Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

The Dire Lions

Hala's mismatched eyes—gold and blue—narrowed slightly, the carefree expression on her face slipping away as she set the piece of flatbread back down onto her plate. She straightened up in her chair, her muscles suddenly alert beneath her skin. "Dire lions? Didn't expect them to come sniffing around again so soon."

The brownies, who had been bustling around the grand dining hall, noticed the change in her demeanor. Inna approached cautiously, sensing something was wrong. "Lady Hala, is everything alright?"

Hala gave her a reassuring smile, though her eyes were sharp now, focused on the situation at hand. "Seems like we've got some uninvited guests." She stood up, stretching her arms casually above her head, though the tension in her body betrayed her readiness to act. "Don't worry, I'll handle it. You all stay here."

"The dire lions?" Inna's voice was tight with concern. The memory of their flight from the terrifying creatures was still fresh, and the thought of them coming back so soon after they had found safety in the Lazurite Kingdom was enough to send a ripple of fear through the brownies.

Hala nodded, her usual easygoing demeanor still present, but there was an edge of determination beneath it. "Yep, looks like they've gotten a little too curious for their own good. But hey, no need to worry—I've got this." Her confidence was like a comforting blanket, reassuring her companions that they were in capable hands.

"Are you certain, lady Hala," Inna muttered, her brow furrowing. "Dire lions are rather ferocious beasts?" Her concern was palpable, a reflection of the gravity of the situation they were about to face.

'The barrier should have held them off,' Hala thought, her brow furrowing. 'How did they get through?'

"Hmm? Oh, don't worry, Inna, I'll be fine." Hala comforted offhandedly, still busy trying to figure out why the barrier failed.

Hala looked out the grand window that overlooked the desert landscape, her expression thoughtful. 'Could be that the magic isn’t as effective against creatures like them, or maybe they’ve gotten smarter. Either way, I’m going to give them a little nudge to remind them why this place isn’t open to just anyone.'

She turned back to the brownies, her grin returning in full force. "Keep the food warm for me, will you? I’ll be back before you know it."


As Hala stepped outside the pyramid, the sun beat down on the desert sands, but the heat barely fazed her. She had grown used to the desert’s harshness—it was her domain now, and the power she commanded over it meant that even the relentless sun was just another part of the landscape she had tamed.

The Lazurite pathways shimmered beneath her feet as she made her way toward the southern outskirts of the kingdom, where the dire lions had broken through. Thoth continued to provide her with updates as she moved.

"The dire lions are approximately one mile from the outermost structures. Their numbers have grown since you last encountered them. They are led by a larger male, likely their alpha."

Hala cracked her knuckles, an amused smirk playing at her lips. "Good. Sounds like I’ll get a decent workout out of this after all."

It didn’t take long for her to reach the outskirts of her kingdom. As she crested a small dune, she spotted them in the distance—massive, dark forms moving through the sand with a predatory grace. The dire lions were even larger up close than she remembered. Their shadowy black fur and glowing yellow eyes gave them an eerie, almost spectral appearance as they prowled across the dunes. At the front of the pack was a massive male, his body covered in scars, his eyes filled with an almost unnatural intelligence.

Hala stopped, planting her feet firmly in the sand as she observed them from a distance. The wind tugged at her hair, but she remained still, her eyes focused on the alpha as the rest of the pride moved behind him.

"Alright, kitty cats," Hala muttered under her breath. "You’ve had your fun, but it’s time to show you who’s really in charge around here."

With a flick of her hand, Hala summoned her sand manipulation powers. The desert around her responded immediately, the sand swirling at her feet as if it were alive. The dire lions, sensing the shift in the air, slowed their approach, their glowing eyes fixed on Hala.

"Thoth," she said casually, her voice calm despite the impending confrontation, "how about you give me a tactical read on these guys? Let’s see if they’re as smart as they look."

Thoth’s voice filled her mind once again. "The dire lions are formidable, but they rely heavily on their numbers and the alpha’s leadership. The alpha is stronger and faster than the others, but if you neutralize him, the rest of the pride may retreat."

Hala nodded to herself, her grin widening. "Sounds like a plan. Take out the big one, and the others will scatter. Got it."

She stepped forward, her sand manipulation kicking into high gear. With a single thought, the desert around her exploded into motion. Massive walls of sand rose up from the ground, swirling around her like a protective barrier. The dire lions, sensing danger, began to circle, but Hala was already moving.

With a flick of her wrist, she sent a wave of sand crashing toward the alpha. The great lion snarled, leaping to the side to avoid the attack, but Hala was faster. She darted forward, the sand parting beneath her feet as she closed the distance between them.

The alpha roared, its massive paws striking the ground with enough force to send a tremor through the sand, but Hala was undeterred. She raised her hand, summoning a sandstorm that engulfed the area, reducing visibility to almost nothing. The smaller lions scattered, their roars muffled by the howling wind, but the alpha remained, its glowing eyes locked onto Hala.

"Let’s see how you handle this," Hala muttered, raising both hands toward the sky.

With a surge of cosmic energy, she summoned her Blackhole Skill, a swirling vortex of darkness appearing in the air above her. The blackhole pulsed with power, drawing in the sand around it like a whirlpool, and for a moment, the alpha hesitated. It could sense the danger, the overwhelming force of the cosmic energy that Hala wielded, but it was too late to retreat.

With a sharp gesture, Hala sent the blackhole hurtling toward the alpha, its gravitational pull distorting the air as it closed in on the massive lion. The alpha roared in defiance, lunging forward with a powerful leap, but it was no match for the blackhole’s pull. The vortex caught the lion mid-air, pulling it in with a force that could not be resisted.

In seconds, the alpha was gone, swallowed by the blackhole’s power.

[You have acquired the skill: Menace]

After Hala unleashed her Blackhole Skill and annihilated the alpha dire lion, she stood amid the swirling sandstorm she had conjured, her eyes scanning the retreating shapes of the remaining lions as they scattered across the dunes. The roar of the wind had died down, leaving only the sound of her own steady breathing in the sudden quiet of the desert.

The smaller dire lions had initially begun to flee, sensing that their leader had fallen. But Hala, with her usual blend of nonchalance and confidence, noticed something different in their retreating movements. Their body language was no longer purely that of fear—it was hesitant, unsure, and something deeper flickered in the glowing yellow of their eyes.

The largest of the remaining dire lions, a sleek, dark female, stepped forward, her muscles coiled with tension. She glanced back at the others, and after a moment, the pride slowed their retreat and stopped, their eyes focused on Hala. Their powerful forms crouched low to the ground, tails twitching nervously, but they made no move to attack or flee further.

The female lioness locked eyes with Hala, and after a tense silence, she did something unexpected: she spoke.

"You…" the lioness rumbled, her voice deep and resonant, like the growl of distant thunder. "You have defeated our alpha. You wield power unlike any we have known."

Hala raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Well, I wasn’t expecting a chat, but go on. What’s on your mind?" She crossed her arms casually, her body language still relaxed despite the tension in the air.

The lioness lowered her head slightly, a gesture of submission. "We are the pride of the southern desert. For generations, we have been led by the strongest among us. The alpha ruled because he was powerful, ruthless. But you…" she glanced back at her pride before continuing, "You defeated him easily. Your power is far greater than any we have seen."

Hala tilted her head, studying the lioness with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. "And what? You’re here to tell me you’re the new alpha or something?"

The lioness shook her head, her gaze steady and unwavering. "No. We do not challenge you. You have proven your strength beyond question. We submit to your power, Empress of the Sands."

Hala blinked, momentarily caught off guard. She had fought plenty of beasts and monsters in the desert, but none had ever spoken to her like this, let alone offered submission. "Submit, huh?" she mused, her lips quirking into a playful grin. "Does that mean you’re all mine now? Part of the Lazurite Kingdom?"

The lioness nodded slowly, her eyes gleaming with understanding. "If you will have us. We offer our loyalty, Empress. The pride follows the strongest. You have proven that you are worthy of leading us."

Behind the lioness, the other dire lions lowered their heads as well, their massive forms bowing in deference. The once-menacing pride now seemed almost peaceful, their glowing eyes filled with a strange reverence for the woman who had so easily defeated their leader.

Hala let out a slow, amused breath, her gaze sweeping over the pride. "Well, this is new. Didn’t expect to walk away from this with a bunch of talking lions." She glanced up at the fading sun, the golden light casting long shadows across the dunes. "Alright, alright. If you’re offering, I’m not gonna say no."

She stepped forward, her sand manipulation powers causing the dunes to shift slightly under her feet. The pride remained still, watching her with a mix of awe and respect.

"You’ve got yourselves a new alpha," Hala declared, her voice carrying across the desert. "But you’re not just a pack of wandering beasts anymore. You’re part of the Lazurite Kingdom now. My kingdom."

The lioness raised her head, her eyes locking onto Hala’s once more. "We will serve you, Empress. The pride will protect your lands and obey your command."

Hala smirked, feeling a spark of excitement at the thought of having a pride of dire lions at her command. They were formidable creatures, capable of striking fear into the hearts of even the most dangerous desert predators. With them as part of her kingdom, her influence and power would only grow.

"Good," she said, her tone light but filled with authority. "Then let’s make it official. From now on, you and your pride are the protectors of the Lazurite Kingdom. I’ll call on you when I need you, and in return, you’ll have a place here—safe, fed, and treated like part of the family."

The lioness dipped her head in acknowledgment. "We are honored, Empress."

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