Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 639 - Useless

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His Majesty! “

Thetis moved involuntarily and greeted Li Mochen deeply.

Achilles once mentioned that Li Mochen would wait for him as a “guardian angel”, but he did not say that her majesty would give up her guardian priesthood directly, and it was a priesthood up to level 17!

“Your gift is nothing to our mother and son! I promise, as long as I Thetis is the goddess of the ocean, then the sea under my control will always be your friend.”

Thetis’s tone is very sincere, because this priest is what Achilles desperately needs, not only strong, but also very suitable for him.

She did reshape her body for Achilles, but for thousands of years, Achilles has always been in a state of dissociation between spirit and flesh, the two are not in harmony, or even in an unbalanced state, similar The “rejection” reaction in medicine. And even if she was nourished with various mythological herbs, this flesh of Achilles is still only the ancient **** level of the tenth personality.

And guarding this powerful priesthood not only helps Achilles suppress and balance the abnormalities in the body, but also helps him to refine the flesh and upgrade the ancient **** level.

The concept of “guardian” itself is also beneficial to Achilles. The related concepts of guardianship, self-defense, defense, etc., can make his already strong defensive force even better.

“Ma’am, you don’t need to be like this. Achilles’s talent and human being are worthy of my treatment. I sincerely hope that he can be my right and left arm.”

Li Mochen responded with a smile: “What’s more, can this also reduce my burden?”

This is also true. His current priesthood has become more and more and has become a huge burden for him.

This is the case of “Guardian”, which was not originally in Li Mochen’s plan, but because he calmed down Australia, he prevented the catastrophe from happening. Many believers have recognized him as the guardian of humanity and modern society. The resulting huge faith allowed him to directly impact this priesthood on the seventeenth Godhead.

If it were not restricted to the rank of the main priesthood of ‘fate’, he might be able to rely on the concept of ‘guardianship’ as a priesthood to impact the divine nineteenth.

Li Mochen expects this to happen in the future, but if such priesthood increases, his own divinity will be overwhelmed sooner or later.

The “Angel” invented by Ahura is a good way to resolve it. This is much closer and more reliable than the “God” relationship.

Because the believers still believe in himself, the priesthood given to the angels by Li Mochen still belongs to him in essence.

This method not only relieves Li Mochen’s burden, but also does not lose power, which is considered to be beneficial to others.

If he needs to use the power of the guardian priest, he can be called from Achilles at any time.

“But I still appreciate it!”

Thetis shook his head: “If there is anything we need to do, please do so.”

She knew that among Li Mochen’s men, it wasn’t that there were no talents available. Even if Li Mochen had long planned to separate the priesthood, this “Guardian Angel” candidate is not necessarily Achilles.

Achilles is not good at speaking, he has no expression of gratitude, but just bowed very calmly: “I swear I will fight for you to the last moment, my king!”

“I believe in you! Then I will invite the two to raid me. I’m not sure which enemies will appear. If there are, the two must help me stop them.”

Li Mochen naturally believed in Achilles’ character. Apart from pride, willfulness, and brutality towards the enemy, he had almost no shortcomings.

More important is interest. Their interests have long been tied together, and they have long been a person on a boat. This is really a relationship that can be reassured.

However, Li Mochen didn’t expect the ability of Achilles for the time being. After all, this man has just recovered, his body and soul are not coordinated, and he has just obtained the guardian priesthood. His current combat power can be imagined.

Li Mochen now does not need this guardian angel to help him fight. Currently, only those who are qualified to invade his kingdom of God are the deputy kings and above.

Those who do not really cross the gate of truth, it is difficult to use the power of God in his divine kingdom.

That is to say, the ‘pseudo-kings’ like Zaohuo and the family goddess Hestia will not be much stronger than Li Mochen in the country.

Of course, if Odin and Ahura were attacked by a large army, then the situation has to be said otherwise. However, under the garrison of the two “Heavenly Legions” under his command, even if the two great deities join forces, it is difficult to capture his kingdom of God in a short time.

Li Mochen has such self-confidence, and the source of this confidence comes from his growing church. The number of believers has soared to 2.6 billion people, so that he has sufficient divine power to supply the kingdom of God and fight against these two great gods. The key is that among these believers, the belief of at least 230 million people is in a state of extreme piety. And the faith power they provide is enough to support a complete divine system.

And this is the value of the Kingdom of God and the believers! Therefore, even the ancient **** of the divine personality twenty needs the power of faith.

In addition, when it is critical, Li Mochen can also send a ‘Fate of Knights’ into the kingdom of God to participate in the battle.

“This is our business.”

Thetis spoke slightly, and then hesitated with a little hesitation: “Your Majesty, as your lord, I am very happy to see that you have a place in the world’s original nuclear. It is too early to participate in the root dispute Alright? “

“It’s really early, but it’s not time for me.”

If possible, Li Mochen also wants to wait until his “Zhou Tianxing Sword Fighting Sword” and a new “Shenyi” sniper rifle start before intervening.

But the current situation, it is impossible for him to wait until that time.

“Of course I am sure, Thetis, just like this time to dissolve the seismic waves–“

Then he laughed at himself again: “It is not possible, at most, he will hide back into the main material world.”

“Then please remember this sentence!”

Thetis said nothing more, she knew this was Li Mochen’s most reliable escape route.

What she was really worried about was that Li Mochen valued his responsibilities as a “king of gods” too much, and fought against Odin, Ahura and others within the kingdom of God.

“Please remember that as long as you are still there, even if the gods here die now, there is still a chance to be resurrected. But if you are not there, then this **** system will have no future.”

Of course, there are very few estimates that can really be resurrected. Those who are above the powerful gods, and the mark of the dignity at the root is stronger, and can persist for a period of time, and there are greater values ​​for Li Mochen and this **** system.

But Thetis did not think in his heart that the weak gods of literature, art, singing and dancing were their kind.


The last one arrived was Io, the ‘Highest Dragon God’, and Magnus, the ‘Dragon God of the Earth’. The former is a giant dragon with nine heads and nine powers. The legend is the origin of all dragons in this world.

But in fact it is not. Before the birth of mankind, this bright world still has an era of dragons. There are countless giant dragons active in this world until a powerful collision that causes the destruction of the entire world.

The supreme dragon **** ‘Io’ was one of the more powerful prehistoric dragons. He also survived the disaster and survived until now.

Of course, “Aio” does not use the appearance of the body, but is represented by Li Mochen’s side in the image of a forty-year-old white-haired man who is in his prime.

“I will fight for you, my majesty!”

Although the supreme dragon **** Ao was in front of Li Mochen, he received the seat and enjoyed the treatment of the deputy king. But when he spoke, he also bowed his head slightly to show the difference between his subjects: “Although it is too early, I will not stop you. This battle is very important, for you, for Gaia, for this world. . I and my heirs will assist you. “

As he said this, several dragons with a length of more than 1,200 meters entered Li Mochen’s kingdom.

Among the dragon races, the ‘eternal dragon’ is a shoulder to shoulder with the mighty god, and they generally have a length of nine hundred meters. And even more on it is the ‘Chaos Dragon’, which has a length of 1,200 meters and is strong enough to rival the Lord God.

At this time, there were at least five Chaos Dragons who came to the Kingdom of Li Mochen.

“I will remember how the nobles helped me.”

Li Mochen knew this, but he was actually invited by ‘Gaia’. He, the newborn **** king, did n’t have such a big face, so Io shot for him.

Although since the age of mythology, there have been powerful dragons such as Niederhog, Bahamut, Fafner and so on. Among them, the most powerful ones such as ‘Tiamat’, even became the origin of the Babylonian lineage; the other is the Egyptian power, war, desert, storm, and foreign **** ‘Sate’, which almost defeated the entire Egyptian Protoss even the abyss during the heyday The “Satan” in the king is probably a giant dragon.

However, the dragon clan under the leadership of Aiou has been keeping a low profile and rarely participating in the disputes among the gods.

Only Gaia could think of this Qing nationality.

Of course, there may also be a great right to fight against the ‘outland god’. However, in the old days, Zeus, Ahula and Odin successively established the gods in the light world, and they did not see the supreme dragon **** intervene.

Understandably, I can still get this love. At least on the surface, Io is under the banner of helping himself as the God of Destiny, and he did benefit from it.

The arrival of these giant dragons means that Li Mochen is ready for everything. The feedback given by Bismarck was also very good, only five gods were separated from his divine line.

However, before this, in fact, in these few days, another 17 deities with certain combat effectiveness joined his gods.

Therefore, instead of being weakened, the strength of the Destiny Divine Department has increased considerably.

After this, Li Mochen also started the action without hesitation. The first thing he needs to do is to use the arches of the gods to push his own magic tower, as well as the surrounding array of magic towers, together to his own kingdom.

In his plan, this ‘Hometown of Destiny’ magic tower is the core of the Kingdom of Destiny. The Kingdom of God with the ‘Hometown of Destiny’ is the position where he can really rely on and can contend with the King of Gods.

It is a pity that it is not high enough now. Li Mochen can already perform it to the 32nd floor, but he can’t take the time and manpower to build it.

In addition, once the “Fate of Destiny” magic tower ascends to the Kingdom of God, it will not be able to come out again, which means that Li Mochen is in the main material world, and there is no big killer since then.

The other mage towers in the magic tower array have no such worries, they can still come and go freely. However, it is still a little difficult to send dozens of magic towers into Destiny Kingdom at the same time. After all, it is not a complete real world, and it must rely on the power of the gods.

Because the volume of the magic tower array is too large, their entry will cause a large area of ​​collapse of the space inside the kingdom of God. This is caused by the imperfect composition of law and space.

However, when the “Town of Destiny” magic tower is completely secured in the center of the Kingdom of God, the entire Kingdom of Destiny has changed dramatically. Everything started to evolve into the real world.

The vision and layout of Li Mochen ten years ago began to work. His array of magic towers not only imitated the ‘world source core’, but also combed the functions of wishing force and force, so that the kingdom of God could use them more effectively. It is not to let the disorderly wandering in the kingdom of God.

In the future, Li Mochen will also send the newly acquired dozens of warships of Mosrah and the battleship ‘Odero’ into the Kingdom of God as the pillar of this Kingdom. This can not only expand the area of ​​this kingdom, but also greatly increase the defensive capabilities of the kingdom.

At present, this plan cannot be carried out, because before this time, he did not even have the strength and resources to transform the “Adro”.

And just after the evolution of the kingdom of God has subsided, Li Mochen once again picked up his ‘Lankinus Holy Gun’ on the top floor of the Magical Tower in the Land of Destiny.


A cold hum with supreme majesty passed into Li Mochen’s eardrum and consciousness. At the same time, Odin’s phantom also appeared in front of Li Mochen.

“If you dare to shoot this gun, I will kill you at all costs!”

At the same time, another **** body exudes endless light gods, also projected here.

“Gaia can’t give you safety. After this shot is shot, I promise you will be in a desperate situation!”

There is also the night goddess Nix, who has a cold smile on his face: “Andrea, you can’t think that we will tolerate your existence after this! If you are going to look forward to Gaia’s Credibility, then death is your final ending. “

It is self-evident that they have to put their consciousness directly into Li Mochen’s kingdom of God. But these gods did not hesitate to do so, but also exerted great mental pressure on him.

Li Mochen turned a deaf ear and continued to infuse all the forces that could be mobilized at this time into the gun body. Such as the Thunder God’s Thunder, material annihilation, death stare, star shattering, fate trajectory, etc. Many forbidden curses and supreme methods that he promoted to at least level 45 power began to condense at the point of the gun.

So the sight and thoughts delivered by Odin became more condensed: “Andre Lee Wiltonstein, I will let you know what stupid things you are doing!”

Li Mochen did not answer. His response was to throw the ‘Lankinus Holy Gun’ in his hand without hesitation.

This **** sacred gun, which wrapped around his colorful divine power, was like lightning at the next instant, penetrating a heavy space, breaking through layers of powerful barriers, and blasting Tyre and Heimdall like a bamboo Wait for the Nordic gods.

Until Odin was in the throne of the battleship Klitaskov, when the gun arrived here, it was blocked by a powerful force.

The king of the Asa gods on the throne has opened his one eye at this time. His only cold attention was to prevent the ‘Lankinus Holy Gun’ from moving forward any more.

But this also means that his subjective consciousness has broken away from the original core of the world and returned to here.

“I said that he must kill him before starting to compete for the root cause!”

The **** of darkness, Hoddle, is already in a state of rage: “Look, he let all of your father’s efforts go down the drain!”

Even the day after Friega was furious, “He must be paid, the price of death! Odin, we can no longer tolerate him.”

She had already felt that when Odin’s subjective consciousness retreated from the world’s pronucleus. They struggled for more than ten days, and all the ‘territories’ occupied there were lost and disintegrated.

Even Odin’s part of the divine impression from the beast world has been eroded a little.

Thor, Thor, did not speak, but the thunder light emitted from this body had flooded the entire temple. He had already left here, locked his mind on that destiny, and walked directly through the void.

Odin did not speak, nor did he give a counterattack in the first time. He even left the ‘Lankinus Holy Gun’ in front of him, turned into countless auras, and did nothing to block.

However, as long as he is familiar with him and knows him, he knows that his mood is in an extremely bad state, and his anger and killing intentions are also extremely strong.

At this time, the reason why their king had not yet shot, but because of Nix, because of Ahura, still in the world’s proto-nuclear, participating in the battle in the proto-nuclear.

However, the entire kingdom of God named ‘Asgard’, and this ‘Klitaskov Battleship’, all of their energy is being extracted by Odin, concentrated, and ready to go.


The storm from the proto-nuclear of the world shakes the minds of the gods.

That was the existence of another **** king named Ahura Mazda, who also withdrew from the root cause. His ending is also similar to Odin, and everything has been abandoned.

Next, it was Nix. Three minutes later, Nix also followed Ahula and Odin.

“He did it after all! Do such a stupid thing.”

In the Kingdom of Liberty, the night goddess is paying attention to a certain direction in the sky with extremely gloomy eyes: “I originally liked him a little bit, after all, it is the original gods of this world.”

“I think it’s actually a good thing.”

Liberty’s lips and corners overflowed with a smile: “It will be endless for you to compete at the root, like you guys. Not to mention ten days and a half, no results will be given for half a year.”

“You do not understand!”

Nix shook his head, and then a darkness opened here. The figure of the goddess disappeared completely.

“But what do I don’t understand?”

Eris sneered, but then followed her mother, and came to the kingdom of God named ‘Fate’.

When she stepped here, a huge thunder gleamed in front of her.

That was Thor, Thor, who showed a giant body of 1,800 meters, waving his ‘Thunder God’s Hammer’ and ‘Storm Tomahawk’, which directly collapsed a small piece of destiny The Kingdom of God.

——He is not only the **** of thunder and lightning, but also the power, storm, war and fertility. And the force of that hammer shocked Eris.

She thinks that this god’s power, although like her, is only a level of false truth. But if there is a battle between the two of them, she will definitely lose her Eris.

This Nordic Thor, his strength has been drawn towards Zeus indefinitely, and even more powerful one day in the future.

However, Thor was unable to cause more damage. His opponent soon appeared, a huge magic wolf with ice-red eyes and silver hair. Its body not only carries fire and ice, but also has the thunder power almost as powerful as Thor.


The first confrontation between the two set off a huge magic energy shock. Thor’s hammer slammed into Fenrir’s face violently, almost smashing the huge wolf’s head into a patty.

Kefner did not give in, he didn’t even make a defense, but used his sharp claws to leave a scratch on Thor’s chest.

These two powerful gods and mythical creatures have extremely powerful recovery and regeneration capabilities, and their bodies have been restored to their original state in an instant.

However, Thor’s chest now had a black breath and spread to the whole body again.

That was Fenrir’s poison, a pseudo-truth-level toxin that had been sent into Thor’s body by Fenril.

“Look! The great Thunder God, isn’t that what you are fearing?”

Fenrir laughed, matching his face that was crushed by a hammer again, which seemed extremely strange.

At this time, Thor’s “Storm Tomahawk” also cut off one of its legs, but this demon wolf also left a deep claw mark on Thor’s thigh.

It doesn’t do defense at all, it only exchanges injuries with Thor.

“My majesty is still very powerful, isn’t it? There are many believers in life and vitality, and the number of believers is forty times that of you in the mythological era! Here, I will never be afraid of being hurt. So, let us compare it, See who will fall here first. “

Thor’s response was a more violent thunder. His hammer crushed Fenrir’s chest.

However, as Fenrir said, the injury was totally useless to him. One thousandth could not breathe, and this huge demon wolf had to be full-tailed, standing in front of Thor Thor with vigour.

Eris only looked at the three encounters between the two men and knew that the battle between them would last for a long time, and it might not end within a day or two. Until their divine power was exhausted, it was possible to win or lose.

So Eris continued to walk into the depths of the destiny of the kingdom of God, and at the same time his eyes showed a strange color.

She noticed that Fulijia, who is also a deputy king, did not show up here. Was that instead of Odin, sitting in ‘Asgard’? That Asa’s **** king was so cautious by this time.

It was at this moment that a huge crack was torn apart in the sky above the Kingdom of God. A figure entangled with darkness and filth and evil, also entered this world full of peaceful and colorful clouds.

Undoubtedly, this is Ahura ’s evil incarnation, ‘Ahriman’, also known as “Angla Minho”!

His arrival instantaneously caused a large area of ​​’pollution’ in this divine land. Thousands of square kilometers of ground have turned into an abyss like hell.

The master of fate is glad that his number of prayers here is not large, otherwise at this moment, all the prayers in this thousand square kilometers, or divine warriors, will be transformed into demons or fallen angels.

But the purification power that came from the fate of the destiny soon followed.

Then came a giant of 1,500 meters, which is Atlas, the ‘eternal angel’. This controlled thunder, forcibly broke through the heavy darkness, and purified most of the evil and evil spirits here.

“Stop moving forward, Highness Eris!”

Just as Eris focused his attention on the battle between ‘Ahriman’ and ‘Atlas’. A huge, nine-headed dragon fluttered its wings and fell before her eyes.

“I made a promise to someone not to let you participate in the battle between them!”


Eris looked at the nine-headed dragon in front of him and smiled: “I heard that your nine heads often quarrel with each other?”

“This is the case!”

The supreme dragon **** Io responded calmly: “But Eris, I can live to the present, there is a reason. After all, in many times, quarrels are not helpful for survival, we must achieve unity of opinion.”

Eris ’s ‘freedom’ and ‘dispute’ divine power did not actually play a role in this one. The power of the nine laws of the nine dragon heads is being unified by a force.

That is a very strange concept of theocracy called ‘Unique’.

The Statue of Liberty frowned again, and she felt her own power limitations again.

“So? Why do you think Gaia will let it go and help you grow to the present?”

Io looked at the goddess in white with a cold long eye: “Her vision and wisdom can’t be reached by Zeus.”


At the same time, the magic tower in the land of destiny. The battle between Li Mochen and Odin, Ahura, and Nix has already taken place.

The power of these three **** kings is not Eris Nerby. They directly penetrated from the most central and most powerful defense direction of the kingdom of God. The place where it appears is the top floor of the magic tower in this land of destiny.

As the three foretolds, they all went all out in this battle.

Odin wears an eagle helmet on his head, wears gold armor, and holds the “Gunnier Gun” in his left hand, the “Luen Shield” in his right hand, and the “Dropnier Ring” on his wrist. The two ferocious wolves in front of him, mastering the greed of Kili and Kulic, who represents hunger, also followed.

He smashed all of Li Mochen’s resistance with just one shot, almost penetrating his body. This combat skill is undoubtedly the world’s top and unique.

And Odinina ’s truth-level wars and battles can allow any force related to war battles to be multiplied by more than a few times and effectively integrated together.

At the last moment, Li Mochen used the power of Kunlun Mirror to leave the place, flashing in another direction of this layer of magic tower. At the same time, he froze the time and collapsed the void. Only in this way can he be sure to get rid of Odin’s pursuit.

It wasn’t just the sharp gun in Odin’s hand that brought him danger. The two ferocious wolves, although not directly involved in the battle, are forcibly swallowing Li Mochen’s divine power and strength.

There is also Ahura, who has manifested a blazing sun in the sky above the magic tower in the Land of Destiny, shining here. And use his truth-level ‘sun’ and ‘light’, ‘speed of light’, ‘flame’ to twist the laws and transform the world.

He didn’t rush into the battle for the time being, but tried his best to assist Odin. Let Odin turn into light, and the fire of divine light also burned on the spear.

The night goddess Nix is ​​lurking in the shadow of Li Mochen.

From time to time, there will be dark to invisible dark blades protruding from the shadows, and the truth-level ‘dark shadow’ and ‘voidness’ are also absorbing the magic power that swallowed Li Mochen.

Although this place has been flooded with light, shadow and light always coexist. Light cannot destroy darkness, and there is always light in darkness.

“It’s a clever way to fight with the main body, and the secondary body to control the Kunlun mirror. The power of your timing is close to pseudo-truth, and the power of space is also very powerful.”

Odin is unstoppable. Almost every blow is a weight that Li Mochen cannot bear.

In his hands, the Gunganier Gun has destroyed the top of the magic tower more than seven times. It is common sense that this magic tower in the country of destiny has been destroyed and razed by his violent violence, and no longer exists. Even the array of magic towers around it, and even the entire kingdom of God, should collapse under his power.

However, Li Mochen’s divine power can always restore the tower to its original state in an instant.

After all, this is a kingdom created by his consciousness and divinity, to a certain extent, it also represents his spiritual manifestation. As long as there is enough divine power, Li Mochen can theoretically restore any material and life destroyed in this world.

“But sooner or later we will find your accessory body, as long as you are in this kingdom of God, there is still light and darkness.”

Ni Ke sneered, using words to crack down on Li Mochen’s emotions and confidence.

However, this effect was minimal, and Ni Ke was surprised that at this time, not only did she not find Li Mochen’s vice body, but there was no gain from Ahura.

Li Mochen’s body is clearly hiding in this neighborhood, but they are in a state where they cannot listen, see, or feel.

This man seems to be using Yu Kunlun more and more, and where the light of the mirror shines, the real body of Li Mochen is more and more difficult to discern.

As the **** of light, Ahura can theoretically suppress any mythical arms related to light. But the ‘Kunlun Mirror’ is obviously not in it, it is indeed running pure timing and the power of the void. This artifact and Li Mochen’s fate and divine power are simply a match made in heaven.

This also made Nix’s eyes gradually reveal a careless color.

The three of them, obviously each have the power to destroy the body of the **** who is dominated by fate in an instant. But in the situation where this person has been avoiding and not fighting, the power of truth they possess has little use.

“When are you going to drag on? Odin? Do you have to insist on the morals of the soldiers? You always understand the essence of war, don’t you?”

The Viking pirates and the Nordic peoples thousands of years ago, UU reading www. but burned and slaughtered everywhere, doing nothing without evil.

“To shut up!”

Odin coldly glanced at the darkness in front, and then his figure disappeared here.

He appeared in another shrine in the Kingdom of Destiny, about two thousand kilometers away from the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny. At this time, most of the gods under Li Mochen gathered here.

However, when Odin waved the ‘Gunnier Gun,’ and blasted the twelve gods here into particle dust, neither Li Mochen’s body or vice body appeared.

And just as Odin’s second shot was about to explode, the breath of the twelve gods appeared on the other side of this kingdom of God.

“‘Constant life’ and ‘Forbidden death’?”

Ni Ke couldn’t help but look at the main body of Li Mochen standing on the top of the magic tower. The two curses “constant life” and “death banned”, of course, she had heard of. It is also heard that Li Mochen kept these two types of forbidden spells at his magic tower, thereby obtaining more than 20 adult dragons and demigod casters, and even ancient dragons working for him.

But she did not expect that the performance of these two banned curses in Li Mochen’s Divine Realm was so powerful.

Li Mochen actually extracted the concept of death from this divine kingdom and put all life in a constant state.

As long as Li Mochen, who is the caster, has not died, he still has enough magic power and divine power, so no one in this kingdom of God will die even if he experiences any serious trauma.

“Here, the only thing you can kill is me!”

Li Mochen, with the sword of destiny floating on his side, is looking at the three **** kings present with a provocative and ironic look.

“Besides this, all your means are useless, three!”

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