stood proudly on all fours with long, sharp purple claws. The huge wolf glared coldly at Ogremon with its sharp golden eyes causing the ogre to unconsciously take a step backwards.




Name: BlackGarurumon

Level: Adult

Type: Virus

Data: 0 / 1500


Covered in black and grayish fur, BlackGarurumon is a Beast Digimon that has the appearance of a wolf. It is a strange Virus-Type variant of Garurumon which is able to easily take down its opponents due to its great speed and ferocity, its body fur is said to be as hard and tough as steel. It loves to pick bones and bury them in the ground.

Special attack: Foxfire, Wolf Cry, Freeze Fang, Slamming Shadow, Red Claw.



'The Digievolution!' I thought in awe feeling hope return to my chest, with a smile tugging at my lips watch the black wolf slowly approach the ogre.

"What does this mean?!" shouted Ogremon angrily as he frowned before pointing at Gabumon-, no, BlackGarurumon with his finger. "You're not a normal Garurumon!"

"Ogremon..." A hoarse voice echoed throughout the place making me shudder, it was only later that I realized that the voice came from BlackGarurumon. "...Get ready because the real fight starts now!"

"Come and try it puppy!" Ogremon exclaimed as he pulled out his bone mallet and raised it provocatively towards BlackGarurumon, causing his fur to bristle slightly as he gave the ugly ogre a cold stare.

Before I could blink, the two of them were already at each other's throats.


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