Demonic Kitsune

1. Heavenly Saintess was betrayed

The sky turned scarlet.

The sun, once brightly illuminating the world, slipped behind the western peaks, casting a crimson glow across the sky.

A snow-white-haired figure stood motionless on the blood-soaked ground. Her beauty was such that she could be mistaken for jade. Sharp golden eyes symbolized her authority and superiority. She wore white platinum robes with dragon illustrations. In her right hand, she held a long blood-stained blade. Her fair skin epitomized perfection, elegance, and loftiness. Despite her humble and unknown origins, she persevered through a difficult life to achieve the highest status.

She stared up at the sky, trying to comprehend her current situation. Her muscles refused the commands and desires of her soul. She solemnly gazed and felt the weight of the world, which seemed to remind her of her sins and virtues. The once beautiful blue sky was now blemished with blood crimson, as if the blood spilled on the land had also stained the clouds above.

For those who worshiped her, she was the Heavenly Saintess, the Glimmer of Hope, the Light that purged the darkness. Her many names echoed through time, becoming legendary due to her merits, achievements, and actions that seemed inhumanly possible.

Her enemies trembled at the mere mention of her name, like a nightmare, a Grim Reaper harvesting lives like wheat. Meanwhile, her believers fervently knelt in her presence. Some called her a godless servant, a hero for humanity, who overcame her fate by paving her path through the heavens.

She was unconcerned about the horrors she committed or the ideals she held. From humble, unknown beginnings, plowing dirt and fields, to conquering enemy cities, she overcame all obstacles and enemies who sought to harm her and the world. She protected humanity to the bitter end.

Though 'great and strong' may not best describe her current state, her entire body exploded at this moment as blood spurted from her wounds.


A fountain of blood slowly engulfed the sword and impaled her heart from behind. As the blood splattered, she stared at the sharp blade. She didn't say anything. Frost embedded the point of contact.

This weapon was known as 'White Flake,' a treasure sword given to a saint or saintess by their god. It grew alongside them. Even she, who often disdained treasures from the holy church, knew a lot about this sword.

It made sense since she had given this sword as a reward to a newly chosen saintess. After she had no further use for it, she gave it to help the new saintess get accustomed to holy power.

That saintess was 'Isolde,' known to the world as the 'Ice Saintess.' Whenever she walked, fought, or departed, a freezing flake appeared, indicating her powerful icy holy power. Naturally, this made the snowflake blade highly effective.

She slowly raised her head and locked eyes with Isolde, then calmly looked at 'SnowFlake,' the once-beautiful ice-silver blade now dyed crimson with her blood. As they made eye contact, Isolde vanished, leaving a gush of snow behind her long, silver-white hair, and reappeared in front of the Heavenly Saintess.

The Heavenly Saintess realized her blunder after noticing others' glances. Humiliation was far from her mind, an emotion reserved for human interactions. Could anyone argue that an ice saintess being scared of a heavenly saintess was humiliating?

In a trembling tone, the Ice Saintess spoke, "I... it appears that you have withheld certain aspects of yourself from me."

The Heavenly Saintess did not respond.

"If only you had wished for it, this Salamander continent could've been yours,"  The Ice Saintess muttered.

Her observations were not hollow.

The combined holy prowess of the Heavenly Saintess, the Nine Saints, and the Holy Church could have easily conquered Salamander.

"Even if you had no desire for it, First Saintess, you could have lived the rest of your life as a Watcher of our Faith without lifting a finger!" The hatred in the Ice Saintess' voice was palpable, mixed with lamentation.

"Oh, so that was your reason?" The Heavenly Saintess muttered.

"Miss Clare, you were far too powerful in the Holy Church and this world. This is why… no one wants to see another like you rise," the Ice Saintess said. 

Heavenly Saintess declared this to the world when she returned from fully subduing the demon city where the seven generals of the demon army resided!

[I will issue to everyone what resides in the ancient holy texts, thus instructing everyone on how to heal oneself: : [Δημιούργησε μας από τη δική σου εικόνα, άκουσε έτσι την κραυγή μου, Θεέ των επτά ουρανών, σώσε την ψυχή μου από τον επικείμενο κίνδυνο!]

After a shocking announcement, panic swept across the Salamander continent, triggering unprecedented chaos. Even the ten best guilds, the seven great families, and the four great continent royal clans—traditionally adversaries of the holy church—sent emissaries begging the First Saintess of the World to reconsider her position. However, she ignored them all. 

… Which eventually led to today’s events. 

With a calm yet indifferent face, the Heavenly Saintess retorted, "What a trivial reason!”


“You can make up all kinds of petty reasons to kill me, but at the end of the day, you simply don't want to cede that sliver of authority you have over people's lives, don't you?"

Her words pierced the heart of the ice saintess. The ice saintess shook her head and replied, "Whatever our reasons, Miss Clare, you have done something you should not have done. And that's why you're going to die today."

‘Our? I understand now!’ 

The heavenly saintess calculated that the Ice Saintess, her close friend, wouldn't have been enough to kill her.

Since she isn't that smart of a Saintess, to kill a Saint or Saintess, one must have permission from the holy Church's Council of Archbishops and one's goddess.

However, Saintess Clare was never blessed by any goddess or divine being. All she had was her true, raw, holy power. Also, she could potentially wipe out the debt she owed to the others by involving the other saints in today's matter.

Through their cooperation, she planned to buy enough time to overcome any future internal strife within the Holy Church caused by the demise of its First Saintess. This decision has harmed the lives of the saints to this day.

"The other nine saints—were they all up to it, huh?" If it had been possible, the Heavenly Saintess would have gone back in time and stabbed herself for underestimating her opponent.

She wouldn't be dying today if she had attacked the nine other saints by her side. But she just wanted the people of this world to survive any danger without the help of a saint or a divine being. Her fate, however, was destined to end today.

Suddenly, nine other saints appeared out of nowhere: four handsome male saints and five beautiful saintesses wearing elegant titanium robes, each wielding different holy weapons. The realization dawned on the Heavenly Saintess, earning a faint smile from Ice Saintess, her only reaction.

"Hahaha, why so slow to learn? All of us saints planned this crusade,” the Ice Saintess confidently declared, her lips giggling loudly.

Ignoring her, the Heavenly Saintess shifted her gaze to another lady, the second saintess, Blanche, known as 'The Song Saintess,' whose song liberated minds and purified evil spirits. Blanche, a beautiful lady with raven-long hair and light, hooded-green eyes, trembled slightly.

"Do you agree with her that you and your goddess betrayed me for petty reasons?" The Heavenly Saintess inquired.

Paralyzed by fear, Blanche finally summoned courage and gravely shook her head. "Your intentions were pure selflessness, Saintess without a divine being. However, Miss Clare, there are far more insidious and sinister people in this world than you can imagine. Those pursuing evil will gain power without necessary discipline if you freely give away the secret of the holy sculptures. My Goddess and I couldn't ignore the potential chaos your actions would have caused."

As the amber glow of the setting sun deepened, heralding the oncoming tide of darkness, Clare slowly raised her head to stare at Eden.

In a short time, the night's darkness would completely cover the sky.

“In that case, we should hurry things along, then.” The Heavenly Saintess, despite nearing unconsciousness, spoke calmly, as if she had transcended the bounds of life and death. “Night is descending. I am… not much of a fan of the chilly nights, you see.” 

The Ice Saintess turned to the other nine saints, but they avoided her gaze, unwilling to challenge the first saintess even after her stabbing.

‘I trusted these charlatans,’ the Ice Saintess thought, clenching her teeth.

But she could only blame herself. She had trusted the other saints from the holy church, governed by the Councils of Archbishops, and planned this monumental crusade.

Addressing her best friend again, the Ice Saintess sensed the urging gazes.

"You can bluff all you want," she said, "but you'll die here. You should be terrified of death too."

The Heavenly Saintess responded unexpectedly, "Am I afraid, you ask?"

"Do you understand what death is?" she inquired again, in hushed tones.

"How can anyone know what death is," the Ice Saintess retorted, "when no one has ever died or been on the verge of dying in the Holy Church before you?"

The Heavenly Saintess slowly hung her head. "There is nothing to fear about death.”

‘Divine blessing could also purify death—Ha! I’ve already died once.’

After that moment of contemplation, she spoke lightly, "But you should be afraid of what comes after."

What an obvious statement. 

It was far too obvious, but Ice Saintess refrained from mocking her ex-best friend for saying it. The Heavenly Saintess' voice and manner of speech suggested that she knew something about death that the others did not.

The dying saintess spoke once more, "I am not afraid of death. Besides, fear isn't what's kept me here in the first place."

The Ice Saint stuttered a little, "...T-then, what is it?"

At that precise moment, the Heavenly Saintess glitched, accompanied by a buzzing sound like a ripple in space. She reappeared behind Isolde, muttering, "To think my best friend betrayed me for petty reasons. You even signed a contract with a divine being without my knowledge. I know I can't kill you because you will keep resurfacing in the cathedral altar. But before you go, you will suffer pain worse than death." Her eyes were filled with intense malice. They parted unusually, revealing her blood-stained teeth, meant to be a grin, but as eerie as a Grim Reaper's. Goosebumps broke out on Ice Saintess’ entire body. 

As the ice saint cast a special skill called Spatial Glacial, ten thousand yellow light spears of frost flew towards Clare with great speed. However, it was all in vain because the Heavenly Saintess had bestowed upon her and the Song Saintess a mysterious skill: Παρέμβαση της Γραφής.

"How?" they both muttered. "I never let my guard down."

Both of them were pierced as they attacked the images that Heavenly Saintess made them see. Blanche's heart was pierced as her blade consumed her lifeless heart, causing her body to disappear like yellow vapor.

"How did you do it?" Isolde's eyes widened as she inquired.

"You already know, don’t you?” Heavenly Saintess still wore that bone-chilling grin.


"How many more sins are you prepared to commit, Miss Clare?!" 

The nine saints who witnessed this spectacle cried out in alarm, but they did not rush in to assist because they never signed a contract with a divine being and would die!

On the other hand, the Heavenly Saintess brought her lips closer to the bleeding Ice Saintess' ear. Her bloodied lips parted, and she whispered ever so softly, "You do know, don't you?"

Isolde shuddered helplessly. How could she not know? Her eyes widened as the memory returned. How could she forget that Miss Clare was once known as the True Saintess? She could have missed something strange about the heavenly saintess' ascension to Fourth Chain, despite not having a contract with any divine being, so easily.


How could she not understand why her best friend could predict events and have wisdom that even divine beings who had lived for thousands of years lacked? Everything that was out of place has now been put back together.

"How can only you be blessed by fate?" The Ice Saintess muttered quietly as her silver-white hair covered her face and she bit her lower lip, trembling.

The Heavenly Saintess clenched her teeth. "You called that a blessing, huh?”


She switched her blade to her left hand and thrust it forward. Her hand pierced the ice saintess' chest, but not her heart. Instantly, her hand began to freeze, as though turning into a lifeless icicle. For the Heavenly Saintess, it was just a thousand needles piercing her tender skin. She didn't even bother to sense it!

She took her time, pushing her arm slowly into the center of the Ice Saintess' chest. The latter's figure spasmed like an epileptic patient.

A swift rip from her heart would have lessened the pain, but the Heavenly Saintess chose to prolong it. Her goal was to inflict excruciating pain on the ice saintess, surpassing what she herself had endured when thrust into her heart. "Lose your connection with your goddess," she said, "and comprehend what true pain is.”


A suppressed whimper escaped the lips of the Ice Saintess. 

The dense holy light aura from the Heavenly Saintess, more than Isolde's body could handle, had infected her, tearing her apart from within.

Their gazes locked, the Heavenly Saintess' glare meeting the quivering irises of the Ice Saintess. The latter smiled, her teeth bared, "What you called a blessing turned out to be a curse for me. But at least you now know my secret and understand the true pain one has to feel to betray me!"

Suddenly, blood gushed from the Ice Saintess's mouth. Pain beyond human comprehension ran rampant inside her soul circuit, forcibly disrupting the connection between her and her goddess.

She screamed, releasing enough ice mana to freeze the northern desert. Seeing this, the Heavenly Saintess cocked her brow at her ex-best friend. Then, with a swift motion, she grabbed her heart and ripped it out.

The Heavenly Saintess shook her head slowly.

"I... I..." The Ice Saintess tried desperately to speak, but her lips stiffened as consciousness faded, her head soon tilting sideways, lifeless.

As the still-ice saintess’ body fell, the Heavenly Saintess stared quietly. Golden pixels of light began to glow around her as her body disappeared.

A huge ray of golden light struck the earth from the heavens, accompanied by a thunderous sound.

Ignoring the thud, she tossed the heart away, blood splashing on the ground. "Her divine being seems pissed, I wonder why?" Clare clicked her tongue in disgust.

Ice Saint Isolde and the Song Saintess had betrayed and entrapped the first saintess, but that didn't change the fact that Isolde had referred to herself as Clare's best friend since the day she was chosen as a saintess for humanity.

After the deaths of the Ice Saintess and Song Saintess, the nine saints who had previously refused to attack her ran towards her in rage because of the bloody holy grail war the Heavenly Saintess had caused. But they were unable to do anything to the Heavenly Saintess; they were beaten to a bloody pulp, while some couldn't handle the true pain and ended up dead.

She fought other assassins and adventurers from the Great Families, a confrontation also part of the plan. Amidst battling the other assassins, they were swiftly wiped out by an attack that drained Heavenly Saintess' overwhelming vitality. 

Heavenly Cosmic: Asphalt.

A resounding aftershock shook both the heavens and the earth in one swift motion, distorting the terrain.

— — — — —

Only a few of the weapons piercing her body could be identified.

Scorpius, one of the twelve gods, and its saint, Godfrey, gave her the "Stringer," which pierced her right back.

Aquarius, one of the twelve gods, and the saintess, Cordelia, wielded "the water spear," piercing her left back.

Meanwhile, Cancer, one of the twelve gods, and the saintess, Beatrice, wielded the "plague bringer" blade, piercing her soul circuit.

Libra, one of the twelve gods, and the Saintess Derora's "dragon's fang" dagger were thrust into her left side.

Some of the weapons of the nine saints from the holy church managed to impale her body. The remaining five saints remained silent as they stared at the wounded Heavenly Saintess' wretched form.

With so many weapons impaling her, it's no surprise that two out of the five remaining saints received severe wounds, each of which was severe enough to kill an ordinary human.

Everyone and everything could see, even those born blind, that Clare's fate was written in stone with great certainty as she continued to bleed out from the mortal wounds inflicted upon her.

And it wasn't just the weapons; she'd been poisoned so badly that not even the Outer gods could help her now.

She notices the gazes of those around her. Her soul rages and fevers within her vessel. The desire to survive is innate in all living beings. She takes revenge on those who have inflicted impalement damage on her.

Her mind swam in the bloodlust pulsing within her heart. They stubbornly held their holy weapons, refusing to lower them as long as she drew breath. How could she manage with such grievous wounds, especially now that the council of archbishops had finally arrived, descending in a dazzle of golden light from the heavens?

"How stubborn is she! Why won't she just die already?" 

Wenceslas, the leading archbishop, muttered, releasing her silent grip. Deep in contemplation, pondering the situation. She heard that the ice saintess and the song saintess had respawned in the cathedral, yet they couldn't awaken. How did Clare know how to disrupt the link of divine beings?

With her long, green hair flowing and her archbishop's hooded cloak fluttering in the gentle yet chilling wind, she looked at the Heavenly saintess with hazelnut eyes, confused by her mysterious powers. 

The Council of Archbishops, along with the strongest of the ten guilds and four continental royal Clans, gathered here to execute their plan to eliminate her. Six of the archbishops are now dead, two seriously injured. These new thirty absolute powers outnumber the nine saints in the Holy Church! The numerous knights of Salamander had banded together to attack an injured saintess whom they once asked for help.

However, now there are only eight archbishops and thirty knights attacking her simultaneously. Additionally, the five previously remaining saints are now dead. The fate of the knights of Salamander is unknown, while the two archbishops can barely stand on their remaining legs.

Extremely wounded surviving knights look at their fallen comrades on the field, some gritting their teeth, some crying, and some filled with absolute rage. Each of them was a third-chain fighter for their respective clan and families, capable of wreaking havoc on Salamander.

They all know their combined attack will likely turn them into lonely wandering spirits, but the lady before their eyes still breathes, despite what they have done to her.

Even though she had been hailed as a hero of mankind and a true saintess for saving the world from an evil demon lord, she wouldn't die or capitulate so easily.

She contemplated this as a gentle smile clouded her face. Yet, inside that smile, her teeth were gritted in rage. Her eyes were fixed on the ringleader, still floating in the sky, enjoying the bloody scene unfolding below.

"We've stabbed, thrust, and pierced her, but she's still alive," the remaining, barely breathing knights grumbled to each other.

She did not respond to their observations. Her primary concern was her dying body and the vengeance she longed to exact on the archbishop in the sky.

"Now that you've finished grumbling, finish the job. Or will I die before your weakling can do anything?" she taunted.

The remaining knights shivered at her words. She was nearing the end of her life, but none of them dared to attack and finish the job. The memory of their previous encounter was still fresh in their minds.

The first knight from the western clan had attacked her pompously. His skull had been blown off in a single blow.

The berserker knight from one of the great families, who had the greatest reward for landing a fist on her boobs, had his body dismembered down to its bare bones.

The dragon-slayer knight, who had always boasted of being the slayer of dragons, suddenly learned why she was named a True Saintess. His wish to drill her in the gut was fulfilled, but his neck was sliced in half.

Even the demon slayer had to spend his entire life in darkness.

The knights from five guilds, who consecutively inflicted more damage on the Heavenly Saintess, had their chests pierced. Lifeless.

To inflict more fatal wounds on the saintess, all of these knights and archbishops paid the ultimate price: death.

Those who remained were undoubtedly hesitant to risk their lives just to inflict minor wounds on the Heavenly Saintess.

Even she, a mighty entity, could not have explained her current state better; no, such a mighty word was insufficient as she was on her last breath.

She rolled her eyes and looked up. The amber glow of the setting sun deepened, heralding the approaching tide of darkness. Soon, the night's darkness would completely cover the sky.

Finally, the sun had almost completely set. The dark heavens were already filling up with countless stars.

Eden remained beautiful and seemingly close enough to reach out and grasp the Milky Way as she was about to lose consciousness.

However, she had never liked the sight of that twilight sky. The last time she looked at the misty sky sparkling with impossibly close stars, she couldn’t help but remember a certain star on that night.

‘Why does this star fade again as I approach death?’ she wondered.

She was probably looking at the night sky for the last time, as her body was already at its limit.

It wouldn’t have felt strange to die even a second after she was stabbed by Snowflake, but she still went ahead and tamed all the saints, assassins, knights, and archbishops alike.

But she was unable to touch the ringleader. Wenceslas's evil grin could be seen from the sky above.

“Damn it!” Her motions had caused the snowflake to freeze, shattering her internal organs and soul circuits. “Damn it, this bitch…” Her senses dulled, and her vision became blurry. It felt like death was near.

‘Will this be the end of me once more? No! I have to take revenge on this archbishop.’ 

After all that had happened before, she didn’t have an answer to that question.

‘If I get another chance…’

She’d been out of breath her entire life, her only goal was to avoid being swallowed up by her fate. It was for this reason she had tried so hard to survive, even daring to go through hell.

‘…And then absolute vengeance… I will rip them all apart to the point they won’t respawn…’

She, the Heavenly Saintess, softly smiled. 

‘I wish my next life would be only for absolute vengeance…’

Her eyes closed gradually and never opened again. Here, on the blood-splattered plains, beneath the gaze of countless stars sculpted in the night sky, the most powerful Heavenly Saintess closed her eyes for the last time.

But no one knew or noticed it.

On the neck of the deceased Clare, hidden beneath her platinum, bloody robes, was a beautifully made emerald blue jade necklace. A small crystal embedded in the center shone ever so faintly.

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