Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Side Story 4: Unknown Visitor

It's been almost a month already since I have reincarnated.

And already, I, Ion Sacrulla, formerly Iori Hasebe, have achieved the next step of my infanthood.

"Yes. That's right, Ion. Come to Papa and Mama! Come on. You can do it, my son. Just a few distance more." my father enthusiastically clapped his hands together, as he and my mother watched me approached them on all four of my limbs.

That's right. I am now able to crawl! Even if it's only for a few meters...

This is... This is really embarrassing as a mentally grown teenager...


"All right! That's our boy!" my parents jumped with joy when I finally reached them and touched their hands with my own.

They then carried me up into their arms, snuggled up against my face and did other doting parent things to me with love and affection.

I like it. To be showered with love once more as a baby feels nice in its own way. However, I would say that my parents' love for me can sometimes be too suffocating in this case.

"Father, Mother, I believe that's enough. Look. You're making Ion uncomfortable again."

My big brother Ragna, who had simply been watching from the side-line, suddenly interjected to stop our parents from smothering me with their love.

Thank you, bro. I wished I could say that to him.

My brother is nicer than I initially thought him to be. But still... his face scares me.

It's like his eyes got a permanent glare on them wherever he goes. Even the other servants and knights of this household are intimidated by this ten year old. It's amazing in a way. Which makes it even scarier.

The only exceptions who aren't afraid are our parents and Isabella.

These are what I have figured out so far.

I still can't understand the language they're saying and I am still pretty much clueless about this world ever since reincarnating into it.

There is a game-like system which applies to everyone, I think. There are other races besides humans. And finally, there is no advanced technology in this world from the looks of it.

I am truly in a fantasy medieval era and that's all I know about this world.

It's... incredibly boring here.

Big brother managed to get me away from my uncomfortable position in my father's arms. However, I dared not look into my brother's face since his eyes are what scares me.

My parents continued doting on me despite that while I am now in my brother's arms. 

I yawned. Simply because I was becoming sleepy already and also my parents' silly faces aren't doing much to keep me entertained.

Like come on! Seriously, Mom, Dad? You two already know that I am a reincarnator from another world, so why are you two— No, why is everybody in this house still treating me like I'm a baby!?

Well technically, I am baby. But this baby has the mental age of a sixteen-year-old high school boy! And you all know this! So why!?

...Argh. Forget it. It's not like I can ask anyways. I'll just go to sleep now.

"Oh? Looks like Ion's about to doze off. Put him back into his crib, will you, Ragna?"


My brother gently puts me back into my crib like our father asked and then patted me on the head while my eyes slowly shuts itself.

"Sweet dream, Ion."

"Gu... Na..." I replied to my brother's words and then... drifted off to lala land.


Who knows how much time later, I woke up to darkness of my room.

It would seem that night has come— Huh?

W-Who... Who the heck is this!?

I did not noticed him until I was fully awake. But there is a man dressed in all black, looking down at me.

His eyes are devoided of any light and his face is heavily hidden behind the mask. No matter how I look at him, he gives off a dangerous vibe.

While I staring at him, the man then said something as he puts his finger over his mouth and smiled behind his mask.

"Shhhhhhhh..." he relayed me to be silent, which obvious I will not. Especially when there is an obviously suspicious man standing over me!

However, before I could let out a cry, the masked man grabbed one of my pillows and started smothering me with it.

H-He's going to kill me! I realised that a bit too late and began struggling as hard as I could.

Unfortunately, with a baby's strength, there was nothing I could do to save myself.

I can't breathe. I can't breathe!

Am I going to die...?

No. No! I don't want to die yet! I've just started my second life, so why must I die so soon!? I don't want to!

Mom, Dad, anyone! Please help me!

I was begging for someone to save me in desperation. But no matter how I was wishing for it, all of it were only said internally.

There is no one here besides me and the man; there is no one here to save me.

As I was about to draw my last breath, those were my last thoughts.


But just when I thought I was a goner, I heard a breathless cry and after that, the force that was pressing the pillow down on my face was suddenly weakened.

I could breathe again.

"Stay away from my brother, you bastard."

Then, I heard my big brother's voice. Followed by an audible thud of something hitting the floor, as the pillow was then removed from my face.

"Ion, are you all right?"

My big brother's face appeared before my teary eyes. He had a frightful look of concern as he carried me in his arms.

"Thank goodness... I made it in time." he heaved a sigh of relief seeing me breathing and fine.

He saved me...

My big brother saved me...

But, what happened to the man?

As I was wondering about that, I subconsciously looked down and saw the man on the ground, lying on some dark red liquid.

Then, I looked at my brother's hand and saw that he was holding a sword covered in that same liquid while carrying me in his arms.

Ah... He killed him. My big brother just killed a man... to save me.

Part of me was grateful. But another part was afraid.

It was my first time seeing a dead body in real life. It was most certainly different from seeing it in movies.

I felt sick looking at it.

"Don't look. It's not good for the mind to be staring at it for so long." said my brother, changing the way he was holding me to make sure that I wouldn't be able to see the corpse.

Then, I hear some footsteps. As it would seem that the guards and servants of this household had heard a commotion in this room and came to see what was going on.

One older-looking guard then spoke to my brother, which I couldn't understand what he was saying.

"An assassin infiltrated our house and almost killed my brother. That's what happened! What the hell were you guys doing and why were you not guarding the room, huh!?" my brother shouted at the guard in response to whatever he'd said.

The guard then said something else in an apologetic tone towards my brother. To which he yelled again.

"I don't want to hear your excuses! Tell your men to strengthen the perimeters and be on high alert at all times! If I find another assassin in our compounds, I'll have all of your heads! Am I clear!?"

"Yes, sir!" or "Yes, young master!" was probably what the guard replied with as he saluted to my brother.

Oh my god. My brother is scary!

"Dispose of the body and clean the room. I'm taking Ion to bed." my brother ordered the servants present, as he leaves the room with me in his arms.

A butler stopped him for a moment. Presumably asking him where he was going because of his response.

"To my room. There's no way I'm letting Ion sleep in a room with the smell of blood in the air."

With that being said, my brother then left my room. But just before that, he made a small comment after glaring at the corpse of the assassin for a few seconds.

"Tch. To think they would strike the moment Father and Mother departed for the Capital..."

So, Dad and Mom are currently away, huh...?

But, why was there an assassin after me? What did I do to them?

While I was thinking about that, I noticed my brother's gaze on me.

Umm... Is something the matter, big brother?

"Seems like the person inside is much more mature than we initially expected." my brother remarked quietly, as he then looked forward.

"Ion, I'm sure you have many questions about what had just happened. And I promise you to tell you one day, if you do remember about it when you grow up. But for now, you may be at ease. Because no matter what happens, your big brother will be here to protect you."

His eyes were shining with determination. His words spoke strength and assurance. His face held the same intimidating look. But despite that, looking at him felt different than usual.

Although he still looks scary to me, it was at this moment when I began to think:

...My big brother is actually cool.

This time is another side story chapter.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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