Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 40 - 9-headed snake assault

   Without the Hydra’s knowledge, all of their confidential information has been sold out by Chen Lu. Knowing these circumstances, Nick Fury will immediately start a full-scale war with Hydra as Chen Lu thinks, and Chen Lu, who has been hiding behind the scenes, has a chance to profit.

The two mutants of Kuaiyin and Scarlet Witch are both in the Hydra Research Base in Sokovia, Eastern Europe. If Chen Lu has the opportunity to follow S.H.I.E.L.D. to attack this place, he must find a way to combine these two powerful mutants. Human infection brought back to be used as one’s own right hand. This is why Chen Lu told Nick about the location.

  Of course, you have to cheat the trust of S.H.I.E.L.D. before this. This is a very simple matter for Chen Lu, who has a lot of secret information about Hydra.

   Chen Lu and Captain America guarded the door silently, waiting for the conversation between Nick and Tony to end. I don’t know when it started, the pedestrians around began to increase, and occasionally a police car would pass in front of the garden of the villa. This country house is located in a very remote suburb, and it seems a bit unusual to pass so many pedestrians.

   Chen Lu noticed that most of these passers-by hadn’t glanced at this villa in a blink of an eye, as if they had deliberately told others that I was not spying on it. There was even a relatively young brawny man who was walking leisurely, but beads of sweat slipped off his temples. There is only one explanation for such an abnormal situation-they are all special forces.

   is undoubtedly the Hydra killer who has been eyeing Nick!

   Chen Lu patted Captain America Jianshuo on the chest, and said without a point: “Captain, we have guests.”

Without waiting for Captain America’s response, Chen Lu turned around calmly, walked into the house keeping a calm pace, and said to the two people who were still discussing: “Nick, I’m afraid you have guests outside. Invite them? (The people who came to kill you surrounded this place

With Nick’s IQ, he immediately understood Chen Lu’s implication. He took out his mobile phone and entered a series of numbers while still keeping a fake smile and replied: “I did invite some people, I believe they will be here soon. (I have called for rescue, and reinforcements will arrive in a few minutes

   Tony inside the house and Captain America outside the house are not aware of the danger, and they fail to understand that Chen Lu and Nick’s matchup is to avoid starting the grass and calling for help. In the two blind spots outside the villa, the two big killers of Hydra, the Winter Soldier and the Crossbones, are silently commanding other special forces posing as pedestrians to surround here step by step.

   In fact, Chen Lu is also thinking in his heart how to do it well. After all, it is not necessary for him to participate in the battle between the two forces. However, considering Hydra’s way of acting without leaving a living mouth, and his need for Nick to continue to lead S.H.I.E.L.D. to check and balance Hydra, now he has to stand on S.H.I.

   “Tony, give me the antidote to the narcotic.” Chen Lu reached out to Tony, as if half-jokingly said: “Put on your mecha and we will fight one by one.”

   “One-on-one?” Tony laughed out loud, but when he realized that Chen Lu hadn’t taken his hand back, his smile solidified on his face, nodding as if he realized something, and said, “Listen to you.”

   The Captain America, who was still outside the villa, finally understood Chen Lu’s meaning after dozens of seconds of thinking, and quietly grasped the vibrating shield, ready to face the impact at any time. This is the best situation, let all teammates prepare for the battle in advance, and delay the time to wait for rescue to come.


   More than a dozen smoke bombs were thrown in from multiple corners outside the villa at the same time. In an instant, it became a heavy smog area surrounded by smoke with a field of view of less than one meter. Listening to the sound of footsteps, you can find that at least thirty people are rushing here, the sound of the bullet being loaded into one piece.

At this time Tony has put on his MK5 Iron Man mech, also called suitcase armor (named because it can be folded into a suitcase). The usual MK4 mech is not the same set, it is to deal with emergencies. Portable armor created. In order to reduce the weight for carrying, the firepower and armor strength have been greatly reduced, it can be said that the current Tony is just a weakened version of Iron Man.

   “Come on, idiots.”

   Two strong dazzling yellow lasers fired from Tony’s two palms, penetrating the smoke screen and directly hitting the two special soldiers running in the front, blasting the two unlucky ones out. But immediately rained bullets pouring over Tony, hitting him with sparks all over his body, roasting the originally beautiful red shell into a scorched black.


In the mist, a blue shield spun out of the air at high speed like a discus. After hitting a special soldier on the head, it bounced and hit another person next to him. After repeated ejection seven times and knocked down seven special soldiers, it was spared. A big circle returned to Captain America, and UU Reading immediately hit the next special soldier in the face.

  Iron Man was suppressing firepower, while Captain America was in a good position in the close battle, and the two of them worked together to beat the dozens of special forces who charged up. For a while, Chen Lu felt that there was nothing wrong with him, but the next appearance completely shattered his illusion.

   More than a dozen gunship helicopters approached the villa from the air, and without a word, there was a rain of missiles on this area. More than 20 helicopter missiles fell from the sky, and Tony kept firing pulse cannons to intercept only seven or eight of them, and the remaining missiles blasted into the villa in one go.

   “Boom boom boom boom boom…!”

   Everything is collapsing. Broken bricks, wood chips, and mud are rising high with the shock wave of the explosion, forming a huge mushroom cloud in the sky. The flames swallowed everything that could be seen, and the villa was razed to the ground in a blink of an eye. Flames, smoke and dust, nothing else can be seen.

   “Nick—!” Captain America smashed a special soldier to death with another shield, turned and shouted toward the burning ruins.

   “It’s okay.”

Chen Lu’s calm response came from the ruins. A metal buckler with the same shape as Captain America’s shield but expanded five or six times in size was carried over his head, separating him and Nick from the blazing flames. Among them, Nick was still in shock, sitting on the ground looking up at Chen Lu beside him.

   But this ugly state only lasted less than a second before it was relieved. Nick quickly got up from the ground and raised his small pistol as if nothing happened. Chen Lu did not expect to receive his gratitude, and retracted the giant shield into his right arm.

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