Denial is the Way

Family Dinner (1)

Ender's friends stayed until nighttime hit. They talked through whatever show or movie played on the TV. His friends even planned out a baby shower for him even though he is only three weeks along. 


Plus, once his siblings find out, he guarantees that they would rather plan out the baby shower instead. 


As his friends started to leave, Nevan stayed behind for a bit. 


"I can move some of my stuff in tomorrow," Nevan told him. 


Ender forgot that Nevan planned to move in with him to help him out. Well, technically, he denied that the man ever said that and pushed it out of his mind. 


"Nevan, you do not need to do this. I promise I can do this on my own; I am an adult." Once again, Ender was trying to convince Nevan not to help him out. 


Honestly, Ender wouldn't mind the help. After years of being pampered by his family, he had grown lazy on many things. 


But, his other friends aren't good at taking care of others. And even though Fe is the one that keeps everyone under control, he dislikes taking care of others. It still leaves people at a loss. 


His family may love smothering him with love; they are busy with work, which leaves Nevan being the ideal person. 


And although he is the best person to take care of someone, he was still the father to Ender's baby. 


He did not need the man to find that out. 


Nevan shook his head, indicating that he found no problems, "I already told you I don't mind, Ender. And I'm not saying you are a child by allowing me to help. Just let me take care of you."


Ender could not help the blush appearing on his face. He tried to keep his eyes from closing when another memory hit him when Nevan spoke those last words. 


During that drunken night, he remembered the way Nevan moved to his ear as he breathed against it, making him shiver. The way his hand slowly moved towards his pants as Nevan’s long fingers touched his clothed erection. Ender whimpered at the touch. 


Once Nevan heard the sound, he sexily and seductively whispered in his ear, let me take care of you. 


Ender shook his head to erase the memory while also secretly fanning himself. Can Nevan please stop triggering my memories? Ender begged in his mind. 


"Okay, I will leave the door unlocked for you tomorrow." Ender gave in, for now, so he could clear his mind from the memory that hit him. 


Nevan hummed, walking out before he stopped, and said, "Also, you are going to have to start locking your door." 


Ender nodded as he watched Nevan leave. 


Once the man was gone, Ender closed the door and quickly changed for his family dinner. When he finished, he left the house, locking the door behind him. 

Ender went into his car, buckling himself as he drove to his family's villa. 


The drive took an hour and thirty minutes before he reached the villa. Ender drove to the gate, putting in the code instead of pushing the button for someone to let him in. 


Once the gates opened, he drove down a long road as a vast house slowly came in view. A few feet in front of the entrance was a fountain shining with the moonlight. 


Around the beautiful fountain, but near the grass/sidewalk, cars took up a few spots. 


Ender parked his car behind one of them as he saw that he was the last one to appear. He cursed in his mind for being late, but then again, out of all his siblings, his home was the furthest from the family's villa. 


He stepped out of his car, feeling a bit nauseous. And it was not from the baby, but going to see his siblings all at once. He can already feel his arms growing sore from the number of gifts they will give him. 


Ender slowly walked to the entrance as he dragged his feet a bit. He could not tell if he was reluctant to continue due to his siblings' love or reaction when he tells them he is pregnant. 


Once he reached the entrance, it automatically opened like someone knew he was out here. A butler stood by the door as he held it open; the butler was Mr. Forn. The man has been with the family for almost forty years. 


Mr. Forn bowed, "Welcome back, young master En; the family is waiting for you in the dining room. Would you like me to walk you there?"


"Hello, Mr. Forn. There is no need; I will walk there myself." Ender responded. 


The man gave one last bow as Ender walked off. He made his way to the dining room, already feeling tired, and he hasn't even dealt with his family yet.


Once he reached the dining room, he pushed open the door, taking in the scene. 


The dining room was small compared to the other rooms as this one was their personal one. The rectangular table was long but short as designers made it to fit nine to ten people. His parents hired artists to paint family portraits on the walls to show how the room was only for them. 


A chandelier hung on the ceiling, adding light and shine to the room, making it warm and beautiful. The atmosphere of the dining room held a homey and inviting feeling. 


His mother and father sat at the ends of the table, showing how they were the house's heads while his siblings took any of the remaining seats. 


When Ender opened the doors, his family turned towards him. His siblings looked ready to jump from their seats as Ender noticed bags under their feet. He already felt his body stiffening at the number of gifts and hugs he would receive. 


But his mother stood up, causing everyone to stay rooted in their seats. Ender silently thanked his mother as he went to sit between his oldest brother and sister. 


The other siblings looked jealous, while the elder brother and sister looked smug. 


Ender sighed because he knew what was to come. 


His mother continued to stand, not allowing anyone to speak yet. "Now that En is here, we can start dinner. But before that, En has something to tell you all." 


Turning towards him, his mother indicated for him to stand. Ender stood up, clearing his throat as he felt everyone stare at him. He grew nervous, looking to his mother for support. 


She gave him a soft smile. 


Trying to keep his heart from racing, Ender finally opened his mouth. 


"I'm pregnant."

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