Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 16: The Evil God Watches

...Looks like things are going steadily for her.

It has only been several days since she has woken up in Loboros Labyrinth. During those days, she has been slowly adapting to her situation. Gradually climbing up the floors and raising her level at a rate, faster than most denizens of Ibyss.

She'd even formed a contract with a Lost One; a Spirit that has stumbled into the Mortal Realm by accident. And although it is a Lesser Spirit, it is still better than not forming a contract with it. If anything, the Lesser Spirit would be a great comfort companion for her mental health due to its overall cuteness.

She is now exploring 87th floor with the spirit. Searching for more Silverfang Wolves to kill as they are her main source of points when grinding. Eventually, she has found a pack of wolves together and began stalking them.

How strange... Normally she would search for Silverfang Wolves that are alone and kill it when they are off guard. So why is she following the pack now? Is she hoping for one of them to split from the group and kill it while it's alone? Or perhaps it is something else?

I became curious and decided to watch her actions closely.

She stalked the pack from the shadows; observing their actions. The wolves are on high alert; keeping a lookout for any enemies that come close to them.

While continuing to tail them, she started to act; using her skill to pick up a rock and threw it at a corner, drawing the wolves' attention to the sound of where the rock was thrown. Allowing her to swiftly move up to the pack as a barrier then appears and encases the wolves within it.

That's... the spirit's Barrier Magic!? What is she planning to do with it?

The wolves are now trapped, but quickly realised their situation and started attacking the barrier to break free. However, before they could do that, she extended her unique skill's range from outside of the barrier and created multiple rotating blades of darkness in it. The barrier then shrunk; squeezing the wolves together, as the blades proceeded to slice and dice the every wolf trapped within it. Effectively making a blender using the spirit's Barrier Magic and her unique skill, which slaughtered the pack of Silverfang Wolves all at once, as well as dyeing the inside of the barrier, red.


Of all the things I had expected her to do, blending her enemies into meat juice was not one of them.

What's more is that she has executed it without breaking a single sweat; making her plan performed perfectly. Almost as if she is used to doing things flawlessly.

And to think that this is the same girl who had suffered at the paws of a Death Rabbit, several days ago...

I believe it is safe to say that she is adapting to her situation a lot more faster than I'd imagined. Thus, taking back my initial statement from earlier.

After massacring those poor wolves, she stored their corpses into her unique skill and wandered off with her spirit. Probably to find and kill more Silverfang Wolves on the 87th floor.

Which makes me wonder... Is she planning on eliminating every single wolf on that floor?



Now, Kyuki! Box them all together!


Kyuki casted its Barrier Magic onto the unsuspecting pack of wolves, trapping them together within it as I followed up by expanding the Dark Domain to its maximum range and used Slaughter Party; a new move of Dark Domain, which I have just thought of after seeing what Kyuki's Barrier Magic can do. Because of that, I am now able to kill multiple wolves at once, as long as I'm careful not to mess up with the group killing.

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Vital Strike LV 1] -> [Vital Strike LV 2]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Sneak LV 3] -> [Sneak LV 4]»

With that being said, I believe that is enough wolf killing for this floor. I mean asides from this group, I can't seem to find anymore wolves on this floor. And I'm not confident in facing the other types of monsters here, so I guess it's about time Kyuki and I climb up to the 86th floor!

But before that...

Kyuki, are you tired or anything?


I see... Well, then let us have our meal now. Can you start a fire?


Alrighty then~ It's time for a feast! In addition to that, I shall level up as well!

Oh, and speaking of levelling up...

Kyuki, you are able to level up now, aren't you?


I see, I see...

Then let us level up together, shall we?



[Spend Current Points to Level Up?]



The soothing light envelopes over body. Calming our nerves and refreshing our minds as our statuses get updated, before the light disappears.

And just like that, I am now level 5!! Yippee~! And Kyuki is level 2 now!

As for reaching to the next level, it would seem that I require three times the amount of points for it. In other words, I need 30,000 points to become level 6.

Ugh, seriously. What's with the inconsistency of the levelling requirements? They're all over the place!

Never mind... let's just eat. I'm hungry. The wolf meat should be ready by now.

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Disease Resistance LV 1] -> [Disease Resistance LV 2]»

Wait, what? Did I not cook the meat properly!? Crap.

Kyuki, don't eat the meat yet. It wasn't cooked e—



The soothing light envelopes Kyuki's body once again. Making it sing "kyuus" of joy and pleasure before dispersing.

...Kyuki, did you just... level up again?


We stared at each other for moment... until Kyuki suddenly says, "Kyuu~" and levelled up once more.

Wait, wait, wait! Stop, Kyuki. Stop!


Stop spending those points on levelling, just in case. In fact, spend some of those points on obtaining new skills.

"K-Kyuu.... Kyuu kyuu."

Kyuki nodded and began gaining new skills of its choosing, which resulted in Kyuki spending half of its remaining points in the end, as I take a look at its updated status.

Name: Kyuki

Race: Lesser Fox Spirit

Lvl: 4 (Next Lvl Req: 1,000)

Title: [Contracted Spirit]

Physical Offense: 137 (+10)

Physical Defense: 113 (+10)

Magical Offense: 443 (+10)

Magical Defense: 299 (+10)

Speed: 179 (+10)

Skill(s): [Magic Sense LV 5], [Magic Control LV 5], [Magic Vein LV 4], [Fire Magic LV 3], [Short Range Teleportation LV 3], [Barrier Magic LV 5], [Danger Sense LV 3], [Sneak LV 3], [Spirit Return], [Healing Magic LV 1](NEW), [Fear Resistance LV 1](NEW), [Stamina Restoration LV 1](NEW), [Magic Combat Mastery LV 1](NEW)

Point(s): 2829

Umm... what?

Only a thousand points to reach level 5!? What the hell? I'm level 5 here and it required me ten thousand points to reach that state! Yet Kyuki only needs a thousand!? This is so unfair!!!

"Kyuu! Kyuu!"

Ah... but if I look at Kyuki's stats closer, it will still be way weaker than me even if it reaches level 5. And even if Kyuki reaches to the level 30 area like the monsters here, it will still be weaker than me in terms of stats. What's up with that?

"Kyuu! Kyuu!"

Maybe it's because our race is different? If so, the system is pretty discriminatory towards Spirits, huh?

"Kyuu! Kyuu! Kyuu! Kyuu!"

Huh? What is it, Kyuki?



The meat! The meat is on fire!!!

Quick, Dark Domain! Put out the fire!

The darkness sucked up the flames, removing the fire from the meat. However... it was too late to save the meat which had already been charred to crisp.

Ugh... First I undercooked it and now I overcooked it...

I'm a terrible chef, aren't I? If this was the kitchen, everything would've be in flames.

Kyuki, are you alright? Do you need rest?


Kyuki shook its head, indicating that it can still keep the fire going.

I see. Then keep the fire hot for me, will ya? This time for sure, I will make some perfectly cooked meat for the both of us!


Thanks for reading, kyuu~ 🍫

By the way, what do you think of the current pacing?

Is it slow, fast, or alright? Should I hasten the pace, slow it down, or keep it as it is?

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