Den Lille Luftdatter

Chapter 4 – Part of that World

Trigger warning:


Adam entered his dorm room exhausted, pushing the door behind him and lying down on his bed, face first.

Flynn didn’t look up from his book, over where he sat on his own bunk in the other corner. “Welcome back. Did you go somewhere?” He asked in a casual manner.

Adam stretched his mouth into an easygoing smile. “Just choir rehearsal. Promised Grandpa I’d make sure to stop skipping, when he wanted to talk yesterday.”

“Oh yeah, I was wondering what that had been about.” The roommate mused.

Adam had helped move chairs and set everything up too, both before the rehearsal and for cleanup after. He'd developed a small rep for being that kind of person, reliable and dependable for quick favors or some assistance. He didn't want to say no if someone asked for his help usually. It’s not like moving some tables and chairs was any difficult, but it was another way he had exerted himself today, on top of P.E. this morning. Hence his exhaustion.

“I just don’t want him to worry.” He explained. “You know how it is. I’m fine, I really am.”

“Yeah, I get it. I’d get annoyed if I still had an uncle around or something, bugging me in my ear about everything.” Flynn shrugged, still not looking up from his book.

Adam lifted his head back up to stare back at Flynn, “What about you? Have you just been sitting here since classes wrapped up?”

Flynn finally put the book down, sighing and shaking his head. “Nope, you wouldn’t believe the bullshit that I had to go through earlier. I was picking up the next Franco Cruz over here at the school library, and you know what happened?”

Adam cocked an eyebrow, “What?”

“So you know that creepy librarian, right?” He asked.

Adam nodded. ‘Creepy’ was rude, but that was what he usually heard other guys say. He supposed they were just kinda unsettled by her. She had that kind of vibe going, with those dark circled eyes and the short bone-white hair. Some tattoos across her arms too. She definitely didn't fit the image of a religious boarding school, so it figured she'd stand out. But Adam had always thought she was just some nice older lady. Never judge a book by its cover.

“Well I hadn’t even gotten five steps in there, before she all of a sudden walked up, and told me to return that Geography textbook from a month back!” Flynn explained.

“Isn’t that her job?” Adam asked, confused by what the issue was. “You didn’t even use it after you were done with the assignment or anything come to think of it, she’s totally right.”

“Yeah, but think about it!” He continued, looking Adam directly in the eye. “Like, she did that almost instantly. And I’d totally forgotten I even had that thing!”

Adam tried to puzzle out in his head what his roommate had been getting at, before sighing and flopping his back down onto the bed. “Oh, not you too! She’s not a witch, for crying out loud!”

“I’m just saying, I remember how the guys were talking about that once! It’s a thing they’re saying, right?”

Adam dragged his hand across his face, feeling silly just hearing that. No, the librarian who looked a little creepy wasn’t some sketchy witch. She was just doing her job. He couldn't believe even Flynn was buying into that stuff now.

“She didn’t even look at her computer or anything at all!” Flynn argued. “She just knew!”

Adam looked back at him. “Yes, because she recognizes you, like most teachers do after a year.”

He rolled his eyes. “Point is, I was stuck in there for like 30 minutes arguing with her. Turns out I had the book in my bag the whole time though, so I was able to solve it in the end.”

“Well, that’s a positive.” Adam noted. “Just don’t forget next time.”

“Yeah, definitely.” He responded, picking his book back up again. “Learned my damn lesson there. But I'm just saying. She probably knew the book was in there too, so definitely sketchy.”

Adam shook his head at this nonsense, “Is the book good at least?”

“Oh yeah, it started with this crazy scene where Franco's fighting on top of a flying plane. I'm only five chapters and he's gotten roped into a conspiracy to dismantle a small country's government. Shit's wild."

Adam genuinely had no idea what those books were even about.

Instead of arguing, Adam just sighed, standing back up and deciding to look into his little trunk under the bed. His eyes landed on that yellow flowery skirt again. Sometimes he had to wonder just why he had felt so fixated on this. He'd thought about that dumb thing for over a month, hoping it’d still be there unclaimed at that lost and found. There was a satisfaction to be felt in having it with him now finally, but at the same time…

Why was he even keeping it here?

It was almost paradoxical. Because naturally, why else would you keep clothing if not to wear it? Adam knew he wasn't a girl, obviously. He wasn’t the type of person that skirt would look pretty on, it wasn’t meant for him. It’s for someone in a completely different world.

Despite that, he felt the need to pick it up. He unwrapped it, holding it in the air as he found the full body mirror attached to the closet. It was long, and flowy. Yet he could tell by the length that it would match his height.

Then Adam turned his head, and saw Flynn staring directly at him, his book temporarily laid down in his hand.

Adam grew slightly embarrassed. “What?”

Flynn shrugged. “Nothing. Just curious if you’re actually gonna do something with that thing for once.”

Adam looked away, eyes back to the fabric in his hands. “No, don’t be stupid. It’s… It’s not meant for me. I’d look dumb.”

“Cool,” Was all Flynn answered with, bringing the book back up to cover his face.

…Adam could only continue staring back at the mirror. At himself, holding that skirt.



Solomon made his way through the hallway. He had just finished collecting all the textbooks required, along with the notes he'd used back when he was in Adam’s year. They made for good additional help, even if he usually recalled the information well enough himself. He had found that Adam figured it useful to see what Solomon's own thought process had been like, at one point telling him that he was good at writing down and organizing information. A silly thing to compliment on, but getting to know the boy a bit, Solomon's since realized it wasn't that unusual.

The times he'd ask some peer of Adam's what he was like in the classroom, he got bland, but positive descriptions. Highly affable, often wearing some smile. The type of person everyone has somewhat positive, albeit not many notable opinions of. Solomon's own impression was that he appeared to be a pushover, although he had that earnest heart about him. He didn’t doubt the boy when he said he wanted to improve his studying, or when he made some random compliment. Adam was odd like that.

But no doubt he was also forgetful. Despite the both of them helping with clean-up, Adam had left choir rehearsal before Solomon could get the chance to remind him about the tutoring later. He had a test in biology tomorrow, which he had personally revealed at one point happened to be his worst subject. They'd agreed a while back on some much needed extra tutoring the day prior, though Solomon was getting worried that the boy may have completely forgotten.

The trek to Adam's dorm was light, he knew the way well. But Solomon was surprised when he'd reached his door and found it… open? Or rather, slightly so. It wasn’t shut, just a little crack. Would it be rude to knock? To intrude?

But his thoughts were interrupted by the voice inside.

“Are you sure this isn’t something you ever wonder, Flynn?” It was Adam’s voice.

“Nah. Like seriously, I’ve never heard of a guy who has.” That one was his roommate, Solomon recalled. Flynn. “Though not like I’ve ever asked.”

“...A part of me worries that this is some kind of growing unstoppable obsession. I feel like I’ve only started thinking about it even more, once I started… well… doing this...” What on earth was he talking about?

He knew he definitely couldn’t try knocking now, but would they hear him if he walked away? Did they even know the door was slightly open?

Adam continued, “It would probably be better to just throw it all away, but I don’t know if I can bring myself to do that…”



Adam sighed, “Maybe there really is something wrong with me…”

Flynn didn’t respond, a small frown appearing as he averted his eyes.

“I just don’t see how,” Adam looked at the skirt again and gestured at it. “How other people don’t see what I’m seeing!”

He stopped himself, breathing in. “I-I just think it’s nice...” How could he even begin to describe how he felt? Adam turned back to the trunk open on the floor, gesturing his free hand to it. “I mean, look at how much I have already. No one else would do something like this...”

His eyes fell back to the ground, ashamed of his own acknowledgement. “Really, you’d think a weirdo like me would already have more than enough with this..."

Adam continued, walking over and crouching down to it. “It's so silly. The occasional used makeup, like ten barrettes, I just got my third skirt for crying out loud!” He closed his eyes, shutting the lid. “It feels so stupid and pointless for me to want it! let alone have it. But also some part of me just… wants more?”

He stood back up, his face left to directly face an empty wall. “You ever think about how girls just… are? It’s not just the clothes, not even stuff like boobs or whatever, just... They just are. They get to be. That.” It almost felt painful for him to admit this. It was stupid, he knew it was. “There's also the way they look, the way they get to act and be treated sometimes. It really is a completely different world.”

Adam lets himself dissociate, painting an image in my head on the blank wall in front of him. Of a girl. “I… I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes I wish I could just be part of that world.” He muttered, his entire body almost feeling lifeless, even as he stood. How could someone feel like they weren’t alive, when every law of the universe told them they in fact were? He was here, existing, but even so…

He wanted to be something different. A part of him wished to be a girl of all things. But he wasn't sure if he could ever directly say those words out loud. Just imagine. A boy saying that? He was lucky Flynn didn’t seem to care that much in the first place.

Said roommate, having been silent for a while, just scratched his hair. “...It’s something, alright.”

A non answer. Adam couldn’t blame him. He wouldn’t understand, just like Adam knew anyone else wouldn't. At the very least, he was someone ready to listen, even if he acted apathetic about it.

His eyes finally went back to the skirt. Just standing there, staring at it for what felt like hours, even if it was only a couple of seconds.

“...I’m gonna try it.”

Flynn’s eyes perked back up from his book. “Wait, what?”

“I’m gonna try it.” Adam repeated. He grabbed the skirt, trying to take off his pants in the process.

“D-Dude!” Flynn covered his eyes. “Right in front of me?!”

“I-I’m just trying to be quick! Before I change my mind!”

“Oh my god…” Flynn shook his head, deciding to just turn away.

Finally, Adam had gotten himself in it. To his surprise, a small smile crept up on his face without him even willing it. It felt… nice. Way lighter than pants, and breezy too. He'd never actually tried one before, was this what wearing a skirt felt like?

He glanced back at the mirror in the corner, wondering if he'd dare look. He walked up to it, curious for what he might somehow see, and-!

Adam saw a boy in a skirt.

It didn’t even match, he was still wearing the uniform’s blazer as a top, which clashed pretty heavily with the skirt’s colors and design. But not only that, just… It only felt more obvious, more painful now.

With the femininity attached to his lower half, the natural masculinity everywhere else was more apparent. Boyish face, shoulders probably too wide. Of course, puberty had already started for him, even if a bit late. He was pretty undeniably a guy, soon to be a man, no matter what he stuck onto himself.

Adam grimaced, looking down at the floor in shame. “This was stupid, nevermind…”

It was only at that point Flynn had dared look back in his direction. “Huh… Yeah, you uhh…” It felt like he didn’t know what to say. “Did you… expect something else?”

Adam looked into the mirror again. “I… I don’t know.” What did he expect? Why would he expect anything special at all? That he'd suddenly just be a girl? That a fleeting fantasy would just poof into reality?

He sighed, “I’m taking this off. Close your eyes again, Flynn.”

But Adam had just reached out to his waist however when he heard a creak of a floorboard nearby. Of… outside the dorm. 

Adam's eyes instantly shifted to the door. Right there, he noticed the slightest opening. He'd forgotten to shut it closed when he entered. And someone was out there! His face grew pale. Did they hear…?!

Flynn stood up, clicking his tongue, “Ah, shit.”

Panicking, Adam went and tried to take the skirt off while his roommate went to the door. He only opened a bit, thankfully, so hopefully whoever was out there wouldn’t see anything? And hadn’t heard anything?

“What is it-? Oh, it’s you.” Flynn said.

Adam was curious. Who was it?

“O-Oh, excuse me, I'm here for tutoring. I wanted to talk to Adam.” It was Sully's voice. “Is he here? He needed extra help with a biology test-"

Biology test! That’s right! Of course it wouldn't hit him until the moment he'd said it! Adam felt like an idiot! Here he was angsting about his obsession when there was a test coming up! And he'd literally asked Sully for help with this one!

“Oh uhh, he’ll be out in a second.” Flynn responded, glancing back at Adam. He was indeed out of the skirt at that point, it was just a matter of squeezing himself back into the pants.

“How about you? Are you studying well for tomorrow?” Solomon asked Flynn.

“Oh, I haven’t started.” He casually answered. “I was planning to pull an all-nighter.”

Adam wanted to bemoan Flynn for not reminding him of the test himself, and for being so irresponsible as to plan to stay up all night. But now wasn't the time to worry over his friend's bad habits.

Adam was fully dressed now, so he dashed to the door and opened it wider. “Oh, hey Sully! I’m ready! What did you say, biology?” He pumped his fist, even as he tried to catch his breath. “I’m all amped up!”

Solomon blinked. “Yes, you've told me you struggle with that subject in particular."

Adam nodded, finally feeling his breathing stabilize. “Yeah, of course. Naturally, thanks again for the help, appreciate it!”

“Would the library work?” He asked. Something about his tone, Adam could swear there was a faint nervousness to it. He didn’t actually hear anything, did he? So uneasy sounding, maybe he was trying to hide it or something. Ugh, whatever! Adam had to get his mind in the game! Test tomorrow, yeah! Focus on that!

“Actually, I’m kinda hungry, haven’t had dinner.” Flynn interjected. “Wanna go to that diner? They’ve got great fries.”

“You…” Solomon paused, narrowing his eyes. “I'm tutoring Adam.”

Flynn shrugged, “Yeah, but, again, I haven’t studied for the thing either, so...” He laid a hand up on Solomon’s shoulder, smiling and sucking air through his teeth. “Appreciate your help too, my man.”

Adam didn’t say anything, just glancing at Flynn then back at Solomon. He gestured at his tutor with a shrug. He certainly wouldn’t complain if Flynn joined them, it might actually be easier to have someone else along, with how stressed he felt about everything.

Eventually, Solomon sighed. “Fine. If they accept students taking up space to study at this hour, then very well. You can order some fries along the way too.”

Flynn pumped his fist with a grin. “And a Red Bull.”

“And a Red Bull.” Solomon repeated with a nod.

“Great, I’ll just grab my notes, be right back!” Adam dashed back in, grabbing everything for himself. At the same time, he quickly stashed the skirt back into the trunk, since he hadn’t had time for it before. He needed to be safe!

He just had to pray to God that everyone could pretend none of that had ever happened. That Solomon didn’t hear anything. Hell, if he could somehow start pretending himself that none of this was even a thing in the first place, that would be great!

Adam couldn't help but mentally kick himself. He just had to be like this. Why couldn’t he have been some normal guy, like he was supposed to be? All that stuff he'd said earlier was stupid. ‘Part of that world,’ yeah right.

Wishes like that weren't fit for reality.



As she saw the boy push the trunk back under his bed, Rosalynn lightly scratched her chin with one of her long nails. A gentle touch, only meant to help ponder the conversation she'd just witnessed. She had only chosen to keep an eye on that boy’s roommate through her crystal ball because of some scuffle with a late textbook. She hadn't even been planning to pay any particular attention, she'd put the thing back down on her cart while she absentmindedly resumed returning books to their shelves. 

But then she had vaguely recognized the other boy that then entered the dorm room. It was difficult to remember every name of every teenage boy that came by, but she was sure of it. She had reason to remember that face. It was the Headmaster’s own flesh and blood.

And then there was the conversation that followed. Rosalynn grimaced at the comments directed towards herself, by that little brat. But then the ordinarily bright eyed boy started saying some… interesting things. She couldn’t help but sit back down at her desk and pay far closer attention, when that topic came up. Because that boy was speaking of… desires.

If there was one thing witches like her learned to keep an eye out for, it was people’s desires. Particularly for her own kind, it was the easiest way to gain power. And of course, it was a desire like this one that she knew could be the most interesting…

Off the corner of her eye, a student entered the library. He had this pair of headphones around his neck. She couldn’t be bothered to remember his name, whatever it was. Naturally, he went straight to her desk. This meant that she had to pull her attention away from the crystal ball, but all the more reason to make it quick.

“Excuse me, do you have ‘Reincarnated in Another World with my Smartphone: Volume One?’” He asked.

“No.” Rosalynn replied without hesitation.

“Wha-?!” He seemed surprised by that remark. “But you didn’t even check your computer!”

What did the boy think this was? A place to collect whatever stupid trivial novel that came to mind? School libraries were for encouraging education and literature. What even was that title? She already knew they didn’t have anything with that absurd name logged, she didn't need a computer or even magic for that matter to figure that out.

“We don’t have it.” She repeated, trying to be blunt.

In turn, the boy narrowed his eyes, and Rosalynn tried to hold in a groan. She already had to hear that droll conspiracy from her crystal ball earlier. She knew what some of these students said about her. It was frustrating, she certainly did her job silencing anyone she made business with. But some of these boys had somehow developed this ridiculous idea of her being a witch despite it all.

“Aaaalright, I’ll buy it…” The boy finally responded, with a smirk on his face and a suspicious tone. 

Rosalynn rolled her eyes.

“But do you have something similar?” He then asked. “Fantasies about guys transporting to other worlds?”

 Rosalynn would have loved to shut him up then and there, tell him to get out of her library, but she did pride herself in at least being able to do her job. She closed her eyes with a sigh. “Yes.” She answered, regrettably. “Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest. Volume One. Turn right at the third shelf, tucked in at the back.”

“Yes!” He pumped his fist. “Thanks!”

With the student off to find that book, Rosalynn went back to her crystal ball. The boy she was curious about was going off with his friends now. It seemed unlikely she'd learn more about his desires at this point, at least while he was in public.

But either way, this was good. It made for valuable information. The more she thought about it, she could definitely do something special with this one in particular, if she could just-

“Evening, ma’am.” A pair of voices interrupted her thoughts.

A scowl formed on her face when she turned and saw the two boys. Oh, it was just Floyd and Jett. “Evening, what do you two want?”

“Just curious…” Floyd cryptically answered.

“What are you looking at?” Jett then asked.

Rosalynn wasn’t sure why they were so interested in her, and curious about her witch dealings. As far as she could tell, they didn’t have anything she could take advantage of, so she'd opted to just let them hang around in exchange for their silence. They weren't much of a bother for any of her plans anyway, though she wouldn’t be surprised if they were the ones responsible somehow behind that ‘witch’ rumour.

“Nothing. Merely scouting a potential… business, shall we say.” She answered them.

The two were practically in lockstep sometimes, like in that very moment as they went around the desk to get the same look at the crystal ball.

“Adam…” Floyd commented.

“And Flynn…” Jett noted as well.

Ah, that’s right, they'd be in the same year as those two, wouldn’t they? Adam, yes. She had been unsure, but that was his name. Depending on the day, the nosey twins could be a nuisance, but they also made for useful assistants. Even if some considered them ‘unsettling,’ with their dark hair covering one eye each and their grim expressions, they’d still have an easier time interacting with students than the school librarian. 

“Yes.” Rosalynn affirmed their observation. “I’m interested in Adam in particular, I think that one may be quite… suitable. What is your experience with the child?”

“Unassuming, affable.” Floyd explained. “Didn’t think he would be useful, in that way.”

“Keeps them hidden,” She explained, preferring not to go over the specifics. “I expect only a select few have any hint at all. I don’t believe that even the child fully understands them yet.”

“Would you like us to… invite him?” Jett asked, an amused grin on his face.

“Not yet.” She answered, eyes locked on the crystal ball. “He’s still trying to quiet them down, seemingly unwilling to even acknowledge them as his own.”

The twins nodded to themselves, turning to look at the crystal ball again. Him and two of his friends walking together. Adam, Flynn, and one older boy.

“To use him, I would need to serve a true temptation.” Rosalynn explained. “He must be at the point where he feels as if he can’t refuse…”

“So-?” But before Floyd could ask his question, the boy from earlier returned, slamming his book at Rosalynn's desk. Oh right, he was still here. Took him long enough to find that thing.

“I’d like to borrow this one, please!” He declared.

Rosalynn did her job wordlessly, scanning the book, yadda yadda. She had to wonder why they even had this thing. What student or teacher made the request? Even the cover was absurd, depicting some ‘anime’ girl in a weird outfit.

The twins just smiled at the boy as she handed him back the book. He had a nervous expression on his face when he looked back. Rosalynn had always wondered if the twins got some kick out of their whole thing. Being ‘the creepy kids.’ They weren’t even smiling that menacingly, it was one of their friendlier expressions from what Rosalynn had seen.

“Enjoy your book.” They told him in perfect uncomfortable unison.

“Y-Yeah.” Grabbing his fantasy novel, it didn’t take long for the boy to awkwardly scurry away.

In turn, Rosalynn sighed, briefly looking at the time. “You boys mind helping me close for the day?”

“Certainly, ma’am.” They nodded. They’d helped a couple times before, they knew what to do. Again, they came across as nuisances, but they could make themselves useful as well. 

As they went off, Rosalynn looked back at the crystal ball once more. She knew she wasn’t going to be changing channels any time soon. Depending on how things went, this little boy could be the most useful tool she's ever encountered. She just had to play her cards right…

If there was one thing she understood well in her long life, it was how powerful it was to possess such a want for something. That you would do anything for it…

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