Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

Shion and Ranga

The room was filled with the sound of delighted giggles and animated chatter. Fabrics of every shade and texture covered nearly every surface, glinting in the soft light that filtered through the Lazurite Pyramid's high windows. Dresses of every style—elegant gowns, flowing robes, and intricately embroidered silks—were strewn across tables, chairs, and even the floor.

Hala, the cosmic ruler of the Lazurite Kingdom, stood in the center of the chaos, arms lifted slightly as four women fussed over her like excited children dressing up a doll. Despite her usual commanding presence, she wore an expression of pure exasperation as her trusted advisors gushed and fawned over every outfit, they forced her to try on.

"You look stunning in this color, Mistress!" Luminous Valentine, her silver-haired maid, exclaimed as she held up a mirror to show Hala's reflection. "This shade of gold perfectly complements your eyes."

Next to her, Zephyra, the swift and sharp strategist, was busy adjusting the hem of a shimmering red dress. "No, no! She needs something that contrasts with her hair. Maybe something darker. Midnight blue! Yes, that's the one!"

"She looks divine in everything, honestly!" chimed Solara, the fiery leader of the desert imps, her golden eyes gleaming as she admired Hala's current attire—a rich burgundy gown that accentuated her figure.

Najma, the mysterious and graceful gypsy leader, floated gracefully around Hala, her bangles tinkling softly as she inspected the fit of the dress. "Oh, Hala, you must wear the midnight blue one next. It will make your eyes glow even brighter. I swear, you'll leave everyone breathless."

Hala closed her eyes, sighing deeply. As the ruler of the Lazurite Kingdom, she had faced armies, commanded cosmic forces, and obliterated foes without breaking a sweat. But this—this was beyond even her considerable patience.

"Why do I put up with this?" Hala muttered under her breath, her mismatched eyes flickering with faint annoyance.

Luminous, overhearing her, grinned mischievously. "Because you love us, Mistress. And you know we're right. Besides, don't you want to look your best for the visitors from Tempest? They're arriving soon, you know."

Hala groaned softly but remained still, knowing there was no escape. The four women continued to pull, tug, and adjust her outfits, clearly enjoying themselves far too much. She had been forced into various styles of gowns, robes, and even extravagant headdresses—each time with exaggerated gasps and praises about how "radiant" and "gorgeous" she looked.

"I'm a cosmic ruler, not a dress-up doll," Hala grumbled, but a small, fond smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Despite her reluctance, she couldn't deny that their affection for her was heartwarming.

Finally, the midnight blue dress made its appearance. As the women slipped the soft fabric over her skin, Hala felt the cool silk cascade around her body, the material catching the light in waves that shimmered like the night sky. The dress was elegant, with subtle cosmic embroidery along the hem and a slit up one side, giving her an aura of regal mystery. Her sandals, silver with modest heels, added to the graceful look, completing the ensemble.

"There," Najma said, clapping her hands together as she admired their handiwork. "You look perfect. A true queen of the cosmos."

The others nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

"You always look powerful, but now you look... untouchable," Solara added, her voice filled with awe.

Hala, though still slightly uncomfortable with all the attention, looked at her reflection in the mirror. She had to admit, the midnight blue dress was striking. It accentuated her eyes—one a brilliant blue, the other a molten gold—giving her an ethereal, otherworldly glow.

But before Hala could even begin to appreciate—or escape—their praise, a faint hum of telepathic energy resonated in her mind. Dagruel, the blue-haired titan and one of her most loyal subordinates, had sent her a message.

"An envoy from the Jura-Tempest Federation has arrived," Dagruel's deep voice echoed in her thoughts. "They're at the gates, requesting an audience."

Hala's expression immediately shifted from mild exasperation to sharp focus. She straightened her posture, her cosmic aura flaring ever so slightly as she prepared herself mentally for the meeting.

"Looks like it's time to greet our guests," Hala said, turning to her advisors, who were already beaming with excitement at the news.

"Perfect timing!" Zephyra said with a mischievous grin. "Now they'll see you at your most beautiful."

Hala sighed once more, but she couldn't hide the amusement in her eyes. "Let's hope they're more interested in alliances than appearances."

In the grand hall, Shion stood beside Ranga, the mighty black direwolf, her violet eyes scanning the ornate surroundings of the Lazurite Kingdom. She wore a formal suit, her long lavender hair tied in a high ponytail, and the single black horn on her forehead gleamed under the chandelier's light. But it wasn't the grand hall that caught her attention—it was the woman descending the stairs.

Hala, clad in the flowing midnight blue dress, seemed to glide across the floor, her cosmic aura subtly radiating power. Her raven-black hair cascaded down her back, and her mismatched eyes, one a vivid blue and the other a glowing purple, locked onto Shion's.

For the first time in her life, Shion felt a blush creep onto her face. The imposing demoness, known for her strength and confidence, found herself momentarily flustered as Hala approached. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly looked away, her cheeks turning a shade of pink she had never experienced before.

Hala noticed immediately and found the sight of the strong, stoic Shion blushing absolutely adorable. A soft, amused smile tugged at her lips as she greeted the envoy.

"Welcome to the Lazurite Kingdom," Hala said warmly, her voice carrying a melody of grace and authority. "It is an honor to receive you as representatives of Rimuru Tempest."

Shion, snapped back to attention, trying to mask her flustered state. "Th—thank you, Lady Hala," she stammered before straightening up. "Rimuru-sama sends his regards and wishes to discuss the possibility of an alliance between our two nations." Shion stammered slightly, quickly bowing in respect, though her face remained flushed. "I am Shion, envoy of Lord Rimuru Tempest. This is Ranga. We come seeking an audience to discuss the possibility of an alliance between our two nations."

Ranga, sensing the sudden shift in Shion's emotions, glanced at her curiously but remained silent, bowing his head in respect as well.

Hala, who had noticed Shion's sudden bashfulness, found herself smiling inwardly. She could sense the overwhelming power within the Oni, yet in this moment, she seemed almost... vulnerable. It was an adorable contrast.

Ranga nodded in agreement, his deep voice reverberating. "Our Lord Rimuru has heard much about your kingdom's strength and believes a union between our realms would be mutually beneficial."

Hala gave a small nod, glancing between Shion and Ranga. "I've heard of Rimuru Tempest's accomplishments and his vision for unity. I agree that an alliance between the Lazurite Kingdom and the Jura-Tempest Federation would be... advantageous."

As the conversation continued, Shion struggled to maintain her composure. Every time she caught a glimpse of Hala's sharp gaze or the way her dress shimmered under the hall's lights, her heart would race a little faster.

The moment Hala stepped into view, wearing that midnight blue gown that shimmered like the night sky, the Oni warrior, known for her strength and confidence, found herself at a loss for words. Blush kept creeping across her cheeks as her eyes would linger on Hala longer than she intended. Shion, normally so composed, was caught off guard by the sheer beauty and presence of the cosmic queen standing before her. 'What is wrong with me?! I don't even react like this with Lord Rimuru.'

Hala, who had noticed Shion's bashfulness, found herself smiling inwardly. She could sense the overwhelming power within the Oni, yet in this moment, she seemed almost... vulnerable. It was an adorable contrast.

"Your presence here is an honor. Please follow me to somewhere more accommodating. We have much to discuss."

Shion quickly straightened, trying to regain her composure, but the blush on her cheeks remained. As she followed Hala to the fourth layer, she couldn't help but glance at her again, marveling at the cosmic queen's grace and beauty. She had never been one to be flustered easily, but there was something about Hala that left her feeling off balance—something she couldn't quite explain.

Hala, on the other hand, found Shion's reaction thoroughly endearing. She could sense the Oni's strength, but seeing her so flustered in her presence was a rare and delightful treat.

"You're adorable," Hala said softly, leaning slightly toward Shion as they walked. "There's no need to be so nervous. We're here to discuss alliances, not fight."

Shion's blush deepened, and she fumbled for a response. "I—I'm not nervous, Lady Hala! I just... wasn't expecting..." Her voice trailed off, her usual confidence faltering.

Ranga let out a small, knowing chuckle, but kept his gaze forward.

Hala's smile widened. "Don't worry, Shion. You're doing fine. Now, let's talk about the future."

As Hala led Shion and Ranga deeper into a comfortable sunroom on the fourth layer, the atmosphere shifted from lightheartedness to one of careful consideration, as they sat in soft cream sofas. The discussion of an alliance between the Lazurite Kingdom and the Jura-Tempest Federation would shape the balance of power in the world, and Hala knew that such a partnership held great potential.

Shion, though still flustered by Hala's presence, managed to regain her composure as they sat down to begin negotiations. Ranga, ever the dutiful familiar, remained at Shion's side, his loyalty to Rimuru apparent in every word he spoke.

"Lord Rimuru believes that our two nations, united in strength, could bring about a new era of peace and cooperation," Shion began, her voice steadying. "He holds great respect for you, Lady Hala, and hopes that together, we can create something lasting—something that will benefit all of our people."

Hala listened carefully, nodding in agreement. "I, too, believe in the potential of this alliance. Rimuru Tempest is known for his vision of unity, and I admire that. The Lazurite Kingdom would be honored to stand beside such a powerful nation."

As the conversation continued, Hala could feel the threads of a strong alliance forming. Rimuru's approach to governance and peace aligned with her own vision for her kingdom, and the possibilities of what they could achieve together seemed endless.

But as the discussion neared its conclusion, Hala couldn't help but glance at Shion, who still seemed slightly off balance, her gaze occasionally lingering on Hala with that same bashful expression.

"This alliance will be the start of something great," Hala said softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "And, Shion, I hope you'll be visiting often."

Shion blinked, her blush returning in full force. "I—I would be honored, Lady Hala!"

With a chuckle, Hala leaned back on the sofa, satisfied with the outcome. The alliance between the Lazurite Kingdom and the Jura-Tempest Federation was set, and the future was looking brighter than ever.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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