Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 31: Racial Skills

A week has passed now since I woke up after falling unconscious from the Dark Domain duration experiment.

Ever since then, Alraune— No... Eliza-san has been putting Kyuki and I through various forms of rigorous training. One of which is the Magic Control training which we are doing now.



The Magic Control training involves levelling up the Magic Control skill as the name suggests, as well as levelling up whatever elemental magic skill we possess. For Kyuki, that would be its Fire Magic. As for me, that would be my Dark Magic.

In this training course, Eliza-san has created a miniature maze for the both of us using her Nature Magic. Using our respective magic, we are to create a small, tiny ball of darkness or fire and make go through the maze from start to end without ever touching the wall of the maze. Despite how easy that may sound, it is actually super difficult since the walls are narrow and controlling our elemental balls through that without touching it is painstakingly difficult as well.

Ah, crap! I touched the leaf wall again!


It seems like Kyuki's ball of fire had also touch the wall.

God dammit! And we were almost at the end of the maze!

This training session has been going on for three days now. Before that, we were did some improvement training on some other skills. I must say though, it is really effective since my Magic Control skill and Dark Magic skill have exponentially levelled up a lot since we started doing this course.

As of right now, my Magic Control skill is at Level 9, my Dark Magic skill is at Level 8, and my Magic Vein skill is at Level 8 as well. Just a bit more training needed till those skills reach level 10. By then, they will advance into the next rank like how Magic Sense became Magic Perception, and Persistence becoming Perseverance after reaching Level 10.

Oh boy, I can't wait!

In addition to that, my Perseverance skill has also increased by one level during this training.

Alright! Let's do it one more time, Kyuki! To become stronger!


And so, we continued our training while Eliza-san does something behind the giant maple tree, out of our sights. I wonder what she's doing?

Unfortunately, this is no time for pointless wondering as I must focus my all into improving my magic-related skills. So after awhile, it finally happened.

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Magic Control LV 9] -> [Magic Control LV 10]»

«Max Proficiency Reached... Skill has Advanced into the Next Rank: [Magic Control LV 10] -> [Magic Operation LV 1]»

YEEESSSSS!! I did it, Kyuki! My Magic Control skill has evolved!

"K-Kyuu!? Kyuu!!"

Oh... Sorry. I made you touch the wall, huh.


As I was about to continue with the training again, Eliza-san then came out from behind the maple tree and approached us.

"How's the training going, my dear? Did your Magic Control skill evolve yet?"

I nodded. "It did... just now."

"My, that's good. Let me see your status for a second."

Eliza-san then used her Appraisal skill and stared at me for awhile. During that time, I decided to look at my status as well.

Name: Sheila Frontier (Rei Hoshimiya)

Race: True Demon

Lvl: 7 (Next Lvl Req: 70,000)

Title: [Reincarnation from Another World], [Key of the World], [Spirit Contractor], [Survivalist], [Courageous Fighter]

Physical Offense: 758

Physical Defense; 810

Magical Offense: 1215

Magical Defense: 1255

Speed: 888

Skill(s): [Appraisal LVL 6], [Vital Strike LV 3], [Sneak LV 4], [Super Speed LV 4], [Dark Magic LV 8], [Life Sense LV 5], [Magic Operation LV 1], [Naming LV 1], [Spirit Telepathy LV 4], [Spirit Command LV 2], [Iron Skin LV 4], [Super Strength LV 4], [Cooking LV 4], [Auto Healing LV 4], [Survivor LV 5], [Danger Sense LV 5], [Magic Combat Mastery LV 5], [Iron Stomach LV 1], [Disease Resistance LV 2], [Pain Resistance LV 5], [Physical Resistance LV 5], [Fear Resistance LV 8], [Magic Resistance LV 1], [Magic Perception LV 3], [Magic Vein LV 8], [Poison Resistance LV 6], [Unarmed Combat Mastery LV 6], [Intuition LV 4], [Evasion LV 4], [Impact Resistance LV 4], [Thought Acceleration LV 5], [Athletics LV 3], [Perseverance LV 3], [Anger LV 3], [Dark Domain]

Current Point(s): 65,500

Uh huh. Nothing much has changed at all. My Magic Offense stats increased a bit. But other than that, only the skills I have been training have their levels increased.

"Mm. Mm." Eliza-san nodded with satisfaction. "This is good. You're improving at a much faster rate than the average person, my dear."

Well, that's most likely thanks to the Reincarnation from Another World title. If anything, I'd say that one title is the greatest cheat for me right now, since my current stats is mostly possible due to its existence. It even gave me loads of points by the time I arrived here at the 80th floor. Although, I'm beginning to think that I should spend those points on gaining more skills, rather than trying to reach the sufficient amount of points to level up.

"You seem to be wondering about something. Want to tell me what's on your mind, my dear?"

"Sure, umm... It's about my... points. I have more than 60,000 right now and... I was thinking of... gaining skills using it."

"I see. I see. Incidentally, may I ask how many points are required for you to level up?"

"Umm, 70,000... it says."

"Yup. That's about the amount I expected."

Seventy thousand points to reach level 8 is normal!? But wait, Kyuki doesn't need that much points as I do to level up though. Is it because it can evolve which resets its level?

"In case you're wondering, my dear. The levelling requirement is stupidly high for every race that doesn't have an evolution tree. Making spirits and monsters like the little fox and I the exceptions who can level up quickly and easily at the beginning, since that will gradually become more difficult each time we evolve closer to our final evolutionary stage. Incidentally, I, myself, am already at that final stage." 

"Is that... so."

I'm rather amazed at how she knew what I was thinking. It is because it's written on my face? But my expression should still be stoic, isn't it?

"Anyways, back to the topic regarding your points... Well, just do as you please with them."

"O-oh... ok..."

Then, I guess I'll get myself some new skills all right.

I opened the skill list again to see what sort of skills I should get with my points. As I scrolled down the list, my eyes stopped and laid its sights on one particular skill which was not on the list the last time I saw it.

[Demonic Wings LV 1]

What the hell is this skill? I wondered myself.

Judging from the name alone, I can only imagine this skill giving my wings if I get it. But just in case, I want to see the description of the skill, if you don't mind, you shitty System.

[Demonic Wings LV 1] - <An exclusive skill of the [True Demon] race> Allows the user to grow devilish wings on their back and take flight as they wish. (Cost: 50,000 points)

This... This skill is AMAZING! I can get wings now like an actual demon!? And I can fly like one too!?

Ohohohohoho~ The thought of it makes me feel excited.

But the cost for it is really a lot! 50,000 points for the skill!? Is it because it's exclusive to my race?

Should I get it then? I mean... it's not like I can't get any other skills if I do, so...

Argh. What the heck. Let's just get it. Give me wings, Red Bu— I mean, System!

«50,000 Points Spent... Skill Acquired: [Demonic Wings LV 1]»

All right! I got it!

"Congratulations, my dear. Looks like you have gotten yourself a Racial Skill."


"Umm... Racial Skill?"

"Yes. That is what we call it. By the way, I saw the skill pop up in your status, in case you're wondering as to how I knew."

Ah... right. I thought that was the case. Since Eliza-san was just staring at me and all.

"So, any other skills you're getting?"

"Yes... Give me... a moment."

I take a look at the list again. Then, while scrolling through my options, I saw another particular skill with a similar name to the Demonic Wings skill, a bit further down the list.

[Demonic Boost LV 1] - <An exclusive skill of the [True Demon] race> Temporary doubles the user's stats for 300 seconds. Afterwards, this skill cannot be used for the next 6 hours. (Cost: 50,000 points)

What the hell...?

This skill is even better than the one I just got! And I can't get it now because I don't have enough points now! ARGGHHHH!!

"My dear? What's wrong?"

"Kyuu? Kyuu! Kyuu!"

I dropped to my knees and held my head tight. Thinking of how stupid I was for immaturely getting a skill without properly looking at the rest of the list.

Gaaahh! Also, where did these Racial Skills even appear from!? And why must they be so expensive!?

Curse you, System!!! I don't know why, but just curse you! Even though I should be cursing myself as well!

Demoness Reincarnation is back! Hooray!

Anyways, thanks for reading. 🍫


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