Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 711 - Prince

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In the back garden of the Fourth Infectious Diseases Hospital in San Francisco, America, Alex Lachlan was wearing a pandemic suit, lying on the lawn emptily and looking at the sky with hopeless eyes.

“Alex! What are you doing lying there? When is this, faster?”

It was the voice of the supervisor, with extreme dissatisfaction.

Alex frowned, then forced himself to get up from the lawn. Although during this process, he felt pain like a bursting chest, heavy breathing, and extremely difficult.

But Alex still braced and stood up and followed his colleagues to the hospital morgue. His current job is to work with his colleagues to transport the corpses here to a corpse incineration plant two kilometers away for incineration.

Because too many people die every day, and all the freezer boxes in the morgue of the Fourth Infectious Disease Hospital have been packed full, this work is very heavy.

Alex needs to follow the corpse truck to go back and forth between the two places ten times, transporting no less than two hundred corpses.

However, the salary is very high, 800 gold dongs a day. Generally, Amerika’s gold collars can’t get so much money, but it is equivalent to his previous salary of half a month.

The economy is almost completely stopped, except for some closed factories in production, and now the service industry has almost stopped working, which is especially rare.

But today, for some reason, Alex couldn’t afford a bit of strength. After cooperating with his colleagues to reluctantly move the seven corpses, his brain suddenly began to dizzy. Then it went dark, and the whole person fell to the ground.

“Alex? Damn, what the **** are you doing? The bodies fall to the ground, and the employer will scold me badly.”

“Mr. Lachlan, are you okay? He seems to be in shock. Call a doctor soon.”

“Before the doctor arrives, I think it’s time to untie his mask and let him take a breath. It’s not convenient here. Move him out?”

Alex soon found that he was a little more relaxed, because his gas mask was taken off. But at this moment, Alex felt vaguely that his colleagues backed away in horror.

“Black spots, it’s black spots, this guy has the plague!”

“When did it happen? Why didn’t he check?”

“Black Death, shit! Shit! I had dinner with him in the cafeteria the day before yesterday.”

“Should be okay? I remember he was wearing a half-face mask, and I laughed at him for being too careful.”

At this time, a doctor had arrived to check him up, but Alex felt panicked. He stretched out his hand, trying to grasp something, but in the end he couldn’t move and found nothing.

At this time, he saw a huge figure appear in front of his eyes, watching him with a fatherly gaze.

This figure is corrupted all over, and even thick water has already appeared in some places. But at this time, Alex didn’t feel sick, just because the appearance of this ‘good father’ made him full of warmth.

“You don’t need to despair boy, you should learn to coexist with them. Life is equal, and all are precious—”

The voice was vague, but the pain in his body gradually disappeared, and just when Alex wanted to keep working hard and listen to this voice. An equally warm hand grabbed his wrist.

“Don’t listen, child, it’s chaos. Listening to him can indeed save you from the plague, but at the same time you will become a monster that is full of pus.”

It was the voice of an old man, who seemed to be a pastor: “I feel your despair. Is it fear of death? No, you are not for yourself. It is for your family? Let me guess, you came here illegally. , There is no medical insurance, right? Are you afraid of being sent to the ward?”

Alex froze slightly, which made the huge figure in front of him gradually disappear.

“Boy, you should really understand the government’s policies, or watch TV. Otherwise, it’s okay to communicate with your colleagues. Our Destiny Church issued an announcement two months ago, which can be used during the plague period. , To provide free medical care for all those who do not have medical insurance, and call on the rich to donate for this. Trust me, the church will reimburse your medical expenses. The only thing you have to do is to fight the plague and survive—”

“He is not for medical insurance, Mr. Pastor.”

This voice belongs to a colleague of Alex, but he doesn’t even know the name of this guy.

“I guess he is afraid of being deported, and his family should be very difficult. I noticed that when he eats in the cafeteria every day, he will pack half of it and take it home.”

“Then there is no need to worry, boy.”

The pastor laughed: “So you really should read the news. Just two days ago, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Dwight Payton, proposed a motion. Since the motion is passed, all illegal immigrants who have recovered from the illness can get five in America. Temporary residency permission for 1 year. After the passage, all illegal immigrants who have complied with the health regulations and can report to the doctor promptly after infection can also obtain this right. Mr. Payton is a good friend who ruled in the mortal age, and his bill passed The possibility is as high as 100%. I have to say that although you are very selfish, you are a lucky guy.”

When Alex heard halfway through, he was already refreshed, and the despair that had pervaded his heart suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Although he is just a smuggled immigrant who doesn’t care about current affairs, he also knows what kind of character Mr. Dwight Payton, the current Speaker of the House of Representatives, is.

He believed that this must be the will of the Lord of Destiny. Alex had heard of that great **** and often used this hand to pass some bills that benefited the public.

“Now, tell your family and their address. They may also be infected, so, sir, you are really a selfish person—”


“So far, we have monitored a total of 467 variant genes.”

In the dark world and the Middle East, the fight against the blood feast monsters was in full swing, while the mortal world of the light world was in deep water due to the large-scale infection of the plague.

On the 28th floor of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny, the atmosphere here is also heavy.

“We have monitored these mutant viruses, usually due to the violent fluctuations in the original host’s mood. The more desperate they are, the higher the chance of these viruses mutating. That is obviously the power of Nurgle. He is using people’s emotions. To change the structure of the virus.”

“Fortunately, these surviving variants of Yersinia pestis have not undergone fundamental changes. They are still a group and are also within the scope of our vaccine.”

Athena rubbed her eyebrows: “But our luck won’t always be so good, right?”

She knows that viruses, the simplest member of life, mostly have their genetic code or genome concentrated on the nucleic acid chain, so they are extremely unstable. Any change in this nucleic acid chain will affect the characteristics of their offspring.

Therefore, the genome of the virus is by no means static during its propagation, but is automatically mutated at all times.

In a virus infection, a virus particle has to multiply millions of times, and there is a chance of mutation, which is also exaggerated.

Although most of these mutations may cause the death of the virus, but a few of them survive, but will cause the virus group to change.

And the power of Nurgle was obviously contributing to this change, to a worsening direction.


Li Mochen glanced at Athena, then smiled bitterly in his heart.

In fact, if it weren’t for his wishing technique to stop it, his “Shenxiao Lingyun Zijin Pagoda” was suppressing. This mutation happened long ago.

But now the energy of merit on the tower is being consumed violently every moment, and there is a tendency to fail to keep up.

“We still have to rely on our pastor.” Prometheus sighed softly: “It is best to avoid too strong despair in the time period before the patient’s death. Of course, policies should also keep up, according to my incarnation. As a result of the mortal visit, most of them are not really afraid of death, but caused by other reasons.”

“But nowadays, apart from the doctors, your majesty’s pastors are the hardest group of people. After the outbreak, most of them have not taken a good rest. Because they have more contact with patients, the chance of infection is also very high, which is very dangerous.”

Bismarck smiled bitterly: “This is not the way to go, I suggest sedatives be used before the patient’s death, which can effectively calm their emotions.”

“This is a method, it is inhumane, it will also cause controversy and dissatisfaction, and may even lead to a larger scale of panic.”

Athena shook her head: “This method is not a last resort. However, I have recently had an idea to use the power of Lucifer and the gods of hell. I and the gods of hindsight can also provide some help.”

Li Mochen raised his eyebrows immediately: “Are you sure?”

He probably knew what help Athena and Epimetheus could provide. The Goddess of Wisdom and the God of Hindsight can slow people’s thinking and become stupid. After a person is stupid, he can’t think about things.

The demon gods headed by Lucifer also have similar effects.

For example, Belial, the lord of laziness, can make people lazy, so lazy that they don’t want to think; arrogant Lucifer can make people proud, they will think what plague virus is, that is scum, we continue to HAPPY, hold party? Bezebub, who is gluttonous, can make people hungry, so hungry that they can’t think normally, etc.—

“If you agree, I will do my best.”

Athena’s face was cold: “In any case, we have to wait until the development of the special drug is completed.”

Compared with highly variable vaccines, she is looking forward to specific drugs. Viruses can mutate, but as long as it is Yersinia pestis, it is difficult to fundamentally change its damage mechanism and toxicity to the human body.

“Then this matter is left to you.” Li Mochen did not hesitate: “I will let Isis cooperate with you and give you the greatest convenience.”

Although Athena’s strategy is not so fair, it is also unethical. But the effect should be very good, and the consequences are also small.

The current situation is also a last resort. In order to prevent a greater disaster from coming, they must prevent the power of the Chaos Four Gods from continuing to grow in this world.

Li Mochen is even ready to take control by any means when the situation continues to deteriorate.

But the current situation is okay. Their vaccines also have special effects, and there is still a high chance that they will be successfully developed before the virus mutates.

“There is still a problem. In the dark world, the spread of disease is a bit fast.”

Prometheus said of the new situation: “The environment over there is more suitable for the growth of viruses, so the current infection rate is already very high. Fortunately, people who enter the dark world generally have strong physique and resistance. The psychological quality is also very good, and the current people’s hearts are still stable.”

“Then leave it alone for now, but you have to pay attention to strengthening the medical force over there.”

Li Mochen knew that if the mortality rate was too high, even a well-trained army would collapse: “There are also epidemic prevention on all starships. In the future, this will be our core strength and there must be no problems. As long as we survive this. period of time–“

Li Mochen looked at his assistant Alisha Targaryen: “Tell me about the progress of our life defense plan!”

“This plan has made great progress.”

At this time, Alyssa not only actually held the position of the ‘secretary’ of the Destiny Kingdom, but also mastered and coordinated the military production of the Destiny Kingdom.

“The cloak in Project A has been designed to protect against viruses by only implanting them in the human body. However, our bioscientists do not agree with large-scale popularization. This is due to the increasing interference of various organisms. Strong. And our reproductive clothing designed for ordinary people, due to cost factors, the self-discipline system is relatively weak. Once they change under the influence of dirt, this is likely to lead to a biochemical disaster.”

“Then it is the protective clothing made of high-strength carbon fiber, combined with ceramics and high-strength alloys, which is led by Light & Magic Industry in Plan B. It can ensure the comfort of the human body while isolating more than 99% of pathogens. And clean, and let ordinary people have a certain degree of defensive ability and combat effectiveness. At present, Light and Magic Industry has designed three versions, and the performance is very good.”

After Alisa said this, she spread her hands: “Even the cheapest version with extremely weak defensive capabilities has a cost of more than 43,000 gold shields. However, His Royal Highness Anthony believes that it can be greatly reduced on the existing basis. The cost, he is personally presiding over this plan, and it is expected to be reduced to 17,000 gold dongs.”

This so-called life defense plan is actually a way to completely isolate people from the outside world and completely cut off the pollution of the power of naughty.

“One thousand seven thousand gold shields, considering the need for daily replacement, maintenance, at least three sets per person—”

Bismarck couldn’t help but rub his forehead: “The current Bright World can only be afforded by some developed regions, right? The world’s nearly 120 billion people, which is an investment of six thousand trillion gold shields.”

“But this is currently the most feasible. If it can really defend against grime, then six gigabytes is not unacceptable.”

Diana smiled: “Besides, Your Highness Bismarck, you have not considered the future inflation. It is expected that the industrial capacity of Bright World will explode, and the wealth of the people will also increase greatly in the future. This is good news, at least it can be done. Up.”

“The problem is time.” The **** of strategy Garcia Phelan frowned: “How long will it take us to produce 360 ​​billion sets of protective clothing? One hundred years? Or two hundred years?”

He knows that the production conditions for this kind of high-strength carbon fiber are extremely harsh, and that the Fate Alliance, regardless of battleship armor, is a large consumer of high-strength carbon fiber.

“This is actually secondary, Garcia. The key is people’s mind. As long as the product comes out, it can effectively reduce public anxiety.”

Prometheus smiled: “If it doesn’t work, and the current medical protective clothing, the cheapest is only 12 gold shields. Of course, it can’t make people work, life, and combat without barriers, and it is also very uncomfortable. With improvements, there is still a certain degree of security.”

“Forget medical protective clothing.”

Patrick, the **** of medical care, shook his head: “According to the latest feedback, it may not be able to effectively prevent the plague. In some areas with poor sanitary conditions, many medical staff have been infected, with the rate as high as 7%. I am actually thinking. To report this matter, the current protective clothing must be improved. And their cost will definitely rise.”

Prometheus was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. He had never mastered this matter.

“Then Plan B is even more imperative.”

Bismarck sighed slightly: “His Royal Highness Prometheus is right. This is indeed the most feasible plan at the moment. I can now promote the government to conduct small-scale procurement, and first popularize it among all medical staff. Of course, His Royal Highness Anthony also Costs need to be kept down, and methods for mass manufacturing must be developed as soon as possible.”

“Then as soon as possible!” Li Mochen’s expression relaxed: “So our situation is actually not very bad.”


After everyone left, Li Mochen contemplated for a while before returning to the top of the magic tower.

Recently, he has not devoted all of his energy to the research and development of vaccines and drugs, because he knows that this law treats the symptoms but not the root cause. And even the protective clothing that Anthony is studying, in fact, can’t completely stop’Nursing’.

If you want to fight against the Lord of Chaos, you still have to rely on divine power after all.

Therefore, in the past few months, Li Mochen spent a lot of merit and divine power to elevate the divine power of ‘immunization’ to the extreme.

This was a smooth move. Li Mochen had also spent a lot of energy researching on ‘immunity’ before, but the divine power had never been able to go up. It wasn’t until the recent virus outbreak that the world’s great desire for ‘health’ and ‘immunity’ erupted, and Li Mochen had crossed the ultimate threshold in one fell swoop.

But this is still vulnerable to the creation-level ‘life’ and ‘plague’ of ‘Nurgle’.

Li Mochen can only hope to fight against it if he truly raises the’destiny’ and’timing’ to the truth level.

He is indeed not an opponent in terms of viruses and plagues, but if there is a ‘fate’ of truth, he can even go back in time with the gaze of the four chaotic gods and solve the problem directly from the source with the help of the Purple Golden Pagoda. He can plant the foreshadowing of the virus’s demise from the genetic level, or prevent dangerous mutations from happening, and so on.

This is the real hope that can allow the Heavenly Fate and the Light World to escape the four chaotic gods.

Li Mochen didn’t dare to slack off at all. For this reason, he almost gave up all unnecessary or secondary affairs and concentrated on fate’s participation in research.

This trip to Outland has greatly shortened his time to master the destiny of truth. What Li Mochen had to do now was to continue to compress and improve on this basis, so that that day could come as soon as possible.

But there was one thing he had to do, and that was the time jump once every half a month—since he got the eighth ray of merit and purple energy, Li Mochen’s ability to go back to the past has greatly evolved. Less energy was lost, and the time he stayed in the past was much longer than before.

However, unlike three years ago, Li Mochen will no longer go deep into the ancient times. Looking back in time now, he stays more in modern times. Especially after he became the root controller of this world and integrated that large pronucleus.

The reason for this is to guide the generation of ‘source quality’.

The growth and expansion of the origin of the world will inevitably lead to the generation of more “primitive qualities”, which is the so-called “black and yellow two qi” in the East.

This is also an excellent opportunity to improve the strength of Li Mochen and the entire God Element.

However, the generation process of the’source quality’, the location and nature of the generation are disorderly and difficult to control-in this regard, if it is not for Li Mochen’s destiny, timing, and ultimate’causality’, then even if he For those who are in control of the root cause, there is not much to think of.

As for Li Mochen, he can not only use the root authority to guide him a little bit, but he can also go back to the past, make best use of the situation, and continue to make fine adjustments.

With the current situation as a reference, Li Mochen is gradually improving his understanding of the generation trajectory and context of these source qualities, and increasing his control over them.

But this time, when Li Mochen looked back again and came to somewhere deep in the heart of the earth, his eyes could not help but show a strong sense of joy and expectation.


At the same time, in the boundless star realm, in a void shrouded in boundless light, countless warships really gathered here.

“Look, this is the final ending of Guanghui Shenlu——”

The fifth prince of the Stella Empire, Gene Primarch’Space Wolf’ Li Manlu, is standing in the void with his hands on his back, his eyes mockingly looking at the burning fire in front of him, even if it is fifty stars away. Can feel the world of moxibustion fever.

“You are making a generalization, Johnson!”

At this time there are six figures standing beside him, “Dark Angel” Al Johnson, and “Imperial Fist” Roga Dorn, “Holy Blood Angel” San Giles, “The Emperor” The son of “Fogrim”, the “Hand of Steel” Ferus Manus, and the “White Scar” Chagatai.

The latter is a gene primitive that grew up among the nomads. After the rise of Emperor Terra in the past years, in order to build his invincible astral legion, he used his own flesh and blood genes as the blueprint to cast 20 genes. Original body.

However, due to the interference of chaotic forces, these twenty gene primitives were scattered in the world of heavens when they were born. They grew up in their respective worlds and were finally retrieved by the emperor.

And the “White Scar” Chagatai Khan, in a world dominated by nomadic civilization, became the king of all tribes, a great sweat shared by the entire world.

This person said disapprovingly: “The reason why the **** of light in this world has fallen to this point is only because of the defeat of the war with the Luther gods, and after being seriously injured, he cannot control his own power. This is not the way of the **** of light itself. problem.”

“But if it wasn’t for its own power to be too overbearing and could not tolerate other glories, how could it fail in the end?”

“Space Wolf” Li Manlu still mocked: “I remember the **** of the Luther gods, his **** is only twenty? As a god, but defeated by a **** king, it is really embarrassing.”

‘The Fist of the Empire’ Roga Dorn also nodded: “The essence of this power is light, but the essence is a very dark road. As far as I know, no **** of light in this era can achieve creation. level.”

“Son of the Emperor” Fogrim chuckled and said, “So Horus chose the light and dark unity. This is a very smart choice. But the problem now is that he seems to have lost the ability to integrate his own body.”

“This is the power of chaos.” “Holy Blood Angel” San Giles looked solemnly: “They have laid the groundwork for a long time, and will not allow Horus to successfully become the God of God.”

In fact, everyone in their presence faced this problem.

Each of the twenty gene primitives under the emperor’s command is extremely powerful, and they all have the potential to touch and create authority with the emperor’s genes as the blueprint. Therefore, if any one of them becomes a god, it will cause heavy pressure on the power of ‘Chaos’.

The problem is that at the beginning of their birth, when the chaotic power scattered them everywhere, they had already left traces in their hearts.

This has been plagued by all the Gene Primarchs, and if this matter is not resolved, it will be difficult to set foot on the position of God God.

“Okay! I am calling you here, not to discuss the prospects of Guangming Shenlu.”

‘Dark Angel’ Al Johnson waved his hand slightly, interrupting the discussion among several people.

As the second prince, the deputy commander of the Terra Empire Star Boundary Legion, he has the authority and power over the many princes here.

“According to the latest information, the Destiny Lord of the Gemini World has once again defeated the conspiracy of the Chaos Cthulhu. Now, some of our enemies in the astral realm have been optimistic about his prospects and are trying to provide him with assistance.”

“Pangu God System and Asera people, there are only these two at present, but there are actually more powers hidden behind them! They are doing their best to arm the God System of the Lord of Destiny. And the latter—”

“Space Wolf” Li Manlu said coldly: “They are growing every moment!”

“In other words, do you think it’s time to attack that Gemini world?”

‘Son of the Emperor’ Forgrim has a feminine temperament that is almost a woman, as well as an extremely delicate facial features. This man flutters his long hair and smiles softly: “That little guy, the so-called Lord of Destiny, let you feel Is it a threat? It’s ridiculous!”

“But I don’t think so! As far as I know, the power of **** and terrorism is still raging in that world. Their latest conspiracy has been thwarted, but it has not been defeated. And Trick and Nurgle have already Got in there.”

This is the “Hand of Steel” Ferus Manus, who stands side by side with Forgrim, showing an extremely intimate relationship, just like a couple.

“It’s not the time yet! Father is still sleeping on his throne, and the void network must be sorted out. Before he wakes up, we can’t let the imperial army enter the Gemini world prematurely. Otherwise, we will be in chaos. The four gods confront each other head-on, and our enemies will attack with all their strength.”

The so-called “Void Network Path” is a void channel that connects all Terra Realms created by the emperor with his time sequence and spatial authority.

Because the territories of the Terra Empire are too large, with up to 13,000 colonized planets and 1,700 large and medium worlds, even if they have the most powerful military power in the entire star realm, they still have many territories. It is beyond reach.

The emperor had to connect the territories in this way to realize the rapid movement of the people and the army between the territories, the effect is equivalent to the highway network of the bright world.

But at the same time, the power of Chaos, the enemies of the Terra Empire, are constantly eroding and attacking this ‘void network’, trying to cut off the empire’s rule over the territory.

“White Scar” Chagatai also agreed: “I think the current situation is very good, the power of chaos is suppressed by the Lord of Destiny. And that **** system, they will eventually become exhausted under the interference of chaos. . I think it’s better to stay on the sidelines for now.”

“But the power of the Lord of Destiny is increasing day by day, and he makes me feel uneasy.”

“Space Wolf” Li Manlu frowned: “His control of the roots of the world is deep-rooted, and he may become a **** at any time! The future is likely to be our tricky enemy.”

“Holy Blood Angel” San Giles thoughtfully: “I want to know how much this gathering today has to do with His Royal Highness “The King of No Land”?”

Everyone’s gaze suddenly turned towards Al Johnson,’Dark Angel’, and the latter nodded blankly: “Before this, His Royal Highness The Landless King had indeed made suggestions to me and expressed He is worried about the Gemini World. However, we do not need to refer to his opinions in our decision-making. As everyone knows, he recently encountered a setback with the Lord of Destiny. This is the shame of the Terra Empire, but he violated his father’s prohibition of contact with the light A warning from the world. And I myself have objections.”

“The Landless King——”

‘White Scar’ Chagatai Khan hummed all over, expressing his disdain. He didn’t like the merchant lord and lacked trust.

In his view, the “King of the Landless” is a moth who uses the prestige of the empire to continuously strengthen his own power. His contribution to the empire is minimal.

And these lords of Tyra were also one of the obstacles for their genetic primitives to go further and enter the gods of the gods. None of them wanted to see the emperor’s power continue to grow.

San Giles looked at Roga Dorn in the “Fist of the Empire” again: “How do you feel when you fought directly with the Lord of Destiny?”

“His combat effectiveness is very strong, he is a type that tends to fight, and his recent growth is also amazing. His talent must surpass all of our genetic primitives.”

But Roga Dorn then sneered: “But I believe that when the empire rises up, he will only be a bug ant rolling in front of the wheel.”

“Same feeling!”

San Giles nodded slightly. At that time, Roga Dorn and Li Mochen were also there, but his perception was not as intuitive as the former.

“Zhuang Sen, I also don’t think that the Destiny System can be powerful enough to fight the empire. Your Majesty is using his power to transform that world and make it a territory where I can ride freely. Before that, the empire was launched too early. War will only force our enemies to join forces. Those chaotic forces, they would rather that kid become the supreme god, will not allow us to win. So now, is it six to one?”

‘Space Wolf’ Rie Manlu suddenly raised his eyebrows: “You will regret it. My instinct is telling me that that little guy has subversive power in his body. There is also the wishing tower, which is a mythical weapon left over from the last era. , The level is likely to surpass the truth level. The father’s several awakenings are related to this. This is a huge variable.”

The many gene primitives here can’t help but look at each other. They still trust Li Manlu’s intuition very much.

The’Space Wolf’ is based on the emperor, and has powerful genes derived from the star beast.’Intuition’ has reached the level of strong truth.

“Not launching this war does not mean that we will ignore the will keep paying attention.”

“Dark Angel” Al Johnson spoke again: “San Giles, what is the situation with Horus now?”

“He found the opportunity to enter the God of God, it was given by the Lord of Destiny.”

‘Holy Blood Angel’ San Giles’ expression is a bit more complicated: “The incarnation that he splits, the other Horus is indeed very tricky. The chaotic foreshadowing of the foreshadowing has given this God of Light a strong self-will, almost becoming independent. The individual. It’s ridiculous that it is precisely because of this weakness of Horus that led to the rise of the Lord of Destiny and the defeat of the Chaos Force.”

“But this means that the soul of Horus will be divided, and Horus cannot accept it, but he does not dare to take too drastic measures now. This is likely to cause the Lord of Radiance to be more intense, even reckless resistance. . And now, God’s opportunity to God makes him too busy to take care of him. The two existences in the sea of ​​darkness and evil make it difficult for him and his transformation.”

“Guess what I thought of?”

“Son of the Emperor” Fogrim laughed: “The destiny master threw out a dog bone, so he had to obediently help his enemy.”

“White Scar” Chagatai ironed: “Then if someone throws this bone at you, Frogrim, how would you choose? Dismiss it?”

“How is it possible?” Forgrim was very sincere: “I will swallow it. Unless there is an order from the emperor, I will never give up.”


Al Johnson looked upset and interrupted everyone’s discussion again: “Tell Horus to ensure that he maintains the pattern of the twin world. He not only came to that world for the opportunity of the gods, but also With the mission of the Emperor Father. As the commander of all the Primarchs and the twenty astral battle groups, this is his responsibility!”

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