Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 46: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 46: The Calm Before the Storm


We were brought to a room where we stayed for the night. The room surprisingly looked much more comfortable than the one in Regus. It was larger too, much larger. One noticeable thing missing was the lack of a fireplace. But the climate in Alvuan was warmer than Regus so I guess there wasn’t any need for it. The temperature was rather comfortable, much better than the slightly cold temperature of Regus. 

Although one thing odd about the design of this room was that there weren’t any private rooms. There were instead areas that looked to be partitioned out of walls made of woody vines. These areas looked liked domes made of vines and there doesn’t look to be doors to these areas.

There was a central area with couches similar to the other rooms I’ve given. I guess every area in the world has one of these rooms available in the event of heroes having to stay there…

We all took a weary seat on one of the couches and waited for dinner to arrive. It has been a long day, doing that war of words with that idiot is honestly quite tiring. As I watched Ella take a seat at the couch, I could tell she was a little uncomfortable. Well, it’s always awkward when you first join any group… ok, leader time.

“Ella.” I said as I watched her look up at me.

“Yes?” Ella asked.

“Tell me about the Alvs.” I said.

“Oh, but didn’t I already tell you about how we fight? We like to kite our enemies and wear them down. We replace our numbers slowly so our tactics have been developed to minimise direct engagements…” Ella said but I cut her off before she could go on another big spiel on Alven combat tactics.

“No, I meant all of you as a people, like your culture. If we are going to work together I need to know more about how you Alvs think. Or more specifically what is different between Alvs and humans?” I asked.

“Oh… well one of the main things we have different from humans is that we do not have any form of currency. In fact, one of the things we view with disdain is doing anything for any form of currency. We feel currency creates greed as it stores the value in an easily storable form. We trade in favors and goods when required.” Ella said.

“Wait then how do you buy stuff then? Bartering is an extremely inefficient style of transactions between individuals or groups.” Jacob said, I looked at him in surprise. Usually, I would expect this kind of comment to come from Charlotte…

“I was doing an undergraduate Business Studies Degree when I got brought over,” Jacob explained once he saw the look I was giving him. 

Ah ok, that makes more sense... 

“We don’t need to buy anything, everyone has what they need. The forest provides everything we could possibly need. We also have a culture of not wanting things we do need. Hoarding anything is considered bad form here. Which is also why we do not look kindly upon the humans as you like to hoard things rather than share them.” Ella replied.

“Why does that sound like communism…” Jacob said as he furrowed his brows.

Oh, here we go… of course, Jacob the American doesn’t like communism…

“If there is no scarcity of goods, then supply-demand economics fails to function Jacob. A capitalist system cannot exist when there is no scarcity of resources.” Charlotte said.

“So everyone just gets what they need?” Jacob asked a little taken aback.

“Yes, if we need something we just ask around and someone will help us. We pay our generosity forward, so when we need help others will lend a hand.” Ella said.

“So you guys really just have everything?” I asked.

“Yes, if we are hungry the forest provides its bounty. If we require clothes then the tailors use the bounty of the forest to make us clothes. We all have a trade and we just give what is needed to who is needed, we are never short on resources after all.” Ella explained.

“Then what about skilled labor? Like who gets the best-prepared food, or the best-made clothes or the best-made weapons?” Jacob asked. To be fair that was a good point, resources need to be turned into usable goods, who decides who gets what?

“Our food is the same, we just eat what the forest provides like their fruits or vegetables. As for other goods, we just take what we need. A freshly trained soldier does not need the best weapons, so we give our best weapons to our best soldiers. As for any other good it’s more or less the same thing, if you are skilled in your craft then you get better things because you contribute more to society. Everyone knows that they have to work their way up, if you want more you contribute more. That’s the way we do things.

We live for about two hundred years, so we have alot of time to perfect our craft. We spend the first fifty years of our lives just trying out different things finding what suits us best. Then we spend the rest of our lives perfecting that craft.” Ella replied.

“That reminds me, how old are you Ella?” I asked.

“I’m 55 years old this year.” Ella replied.

“Then how is your level only 32? What’s your level cap?” Charlotte asked.

“My level cap is 73, but we Alvs usually take our time with learning and leveling up. Humans usually spend many hours a day in their youths learning skills. For us Alvs it is rare for us to spend more than two hours a day working on a skill in our youth. We are encouraged to try it out for a while and go back to internalize what we have learned. We spend alot of time with children of similar ages discussing and playing. 

In fact, most Alvs my age are much lower than me in terms of level. I found I loved archery and learning how to fight so I trained more vigorously than was typical. It was an odd choice for a princess, most Alven noble ladies preferred things like music and song. Even if combat-focused they preferred offensive magic or healing. Archery is typically considered a low born profession.” Ella said.

“I guess with rifts coming, having a princess that could fight wasn’t seen as that bad of a thing,” I replied.

“Well not necessarily, it was frowned upon by the court. The other high-born Alvs seemed to think it was unbecoming of the crown princess to train archery rather than magic. That combined with my Blessing of the Dark, made me a rather unorthodox princess.” Ella said with a small sigh.

“These are unorthodox times, standard practice doesn’t always apply in all-out war. There’s a saying from my world, plans rarely survive first contact with the enemy.”  I replied.

“Yes, the court doesn’t look very favorably upon me much to my father’s chagrin. When I came of age, it is customary for the father of a noble lady to receive offers of marriage from the fathers of prospective suitors. But my father received none from the court. This is a great embarrassment to him…

Although the people do love me because of my affinity for archery. It is after all the common Alv’s skill, they view it as… more honest, more true to our roots as nomadic hunters eons ago.” Ella said.

“So you are popular with your people?” I asked.

“Yes,” Ella replied.

“More popular than your father?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

This question stumps Ella as she fidgeted, I saw her cross her arms as began scratching the side of her face. She avoids eye contact and shifts her sitting position. Ella soon realizes that she has to answer so without looking at me she replies.

“No…” Ella said as her voice went up a pitch towards the end. I narrowed my eyes as I watch her play with her hands while avoiding my gaze.

One of the skills I picked up back in my world was the ability to tell when someone is lying. As a leader, I need to know when someone is lying to me. When I interrogate someone, I need to know if I’m getting false information. But more often than not I used this skill on my men. Soldiers often lie about their well-being in order to look tough, saying they’re fine when they are actually cracking under the strain. Telling me they have no quarrel with another soldier when there is a grudge stewing under the surface…

“Alright,” I replied with a calm nod, I sensed something off with Charlotte. I turned to see her looking at Ella with a furrowed brow, I guess if you are noble you would have to know how to tell when someone is lying as well. 

This is actually one thing about Filianoreh that I always felt uncomfortable with. Charlotte is a good liar, but I can still pick up the slight variations in her behavior thanks to me spending so much time with her and my high [Perception] stat. 

But for Filianoreh I can’t pick up anything at all. If she is lying I can’t tell at all, the inflections in her voice, the way she holds my gaze, her body language all of it completely natural. A liar with a seamless demeanor and perfect execution. 

“So judging by what I saw on the ship I assume you are a ranged specialist?” I asked Ella avoiding the elephant in the room.

“Yes, I am proficient with the bow and I use magic to enhance my skills and offensive power. I learned this style of combat from the best archers in Alvuan. They are called the Sisters of Alvuan.” Ella explained.

“Sisters? So they are all women?” I asked.

“Yes, because we use magic to enhance our archery thus women are chosen for that particular unit since women have been proved to be more effective as magic users,” Ella explained.

“Are your abilities more suited with dealing with a single hard target or groups of soft targets?” I asked.

“I do have some area of effect abilities but they are weaker as compared to my single target abilities. I enchant my arrows giving them increased effects or causing them to multiply.” Ella said as she reached behind her and took out what looks to be a handle.

“This is a spirit bow guard, the Sisters of Alvuan use this to enhance our style of archery,” Ella explained as she held out the handle.

[Avis] Ella intoned and glowing purple magic bow appeared similar to the one I saw her using on the ship, but this one looked to be stronger and it crackled with arcane energy.

“The handles enhance our abilities, we can still summon our bows without one, but a handle greatly increases our offensive power,” Ella explained as she dispelled the bow.

“I see…” I replied.

Ella continued to explain the rest of her abilities, overall I found her abilities seemed quite similar to mine, albeit less powerful. Her strengths seemed to cater to taking down powerful armored targets with some abilities for dealing with small groups of weaker enemies. Ella has a few single-shot high-powered attacks, which are more effective against those stronger enemies.

What I realized after examining everyone’s abilities is that the damage calculations of this world matter alot. For example, my SMG Thousand Cuts does 80 [Damage] per shot but if the enemy has 70 [Physical Resistance] each bullet will only do 10 [Damage] as the shots will be resisted with each instance of damage. However, for my rifle [Simuna’s Regards] it does 1000 [Damage] which means it will do 930 [Damage] per shot. 

Of course, the trade-off here is the much slower fire rate of the rifle as compared to the SMG. So the SMG is more suited to dealing with groups of weak enemies that have low [Physical Resistance]

This applies to almost all other attacks, Momo’s [Blazing Bolt] deals 200 [Damage] to all targets in a 3-meter radius. But her [Searing Lance] deals 600 [Damage] in a thin line. So again, different uses depending on the type of target. 

Overall, Ella is a great addition to the team. With her here, we have now much better firepower against the big demon that guards the rifts. Momo will help us carve our way through the lesser demons and the rest of us will kill the demon. As for our melee combatants, Ivan and Volva also do great single target damage with the Jacob and Alfie being great at dealing with swarms of weak combatants.  

I’m starting to think we should start filling in our ranks but at the same time, those that I see might be a good fit are too high leveled. Scylla, Jerome, Davis and Bovarian are all around level 40. Which is way too high for us, maybe on the next rift I’ll get one of them to join me. Then again there is the whole Divine Regiments thing, I might need them to lead their soldiers. If I just decapitate their chain of command it might cause problems...

Hmm, I need to think about this carefully…

As I pondered this question I heard the door open and I turned to see a group of Alvs walk-in pushing a cart filled with vegetables and fruits in bowls. The Alvs walked towards us and gently placed a bowl in front of each of us. I noticed the portions were different as well, Jacob being the largest of us had the most food while Momo being the smallest had the least food. I guess Ella wasn’t kidding about the whole people only get what they need thing.

“If you desire more please let us know, we are unfamiliar with your appetites so we did our best to guess the correct portion.” One of the Alvs said with a bow.

“Thank you.” Charlotte said politely.

I saw, Volva, Alfie and Momo all looking grumpily at the bowl of vegetables in front of them. Oh yeah, these three liked meat, they wouldn’t eat anything green unless Charlotte forced them to eat it. Then I noticed Jacob was also looking a little put-out by the fare in front of him, if I recall he liked meat too. I guess salads weren’t really his thing…

Then the Alvs placed a jug made of wood on the table and began pouring us cups of wine. All the bowls, cups and plates were made of wood. There was also no utensils, I guess we were expected to eat with our hands…

Ivan immediately grabbed the cup and took a sip, I saw him furrow his brow as he gazed at the cup in his hand. I could tell he didn’t like whatever the drink was so I grabbed the cup and took a sip myself. The moment I tasted the wine I knew what was wrong, this wine was so weak, it tasted like grape-flavored beer that was flat. Ivan likes his drinks strong with a good chance of intoxication when consumed in sufficient quantities. With alcohol like this, you are more likely to feel full before you get drunk…

Then one of the Alvs approached Ella with a small package wrapped in green cloth. 

“A gift from the family of Glade Guard Sorenthial.” the Alv said respectfully as he bowed and stepped away.

I saw Ella’s eyes soften as she touched the strange green package. She undid the knot and revealed a foul-smelling piece of meat. I could tell everyone was taken aback by this, that piece of meat was raw… and is it me or does that look like human skin on it? It looked like someone just sheared off a piece of meat off someone’s calf…

Ella picked it up and to my surprise, she began to eat it. We all looked on slack-jawed as she ate the piece of meat, when she finished I saw her eyes roll up to the back of her head and her body stiffened. Her limbs locking as her body turned rigid. Then in a moment, it was over and Ella went back to her normal self. She then gently wiped a tear from her eye as she folded the cloth back up to hide the blood stain.

“Erm… what was that? I thought Alvs didn’t eat meat?” I asked as I looked at her warily, there was something off here…

Ella sighed as she looked down and she looked like she didn’t know how to reply.

“There is a reason why we Alvs do not consume the flesh of creatures…” Ella said softly.

“And that is?” I asked warily.

“When we eat the flesh of another we obtain some of their memories if an Alv eats too much flesh they run the risk of going mad from all the memories… and that was… a piece of the one of the guards that escorted me to Regus…” Ella replied tentatively.

At those words I heard Jacob spit out his drink, splattering himself and Ivan. Ivan just winced slightly as he wiped the wine off the side of his face but he seemed quite disturbed by what Ella just said.

“What? Like cannibalism? Like Hannibal Lector?” Jacob asked as he coughed from choking on the wine.

“Who’s Hannibal Lector?” I asked a bit confused at that comment.

“No, nothing forget it. But what? Why?” Jacob asked flabbergasted.

“You eat the deceased to keep a piece of them within your minds, correct?” Charlotte said with a sigh.

Well, that does make sense… it’s just weird… I guess Regus calling the Alvs cannibalistic wasn’t just racist bullshit…

“When an Alv dies, usually the body is butchered and given to those who were close with deceased. Spouses, children, parents, the family can also offer to give a piece to someone they know the person was close to. It is considered a great gift, because… each piece of the Alv holds unique memories so to give a piece away is akin to giving a fragment of that person to another…” Ella said softly.

At those words the whole room was silent, no one seemed to know what to say… 

I mean that body was like a few days old at least. Ophelia probably had to dig it out of a hole or something, that body is clearly rotten even with the preservation magic cast on it afterward. Ella just sat there tentatively looking around the room, as if afraid of our judgment.

“We humans don’t eat our own because we can get diseases from it, thus our societies created a stigma and taboo against it. Same as incest for fear of birth defects. Practically there is nothing wrong with it if there are no negative consequences to consuming it.” Charlotte said calmly. Although I could tell she was still a little disturbed...

“Yeah, I guess, well whatever our personal inclinations, I think we should avoid passing judgment on what Ella’s people do. They are different from us, both in body and culture. So we’ll just leave it at that.” I said firmly as I looked around the room. I don’t want this event to make things awkward, the last thing I want is a lack of unit cohesion because of this.

“But…” Jacob said.

“We’ll leave it at that...” I said firmly again cutting Jacob off as I gave him a look.

At my words, Jacob visibly deflated as he reclined into his chair and quietly began to resume eating. He took two bites and I saw his face scrunch up as his face went a little green. He then quietly put the bowl back on the table with not even half the food finished. I guess he lost his appetite, honestly, I don’t feel that hungry anymore either…

Gradually the conversation started to pick up again with a little help from Charlotte’s small talk. She was always better than me at making people feel comfortable. I can get people in order and motivate them, but to make someone feel at ease… I’m not so good at that.

As the night wore on Ella got more comfortable with the rest of the party. Jacob eventually got over the whole communism and cannibalism thing. Seeing my party getting along I got up from my seat and headed over to the balcony. I leaned over the balcony and looked over the shining capital of Alvuan.

It is a beautiful city, built by a civilization that coexisted with nature. Much unlike the concrete jungle of Tokyo or the bombed-out ruins of Sapporo. I noticed there were several rooms around this height all built into the surrounding trees. I could see figures moving, their shadows appearing and disappearing as they walked past their windows. Then one of the doors to another balcony opened and I saw a young Alv walkout. This was younger than Ella, she looked like a teenager although I am sure she is older than me. I guess at 18 Alvs would still be toddlers... 

The Alv froze when she saw me on the balcony. I raised a hand and gave her a slight wave. The Alv hesitated for a moment as she raised her hand about to wave, then she froze and turned around scurrying back into the room, slamming the door of the balcony shut. I guess humans are still scary to the Alvs, I can only imagine the stories she’s heard growing up across the decades…

Then I sensed someone behind me, I turned around to see Ivan with a slightly disturbed expression on his face.

“Katsuro may I have a word?” Ivan asked, his face a little pale.

“Sure…” I replied as I walked over the door shutting it. I have a feeling this conversation is supposed to be private.

“You alright?” I asked as I turned to face him.

“No… no I am not…” Ivan muttered in reply as he grasped the railing with shaking hands.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I furrowed my brows, Ivan was giving off the tell-tale signs of a cracking soldier. Odd… I expected Jacob or Charlotte to crack first not Ivan…

“I’m worried, I would like your counsel. You said you once lead soldiers into battle, I hoped you could help put my mind at ease.” Ivan said with a sigh as he looked straight not turning to face me.

“What are you worried about? Worried you’ll die?” I asked, at those words Ivan shook his head.

“I am not afraid of death Katsuro. Back in my world we lived with death always around the corner. Many things could kill us, sickness, famine, a cave in the mines, or a gas explosion. Even if none of those killed us we could be drafted into the Tsarina’s army for her wars. 

That’s how I lost my father and my eldest brother…

They were called off to war and they never returned. One day a soldier arrived at our door bearing the news of their deaths.

I was young then, about 12 years old. I was distraught at their loss but… not as much as my mother. For weeks she barely ate, barely slept, she couldn’t get out of bed. She only got out of bed when my grandmother reprimanded her.

My grandmother, I called her Nana. She was a tough woman, she raised our family as a widow when my grandfather was killed in a war with the Iranian Empire. She told my mother to be strong for us, she told my mother that children losing their father is bad enough… and that we could not afford to lose our mother too.” Ivan said as he shut his eyes wearily.

“Nana told my mother, would you believe this…” Ivan said with a fond smile.

“What?” I asked.

“She told my mother to come down for dinner, she told her she wouldn’t allow any of us to bring food to her while she is in bed any longer. She told my mother that if she didn’t do come down she would force-feed her.” Ivan replied with a chuckle.

“Your grandmother sounds like a remarkable woman.” I said.

“She was…” Ivan replied as his fond smile faltered.

“Was?” I asked.

“She died two years before I came here, her last words were for my mother, my second oldest brother, and me. She told us to take care of my two sisters. That we must be strong, that we will be strong. She said our people are no strangers to sacrifice, we will do it because no one else can, we will do it because it must be done…” Ivan said as he paused for a moment before turning to face me.

“I’m afraid Katsuro, not for me… for Volva… I am afraid to lose her… I’m afraid of what will become of her if I die… will she end up like my mother? Will she have the strength to fight on without me? Will I have the strength to fight on without her?” Ivan asked as his eyes widened.

“Let me show you something…” I said as I walked over to a nearby table on the balcony.

I reached into one of the many pouches I had on my waist and took out a small satchel. I was really glad the Dark God didn’t take this when he brought me over. Luckily he only took my weapons and ammo…

I opened the satchel and took out four bundles of dog tags. Each bundle held together with a rubber band to avoid them from clinking when on the move. I’ve never shown any of them this… I felt showing this to them too early would only serve to give them a shock. I decided that I would only show them these dog tags when the reality of war started to sink in...

I undid the rubber bands, one by one, and placed the dog tags on the table. I looked down at the 36 tags on the table, the only thing left of some of my closest friends in the platoon.

“What are these?” Ivan asked as he looked down confused.

Without a word I reached into my shirt and pulled out my own dog tag that was around my neck. Ivan’s eyes widened for a moment as he saw it, then he reached down and picked up a dog tag that had a bullet hole in it. That was Takai’s dog tag I know it from the position of the bullet hole on it… and that dark stain on the back…

“Takai Taka…” Ivan faltered as the rest of the name was destroyed by the bullet hole.

“Corporal Takai Takahashi, 4278913. 17 years old” I said as I looked down at all the tags.

“Private Naomi Goto, 4279239. 16 years old” I said as I pointed at another one of the tags.

Then I pointed to another of the dog tags and recited the information that I have seared into my memory. Then I recited another and another and another…


Private First Class Sato Mori, 42791130, 17 years old

Private Noriko Ueta, 42794759, 15 years old

Lance Corporal Koshiro, 42678994, 17 years old  


“You remember them all?” Ivan asked softly as he gazed at the metal plates on the table.

“Someone has to…” I replied with a sigh.

“If even you can’t keep them alive… then what chance do I have to keep Volva safe?” Ivan asked.

“We just try our best, it’ll have to be enough,” I replied.

“And if it isn’t? What am I left with if I lose her?” Ivan asked desperation on his face.

“You are afraid of losing her, that’s perfectly normal. It would be weird if you didn’t, but remember don’t hesitate in the fight. If you start doubting, hesitating, then Volva will really die. These ones…” I muttered as I began picking about a dozen of the dog tags on the table.

“I killed these through hesitation… believe me Ivan experience is a ruthless teacher, I paid much for those lessons. I’ll tell you this now so you don’t have to learn as I have. Don’t hesitate, fight hard with everything you have. 

There is no room for hesitation in combat Ivan, when leaders hesitate they get their men killed. Volva looks to you in combat, just as all of you look to me for leadership. Focus on what needs to be done, if you do all you can then the rest is up to fate. I’ll try my best to look out for all of you, but I need you to look out for Volva, just like how I need Jacob to look after Alfie and Charlotte for Amethine. 

It’s a chain of command, we are only as strong as our weakest link…” I said as I placed a hand on Ivan’s shoulder. He paused for a moment contemplating my words, then he nodded and gave me small smile.

“Thank you Katsuro… this was helpful...” Ivan said gratefully.

“Go back in there, tell Volva you love her, hold her tight tonight and remind yourself why you will pick up your weapon tomorrow. Fight tomorrow for the family that you want to start with her.” I said with a nod.

“I will, thank you Katsuro.” Ivan said with a nod.

As Ivan went back into the room, I looked down at the dog tags and began to retie them into their respective bundles. I didn’t tell Ivan but these tags were not sorted randomly, each bundle represented those I lost for a specific reason. 


This one due to bad luck…

A reminder of the cruelties of fate, luck is worth more than skill on the field of battle…


This one due to mistakes caused by my lack of experience

A reminder of those hard lessons and how much those lessons cost…


This one due to hesitation…

I hesitated and they died for it. The mistakes were mine but the punishment theirs…


This one… the last one… the ones that haunt me the most…

This one due to sacrifice…

You can’t save everyone in war…

Sometimes you need to sacrifice a pawn, a bishop, a knight, and even a queen…

If you lose the battle, you lose them all, so I traded pieces, allies, and friends…


Victory at any cost…

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