Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 10: A Good Deal

On the first day, I arrived at the capital and met the blacksmith, Erick. On the second day, I entered the labyrinth, and then I got a sword with two skills. On the third day, I talked to the slave trader Leo and tested the results of the [Chain] skill.

'Today, the fourth day… I must rest. Tomorrow is the Knight test, and I want to be in top condition when I take it.'

But even if I'm not going to fight, that doesn't mean I'm not going to do anything.

"7 silver coins per rune"

"9 silver coins per rune"

"8 silver coins per rune"

I walked around the commercial sector looking for the best price to sell the runes. At first, I wanted to sell them to Erick, but then I remembered that the details of the chain skill are not known to the public.

If I were to sell them to him, then he would immediately realize that I hid information about my ability. I do not do this with malicious intent. Rather, I just want to keep my user interface secret so that I don't get in trouble if the voice leaks out.

"One gold coin per rune"

It was a great surprise when I realized the value of the runes. Has Erick sold me the runes at wholesale price?


"Okay, 30 [Snow Wolf Rune]... they all add up to 30 gold coins."

"Thank you"

'Now I feel guilty about having to sell the runes to someone else instead of Erick, but I have good reasons.'

Of the 35 runes, I only keep 5. In the future, they can be of use to me, so I will keep them. The next thing is the sale of the snow fur, for which I went to another store, always looking for the best price.

"36 [Snow Fur] for two silver coins each makes a total of 7 gold and 2 silver coins."

37 gold and 2 silver from the sale of the runes and fur, plus the saved money I already had, make the total of 57 gold, 2 silver, and 1 copper. 

My hand trembles thinking about what to spend it on… The user interface is already rotting me away, I'm afraid of my future.

After the sale, thanks to my map, I walked through countless alleys before taking off my costume. This consists of a black cape and a simple mask that covers a large part of my face, both of which are so common that they can be found anywhere.

I did this in order to get rid of possible persecutors. Today there may not be any, since it is the first transaction I make. But I am sure that, in the future, those transactions could attract unwanted attention.

When I changed my clothes with the [Inventory] skill, they were immediately switched.

'That's also something I've never heard of before... it's another secret I'll have to keep.'


"Please, accept this [Snow Wolf Scroll]"

Erick: "…"

'Uah, Erick is giving a contemptuous look… I think I know what he's thinking.'

"I know you sold me the runes at wholesale price. This is my way of thanking you"

"Ah, don't worry. I thought I'd raise the price when you became a knight."

Emir: "…"

"Good, good. I accept the gesture. With this, I have no choice but to continue selling the runes to you for a gold coi-… … … What is this?"

'That silence almost killed me.'

"It's a-…" I started to say something, but Erick interrupted me. 

"I know. My question is, how did you get loot from higher floors?"

'Was I too naive in not thinking of an excuse in advance? Hmm, I could blame those people who have 50 points in luck.'

 "My parents are former adventurers."

"And they gave it to you to protect you, I see. Then, thanks. I'll be rude and accept it"

"Tomorrow is the knight test. I wanted to-…" I started to say something, but Erick interrupted me again.

"True. But before you seclude into the knight order, I want you to identify the free spaces of these weapons"

Without waiting for an answer, Erick went inside the store and took out weapons very different from those shown to the public. This made me curious. So, before he put those special weapons on the counter, I looked at the weapons hanging on the walls.

'…None of them have a slot. I clearly remember Erick saying that blacksmiths can't distinguish the slots on weapons, and that only the [Great Blacksmith] class can. So, how did he manage to tell them apart? Moreover, why does he sell weapons without slots?'

"For 10 identified weapons, I will give you a gold coin. Is that okay with you?"

"That much?"

Erick: "…"

Erick remained speechless for a while, and then "Cof Cof… No, in fact it's little money… I was waiting for you to haggle"

"To be honest, I only know the price of basic things" I thought it was a lot of money, and that's why I asked the question above, but it seems I was wrong. So I decided to be sincere with Erick since I feel I can trust him.

It's best to try to find someone I can trust to know the prices. I spent the entire morning asking the value of a rune in various stores. With the snow fur, there was no problem since I already knew its general value. But if I have to repeat the process I did to know the price of the runes with each new loot I get, I will lose a lot of time.

"Well… then, I won't cause any trouble for us. From now on, I'll give you the right price. But don't even try to haggle because I'll kick you out"

"I understand"

In the end, all the weapons he showed me have free slots, but only one of them has three slots.

[Tempered Steel Sword] [Slot: (Empty) (Empty) (Empty)]

For the identification of the weapons, I earn 1 gold coin and 5 silver coins. I still feel like it's a lot of money for a job where I just have to look and point fingers.

Once I said goodbye to Erick, I remembered something very important in his words. 

'Hmm… Will I be secluded into the knight's order?' 

Unfortunately, I am already close to the hotel and very far from his store. 

'Haa…Tomorrow, I'll know the answer anyway.'


[Emir Lv15] [None] [Adventurer Lv1]

'Um, what do I do?'

I want to check if other people can see my second class, but the queue in front of the castle of the knight order is huge. At least from here, I can see over 100 people in line, and more are coming.

"Those who have registered in advance do not need to stand in line, please come this way! I repeat. Those...!"

The knight's cry came at a good time. At a fast pace, I approached the indicated place and put my hand on a 1-meter-high black stone. The next second, it changed to green.

"You can come in," said the supervisor.

'The magic item just checked my identity but didn't reveal any class. I'll have to wait another moment to check my status.'

Not even 30 seconds have passed, and I'm already inside the order of knights, thus avoiding the long queue. In front of me are many castles, each one different in size and appearance. Knights in heavy armor are constantly seen emerging from them.

Like a duck, I followed the crowd, and we came to a flat piece of land. I can tell from the marks on the ground that it is the training ground.

I looked around, trying to find a group to fit in, but it wasn't necessary. The whole world was kind enough to split humanity in two. 

Nobles or commoners.

Even when I'm currently wearing casual but high-class clothes, I already know which group I should choose. Without hesitation, I walked in the direction of the commoner group.

"Your sword… I feel something special about it. I see… It has abilities, right?"

Halfway there, someone started a conversation with me. 

He was a young man with apparent 15-year-old blonde hair in curlers and green eyes. If I am 1.8m tall, he is 1.9m… I had to lift my head to see his status.

[Yair Cangani Lv15] [Class: None]

[(Royal blood)]

"My name is Yair, and this is Stella. Nice to meet you!"

"Stella, a pleasure."

[Stella Damore Lv15] [Class: None]

[(Royal blood)]

Stella has waist-length blue hair, yellow eyes, and is extremely beautiful. She has relatively large breasts and beautiful hips; she must have trained a lot to have such a figure.

"I am Emir. Nice to meet you," I said, respectfully bowing.

According to their status, they are both royal bloods. In other words, nobles among nobles! Luckily, the descendants of the king without exception have black hair. Thanks to that, I am sure they are nobles without any relation to the current royal crown.

The closer their blood is to that of the first founder, the more power they will have among the nobles. Since they both attended the knight test, it implies that they don't have as much power in their family and want to make a name for themselves.

'Later, I will find out about the Cangani and Damore noble houses.'


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