Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 6: Actually, it has two slots…

[Adventurer Lvl 1]

[A reckless person that only through his inventory would find what is necessary to continue his journey]

In the class description, it clearly mentions 'inventory'. 

'Now, I just have to cast the spell for the skill to-…Mm?!'

Normally, my UI is transparent. Even with the circular map at the bottom right of my vision, I can see through it. But now that I've thought so much about the inventory skill, the interface appears to show...

[Status] [Skills] [Magic] [Inventory] [Settings]

Three of them have always been gray, that is, not available. These three were Magic, Skills, and Inventory. Even when I tried to open them, nothing happened. But now, both Skills and Inventory, have their colors back.

I mentally pressed Inventory, and then a window appeared in front of me with a grid in its center.

I took the snow fur and dragged it towards the window. The next second, the fur disappeared from my hand and mysteriously appeared in the inventory window in a grid slot.


Normally, I would have to recite a spell to be able to activate the inventory ability. And, according to my parents' explanation, it requires a lot of practice to be able to add or remove objects from it. To the point that many seconds can pass before the object is entered or removed.

I tried to move my sword into the inventory… It was also successfully entered. Then, I entered the fangs and then the fire tail. Everything was entered without problems.


'It is known that a Lvl 1 adventurer has limited inventory. It's impossible at level 1 to add so many items! Even less if they are so different from each other! Haa… This user interface is really tricky.'

Shaking my head, I entered the [Skills] menu, and there it appeared…

[Inventory Lvl. Max] [3|3]

[Inventory is available at full capacity.]


'Ma- Max Level? What's going on here?! Has the user interface increased in level? I don't think that's it. All UI abilities are displayed in the menu, and there are none related to suddenly leveling up.'

The more I think, the more I feel like the answer is on the tip of my tongue…

'Mm, I lost inspiration.'

"Haa..." I sighed.

'Well, at least, now I know why I don't have to recite the spell and also why I don't have to concentrate when inputting and removing items. After all, the ability is at its maximum level.'

Now I am very curious about the meaning of that [3|3] but, even when I mentally press it, no description appears. I'll have to wait until I acquire a new skill before I can draw any conclusions.

I removed the sword from the inventory and, then, left the labyrinth. Once I walked through the gate, I immediately appeared at the entrance of the labyrinth, next to the big rock.

"Haa… If I had the [Traveler] class, then there would be no need to walk anymore…"

Unfortunately, its conditions are a mystery, so I have to walk through the forest to reach the east entrance of the capital. Because I checked out before leaving for the labyrinth, I can enter the city without paying taxes and skipping that long queue.

"Huh? Were you injured?"

Emir: "…"

I indeed got hurt because of the boss, but the receptionist looks at me as if the little snow wolves were the ones who hurt me. Haa... To prevent her from looking at me like that, I took out the [Snow Fur] and put it on my shoulder like a towel.

"Yes, a little. The boss of the first floor was a bit difficult."

I almost died for not being properly prepared, but that doesn't matter. Right now, I must show off a bit. Otherwise, I won't get that rookie impression out of the receptionist's mind.

Receptionist: "!!!"

'Success. Now, I'm going to my room. I want to rest a bit.'


"I want this shirt and these pants."

"Sir, are you sure you can pay?"

I knew there would be misunderstandings about me wearing casual clothes. So, I went to a store to buy something of higher quality, but unexpectedly, the seller didn't know how to distinguish the real customer from the fake.

I took out a gold coin and showed it to him.

Seller: "!!!"

I can get addicted to that look of surprise, but I have to control myself. The UI is slowly getting me addicted. If I add more addictions, the drug will now appear childish in comparison.

The shirt and pants are casual, but high-class clothes. Both cost a total of two silver coins. They are not fit for battle, yet they will serve me to avoid being looked down upon.

"What did you do to that chain mail? It was in perfect condition yesterday"

"Could you see it through my clothes?"

"I'm a blacksmith, kid. It's my job-… Hey, do you plan to use that sword? You're going to die."

Since I'll be a [Knight] in the future, I came to Erick's blacksmith shop to buy some light armor, but I didn't even enter when Erick started asking me questions.

"What do you recommend to me?"

"I recommend you sell them to me. Those things only serve to melt them down and reforge them."

'Are they that bad? True, the chain mail is a little sunken where the boss attacked, and the sword has some scratches for the same reason, but I believe they can still give a few more battles... Anyway…'

"Fine, then I'll sell them to you."

"You have made a good decision."

'My parents' farewell gift lasted a very short time. What will they think when I tell them-…? Ah… I have not sent them a carrier pigeon.'

"What's the matter?"

"Do you know of a place nearby that sends carrier pigeons?"

"You're lucky, two blocks from here is the mail service."

"Thank you, I'll be right back."

Erick: "…"

'— This guy hasn't even received his payment for the sale and has already run away. What is it that he has to send in such a hurry?' Erick thought, shaking his head.

Past traumas haunted me… I felt a shiver run down my spine the moment I remembered the carrier pigeon. My instinct made me run to the post office and write quickly to my parents that I arrived safely.

Once the letter was ready, I paid for the service and chose the dove. These are not just any pigeons, but they partially have the blood of monsters in their bodies, which is why they are stronger and more resistant than a normal pigeon.

It was only when they put the letter into the vault connected to the pigeon, and sent it flying, that I was able to relax. Then I went back to Erick's store.

"Have your payment."

"Thanks… Right, what's that empty slot for?"

I've always been curious about that [Slot: (Empty)] that both the bronze sword and chainmail had. I may know the life of an adventurer, but when it comes to weapons, I only know the basics.

"Empty Slot?"

"Yes, both items have one"

Erick: "…"

"Does something happen?"

Although I asked, Erick seemed thoughtful. After a few seconds, he entered the shop and brought some weapons with him.

"Which of these swords has what you call a 'slot'?"

With the swords on the table, I go over and check each one. The user interface showed a window with the information for each of them.

[Iron Sword] [Slot: (Empty) (Empty)]

"This one," I say, pointing to the iron sword with two empty slots.

"Okay, wait a bit."

Erick took the iron sword into the shop. This time, it was a few minutes before he came out with the sword again, but there was a big difference in his condition.

[Iron Sword] [Slot: (Chain)(Empty)]

"What you call a 'slot' we blacksmiths know as a 'free space'. We can only identify a slot when we evolve to the [Great Blacksmith] class, these are for adding runes to weapons and armor."

"Ah I see-…Mm?"

Erick threw the sword at me.

'Does he want me to test it in a labyrinth?'

"It will be yours in exchange for coming from time to time to identify some weapons. Of course, I will give you a commission"

"Eh… You left me speechless."

"Just accept it. That identification ability of yours is a very rare one. You'll earn money just for telling me which ones have empty slots."

"That's fine, thanks"

This day has been full of surprises. I came to buy some accessories to be able to defend myself, but in the end I got a weapon with a skill… and not only that, but I also just got an incredibly easy job.

"Don't thank me; it will be a mutual agreement. Just don’t mention your ability to other people, since it will arouse unwanted attention." Erick said so with a serious look on his face.

'He is right. If this UI feature is known, people will want a piece of the cake sooner rather than later.'

"You must work on that skill. In the future, you will probably be able to identify two 'slots'. Maybe you will be able to identify even three of them. I will be waiting for that moment"

"Mm... The sword you gave me has two slots"

"…" Erick looked at the sword in my hand as if he wanted to take it away with his eyes. Of course, he didn't. He kept his composure to the end.


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