Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

The World Shudders

Caution: There are spoilers for those who are watching the Anime and haven't read the Light Novel or the Manga. I had to research some details for this chapter.

You have been warned.


As the last breath of the Count of Ruberios dissipated into the wind, his body reduced to dust beneath Hala's overwhelming power, a ripple unlike anything the world had ever felt surged through the fabric of reality. It was as though the very essence of the world trembled in response to the immense force Hala had unleashed.

The sky above the desert shimmered with lingering cosmic energy, and the ground itself seemed to hum with the residual power that had decimated the Holy Ruberios Empire's army. This wasn't just a battle won—this was a display of raw, cosmic might that reverberated far beyond the borders of the Lazurite Kingdom.

And the world felt it.


Far from the desolate expanses of the Lazurite Kingdom, the Ice Continent reigned in stark contrast—a land of eternal frost and biting winds, untouched by time. At the heart of this frozen dominion stood the imposing Frost Palace, a fortress carved from the very essence of the ice itself. Its towering spires, shimmering in the pale light of an unending winter, rose proudly toward the sky, a monument to the formidable ruler who commanded all beneath it: Guy Crimson, the True Demon Lord of ice and absolute dominion.

In the vast, silent expanse of the grand dining hall, Guy Crimson lounged casually at a long, meticulously arranged table. His fiery red hair, vibrant and wild, burned against the cool, glacial ambiance of the palace, while his intense crimson eyes glimmered with a constant, predatory awareness. Despite the bone-chilling cold that seeped through the very air, neither he nor his companion felt any discomfort—they were far beyond such trivial sensations.

Across from him, sipping from an intricately crafted goblet of ice, sat Velzard, the True Ice Dragon, an ancient existence whose very presence exuded a coldness deeper than even the Ice Continent itself. Her expression remained calm, her demeanor as serene as the frozen landscape outside, but her icy blue eyes flickered with a subtle sharpness. She, too, had felt the cosmic disturbance that rippled across the world. A power not of this earth, one that even reached their secluded domain.

Guy's lips curled into a faint, knowing smirk as he set down his glass, the faint reverberation of the distant energy still thrumming in his veins. "Well, well," he drawled, his voice dripping with amusement, but carrying a subtle edge. "Looks like someone new has decided to make their presence known."

Velzard remained quiet, swirling her drink with an almost absent motion, her mind clearly focused on the magnitude of what they'd just sensed. "That energy... it was ancient, far older than most things in this world," she finally spoke, her voice as cold and precise as the ice she commanded. Her eyes narrowed slightly, a glint of curiosity sparking within them. "It's... powerful. Beyond the norm."

Guy chuckled softly, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms behind his head. "Powerful enough to stir things up, even from here. Whoever it is, they've made quite an entrance."

The Frost Palace, usually serene in its eternal winter, now seemed to hum with the lingering vibrations of the unknown force. Both Guy and Velzard, rulers who had long remained unchallenged, acknowledged the shift in the world's balance. Though they rarely concerned themselves with the affairs of mortals, this—this was different.

Guy's grin widened, a flicker of excitement flashing across his crimson eyes. "Looks like things are about to get interesting," he mused, the thrill of the unknown stirring within him. "I wonder just how strong this new contender is."

Velzard's gaze remained steady, her icy calm unbroken. "We'll find out soon enough," she replied, her voice carrying the weight of absolute certainty.

For now, in the stillness of the Frost Palace, they waited—two ancient beings whose dominion over ice and destruction was absolute—yet even they couldn't deny the thrill of what was to come. The world had shifted, and soon, even they might be drawn into the storm.


Far to the west, in the Barren Lands that lay at the westernmost part of the Central Continent, another powerful being stirred. Dagruel, the True Demon Lord and leader of the Giant race, stood at the peak of his territory's highest mountain, overlooking the endless, rocky plains below. His towering figure cast a long shadow, his muscular form radiating raw strength. The Barren Lands were a harsh, unforgiving place, but Dagruel's power had shaped them, and he ruled over them with the same iron resolve as the giants who followed him.

As the wave of Hala's cosmic energy passed through his territory, Dagruel frowned, his sharp eyes narrowing in recognition. He clenched his fists, the very ground beneath him rumbling in response to his growing power.

"What is this?" Dagruel muttered, his deep voice resonating across the barren landscape. "A force strong enough to shake the foundations of the world. And it's coming from..."

He paused, his mind focusing on the source of the energy. "Not far from here," he rumbled, already knowing what he must do. His instincts as a warrior told him this was no mere anomaly. Whoever had unleashed this power was someone he would need to confront.

Without hesitation, Dagruel began his march toward the Lazurite Kingdom, his colossal form moving with purpose across the Barren Lands. His destination was clear, and his resolve unshakable.


In the heart of Jura-Tempest, deep within the majestic city ruled by the one and only Rimuru Tempest, a sudden cosmic tremor rippled through the very land itself. Even in the thick walls of the meeting chamber, the overwhelming surge of power was unmistakable. Rimuru, who had been in the middle of discussing some trivial matter, immediately paused, his expression turning sharp.

"Lord Rimuru?" Shion's voice cut through the tension, her usual cheerfulness toned down as she sensed her beloved lord's shift in mood. "Did something happen?"

Rimuru's eyes narrowed, a rare seriousness replacing his typical carefree demeanor. "Yeah... Something's not right. That power—it's insane. Way beyond anything we've encountered before."

Shion's brows furrowed, and she moved a little closer, concern written across her face. "Should we be worried?"

"Maybe..." Rimuru muttered, already calculating various possibilities in his mind. "Whoever—or whatever—caused that isn't someone we can take lightly."

From the side, Benimaru had already gripped the hilt of his sword, his warrior instincts flaring. "Do you think we need to prepare for a battle?"

Rimuru gave a slight shake of his head, though the gears in his brain were clearly turning. "Not just yet. But we can't ignore it. Stay on guard—we might need to act fast."

In the corner of the room, Veldora, in his human form as usual, suddenly sprang up, his face lighting up with excitement. "Oho! Now that was a power surge worth noting!" His eyes gleamed with the thrill of a challenge. "I can feel it from here! Whoever that is, they must be strong! I hope it's someone I can fight!"

Rimuru let out a sigh, though a hint of amusement tugged at his lips. "Calm down, Veldora. Let's figure out who they are first before you start throwing punches. We don't want to get ahead of ourselves."

Veldora pouted a bit, but his excitement was barely contained. "Hmph, fine! But don't hold me back when the fun starts!"

Shion giggled at Veldora's antics, while Benimaru stayed sharp, ready for action. Rimuru, though, had his mind set. Whoever—or whatever—they were dealing with, this new presence was something far beyond the ordinary, and Jura-Tempest was going to face it head-on.


In the glittering city of El Dorado, the Platinum Demon Lord, Leon Cromwell, sat in his throne room, his expression as cold and emotionless as ever. The distant surge of power had not escaped his notice. Leon's sharp mind immediately began analyzing the situation. He had felt many powerful beings over the centuries, but this one was different—cosmic, ancient, and terrifyingly strong.

"Another has joined the game," Leon muttered to himself. His hand rested on the armrest of his throne, his fingers tapping lightly against the platinum. "And they are not subtle."

He stood from his throne, his golden eyes narrowing as he focused on the source of the power. "I wonder... will this new force get in my way?"

His mind was already spinning with strategies and potential outcomes. Whatever this new force was, Leon knew it would change the balance of power in the world, and he intended to be ready.


In the heart of the Western Holy Church, the Ten Great Saints, who served the True Demon Lord Luminous Valentine, felt the ripple of power like a wave crashing through their sacred halls. The Holy Empire of Lubelius, a bastion of divine magic and worship, was shaken by the unfamiliar presence.

The saints gathered in their cathedral, their robes flowing as they knelt before the altar of Luminous. Hinata Sakaguchi, the leader of the Ten Great Saints, stood before them, her sharp eyes fixed on the sacred symbols of their faith. She had felt it—the overwhelming surge of power that pulsed through the very core of the world. It wasn't divine magic, nor was it demonic. It was something beyond, something ancient, and cosmic.

Hinata's voice was steady, but there was a clear note of concern. "A power of this magnitude is rare, even in our world. It's not from the Demon Lords we know, and it doesn't belong to the True Dragons either. This… is something else entirely."

One of the saints, his face pale, spoke up. "Do you believe it to be a threat, Lady Hinata? Should we seek the guidance of Lady Luminous?"

Hinata considered this for a moment, then shook her head. "Not yet. We don't know enough. But if this new force decides to make a move against us or the Holy Church, then we will have no choice but to defend ourselves."

She glanced toward the high altar, where the image of Luminous Valentine stood in silent judgment. "For now, we will observe. But if this new power turns its gaze toward us, we will strike with all the force the Holy Church can muster."

Luminous' red and blue eyes flashed with interest as she sat behind the veil, hiding her from the saints besides Hinata, the air around her growing colder. Her connection to the ley lines of the world, to magic itself, was unrivaled outside of the origin dragons—yet even she had never felt something quite like this.

"Hmm... is an existence this powerful now showing itself? Fascinating. I think I'll visit this... Lazurite Kingdom soon." Looking in the direction where the aura was coming from, she smirked. The Barren Lands. "If Dagruel doesn't destroy it first. He never could share."


As the cosmic surge of Hala's power rippled across the world, the far-reaching consequences of her battle against the Count of Ruberios were felt by the highest powers. But unknown to many, the events that led to the Count's downfall had been orchestrated not by the Holy Church itself, but by a secretive group of mages hidden within the Magic Tower—an independent institute revered by scholars and feared by those who knew its true influence.

The Trinity Wisemen, Ashley, Pippin, and Prelix, stood at the center of the plot to steal Hala's Magic-Tech, their eyes set on advancing their knowledge and power. For years, they had been pulling the strings, and the Count of Ruberios had been little more than a pawn in their grander designs.

The Magic Tower was a place few could claim to have visited. Shrouded in secrecy, it existed independently of any nation, sovereign state, or ruler. Protected by a complex barrier, the tower was invisible to the world, inaccessible except on the night of the new moon, when the barrier weakened just enough to allow entry. It was said to be one of the greatest holy lands for mages, a sanctuary for scholars, researchers, and those who sought the most ancient and powerful secrets of magic.

In the highest levels of the Magic Tower, the Trinity Wisemen met in secret, their plans unfolding behind closed doors. Ashley, the eldest and most experienced of the trio, was an enki of cold calculation and deep knowledge of forbidden spells. Pippin, younger but no less cunning, was a master tactician and scholar, while Prelix, the quietest of the three, was the most mysterious—his mastery of ancient magical artifacts unmatched in the world.

Their involvement in the Count's schemes to steal Hala's technology had been careful, deliberate, and entirely hidden from the public eye. The Holy Church was none the wiser, and even the Crusaders, led by Hinata Sakaguchi, had no knowledge of their true intentions.

But now, with the Count's army obliterated by Hala's cosmic power, the Trinity Wisemen knew they had to act quickly.

High within the Magic Tower, the Trinity Wisemen sat in a circular chamber, the walls lined with ancient scrolls and tomes that radiated power. Outside, the protective barrier of the tower shimmered faintly, ensuring that no one could see or hear what was happening within.

Ashley sat at the head of the table, his flame-like crimson hair parted in by two scarlet horns, his sharp eyes focused on the map of the Lazurite Kingdom spread before them. His expression was cold as she tapped his fingers against the table, thinking. "The Count of Ruberios has failed us," he said, his voice calm but laced with frustration. "He underestimated Hala, and now he's paid the price."

Pippin, seated to his left, frowned, her brow furrowed as she looked over the reports they had gathered. "The fool was too arrogant. We should never have relied on him to carry out such an important task." She glanced at Prelix, who had been silent so far. "And now, Hala knows that someone was after her Magic-Tech. We need to act fast if we want to recover from this."

Prelix finally spoke, his voice quiet but filled with authority. "The Count was just a tool. We were never going to rely solely on him to acquire what we need. This is a setback, yes, but we are not exposed. No one knows of our involvement—not even the Church."

Ashley nodded, his sharp eyes gleaming with ambition. "Precisely. The Holy Church will blame the Count for his actions, and we will remain in the shadows. But we cannot abandon our goal. Hala's Magic-Tech is the key to unlocking a new era of magic. We need it."

The plan had been simple in concept: use the Count of Ruberios to steal the Magic-Tech during the negotiations with Hala's envoys, Zephyra and Caelum. With the Count's resources and the support of the Holy Knights from the Church, they had assumed Hala's defenses would crumble under the weight of their combined power.

But Hala's cosmic magic had shattered that illusion. She had obliterated the Count's forces, leaving nothing behind but ruin. And now, her kingdom stood stronger than ever, while the Trinity Wisemen's ambitions remained unfulfilled.

Pippin sighed heavily, her fingers tracing the edges of the map. "She's more powerful than we anticipated. If we're to move forward, we'll need a new approach. Direct confrontation won't work."

Ashley glanced at the younger Wiseman, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I agree. Hala is too dangerous to face head-on. But we still have options. The Magic Tower is untouchable, and we have allies in places even she cannot reach."

Prelix's gaze darkened as he spoke. "There are artifacts—ancient ones—that can bypass even the strongest cosmic magic. We need to focus on those. If we can unlock their secrets, Hala's Magic-Tech will fall into our hands, one way or another."

The room fell silent for a moment as the three Wisemen contemplated their next move. They had lost a powerful ally in the Count, but they were far from defeated. The Magic Tower was a fortress of knowledge and power, and they had access to magic that few could even comprehend.

"We can't afford another failure," Ashley said finally, his voice hard. "We will send our agents to the Barren Lands. Hala's kingdom may be well-defended, but no barrier is perfect. We will find a way in."

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