Demon Slayer: The Price Of Strength

Chapter 6: Chapter 5


Shinobu: They'll be alright in a week properly... Don't worry Kenta.

Kenta: I hope so.. Upper moon three beaten them very badly.

Shinobu: did you fought upper moon three~

Kenta: No I didn't, Akira did but he's not here to tell us about her fighting style or something.. but he said one thing before departure.. DON'T. UNDERESTIMATE. HER.

Shinobu: It's Female.?

Kenta: Yeah.. Good news is that Akira is back to normal.. I mean playful and not thinking about his brother again and he doesn't got any more dreams about him.

Their kasugai crows started to fly around them and screaming.

Crows: Master Announced Meeting!! Master Announced Meeting!! Everyone should be there!!

Recap End.

Shinobu: Kenta, let's go to headquarter.

Kenta nodded and they both leave the butterfly mansion and walks in headquarter's direction.

Shinobu: Well.. kenta did you heard about a family who abandoned their daughter?

Kenta: no... I didn't heard any of it.

Shinobu: I'll explain it to you until we reach the headquarter.

Kenta: Go ahead.

Shinobu: The family was poor.. in that family, a girl born.. when she became 8 years old they abandoned her saying that they can't raise a girl due to lack of money..

Kenta: they abandoned a girl with this lowly reason?

Shinobu: when the girl was 8 she had one brother as well he was 3 years old..

And anyways, It's just stories not real no proof.

Kenta: You are telling me alleyways story.

Shinobu: Finally we're here.

They entered headquarter, some Hashiras just came with them.

Back to Akira.

Akira: let's see.. in my presence which demon will dare to show themselves..

Mitsuri: Akira-san.. do you know where's the headquarter?

Akira: in Kyoto there's demon slayer Headquarter?

Mitsuri: There is.. it was an old headquarter building, I thought we can go check there, and if we found any demon slayer it'll be good for us we can get some information.

Akira: Do you know the 'old headquarter building' crow?

Crow started to fly leading the way.

Mitsuri: Looks like they knows.

Akira: Let's follow them, hurry!

They both followed the crow.

They reached an old broken building.

Akira: It does seem like very old..

They entered and there was nothing inside.. they started to check rooms, and they enter a room where's documents of every mission was stored.

Mitsuri: We can find some information from these files.

Akira: Hmm.. let's check all files.. we have plenty of time before night fall.

Mitsuri: We should find latest files, old ones won't give any useful information.

They cleared the dust from all files and checked all of it but didn't found any useful information.

Akira: I think we should explore the city..

Mitsuri: yeah.. I think you're right.

They walked outside the building and started exploring the town, they walked around there was vario shops, bakery.

Akira: wait right here.

Akira run towards a Bakery.

Mitsuri: Akira never gonna change..

Mitsuri walked around and one kid collapsed with her, mitsuri helped him get up.

Mitsuri: You should watch your front when you run kid.

Kid: I'm sorry.

Mitsuri: Be careful next time.

Akira came back from the bakery with some cupcakes.

Akira: who was that child?

Mitsuri: Somebody I don't know.

Akira: Let's eat some cupcakes.

Mitsuri: Good idea.

Back to Kenta.

Ubuyashiki: Akira and mitsuri departed from here today...

Hashiras were silent and listening to their master.

Ubuyashiki: Upper moon three showed up recently... Unfortunately, Akira faced upper moon three and he's not here to tell us about upper moon three.. but It's a live proof that Muzan Kibutsuji is planning something, Attacks in Kyoto, New Upper moon three, It looks like he's planning something..

Tengen: So master! What should we do now?

Muichiro: I'd say to focus on our missions..

Ubuyashiki: I would like you all hashiras to give Training to our Core demon slayer members.. Start Hashira Training.

Back to Akira.

Akira: Let's go!

Mitsuri: Okay!

Mitsuri and Akira walked further in the city until they heard people talking about an abandoned town.

Akira and mitsuri walked towards group of people.

Akira: Hello, We're new here actually we just today shifted here in Kyoto and-

Akira was cut short by a man interrupting.

Man: What do you think you are talking with?

Man2: Don't be so rude.

Man3: Sorry for his stupidity, Tell us what you were going to say.?

Akira: Yeah so I was saying that we want to know about a old abandoned town.. we heard about it and we're researchers. We do research on various of things and our today's research is set on that town.. could you please help us?

Man4: on one condition!

Akira: what is it?

Man: Give us that lady

He pointed at mitsuri.

Akira: "You've Spoke this stuff this time.. but don't do it once again or".. Akira Smiled. Or else your tongue will bleed.

Man4: Don't try to threaten us!!

Man jumped on Akira,

Akira kicked the man on knees and that man fell on ground.

Akira: you guys are making this hard

Akira smiled once again and mitsuri place a hand on Akira's Shoulder.

Mitsuri: Akira!

Akira: Alright, alright! Now I understand why master chose to send you with me specifically!

Man2: that side! That's where, go straight and at the third turn, turn left and straight from there and at the end turn left and straighten from there and you'll find yourself Infront of the abandoned town!

Akira: Why are you scared..? People of Kyoto are very creepy.

Mitsuri grabbed Akira's wrist and walked away

Mitsuri: thanks for helping us! We won't forget your favor, if you need anything call for us!

Man3: We should call police, these people are dangerous.

He said quietly.

Mitsuri: Why would you do that?

Akira: Chill out! We should focus mission on hand.

They walked the direction they were told and exactly they stopped Infront of Town's entrance.

Akira: Let's explore the town.. mitsuri let's go!

Mitsuri: It's getting dark.. We should be careful demons probably gonna attack on us any time!

Akira and mitsuri walked inside the town, it was an old and broken town, Debris was every where, buildings broken The fields have become barren, Trees was without any leaf on it, after sunset the town is giving a clear terrifying vibe.

Akira: I love to explore places like this, Haha!

Mitsuri: looks like you are happy, Now You won't regret your decision to come here.

Akira: I know the decisions I make is always gives benefits.

They entered an old broken house, this house's one wall was full broken and And there was no roof, they entered from the fully broken wall, inside the house there was holes on almost every wall, in the light of moon everything was visible.

Akira: Looks like no one stepped in this town, the furniture is Bad, dirty under the broken debris.

Akira walked and saw some paper on the ground and he took it, he cleared the dust from it 'Some mistakes Can't be Forgiven' it was written on the paper. As Akira read this Akira remembered about Ren, what Ren told him he remembered.

Akira: I think it was my mistake.. I should have searched for that girl..

Mitsuri was standing Infront of the house's entrance, there was Name Board beside the main door which wasn't there. 'Ryato Residence' it was written on the name board.

Mitsuri: Akira? Come look at this board, this house is of Some Family name Ryato!

Akira came out of the house and read the board.

Akira: It's Hyato residence, lemme clean it.

Akira removed the dust from the board, now it was 'Hyato Residence'.

Mitsuri: I heard about this family! It was someone who knew about us..

Akira: ...About us?

Mitsuri: I mean About Demons slayer corps, and it did prophecies, oh it exists!! Let's go inside and check.

Mitsuri wrapped her hand around Akira's neck and forcefully took Akira with her inside, Akira's face was red.

Mitsuri released Akira and took some paper from ground.

Mitsuri: Look Akira!... What's written?

Akira took the paper from her and she searched for more paper in drawers.

Akira: 'When The Red Moon Arise, Town will be completed abandoned, destroyed'

Akira read aloud.

Mitsuri: It's False Prophecies! You know, everything isn't true! Let's search for more prophecies maybe he written something about demon slayer corps

They started to search around, Akira pick up a big stone and put aside and there was nothing, mitsuri opened some more drawers and there was some trash.

Akira: looks like I found something!

Mitsuri: Same here..

They cleared the dust from it

Akira started to arrange the paper pieces because it was not complete paper, it was in pieces.

Akira: Mitsuri! Wait this one matches that one with you!

Mitsuri: Yeah look.. this matched perfectly..

'When the Darkness Rise to rule, Shadow Shall Shine'

Akira: What does even this means?

Mitsuri: Shadow shine.?

Akira looks at mitsuri with annoyed expression.

Akira: It's all fake.

Mitsuri: I know, but some of it gets true.

Wait, these pieces are not matched correctly, let's rearrange with new pieces! Wait I found more.. look!

She shows pieces of paper.

Akira: Hmm... Okay by me!

They started to arrange those once again.

"When darkness falls....

Akira: See, this is the correct phrase, arrange it arrange!!

Mitsuri: alright...

Akira: I'll read..

He started to read while arranging it also.

'When darkness falls.... and the world bends beneath its weight...

A brutal hand will rise to rule.....

and the fear will be its gate....

Two moons shall shine with equal might, a twisted hand of fate....

One born of blood, the other a shadow, they shall walk a path of hate.....

And when the world is consumed by darkness...

only a single light will remain.

A warrior's spirit, a heart of steel, to break the chains of pain.'

Akira's expressions dropped upon reading this but he maintained his composure.

Akira: It won't be true.. it should be fake!

Mitsuri: These prophecies was truth

She showed bunch of papers

Mitsuri: and these weren't true.

She showed some papers around 15 papers.

Akira was silent.. he stand up.

Akira: We have to tell The Master about this prophecy.

Mitsuri: what.. I mean, What do you mean?

Akira: If chances of prophecy to be not true is that less.. then this prophecy has been completed..

Mitsuri's eyes widen, she puts hand on her mouth.

Mitsuri: Don't tell me it's..

Akira: You didn't noticed.. 'Two moons shall shine with equal might'

This phrase is indirectly indicating to Upper moon three, you'll say that there's one upper moon at same rank, remember! Upper moon three Akaza, after his death Same Rank Demon Hana Upper moon three..

Mitsuri: So we should-

Akira's expressions changed into Serious.

Mitsuri(I don't remember last when I saw him serious.. how handsome he is!)


mitsuri: Calm down Akira san, it didn't say that no one will able to fight against them..

Akira Throws a piece of paper and ran outside the house.

"When the river flows with blood, and the sky weeps with ash,

A thousand whispers rise, and the world will be their clash.

No heart will beat, no soul will sing, only silence will remain.

A chorus of despair, a symphony of pain.

When the world is hushed, and the echoes fade to dust,

The whispers will become a roar, and nothing can resist."

Mitsuri's eyes widened.

Mitsuri: This... Can't be true...

Mitsuri ran outside the house, running beside Akira.

Mitsuri: Now where are we going?!?

Akira: The Next Attack Is Confirmed will be at red light district once again! I'm pretty sure after this Prophecy.







A new revelation!

What will happen after the revelation of Kyoto's Prophecy?

Is there a hidden Enemy or they're wrong about the prophecy?

Hello guys.. hope you enjoyed, if you are loving this don't wait show me support, vote and comment, Share to your friends who love demon slayer! If there are any mistakes in grammer, ignore it and tell me in comments. Enjoy.

If you find any mistakes or wrong phrases just ignore it and highlight it in comments and I will edit it as soon as possible.

Its my first book, so if it was so different from other books and if it's way of storytelling you find weird, you can always help me by highlighting it in the comments..

Good bye, See you soon!!

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