Demonic Kitsune

16. Unusual Gathering.

In an empty space naturally filled with nothingness, there was always a current, sparks, relativity, and a direction from which all energies and their fundamentals were born.

The flow of time was no different.

It had been three years for Clare and the other young Arrancars at the Institute of Arrancars. Some were reaching their teenage years, some were becoming adults, and some were entering proper adulthood.

The males had grown more masculine and handsome. They had gotten taller, some gaining muscle and weight, while others lost weight. Their muscles and jawlines became more defined. Some of their horns and sharp ears grew firmer, shinier, and longer, and their hair lengthened. Their skin hues became more vivid, and their gazes sharper.

The females' feminine, lovely, and graceful aspects became more defined. Their natural body curves and delicate skin became more accentuated. However, the changes were not limited to their physiques. All the young Arrancars at the Institute of Arrancars were unlike any other children their age in all of Salamander.

Although hidden from the surface, they emitted fierce and predatory auras suited for demons. Initially, these auras were minuscule when they passed the Valkyrie-Blitz trials, but over time, they grew substantially. The young Arrancars learned to completely contain and hide these fierce auras.

Almost all the young Arrancars could hide their fearsome auras and would be considered elite among their age group. The changes were not just physical. Their mastery over their demonic energy, weapons, and techniques, as well as their energy circulation, had also improved. Over the past three years, the young Arrancars started aligning with others who shared similar goals and created several groups.

Just like a colony of ants divided into separate sections, these young Arrancars formed their own tiny groups and parties within the Institute based on their interests and goals. Wherever clans, kingdoms, and great families within Salamander were formed, there were certain gains and losses to working as a group. This nature was no exception for the young Arrancars at the Institute.

Despite pursuing their own goals, ambitions, and interests with others, they didn't slack off in their training. They spent their free time together, chatting and socializing. Their training time was mostly with the instructors and didn’t extend much outside of that. 

However, some individual young Arrancars or groups showed superb work ethics, practicing their techniques, weapons, and demonic energy accumulation in lotus form in their rooms, on the Yulin Platform, or under the grassland shrouded by the crimson willow tree. As a result, their proficiency and mastery over their demonic energy, techniques, and weapons became more refined.

As they grew older, these young Arrancars were given more autonomy during their free time at the Institute. They could relax at the nearby pond and had more sanitation days due to their increasing age.

Before this period, the instructors had been there to set up the foundation for the young Arrancars to survive and grow. After this, they let them have more freedom to pursue their own paths and grow stronger independently. In that sense, they scattered and spread like water through paths and cracks throughout the Institute.

The instructors might have intended to create divisions among the students, and the groups served exactly that purpose. Clare, who had grown taller than a typical sixteen-year-old, had other thoughts about why the Young Arrancars were given more free time in the Grand Hall—a semi-large room in the middle of the institute filled with comfortable, fluffy chairs. 

She believed the creation of groups was meant to let the children form alliances based on their own ideals before they joined the Clan formally. Unlike the Young Arrancars, Clare didn't join any group and remained diligent with her training every second of each passing day.

Of course, she hated to admit it, but if she wasn’t so ancient and focused on her goal, she might have had a few proper interactions and not been so bored. 

Playing around was highly prohibited. 

Pouting, Clare inwardly lamented this decision as she cutely caressed her ears with the back of her hand. Her bushy tails consoled her loneliness, swelling and sending a warm sensation around her body. Regaining her composure, Clare, who had undergone significant changes in the last three years, let out a deep breath, filtering such thoughts.

The effects of “Mithril Body and Soul Reinforcement” continued developing her body in earnest, as “Mithril Physique Circulation” accumulated, circulated, and regulated holy mana throughout her body. Meanwhile, “Superiorization of True Deviation” rapidly accumulated “Asura Energy,” a mixture of “Holy Mana,” “Demonic Energy,” and “Half-blend of both” throughout her body.

The results were obvious. Her bone and muscle density, as well as her cognitive senses and instincts, had all grown even more significantly. She had also gotten taller. Even SOATH, who had been nearly three heads taller than her a year ago, was now only three centimeters taller. 

Additionally, her shoulder had become thinner than her hips, and her chest had grown a bit more. Clare kept a close watch over her chest, as she never wanted it to be like it was in her past life, where the back pain was agonizing.

She seemed more beautiful with her hair growing down her back. Her skin had become paler and smoother, and her tails had grown bushier and fluffier. Caressing them was more comforting and relaxing than ever. Her ears had also grown with age. Overall, it was hard to believe Clare’s current body belonged to the old GIMEL. 

Looking in the mirror, she packed her vivid emerald hair into a ponytail, highlighting her nobility as a Nin. What a drag, Clare briefly clicked her tongue at her jade-skinned beauty appearance. It was so similar to her previous life that it drew a lot of attention, even if she never wanted it. She felt like the protagonist of some novel but soon shook her head in denial. Never, not in a million years.

The Young Arrancars who weren't in groups were either too weak to join any or had no interest in relying on others and pursued their own individual strengths. 

Clare’s case was in the latter.

She was so powerful that, despite her boredom, she didn’t feel the need to mix and mingle with other Young Arrancars. It also felt peculiar and odd for her to interact with kids who were much younger than her in terms of her total years of life across all her lives.

Clare put on her dark-hued robe with white flower embellishments, opened the door of her assigned room, and stepped outside. As she strolled along the grand corridor adorned with paintings and sculptures of past great demon warriors who had graduated from the institute, she scanned around. 

There were always a few horned children in different garbs, skin colors, and horn shapes scattered about the passage or in their rooms like ants.

Naturally, most young Arrancars knew that Clare was incredibly powerful and no longer looked down on her for her Arrancar name, GIMEL, which once signified being less talented and more pathetic. They recognized her monstrous strength but took offense to her arrogance.

"Is that GIMEL?" one of the young Arrancars asked mockingly, clicking his tongue.

"Tsk!" Another turned his head, confirming the observation, and tsked as well.

"What a jerk!" someone cursed under their breath.

"I need to pay her back for humiliating me," one thought aloud, recalling past humiliations and hoping for revenge.

"Pft, training by herself. Who does she think she is, pretending to be all dignified?" one sneered.

"Yeah, plus my skills aren’t what they used to be," another muttered.

"Even so, if I had one or two people with me, I’d turn her into a bloody mess," someone whispered, plotting.

"Yes, I will beat her until she begs for forgiveness erotically," one said with a cruel smile.

"Yeah, I will make her lick my feet and jack off her fluffy, arrogant tails," another added with a smirk.

"Hahaha," some young Arrancars jeered.

"Hehe," others chuckled mockingly.

Their disgusting fantasies tickled Clare's sharp ears from all directions. She sensed their creepy smiles and perverted eyes, hoping to humiliate her. Clare sighed at their undignified thoughts, her tails swelling up and seemed to whisper: these brats never learn, she thought. Of course, she could relate. They were little demons, after all.

Clare had been attacked out of revenge by a large group of young Arrancars in the dining hall. They were viciously thrashed with plates and chopsticks without an ounce of mercy. Despite being sent to the "Demonic Healer," who was prohibited from fully healing the young Arrancars, they had to spend months wearing bandages and wooden POVs. Clare's notorious reputation among the young Arrancars persisted because of that.

After three years, an incident finally broke out.

— — — — — 

It was around evening; the sky was a dull reddish-yellow with a hint of green and cobalt. It was a sight that could either be admired like a rainbow or felt as horrific as the blood-hue of various zombies. As the breeze fluttered everything in its path, Clare felt a familiar sensation creeping up her spine. Her ears perked up to the distortion in the atmosphere. Contrary to her premonition, an incident did break out.

The air vibrated, and a loud bell resounded through the atmosphere and into every room. This was followed by a fierce voice imbued with demonic energy.

“You little Arrancars, gather around in five minutes—unless you want to be devoured by a high-level Demonic beast!”

It also happened to be the day when the instructors called all of the young Arrancars, who flinched at these provocations and arrived at the Yulin Platform to gather, unlike usual.

Clare wondered what was going on and moved to the Yulin Platform as the instructors ordered. Over the past three years, there had been little to no contact with the instructors, let alone an order to gather. The instructors were usually seen only during morning training and when handing out “Dining Hall Entry Pass Badges” for meals throughout the day. Any changes to the schedule or routines were typically discussed one-on-one with the instructors and then passed on among the group.

That was the young Arrancars' normal routine.

But this time, the instructors ordered a meeting. It meant they were going to deliver some important news. Clare thought about what it could be several times as she headed toward the Yulin Platform, but she couldn’t figure it out.

There were some guesses, but this was the Institute of Arrancars. It wasn’t a place that could be predicted easily, even as a Heavenly Saintess who had stayed here for a few years. Plus, there was no point in thinking too much about it since she would find out everything she needed to know once she got there.

When Clare finally arrived at the Yulin Platform in front of the Main Building, she saw the little Arrancars who had come first yawning occasionally and chatting amongst themselves. But as soon as Clare arrived, the groups of young Arrancars parted to both sides, forming a path for her to walk through.

As elegantly and noble as a gentle jade nine-tailed fox, Clare walked through the path, sidely observing the young Arrancars. This scene, full of respect and admiration, melted her heart. They knew their limits and didn’t want to start a meaningless fight to piss her off. So, they turned their hatred into fake adoration and respect. Of course, some kids stared at her from afar with eyes full of murderous intent and rage.

Letting out a deep breath, Clare could vividly see how they hadn’t given up their revenge yet. It was slowly leaking out, and the scent of bad vibes kept tingling her demon instincts. The most intense gaze of them all was SOATH’s, who was glaring at her from a certain point.

What a whiny brat, Clare thought. If anything, she was irritated that SOATH didn’t just come and attack her already, which would put an end to all these hideous shenanigans and immature glares. However, Clare knew that SOATH stood no chance, even after many years, and that SOATH knew this as well.

In simpler terms, SOATH was being too cautious, thinking of all the tricks in the book. But to Clare, who knew SOATH well, this didn’t make her smart. It just made her heart pent up so much fury that it could eventually burst.

‘Come to think of it,’ Clare thought briefly. SOATH had displayed the same type of behavior in the past, overestimating her own power and underestimating her opponents.

If SOATH hadn’t tried to attack Clare just because she was named GIMEL in the past, none of this would have happened.

SOATH was as big as a bear, yet had the traits of a Nin. At this rate, she had the traits to lead these stupid groups by now. This was Clare’s contemplation as she strolled. It’s not like Clare actually cared for SOATH, but she was just waiting patiently for her prey to mature and commit another sin before hunting her down.

Clare recalled that SOATH actually happened to be a leader of one of the groups of young Arrancars within the Institute of Arrancars.

In their own way, these groups had some leaders, acting as the ringleaders of their respective groups of young Arrancars. It made sense to Clare since typical leaders of kingdoms, great families, and continental clans needed not only battle prowess but also cunningness and wit.

But compared to those, SOATH was still a child who thought she had matured in age and grown in prowess. Clare, who had lived two lives, knew it was the opposite. Real and proper leaders knew that revealing their anger would result in terrible outcomes. Thus, they would hide their anger until the right moment to strike. However, SOATH was an idiot in that sense, as she openly displayed her bitterness toward Clare, which SOATH had done the opposite for years.

Clare could tell that SOATH's prowess and talents were subpar in her eyes. Given her evaluation, Clare didn’t like to spend time or energy around SOATH, who wouldn’t learn from the lessons around her or those that happened to her.

It was pitiful. So pitiful that it made Clare’s bushy tails flutter with stress. Naturally, Clare didn’t even spare her a glance, despite SOATH’s open resentment. When SOATH saw this, her face was distorted with disgust. She felt insignificant, not worth a gaze. This notion made her bite her lower lip in hatred, stirring her dark soul, tinting it crimson as blood seeped down her lip.

As Clare went her own way, her look was one of indifference, elegance, and dignity. At least for a while, until a familiar, creepy yet gentle voice interrupted her.


Like Clare, Noir—SETH—didn’t join any group. She stood in front of Clare with a bad vibe and a creepy gentle smile that made Clare’s tails shiver.

“What do you want?” Clare asked with indifference, though she felt otherwise. Ever since Noir’s first visit to Clare’s room four and a half years ago, she would periodically come and check on Clare, annoying her as if Clare was her desired plaything. Therefore, Clare felt uncomfortable around her.

Clare stared at SETH with a slightly cold look. At Clare's words, SETH gazed slowly at her and opened her mouth.

“I waan-nnnt you, of course.”

Her creepy smile broadened, sending an eerie chill up Clare’s spine, and causing her tails to shiver. Her instincts whispered that this demon girl was still bad news. ‘What? Want me?’ Clare swallowed dryly, baffled by the answer. At least she had stopped calling her cutie like before.

“...I just wanted to check up on you because I saw you. Don’t look at me like that.” Her words were gentle but menacing.

Noir’s appearance was stunning, despite her coquettish and creepy attitude. Clare snorted, clicked her tongue, and turned her head away, shaking off the attractive scent she could smell as a clumsy virgin. Never being a simp for a single day, she quickly filtered out any flustered expression or foolish thought.

On the other hand, Noir still felt the same as usual about Clare. A Half-breed, she thought to herself. Nothing less. Just imagining hugging her and caressing her ears made Noir feel coy. The coquettish expression made her lean closer to Clare and sniff her, intensifying the obsessive tingling in her heart. She really needed her and wanted her. If anyone tried to stop her from getting Clare, she would kill them, even if it meant her parents or a demon. Only she could love her, care for her, and protect her...

Clare, noticing Noir's closed-eyes smiles, immoral and coquettish expressions, and intense energy, was sure Noir was quite sick in the head.

… Noir was about to tease Clare for her tsundere and kuudere attitude, but she didn’t have the chance because the Senior instructor came into view first and let out a shout filled with demonic energy throughout the Yulin Platform.


The Senior Instructor’s voice, filled with demonic energy, resonated through the din. Shockwaves shook the platform as the children closed their ears and gritted their teeth. Those who couldn't react in time either died or fainted. The demonic energy was so cruel and deadly that nearby plants and grasses withered to dust. Even Clare had to droop her ears while channeling energy to coat them as her green eyes widened. 

A Third-and-a-Half Chain Arrancar? 

Over the past four and a half years or so, Clare had evaluated the skills of the instructors, but the Senior Instructor was always a leap ahead. There was even an incident where some little Arrancars, fed up with the instructors’ domineering tone, tried to raise a fuss. They attacked but were swiftly frozen and dismembered, becoming scapegoats for the rest.

The instructors summoned all little Arrancars to the Yulin Platform and brought out high-level demonic beasts to devour the paralyzed bodies slowly. Some little Arrancars watched in fear, some smiled, and some cried. Others grew murderous intent in rage.

That incident was why the young Arrancars flinched in fear when the instructors arrived. Not only the Senior Instructor but also other instructors, improved in rank, could coat more demonic energy around their vocal cords. If they could channel their demonic energy into their actions, they were at least Third-chain Arrancars.

It was ridiculous and showed just how powerful the Clan was to have Third-chain Arrancars as mere instructors and Third-and-a-Half Chain Arrancars as mere Senior Instructor. The rigorous and extreme talents of the little Arrancars were evident. Clare, with her past life experience as the Heavenly Saintess, realized just how frightening and powerful the Demon Clan was.

The Demon Clan was comparable to the Central Holy Church in terms of manpower and strength. If Clare could utilize the power of this Clan, it would be incredibly useful in her revenge. Her enemies included the leaders of the Central Holy Church, Great Families, Continental Clans, and kingdoms. Dealing with them meant declaring war on all of Salamander, which was a good thing since an even greater war was already in full swing. 

Clare felt that if she had the power of the Clan, which could rival such a large force, she could achieve her goals. As she analyzed the display of power from the Senior Instructor and other instructors, Clare clenched her fists tightly. Her ears stood upright, and her tails, initially flinching, soon relaxed.

At that moment, the Senior Instructor, dressed in fancy robes as usual, stepped forward on the grand stage in front of the Platform and opened his mouth.

“Good job waiting this long, everyone…”

The surprised expressions and wariness of the little Arrancars became evident from those words as blood trickled from some of their nostrils and ears from the aftershock.

“…Things are about to get more heated.”

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