Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 4: A cutesy little DEADLY rabbit

Oh wow! All of my stats have increased by a hundred from leveling up. That's awesome!

And now that my stomach is full, I should probably get to increasing my skill proficiency as the Evil God had recommended. But first, let me check the details of the new skills I got from him.

Vital Strike LV 1: Allows user to perform attacks on enemy's vitals more easily.
Auto Healing LV 1: Heals the user's wounds automatically.
Survivor LV 1: Allows the user to survive any fatal wounds and/or injuries that would result in death.
Danger Sense LV 1: Notifies the user of any danger within a certain range.

Wow... these skills are pretty good. Especially the Survivor skill. That one is super good!

Thank you again, Evil God-san. I shall follow your teachings now. So while I'm in this corner, I picked up one of the many small pebbles near me and started appraisal them.




...Ahhhhhhhh!! Gross! Gross! Disgusting! Ewwww! Why the hell is there poop here!?

Wait... then that means the other pebbles around me are...

«Poop», «Poop», «Poop», «Poop», «Poop»...

EWWWWW!!! Oh my god!

I jumped away from the wall where the poops are, and cleaned my fingers against the rocks.

I have been sitting near poop all this time... I have been eating near poop as well... Ugh, that realisation just want to make me puke...

...But, wait. If there is poop here then wouldn't that mean there were monsters here? And considering the number of droppings in this corner, and the fact that the monsters here have animalistic traits, wouldn't that mean... I am now in a monster's territory...?

The thought shuddered my mind; a terrible feeling went through my body as I knew that I needed to leave right away.

However, a signal went through my head, causing it to hurt for a moment as I instinctively knew what it was.

That was the Danger Sense skill notifying me, wasn't it? Which means...

I turned around, and there I saw... a cutesy little rabbit sitting by the entrance of the corner that I am in.

I could immediately tell though... that is no ordinary rabbit. With the fact that there is a mutilated corpse of a wolf monster, just laying there behind it, and the fact that my Danger Sense skill reacted to it. I knew that this rabbit before me is very dangerous, but how dangerous is unknown to me. And the worst part is that I'm trapped, since it is blocking the only way out of this space that I'm in.

Fortunately though, while I can see it from my side, it can't see me from its side, due to the wall of darkness from the Dark Domain dividing us both. Because of that, while it probably knows there is an intruder in its den, it doesn't exactly know how strong the intruder is, and the fact that the so-called "intruder" is just a weak level 2 demon. Hence, it's probably being cautious right now.

I can use this. While it is still doing nothing, I'll make my preparations to escape it!

First off, go into Shadow Sneak without reducing the domain range. Next, use the darkness to create a dummy; something that resembles one of the monster here. I'll use the monkey as the model for this case. Finally, I set a trap within the dummy, and everywhere else in the area just in case.

Now all that's left is to wait for the rabbit to make its move... Hopefully, it leaves but I doubt it will since this place here is its home after all.

The wait did not take long as the rabbit had begun moving; it jumped up and proceed to kick the wall at a speed so fast that my eyes could barely catch up.


From just a single kick, the Dark Domain wall has already began to form a crack. Because of that, I also now know that its physical offense stat is probably just as high as its speed stat. And so, it soon broke through the wall and entered its den, as it then emits malicious intent to the monkey dummy I have created. Indicating that it has made the dummy its primary target, while my presence has yet to be noticed because I'm in the Dark Domain.

Now then, let's do some puppeteering, shall we?

I begin controlling the monkey dummy while in Shadow Sneak; making its movements as realistic as possible to the rabbit. The rabbit bares its fangs and growled at the dummy. The dummy does the same as it prepares to attack.

The fight was instant when the dummy tried to attack first. But being way slower, the rabbit executed the dummy with its fangs, biting its head off. Thankfully though, the dummy losing is what I had expected as what comes next is the one that mattered.

The moment the dummy "died", its body changed into ropes of darkness which proceeded to ensnare the rabbit while it is in mid-air. Causing the rabbit's legs to get tangled, and its mouth to get sealed shut.

I did it... I did it, right!? It cannot move now. It's struggling but can't seemed to free itself. That means... I can make my escape now, can I?

Yes... I can. Then without further ado, time to make myself scarce— Eh? Wha—!?

All of a sudden, the rabbit's body begins to glow very brightly. Blinding my vision with a dazzling light as I could barely see what was going on before me.

Dammit, what is it doing!?

The brightness ends soon enough. And when my eyes could see once again, I was shocked at the sight of the rabbit being free and glaring at me.

That was when I realised, the light which the rabbit had emitted was probably some sort of skill, as it has completely dispelled the Dark Domain away which forced me out of Shadow Sneak. Because of that, I am now sitting in plain sight of it. And as I looked into its eyes, my body shivers in fear, my teeth rattled with terror, and my Danger Sense skill went haywire in my head.


The rabbit charged at me. I tried evade. However, being faster than me, I was barely able to move my neck out of its aim, as it then went for my right hand instead... and tore it off.


It hurts, it hurts, IT HURTS!!


While the rabbit ignores me and eats my severed right hand, I conjured up the Dark Domain again and plunged my right arm into the darkness, making it stop the bleeding by my will.

Dammit... dammit... The bleeding has stopped thanks to that, but the pain is still there. I'm not crying though, so that's a good, right? No, not good! Once the rabbit is done consuming my right hand, it will definitely aim to kill me next.

I need to run... I need to run... I need to run!!!

Dark Domain: Shadow Sneak!

While it is busy eating my right hand, I dashed out of its den; running for my life. Before I knew it, I was already far from where the rabbit's den was, and has somehow found the stairs to the next floor up.

The stairs between floors should be a safe spot. So once I climbed a few steps up, I got out of Shadow Sneak to take a breather on the stairs as I process what had happened.

I ran... I ran from a rabbit. That's alright, it is powerful monster after all. But the fact that I ran from it after losing my right hand... It doesn't feel right! I wasn't able to do anything to it when it took my hand. I simply ran like god damn coward! And it didn't even acknowledged me as an enemy, did it!? It just saw me a prey!

Losing my hand to the hydra would be one thing, but the one I lost it to was a rabbit! A fucking rabbit!


*Sniff...* *Sniff...*

I cried... For the first time ever, I cried... I have never cried once in my previous life, nor have I ever smiled. My face has always been stoic, due to the upbringing from my previous life...

I don't care if the Evil God is watching me now, nor do I care about the pain of my injury. What I want to do now is cry this frustrating feeling away.

So that is what I will do...

«Conditions have been met... Title Acquired: [Coward]»

Thanks for reading. Hope you like the chapter.🍫

And bye bye!

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