Denial is the Way

Extra: The Drunken Night

Warning: NSFW (This is the night Ender ended up getting pregnant.)

Tonight was Tia’s birthday. Ender’s friends and other people from Tia’s work were at a hotel Tia booked for her birthday party.


She booked the fourth floor as people hung and drank in the hotel room. Some people passed out on the beds or in the other hotel rooms. Music was loud but not loud enough to bother the others on the floors under them. 


Ender drank his fourth cup of whatever Tia mixed in the punch. He stood in the corner, his eyes either darkened from the corner’s light or him watching Nevan. 


Nevan spoke with Kori at another corner. Kori was on his phone, but anyone could see he answered back to whatever Nevan was saying. 


Ender felt hot, and it wasn’t due to the heat in the room. 


Nevan’s neck-length black hair was messier than usual as he ran his hand through it multiple times already. It made Ender want to go over there and grip it to see how messy he could make it. 


Ender’s heated eyes moved down to Nevan’s lip piercing, licking his lips as he wanted to suck on it. Nevan took a sip of his drink, causing a shine to stick to it. It made his lips more enticing. 


His tight button-up shirt had three buttons open, showing his biteable collarbones and beautiful smooth skin begging to be touched. 


Nevan softly laughed at what Kori said, causing his handsome face, carved by the Gods, to light up. Ender leaned back into the wall, drinking more of his alcohol, feeling dizzy from watching Nevan. 


And like the man felt Ender’s drunken, heated stare, he looked towards him. They stared at each other while standing at both ends of the room. 


Nevan leaned his head up, his finger rubbing his cup as his eyes had a dangerous glint to them. He brought his cup to his lips, but instead of drinking from it, he stuck out his tongue, giving a small part of the rim a lick. 


Ender bit his lip to keep from moaning. He never felt this turned on before, and Nevan pushed all his buttons. 


But he didn’t back down from the challenge Nevan presented. He picked up two fingers, dipping them in his drink before putting them towards his mouth. Sticking them inside, Ender slowly sucked them, never looking away from Nevan’s gaze as he pulled them out, licking the drops he didn’t get. 


Nevan’s grip tightened on his cup as his eyes looked black. He tilted his head towards the door, telling Kori something before walking away. 


Ender downed the rest of his drink, throwing it in the trash as he stepped out after Nevan. When he walked out into the hallway, he felt someone grabbing him, pulling him close. 


He was getting ready to struggle when he saw that he was face to face with Nevan. They were barely an inch apart as their breath mixed in the small space between them. 


They both reeked of alcohol. 


Ender and Nevan did not say anything. They looked at each other with heated stares before Nevan’s lips descended on Ender’s. 


He moved his hands down Ender’s waist, pulling them together to where they were touching. 


Wrapping his arms around Nevan’s neck, Ender returned the kiss. They made out in the hallway, deepening the kiss as Ender pulled back, biting Nevan’s piercing. 


Nevan’s hand moved towards Ender’s chin, gripping it as he pulled the man’s head back to where their lips were close to touching. 


“Let’s go into a room,” Nevan spoke, his words sounding clear even though he is drunk and his mind clouded with lust. 


Ender swallowed from the look on Nevan’s face as he nodded. Ender grabbed Nevan’s hand from his chin, intertwining their fingers as he turned and pulled Nevan to one of the hotel rooms. 


He pulled out a key card that everyone got since Tia booked the whole floor. He unlocked the door, throwing the key down as Nevan closed the door behind them. 


Ender continued to pull Nevan to the bed, falling on it as he took Nevan down with him. He laughed when the weight landed on him, but Nevan cut his laughter short as he started kissing him again. 


Ender moaned from the heated kiss, opening his mouth as he invited Nevan’s tongue inside. Nevan slides his tongue down Ender’s before exploring his mouth, tasting his drink from earlier. 


Sliding his hand down, Ender gripped Nevan’s shirt, grinding his body against the man. They both moaned as Nevan moved his hand down as his fingers ran against Ender’s clothed erection. 


Whimpering, his hands tightened on the man’s shirt. Nevan moved towards his ear, seductively whispering, “Let me take care of you.” 


He pulled up, moving off of Ender as he started to take off his clothes. Ender felt cold when Nevan moved away, but he began to grow hot again when he saw the man taking off his clothes. 


Ender took off his shirt, reaching for his pants right after. He was only in his underwear when Nevan grabbed him, practically picking him up as he pushed Ender more onto the bed. 


The way Nevan manhandled him made Ender grow harder than before. He knew his member stained his underwear. His body trembled for more.


Nevan smirked at Ender’s reaction as he moved over him. His fingers ran down Ender’s bare skin, causing Ender to shiver in pleasure at the touch.


When Nevan’s fingers made it to his chest, touching his right nipple, softly rubbing it, Ender gasped as his body trembled. 


“Shh, I got you.” Nevan bent forward, whispering in Ender’s ear before kissing his cheek, moving down to Ender’s neck. 


A moan slipped from Ender’s lips. He bit them, trying to stop any more cries threatening to leave his mouth. Ender brought his tilted-up head down, grabbing Nevan’s messy hair as he tugged it. 


Nevan lifted his head, his eyes meeting Ender. 


Ender stared back at Nevan as his heavy eyes gazed at Nevan’s lips. “Kiss me.” He whispered. 


Nevan’s lips fell on his as they softly kissed. Nevan’s fingers continued to move down his body, pushing down before they landed on his covered erection. 


Ender gripped Nevan’s arm as he moaned. Nevan swallowed it down as he covered Ender’s tongue with his. 


Tightening his grip, Ender fought back with his tongue; he felt his mind starting to cloud. The only thing he could feel was the pleasure making his body numb. 


Nevan picked his head up, moving his body as his finger crawled up to Ender’s underwear band. He pulled them down, freeing Ender’s member that slapped against the man’s stomach. 


Leaning down, Nevan put his face near Ender’s rigid, leaking member. Ender looked down, breathing hard in anticipation as his eyelids were heavy. 


Running his fingers along the length, Nevan stuck his tongue out, licking with his finger movements. Ender leaned his head back, gripping the sheets as he moaned out. “A-ah!” 


Nevan’s tongue touched the tip as he licked off the transparent liquid building there. He opened his mouth more, taking the tip into his mouth as he sucked it before moving down. His lip piercing rubbed against Ender’s member, mixing a bit of pain with pleasure. 


Ender whimpered, biting his finger from his free hand as he covered his moans that would not stop falling. Nevan looked up at him with unadulterated lust in his eyes, causing Ender’s heart to go on overdrive. 


His mouth took the whole length inside, deepthroating the member as he showed that he didn’t have any gag reflexes. Nevan moved his head up and down, his hand massaging Ender’s sack with the movements. 


With his head thrown back, Ender bit his finger too hard as he cried out. His body shook in pleasure, not coming down at all. He took his finger out of his mouth, grabbing Nevan’s hair instead. The man’s locks mixed with his fingers. 


Nevan kept deepthroating Ender, drowning in the man’s reaction as his hand moved towards Ender’s behind before slipping through the cracks. His finger touched the entrance but did not slip in as his finger was dry. 


He moved back, Ender’s member fell from his mouth as saliva slipped down his chin. Ender whined when his erection left the wet warmth. 


He glanced at Nevan, who put up four fingers, pointed them towards his mouth as he gave Ender a look. 


Ender opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out as he knew what Nevan wanted. Nevan stuck the four fingers in his mouth. Ender began to suck them, hollowing out his cheeks as he made sure to coat them well. 


Nevan groaned, licking his lips as he could not wait to have Ender. His member twitched, feeling tight in his underwear as it begged to be free. 


After a few minutes, Nevan pulled the fingers out, letting the spit add shine to Ender’s lips as he moved his fingers down them. 


Ender spread his legs wider, looking wanton as Nevan moved his fingers between his crack again. One of Nevan’s fingers rubbed Ender’s hole before sticking inside.


Ender moved as the finger felt weird in his tight hole, but there was still pleasure there as Nevan moved his finger in and out. He softly moaned, leaning his head to the side as his breath was out of place. 


Nevan put his lips around Ender’s erection again, deepthroating him as he moved his fingers in Ender. “N-Neva-ah,” Ender spoke, his moans cutting up his words. 


Nevan moved to two fingers, stretching Ender more and more. Ender shuddered at the uncomfortable stretch, but Nevan distracted him by swallowing his erection down. 


When the third and fourth fingers entered, Ender almost climaxed in Nevan’s mouth when his fingers hit against a pleasure spot that had him seeing stars. 


“Ah! R-right the-there.” Ender screamed out. 


Letting the member slip through his lips again, Nevan hit the same spot a few times with his fingers before pulling them out. 


Ender clenched his hole, feeling empty as he begged, “M-more.” 


“I got you,” Nevan responded as he swiftly pulled his underwear down. 


His member stood stiff and tall, leaking as it throbbed for attention. Ender gulped at Nevan’s size, moaning and shivering as he thought about how it was going to fit into him. 


“Turn over,” Nevan demanded, his hand softly rubbing his member. 


Ender flipped over to his stomach before lying face down with his bottom in the air. Nevan grabbed his behind, pulling the cheeks apart as he rubbed his member between Ender’s crack. 


Ender moaned as Nevan groaned from the feeling. 


Nevan rubbed his member a few times between Ender’s crack before grabbing his member and lining it up with Ender’s hole. 


He started pushing in. 


Ender gripped the sheets, pulling them down as he felt Nevan’s hard and long member pushing inside him. He mewled, trying to stay relaxed. 


“Relax,” Nevan whispered from behind him. He grabbed Ender’s leaking member, sloppily rubbing it as his mind was clouded. 


Ender turned his head sideways, fully relaxing as he moaned from Nevan’s hand and the feeling of being full when the man was all the way in. 


Nevan didn’t move. He leaned his head down towards Ender, grabbing his chin as he pulled their faces closer. Ender could smell the alcohol on Nevan’s breath. But he was the same as both of their smells mixed, making him feel drunker than he already was. 


Nevan’s lips softly touched his, causing Ender to close his eyes. It successfully distracted him as Nevan pulled out, only to thrust back in roughly. 


Gasping, Ender’s hands almost slipped as the thrust pushed his body forward. Nevan took the opportunity to pull Ender’s head up, slipping his tongue into the man’s mouth. 


Their tongues touched, tangling against each other as they quietly fought. But Nevan won the battle when he quickly set a fast pace of thrusting into Ender. 


Ender moaned, silent tears falling down his face from the pleasure and pain of Nevan moving in and out of him. Nevan swallowed down the moan, his tongue exploring Ender’s mouth before he scraped his teeth on the man’s tongue. 


His hand, which stopped moving on Ender’s member for a second, started again. He moved his hand at the same speed of his thrusting. 


Ender moved his head away, crying out as saliva dripped down his chin. “P-Pleas-ah.” He moaned, not knowing what he was pleading for. 


Nevan grabbed Ender’s waist, pulling him up so that Ender could sit in his lap. Ender’s hands left the sheets when he felt Nevan picking him up. He gripped Nevan’s legs, his eyes widening as the new position pushed Nevan deeper into him. 


Grabbing Ender’s neck, Nevan pushed Ender’s head back as his hot breath was on the man’s cheek. He thrust up, moving faster and harder than before. 


Ender could only scream out from pleasure, leaving scratch marks on Nevan’s legs. His body shuddered as sweat covered it. The sound of skin slapping against each other seemed louder in Ender’s ears. 


Nevan’s hand flexed against Ender’s neck as the other went back to the man’s member. “I want you to climax for me.” Nevan’s deep voice, which drove Ender insane, whispered in his ear. 


Ender could already feel himself spilling in Nevan’s hand as he moaned out the man’s name. 


“N-Nevan!” He screamed out. 


He clenched his insides around Nevan’s length, making his stretched hole feel tight again. Nevan softly bit his shoulder, groaning as he continued to slam into Ender’s tight hole. 


Ender’s body felt overly sensitive from his climax as he felt himself quickly getting hard again by Nevan’s rough slams. He moved his hips with Nevan as the man’s hand kept adding pressure to his throat. 


He felt his eyes move behind his head in pleasure as his second climax was quickly hitting. 


Once Ender released again all over them, Nevan pushed Ender’s body down, slamming into him without abandon. Ender scratched his nails down the sheets, almost tearing them as he screamed in pain and pleasure from the manhandling. Tears fell hard down his face.  


Nevan gripped his hips hard, giving one last slam as he filled Ender’s hole with his release. 


Deep down, Ender knew he shouldn’t have let Nevan climax in him. But the alcohol, pleasure, and forgetfulness made him lose the reason why. 


All he knew is that he blacked out once Nevan filled his hole. 

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