Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 15: Smart clone

The knight’s test unexpectedly took away my chivalry.

I don't know at what point exactly. I can only say that I would never have hit someone who was on the ground, let alone on a daily basis. But that's only part of it. 

'Well… Let's see the good side of it. Thanks to this experience, I discovered my two desires: Strength and women. With 99 points in strength, I will fulfill my first wish, and not only that, but by using it, I will be able to obtain money and, with it, women.'

"Is she already here? Well, let her in." With Leo's order, the maid opened the door, and then a woman entered.

With blue eyes and a beautiful face, long blonde hair with curlers at its ends. Her body is slim, but she has large breasts and a protruding buttock. At 1.75 meters tall, her long legs make her look like a very elegant woman.

[Alessia Addari] [Adventurer Lvl11]

[(Slave) (Masochist Lvl1)]

The most important thing is her [Masochist Lvl1] abnormal status. It is very important, and should not be forgotten.

For my part, I currently wear middle-class clothes, which are very close to upper-class clothes. After thinking about it a lot, I decided that this is my style. Upper-class clothes may lead to another misunderstanding as it happened with Yair, so upper-middle-class clothes will be fine.

"Alessia is 18 years old. She entered the labyrinth from an early age, gaining a lot of experience from it. Her main weapon is the sword, and she is very skilled with it. She is a pure woman, and her class is Adventurer with level 11"

Leo gave me a report of only two pages, in which he recounts her life history. After reading it, I discovered a very important thing.

[Illegitimate daughter of a nobleman]

"Her value is 120 gold coins. The report explains the reason for this sum."

120 gold coins… Because she is the illegitimate daughter of a noble, her price increased considerably. 

'This is beyond my calculations. I never thought that her beauty came from her partially noble blood.'

If her original price was 65-70 gold coins, now her price has practically doubled. Her price may drop again in a few weeks, but no one can tell me she'll be here by then.

'Her price is a long way from my current savings. I'm afraid that, even if I have the gift of speech, I won't convince Leo to keep her to me. Haa… This will be a very impromptu course of action. It will just be based on assumptions, but I feel like they have a lot of logic behind them.'

'[Reset Status Points]'

Mentally pressing the reset button, changed all my status points to just one attribute…

[Emir] [Adventurer Lvl 1] [Survivor Lvl 2]

HP=1 || MP=1

Agility=1 || Strength=1

Intelligence=49 || Luck=1


Physical=1 || Magic=0

Poison=0 || Curse=0

[Do you want to save the profile of this state?]


When I opened my eyes again, I felt like a completely different person. I don't have a mirror in front of me, but I'm sure at this point my eyes became sharp.

'There is a reaction in Leo's eyes. Has he noticed? His eyes are to be feared. I know he doesn't have an eye skill, but maybe… does he actually have it?'

I quickly checked my UI, and tried every possible way to see past Leo's status, but I couldn't… 

'Adding him as a party member may give me the ability to access more information. Wait! Now that I think about it, why was I able to see Yair complete status information? And from my parents I could only see the Luck stat.... Hmm, I guess things are more complex than I initially thought.'

In just this second, I have thought a lot. I have discovered many things, and I feel that the knot of the situations happening around me has finally been unraveled.

'The most important thing is… The current version of myself is false. I am a personality created by the huge imbalance in my status, where all the points dedicated to intelligence made me a cold and calculating person. But I refuse to be 'someone fake' and call him the 'real me'. Even though I was born out of an imbalance, I am me, and that's it.'

[Do you want to save the profile of this state?]


'[Smart Clone]'


'I'll call the normal Emir 'main body', and I'll consider myself a clone with a personality of my own. Now then, I must solve the problem of the main body.'

Emir (Intelligent): "…"

'My goodness! spending 120 gold coins on a woman just because she possesses [Masochist] in her status… I can only say that the main body is a stupid ape who thinks with his penis. With that money, it is possible to buy three to five houses, and here I am wasting money. Has he called me for this nonsense? My hand is shaking to get the status points back to normal, and let the main body fend for himself. But if I do that, I'm afraid he'll never call me again. Hm… Okay, this time I'll help you, main body.'

"I understand that you have been captivated by her beauty, but Alessia's price is beyond even a noble's budget. She will be entered into an auction; only then will we recover what we invested. It is impossible to reserve her for you."

Hearing this, Alessia's face darkened.

I shook my head and said, "I'll tell you why you should keep Alessia for me until I buy her."

"I hear you," Leo smiled.

At another time, that smile would have seemed so sincere and kind, but now… I can only see a man looking down on me, not because of my clothes but because of my personality. And I fully understand… even I despise the main body.

'But Leo, you still have to learn something very important… I am different from the main body.'

"Who is Alessia's father?"

Leo: "!!!"

'I can get addicted to that look, but I'll leave such things to the main body. He's already rotten enough, one more addiction doesn't matter anymore. It won't change a thing.'

"I don't want to bother you, Leo, much less you, Alessia."

"It's okay, don't worry," Alessia replied.

"Thank you. So, Leo, I'm sure that as the illegitimate daughter of a noble, she must have a seal. She can't tell who her father is, not because she doesn't want to, but because her memories are sealed. I'm worried that by putting her up for auction, you'll draw unwanted attention, and someone will swing their sword to cut out tongues... At worst, it'll be heads."

If I were to ask the main body, I'd bet he won't even remember that book that explains the slave system. But, in short, the nobles are authoritarian, and they will shut up or kill whoever reveals their secrets, even more so if they are slaves.

Leo seemed to want to speak, but stopped. 

'You don't need to say anything, dear. I know that Alessia's life doesn't matter to you, and since you don't know anything, they won't do anything to you, right?'

"The friction between the Drial Cenit and Castemira kingdoms has made slave prices irregular due to slaves coming from the opposite side, right? Slaves from there are very popular here, and slaves from here are popular there, right?"

Being able to 'tame' a person from the opposite kingdom is a fetish that many nobles have, even more so if the person to be tamed has noble blood.

"You will take Alessia to an auction of the Drial Cenit Kingdom, or am I mistaken? Aren't you afraid that Alessia's information will be disclosed and she will be killed in the course of the trip?"

Leo: "…"

Alessia: "!!!"

As the illegitimate daughter of a noble, Alessia will sell very well in the enemy kingdom. But, will Alessia's father keep quiet and do nothing? He will most likely send someone to assassinate her, and his best chance will be on the journey between the two kingdoms.

"As the saying goes, family problems stay at home. As long as she stays in the Castemira kingdom, they won't do anything to her. But if she leaves…"

After all, if she falls into the wrong hands. There is a small chance of freeing her from the seal through certain methods and, thereby, learning all her family secrets.

Throughout this monologue, Leo has said nothing.

'I feel my words have penetrated very deeply into him. I'll just give him one last push, so everything falls into place.'

I mentally control the user interface and then, casually, wave my hand across the table in front of me. At that very moment, neat towers of gold coins appeared on the table.

""!!!"" At this, they were extremely surprised.

'—Is he such a skilled adventurer?' Leo thought.

'—Even when I'm an adventurer myself, I've never been able to control my inventory skill so easily!'

"There are 58 gold coins that will be my first deposit. Give me time, and I will buy Alessia."

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